0857-EX-CN-2017 Text Documents

Collision Communications, Inc.


                                                                                                Exhibit 1
                                                                       Question 7: Purpose of Experiment
                                                                         Collision Communications, Inc.
                                                                                       FRN: 0026900423
                                                                               File #: 0857-EX-CN-2017

                           Experimental FCC License Application
                 Exhibit 1: Description of Research and Experimentation

Collision Communications (the “Applicant”) is seeking a FCC Experimental License as part of its
research, development, and testing efforts related to signal processing techniques to improve the
transmission and reception of cellular (LTE & 5G) signals. In particular, an Experimental License will
enable the Applicant to experiment with the processing of signal propagation effects that are not able to
be accurately simulated as well as to provide confirmation with over-the-air testing of what it is able to

Research and Experimentation Program Description


The Applicant’s research and experimentation program is focused on understanding channel effects on
signal propagation at much higher levels of accuracy while developing and testing better PHY layer
signal processing techniques to address interference issues and improve performance of wireless cellular
communications networks. This research and experimentation applies to both TDD and FDD networks
using MIMO and Massive-MIMO (M-MIMO) antennas configurations.

Proposed Experimentation

The proposed experimentation will consist of transmitting data signals from a software-defined radio
MIMO antenna array system (of up to 64 tx / 64 rx antennas) to a software-defined radio MIMO antenna
array system (of up to 64 tx / 64 rx antennas), collecting data about the received signals and the channel
effects on those received signals, testing signal processing approaches on those received signals, and
testing signal processing approaches that apply to the transmission of signals.

It is intended that signals be transmitted from one or more antennas at a time using one more
transmitting radios in the array, whereby the multiple transmitted signals are transmitted in a coherent
fashion. Though such experimental software-defined radio MIMO antenna array is intended to be as
large as 64 transmitting radios/antennas, the majority of experimentation will be conducted only using a
subset of the antennas or using an array with fewer radios/antennas in it. In some cases it may only be
one transmitting antenna/radio.

Frequencies Requested

The Applicant requests authorization to operate within the following range of frequencies:

       • 470 – 698 MHz
       • 902 – 928 MHz
       • 2,400 – 2,473 MHz

       Operation in the 470 – 698 MHz Band: These frequencies correspond to the UHF Broadcast
         television frequency bands that have been made available for unlicensed use at locations
         where the spectrum is not being used by licensed services. The Applicant shall use accurate
         GPS coordinates and manual consultation of FCC-approved TV White Space Database(s)
         (e.g. Spectrum Bridge, LStelecom, Google, etc.) to ensure that no occupied channel will be
         transmitted on1. It is recognized that some of these frequencies are undergoing reallocation in
         the coming months and years – the applicant is respectful of such reallocation activities and
         will only transmit on frequencies that available at that time, and as provided by the
         Whitespace Databases.

       Operation in the 902 – 928 MHz and 2,400 – 2,473 MHz Bands: Applicants use of these
         frequencies shall follow the FCC’s rules (47 CFR Part 15) for unlicensed operation in the 902-
         928 MHz Band and 2,400 – 2473 MHz Band

The above frequency bands are requested as they provide for experimentation with frequencies that are
near some of the frequencies licensed to the cellular communications industry, and to which the
Applicants experimentation is relevant to. The applicant has some flexibility in the frequencies that are
experimented on – the above particular frequency bands were chosen as they are bands that permit
unlicensed usage and with the intent that the experimental use of these frequencies (versus other
frequencies) would minimize interference and coordination concern.

Transmit Power and ERP

The Applicant wishes to transmit emissions from both Fixed devices and Mobile devices that are either
fixed in position while transmitting, or moving while transmitting. Note, so as to be granted the ability
to move Fixed and Mobile devices within the requested area(s), the Applicant is treating all devices as
mobile for the purpose of this application. It is requested that the Applicant be permitted to transmit
emissions with power not greater than:

       Peak2 Transmit Power: 1 W
       Peak EIRP = 4W (2.439W ERP)

With regards to operation in the 470 – 698 MHz Band, the Applicant requests that it receives
authorization herein for transmitting on these frequencies at power levels consistent with Title 47 CFR

  Given the experimental nature of the Applicant’s equipment, it is unable to automatically access White
Space Spectrum Database information (this will be conducted manually), because it does not have a
certification and FCC ID it is unable to register itself with the Spectrum Database, it is unable to accept
PUSH notifications from the Spectrum Database, it is unable to transmit identifying information, it is
unable to implement spectrum sensing, and power control will be administered in the interest of the
experimentation being conducted.
  For the purposes of determining Peak Power/EIRP, the Applicant will follow the FCC’s guidance and
use Maximum Conducted Output Power as it is defined both in 47 CFR 15.709 and 47 CFR 15.247.

