Orbital Debris Assessment Report

0456-EX-PL-2015 Text Documents

California State University, Northridge


ELVL-2016-0044466 (Comm License)
July 27, 2016

                     Orbital Debris Assessment for
                         The CubeSats on the
                     CRS (OA7) /ElaNa-17 Mission

                      per NASA-STD 8719.14A
                   (Communications License Review)

Signature Page

                 Scott Higginbotham, M   on Manager, NASA KSC VA-C

                    National Aeronautics and
                    Space Administration

                    John F. Kennedy Space Center, Florida
                    Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899


Reply to Attn of:   VA-H1                                                                                   July 27, 2016

                    TO:             Scott Higginbotham, LSP Mission Manager, NASA/KSC/VA-C

                    FROM:           Justin Treptow, NASA/KSC/VA-H1

                    SUBJECT:        Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR) for the ElaNa-17 Mission
                                    (Communication License Review)


                          A. NASA Procedural Requirements for Limiting Orbital Debris Generation, NPR
                             8715.6A, 5 February 2008
                          B. Process for Limiting Orbital Debris, NASA-STD-8719.14A, 25 May 2012
                          C. Renaud, Patric “RE: Update to 1602RTRJ topo01- Reference Trajectory version
                             1” 8 July 2015. E-mail.
                          D. McKissock, Barbara, Patricia Loyselle, and Elisa Vogel. Guidelines on Lithium-
                             ion Battery Use in Space Applications. Tech. no. RP-08-75. NASA Glenn
                             Research Center Cleveland, Ohio
                          E. UL Standard for Safety for Lithium Batteries, UL 1642. UL Standard. 4th ed.
                             Northbrook, IL, Underwriters Laboratories, 2007
                          F. Kwas, Robert. Thermal Analysis of ELaNa-4 CubeSat Batteries, ELVL-2012-
                             0043254; Nov 2012
                          G. Range Safety User Requirements Manual Volume 3- Launch Vehicles,
                             Payloads, and Ground Support Systems Requirements, AFSCM 91-710 V3.
                          H. HQ OSMA Policy Memo/Email to 8719.14: CubeSat Battery Non-Passivation,
                             Suzanne Aleman to Justin Treptow, 10, March 2014

                    The intent of this report is to satisfy the orbital debris requirements listed in ref. (a) for
                    the ElaNa-17 auxiliary mission launching in conjunction with the OA7 primary payload.
                    It serves as the final submittal in support of the spacecraft Safety and Mission Success
                    Review (SMSR). Sections 1 through 8 of ref. (b) are addressed in this document; sections
                    9 through 14 fall under the requirements levied on the Department of Defense’s
                    Operationally Responsive Space Office and are not presented here.


The following table summarizes the compliance status of the ElaNa-17 auxiliary payload
mission flown on CRS/OA7. The five CubeSats comprising the ElaNa-17 mission are
fully compliant with all applicable requirements.

            Table 1: Orbital Debris Requirement Compliance Matrix
Requirement                Compliance Assessment    Comments
4.3-1a                     Not applicable           No planned debris release
4.3-1b                     Not applicable           No planned debris release
4.3-2                      Not applicable           No planned debris release
4.4-1                      Compliant                On board energy source
                                                    (batteries) incapable of
                                                    debris-producing failure
4.4-2                      Compliant                On board energy source
                                                    (batteries) incapable of
                                                    debris-producing failure
4.4-3                      Not applicable           No planned breakups
4.4-4                      Not applicable           No planned breakups
4.5-1                      Compliant
4.5-2                      Not applicable
4.6-1(a)                   Compliant                Worst case lifetime 2.3 yrs
4.6-1(b)                   Not applicable
4.6-1(c)                   Not applicable
4.6-2                      Not applicable
4.6-3                      Not applicable
4.6-4                      Not applicable           Passive disposal
4.6-5                      Compliant
4.7-1                      Compliant                Non-credible risk of human
4.8-1                      Compliant                No planned tether release
                                                    under ElaNa-17 mission


