Incoming generated [Sep 18 2017]

0017-EX-TU-2017 Correspondence

CellBlox Acquisitions, LLC


From: Larry McKellop

To: Behnam Ghaffari
Date: September 18, 2017

Subject: Pending Experimental TC Applications

Mr. Ghaffari,

In connection with the transfer of control application bearing File No. 0017-EX-TU-2017
(“Application”), the applicants hereby provide an update regarding other transfer of control
applications filed with the FCC necessary to complete the transaction described in Exhibit 1, Section II of
the Application, which transaction includes the indirect transfer of control of CellBlox Acquisitions, LLC

       There has been no change in the status of the FCC transfer of control applications that were
pending as of the last update provided on July 28, 2017 (the “July 28 Update”).
Accordingly, the following transfer of control applications remain pending with the FCC:

With the International Bureau (IB) – International 214 Transfer Applications: Joint Applications,
filed May 11, 2017, of Securus Investment Holdings, LLC (Transferor), Securus Technologies, Inc.
(Licensee), T-NETIX, Inc. (Licensee) and SCRS Acquisition Corporation (Transferee) for approval to
transfer indirect ownership and control of the Licensees to Transferee. See IB File Nos.
ITC-T/C-20170511-00094 and ITC-T/C-2017-0511-00095.

With the Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB) – Domestic 214 Transfer Application: Joint
Application, filed May 11, 2017, of Transferor, Securus Technologies, Inc. (Licensee), T-NETIX, Inc.
(Licensee), T-NETIX Telecommunications Services, Inc. (Licensee) and Transferee for approval to
transfer indirect ownership and control of the Licensees to Transferee. See WC Docket No. 17-126.

         As described in our July 28 Update, the remaining FCC transfer of control applications, all filed
with the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, have been granted. See ULS File No. 0007820181
(granted July 27, 2017); ULS File No. 0007778973 (granted June 13, 2017). The applicants will provide
further updates with respect to the above-mentioned pending FCC applications.

          Please contact me should you have any questions or concerns or require further information.

Larry McKellop

Document Created: 2017-09-18 09:20:14
Document Modified: 2017-09-18 09:20:14

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