Cover Letter (June 28, 1999)

0007-EX-TU-1999 Text Documents

Claircom Licensee Corporation


                                AKIN, GuMP, STRAUSS, HaUER & FELD, L.L.
                                                       ATTORNEYS AT LAW
AUSTIN                                        A REGISTERED LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP
BRUSSELS                                       INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS
HousTon                                       333 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUE, NW
LONDON                                                      SUITE 400
LOS ANGELES                                        WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036
NEWw York                                               (202) 887—4000
PHILADELPHIA                                            FAX (202) 887—4288
SAN ANTONIO                                     
                                                WRITER‘S DIRECT DIAL NUMBER i202) se7—

                                                           June 28, 1999                          REC |
          BY HAND DELIVERY                                                                  |         JUN 2 g 1999
          Ms. Magalie Roman Salas                                                          FEeDErar
          Secretary                                                                              OFFICE op M'“m'fi COMMISSQy
          Federal Communications Commission
          The Portals
          445 12"" Street, S.W.
          Washington, D.C. 20554

                    Re:    Claircom Licensee Corporation
                           Transfer of Control of Experimental Authorization
                             all Sign   KF2       File No. 0005—EX—TC—1999

         Dear Ms. Salas:

                ATG I, Inc. ("ATG"), by its attorney, hereby notifies the Federal Communications
         Commission ("FCC" or "Commission") that the parties will not be consummating the above—
         referenced transfer of control that was granted by the Office of Engineering and Technology
         ("OET") on March 2, 1999.‘ Claircom Licensee Corporation ("Claircom") is the holder of the
         above—referenced Experimental Authorization.

                    Claircom is a wholly owned subsidiary of Claircom Communications Group, Inc., which
         in turn is 90% owned by ATG. ATG and Iridium Aero Acquisition Sub, Inc. ("Iridium")
         requested Commission consent to transfer control of the above—referenced authorization from
         ATG to Iridium. Although the OET granted the above—referenced transfer of control on March
         2, 1999, the parties will not be consummating the transfer of control.

                    For your review and use, we have enclosed a copy of the Public Notice granting the
         application to transfer control of the Experimental Authorization and a copy of the new
         Experimental Authorization issued as a result of the transfer of control. Both the Public Notice

         ‘ See OET Experimental Licensing Branch Application Status Query Form, File No. 0007—EX—TU—1999 (March 2,

Acin, GumPp, Strauss, Hauer & Feuo, LLP

   Ms. Magalie Roman Salas
   June 28, 1999
   Page 2

   and the new authorization were generated by OET‘s electronic filing database. Accordingly,
   ATG requests that the Commission make the necessary changes to its database to reflect that
   control of the above—referenced authorization did not transfer to Iridium and control remains with

            Please direct any correspondence or questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.

                                                 y                            =
                                                 Tom W. Davidson, Esq.


  ce:       Douglas I. Brandon, Esq.
            Mr. James R. Burtle (OET)
            Mr. Doug Young (OET)
            Theodore Frank, Esq.

Document Created: 2001-08-20 06:22:55
Document Modified: 2001-08-20 06:22:55

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