Section 1: Program Management and Mission Overview

The ElaNa-17 mission is sponsored by the Space Operations Mission Directorate at
NASA Headquarters. The Program Executive is Jason Crusan. Responsible
program/project manager and senior scientific and management personnel are as follows:

CSUNSat1: Dr. Sharlene Katz, Principle Investigator / Project Manager
CXBN-2: Dr. Benjamin K. Malphrus, Principle Investigator / Project Manager
HARP: Dr. J. Vanderlei Martins, Principle Investigator / Project Manager
IceCube: Dr. Dong L. Wu, Principle Investigator; Dr. Jeffery R. Piepmeier, Project
OpenOrbiter1: Dr. Ronald Marsh, Principle Investigator; Jeremy Straub, Project


                  Program Milestone Schedule
                          Task                                   Date
                    CubeSat Selection                        April 20, 2015
             CubeSat Delivery to NanoRacks                 November 14, 2016
         Dispenser Delivery to NASA for Stowage            November 30, 2016
                         Launch                            December 30, 2016

                      Figure 1: Program Milestone Schedule

The ElaNa-17 mission will be launched as an auxiliary payload on the OA-7 CRS
mission on an Antares 230 launch vehicle from Wallops Flight Facility, VA. The ElaNa-
17, will deploy 5 pico-satellites (or CubeSats). The CubeSat slotted position is identified
in Table 2: ELaNa-17 CubeSats. The ElaNa-17 manifest includes: CSUNSat1, CXBN-2,
HARP, IceCube, OpenOrbiter1. The current launch date is in December 30, 2016. The 5
CubeSats are to be ejected from a NanoRack’s ISS deployer Q1 of 2017, placing the
CubeSats in an orbit approximately 400 X 400 km at inclination of 51.6 deg (ref. (c)).

Each CubeSat ranges in sizes from a 10 cm cube to 10 cm x 10cm x 30 cm, with masses
from about 1 kg to 5 kg total. The CubeSats have been designed and universities and
government agencies and each have their own mission goals.


Section 2: Spacecraft Description

There are five CubeSats flying on the ElaNa-17 Mission. They will be deployed out of
the NanoRacks ISS deployer in Q1 of 2017, as shown in Table 2: ELaNa-17 CubeSats

                             Table 2: ELaNa-17 CubeSats

CubeSat                                              CubeSat
                        CubeSat size                               CubeSat Masses (kg)
Quantity                                              Names
   1          2U (10 cm X 10 cm X 22.7 cm)          CSUNSat1               2.16
   1         2U (11.3 cm X 11.3 cm X 22.7 cm)        CXBN-2               2.818
   1          3U (10 cm X 10 cm X 36.8 cm)            HARP                4.766
   1           2U (10 cm X 10 cm X 20 cm)            IceCube                4.5
   1          1U (10 cm X 10 cm X 11.3 cm)         OpenOrbiter1           0.979

The following subsections contain descriptions of these five CubeSats.


CSUNSat1 – California State University Northridge (CSUN) / Jet Propulsion
Laboratory(JPL) – 2U

Figure 2: CSUNSat1 Xray View (Left) Figure 3: CSUNSat1 Exploded View (Right)

CSUNSat1 is a 2U CubeSat jointly developed by California State University Northridge
(CSUN) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). The objective of the CSUNSat1
mission is to space test a new low-temperature capable, Li-ion battery/supercapacitor
hybrid power system. This innovation would reduce the mass and volume of power
systems and eliminate the need for wasteful battery heaters and thereby increase the
amount of energy and power available at for low-temperatures science and engineering
operations encountered in deep space missions.

