Consummation Letter (May 23, 2001)

0012-EX-AU-2001 Text Documents

Cingular Wireless LLC


WILKINSON ) BARI(ER> KNAUER) LLP                                                                     2300      N   stREET, NW

                                                                                                     suite 70 0
                                                                                                     wasHinaton, DC 20037—1128
                                                                                                     TEL 202.783.4141
                                                                                                     Fax 202.783.5851
                                                                                                     w w w . w bklaw . co m

                                                    May 23, 2001                                           RE

    Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary                                                                               E/ VED
    Federal Communications Commission                                                                      MAY 2 g
    445 12th Street, S.W.                                                                       PPoany                  200;
    Room TW—A325                                                                                     %*             Glke
    Washington, D.C. 20554                   D U,                                                              »e          20MMes,,..

                    Attn:    Carl Huie, Experimental Licensing Branch
                             Offijce of Engineering and Technology

                    Re:      BellSouth Mobility LLC
                             Notification of Consummation ofPro Forma Assignment ofLicense
                             File No. 0045—EX—AL—2001
                             Call Sign: WB2XHJ

    Dear Ms. Salas:

           BellSouth Mobility LLC ("BSM"), by its attorneys, hereby notifies the Commussion of
    the consummation of the assignment of the above—referenced authorization from Cingular
    Wireless LLC to BSM. The parties obtained Commission consent of the pro forma assignment
    on May 11, 2001.

           Please contact the undersigned if you have questions concerning this notification.


                                                         WILKINSON BARKER KNAUER, LLP

                                                         By:    itiraes
                                                                      illiany            Ees
                                                                                    R. Layton
                                                                Christopher G. Ernst*

    * Practice limited to matters before federal courts and agencies.

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Document Created: 2001-06-07 06:47:14
Document Modified: 2001-06-07 06:47:14

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