Part 15.709 for Fixed devices. Though Part 15.709 specifies lower power limits for Personable/Portable
devices, which transmit/receive at “unspecified locations”, The Applicant respectfully requests that it
receive authorization herein to transmit emissions at the power limits specified in Part 15.709 for Fixed
devices for Applicant’s Fixed and Mobile devices, with the understanding that the emissions are only
being transmitted in a very limited geographical area (and where the Whitespace Database will be
consulted for any transmit points within that area) and for very short periods of time, as indicated herein.
Due to the nature of the desired experimentation, where diverse channels with high scattering hope to be
realized, having the ability to transmit up to this power limit has significant value for carrying out the
experimentation effectively.

With regards to operation in the 902 – 928 MHz and 2,400 – 2,473 MHz bands, the Applicant shall
conform to the FCC’s 47 CFR Part 15.

Modulation and Emissions

The Applicant proposes to operate with OFDM modulation, in a manner that resembles transmissions
for LTE.

It is intended that emissions will be transmitted relatively infrequently – in most cases with
transmissions occurring on the order of seconds to tens-of-minutes at a time per hour. There may be an
occasional longer period of transmission. Lastly, there may be long periods of time (e.g. weeks) where
there won’t be any transmissions.

Both 5 MHz and 10 MHz bandwidths are requested herein. Though 5 MHz is more practical due to
channel availability in the 470-698 MHz band, as well as less prone to interference in the 2.4 GHz band,
10 MHz bandwidth provides much better time-resolution which would be beneficial to the Applicant’s

Antenna Locations

It is proposed that the experimentation occur in the following locations/areas:

   -   Applicant’s Lab Space
          o 42° 44’ 20.832” N, 71° 29’ 8.6748” W
          o 1 km radius
   -   Nashua, NH -- 14 Elm St, Nashua, NH 03060
          o 42°45'43.1460" N, 71°27'46.7784" W
          o 1 km radius

Though the Antenna Locations specified are specified as ‘Mobile’, in almost all scenarios the
transmitters will be acting as though they are fixed. The specification for ‘Mobile’, versus ‘Fixed’, is as
a result of the nature of our experimentation and the desire to be able to reposition transmitters within a
small geographical area so as to create diversity in the channels realized. There are a few test cases
intended to be conducted where the transmitters will be moving within the limited designated area, but
such activity will be limited.

It is requested and intended that the placement of the transmitters shall be moveable within the area
defined in the associated Form 442 Application – 1km radius.

Equipment and its Operation

The Applicant’s software-defined radio MIMO antenna array system, from a transmission-side
perspective, consists of the following:

   •   A bank of off-the-shelf Software-Define Radios with off-the-shelf daughterboards:
           o Ettus USRP X300 (each capable of two transmission channels / daughterboards) –
              Quantity per array: up to 32
           o Ettus UBX 160 USRP Daughterboard – Quantity per array: up to 64
   •   Off-the-shelf antennas with omni-direction radiation pattern (e.g. dipoles) coupled to each
       transmission channel/daughterboard – Quantity per array: up to 64 Tx and 64 Rx
   •   Associated stand and mechanical/structural hardware to assemble the system on

It is requested that two such arrays be used in this experimentation.

It is intended that such arrays be assembled with up to 64 transmitting radios/antennas and 64 receiving
antennas/radios, but the majority of experimentation will occur while only using a subset of the
transmitting and receiving radios/antennas or the arrays will be assembled with a smaller number of
antennas and radios.

The need for up to 64 Tx and 64 Rx antennas/radio per array is a result of the experimentation being
related to developing and testing Massive MIMO technologies, which require up to large antenna arrays.
Though in most cases, the Applicant will be using far fewer than those requested, there are instances
where the Applicant will desire to test arrays of up to 64 antennas, which is also a common array size
found in industry.

These antennas and/or antenna arrays will be mounted on stands, whereby the top of the antenna(s) will
not extend above 6 meters above ground or 6 meters above the top of a building. The stands will be
non-permanent and moveable.


The primary objectives of this research and experimentation are to:
   - Test the Applicant’s existing signal processing techniques over-the-air.
   - Experiment to create a more accurate understanding and data-sets related to wireless
       transmissions relevant for cellular communications, and the channel effects incurred through
       transmission and reception.
   - Apply this research to the further development and advancement of physical layer signal
       processing to improve network performances using a variety of antenna configurations.
   - Compare and Confirm testing results with those obtained through simulation.

Research and Experimentation Contribution to the Development of the Radio Art

The research and experimentation proposed here is aimed at advancing PHY layer technology, in new
ways and beyond what industry has achieved, to improve performance of the often over-loaded cellular
networks and to enable some of the visions of 5G communications.

Contact Information

For questions about this application, please contact:

       Jared Fry
       COO, Collision Communications, Inc.
       12 Murphy Drive, Suite G-2
       Nashua, NH 03062
       Telephone: 857-222-0690

In the unlikely event that interference concerns present themselves, please contact the following person
who shall service as the designated point of contact (stop buzzer) to terminate transmissions if
interference occurs:

       Joe Farkas
       President and CTO, Collision Communications, Inc.
       12 Murphy Drive, Suite G-2
       Nashua, NH 03062
       Office Telephone: 603-769-3873
       Mobile Telephone: 617-797-7205

Document Created: 0720-04-27 00:00:00
Document Modified: 0720-04-27 00:00:00

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