30 minutes after release from the deployer, CSUNSat1 will power up and execute an
initialization process that includes charging the spacecraft battery and deploying the
antenna. After initialization the follow mission phases will be executed.
 • Spacecraft Checkout: A set of tests to verify spacecraft performance and charge the
   spacecraft battery
 • Payload Checkout: A single charge/discharge cycle of the payload battery
 • Primary Experiments: A series of ground station controlled designed to characterize
   the battery, supercapacitors, and hybrid system at several temperatures
 • Extended Mission: Based on the successful performance of the primary experiments,
   the satellite will switch from the spacecraft to the payload battery as the primary
   source of stored energy for the remainder of the mission.

The primary CSUNSat1 structure is made of 5052-H32 Aluminum. The radio and
beacon use an ISIS Deployable Antenna System (Double UHF Dipole) made from
Aluminum 6082, Polycarbonate, and Nitinol. The solar panel substrates are made of
Aluminum 6061 with XTJ cells mounted on them. The remaining components contain all
standard commercial off the shelf (COTS) materials, electrical components, and PCBs.
CSUNSat1 has no propulsion and no attitude control.

There are no pressure vessels, hazardous or exotic materials.


The spacecraft’s electrical power storage system consists of Panasonic NCR18650
Lithium batteries. The payload experiment battery is an A123 Systems/Navitas 26650
Li-ion Cell (Manufacturer Serial # TXN10293).


Cosmic X-Ray Background Nanosatellite -2 (CXBN-2)
Morehead State University 2U

                             Figure 4: CXBN-2 Expanded View
CXBN-2 is a follow-on mission to CXBN, a 2-U CubeSat that was launched on September 13,
2012 as a secondary payload on the NASA ELaNa VI OUTSat mission. While CXBN is
successfully operated on orbit, a number of improvements are envisioned that would improve the
precision of the scientific measurement (increase the S/N) made by CXBN and improve the
reliability of the spacecraft bus while advancing the flight software and therefore the mission and
spacecraft capabilities. CXBN-2 is being developed with these design improvements
incorporated. Mission operations at Morehead State University (MSU) now utilizes the
substantial gain of the MSU 21 m Antenna system, when combined with Software Defined Radio
systems and techniques, significantly reduces mission risk by implementing the ability to detect
and decode extremely weak beacons, telemetry, and down-linked data from small spacecraft in
LEO with limited prime power and transmission power.

The goal of the CXBN-2 mission is to increase the precision of measurements of the Cosmic X-
Ray Background in the 30-50 keV range top a precision of <5%, thereby constraining models that
attempt to explain the relative contribution of proposed sources lending insight into the
underlying physics of the early universe. The mission addresses a fundamental science question
that is clearly central to our understanding of the structure, origin, and evolution of the universe
by potentially lending insight into both the high energy background radiation and into the
evolution of primordial galaxies. CXBN-2 will map the Extragalactic Diffuse X-Ray Background
(DXB) with a new breed of Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT) detector (first flown on CXBN) but
with twice the detector array area of its precursor and with careful characterization and
calibration. The DXB is a powerful tool for understanding the early universe and provides a
window to the most energetic objects in the far-away universe. Although studied previously,


existing measurements disagree by about 20%. With the novel CZT detector aboard CXBN-2 and
an improved array configuration, a new, high precision measurement is possible. In ~1 year of
operation the experiment will have collected 3 million seconds of good data, reaching a
broadband S/N ~250.

Upon deployment from the NanoRacks CubeSat Dispenser (NRCSD), CXBN-2 will power up its
systems and start count down timers. At Deployment T+30 minutes, the solar arrays, antennas,
and thermal radiators will be deployed, then at 45 minutes the UHF beacon will be activated. For
the first several passes the ground station operators at Morehead State University will attempt
communications to perform checkouts of the spacecraft. Approximately 6 days from launch,
payload tests will begin and continue for at least 1 year.

The CubeSat structure is made of Aluminum 6061-T6. It contains standard commercial off the
shelf (COTS) materials, electrical components, custom PCBs and solar cells. The UHF radio uses
a quadrature array of blade antennas

There are no pressure vessels, hazardous, radioactive or exotic materials. The X-Ray detector
collimator is composed of a 3-D printed Tungsten composite material printed with a polymeric
binder that has been analyzed by LSP.

The electrical power storage system consists of common lithium-ion batteries (Boston Power
Swing 5300) with over-charge/current protection circuitry and venting capabilities. The lithium
batteries carry the following certifications: UN 38.3, UL1642, IEC 62133, ROHS 2002/95/EC,
CTIA IEEE 1725 and testing for spaceflight readiness was conducted at NASA JSC.


HARP – UMBC (University of Maryland, Baltimore County) – 3U

                           Figure 5: HARP Expanded View

The HyperAngular Rainbow Polarimeter (HARP) mission is designed to measure the
microphysical properties of atmospheric aerosols, cloud water and ice particles. HARP is
a precursor for the new generation of imaging polarimeters to be used for the detailed
measurements of aerosol and cloud properties in larger missions. The HARP payload is a
wide field-of-view (FOV) imager that splits three spatially identical images into three
independent polarizers and detector arrays. This technique achieves simultaneous
imagery of three polarization states and is the key innovation to achieve high polarimetric
accuracy with no moving parts. The spacecraft consists of a 3U CubeSat with 3-axis
stabilization designed to keep the imager pointing nadir during the data acquisition

Upon deployment from the ISS NanoRacks Deployer, HARP will power up and start
counting down timers. At 30 minutes, the antennas and solar array will be deployed, then
at 45 minutes the UHF Radio will be activated and able to transmit but still only upon
command from the ground. For the first few passes the ground station operators will
attempt communications to perform checkouts of the spacecraft. Approximately 4 days
from launch, payload tests will begin and continue for 4-12 months until the spacecraft
burns up in the atmosphere.

The CubeSat structure is made of Aluminum 7075. It contains all standard commercial
off the shelf (COTS) materials, electrical components, PCBs and solar cells.

There are no pressure vessels, hazardous or exotic materials.

The electrical power storage system consists of common lithium-ion batteries with over-
charge/current protection circuitry. They are provided by ClydeSpace.


IceCube – NASA Goddard Space Flight Center – 3U

                         Figure 6: IceCube Deconstructed View

IceCube is an Earth Science technology validation mission with the objective of raising
the technology readiness level (TRL) of 900-GHz sub-millimeter wave radiometer
technology from 5 to 7. Sub-millimeter wave technology enables a new class of
spaceflight radiometers sensitive to ice clouds. NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
(GSFC) and it’s Wallops Flight Facility (WFF) has partnered with Virginia Diodes, Inc
(VDI) to qualify commercially available 900-GHz receiver technology for spaceflight
and demonstrate the radiometer performance aboard a 3-U CubeSat in a low Earth orbit
environment. IceCube is funded by NASA’s Earth Science Technology Office and
NASA’s Science Mission Directorate.

IceCube will be deployed from a NanoRacks Dispenser. Thirty minutes after release from
the ISS, the vehicle will begin deploying solar panels (2 wings) and dipole UHF antenna.
There are no detachable parts. The vehicle is solar-inertial pointed with solar panels
normal to the sun-line, and spins at a nominal rate of 3 minutes per revolution about the
sun-line. Power management will be such as to preserve positive margin throughout the
orbit, with the science instrument typically switched off during night time. Operations
lifetime is expected to be 70 days or less. No spacecraft control is planned after this time,
though re-entry.

The mechanical structure is made of Al 6061-T651. There are 4 threaded 304 Stainless
Steel rods with total mass of 52 grams. All fasteners are either A286 alloy or 300 series
stainless steel. Exterior thermal tape is Silicon Oxide/Aluminized Kapton. Printed circuit
boards are FR4, with Sn62 or Sn63 (Tin/Lead) solder. Locking inserts are Nitronic 60.
There are no materials identified that could survive entry.

There are no hazardous systems on the satellite.

The 40Wh battery pack is commercially made by Clyde Space, model number CS-
SBAT2-40. These batteries contain 8 VARTA lithium polymer 16-02324 cells.


OpenOrbiter 1 – University of North Dakota – 1U

ELaNa-17 OpenOrbiter1
                        Figure 7: OpenOrbiter-1 Expanded View

OpenOrbiter-1 will demonstrate the effectiveness of ultra-low cost COTS (consumer off
the shelf) parts from an open-source design and capture the on-orbit characteristics of the
designs. Validation of the designs in the primary mission with a secondary mission of
earth imagining and testing image-mosaicking algorithms

Following deployment from the NanoRacks CubeSat Dispenser (NRCSD), solar cells,
battery charge, and the 30 minute system hold timer will activate. Upon completion of the
30 minute hold, primary voltage conversion will begin, powering the system. The next
several orbits will be used to validate full system startup and characterize on-orbit
performance of the satellite through telemetry downlink. Image mosaicking and data
processing will also be conducted during this time. Mission life is expected to be 3-6

The structure of the CubeSat will be made out of 6061 Aluminum. The primary radio
antenna will be made out of Mylar coated steel. COTS parts will be used for the
remaining materials, electrical components, solar cells, and PCBs.

No hazardous systems are present on the satellite.

Batteries are typical COTS lithium-ion batteries that has IC protection against shorts,
over-discharge, and over-charge situations. The lithium cells have an UL number of


Figure 8: 1U CubeSat Specification

Figure 9: 3U CubeSat Specification


Section 3: Assessment of Spacecraft Debris Released during Normal

The assessment of spacecraft debris requires the identification of any object (>1 mm)
expected to be released from the spacecraft any time after launch, including object
dimensions, mass, and material.

The section 3 requires rationale/necessity for release of each object, time of release of
each object, relative to launch time, release velocity of each object with respect to
spacecraft, expected orbital parameters (apogee, perigee, and inclination) of each object
after release, calculated orbital lifetime of each object, including time spent in Low Earth
Orbit (LEO), and an assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.3-1 and

 No releases are planned on the ElaNa-17 CubeSat mission therefore this section is not


Section 4: Assessment of Spacecraft Intentional Breakups and Potential for

There are NO plans for designed spacecraft breakups, explosions, or intentional
collisions on the ElaNa-17 mission.

The probability of battery explosion is very low, and, due to the very small mass of the
satellites and their short orbital lifetimes the effect of an explosion on the far-term LEO
environment is negligible (ref (h)).

The CubeSats batteries still meet Req. 56450 (4.4-2) by virtue of the HQ OSMA policy
regarding CubeSat battery disconnect stating;

       “CubeSats as a satellite class need not disconnect their batteries if flown in LEO
       with orbital lifetimes less than 25 years.” (ref. (h))

Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.4-1 through 4.4-4 shows that
with a lifetime of 1.3 years maximum the ElaNa-17 CubeSat is compliant.


Section 5: Assessment of Spacecraft Potential for On-Orbit Collisions

 Calculation of spacecraft probability of collision with space objects larger than 10 cm in
diameter during the orbital lifetime of the spacecraft takes into account both the mean
cross sectional area and orbital lifetime.

The largest mean cross sectional area (CSA) among the five CubeSats is that of the
IceCube CubeSat with solar panels deployed maintaining a solar internal attitude:

                             !"#$%&' !"#$        !∗ !∗! +!∗ !∗!
            !"#$ !"# =                       =
                                  !                         !
               Equation 1: Mean Cross Sectional Area for Convex Objects

                                          !!"# + !! + !!
                            !"#$ !"# =
              Equation 2: Mean Cross Sectional Area for Complex Objects

All CubeSats evaluated for this ODAR are stowed in a convex configuration, indicating
there are no elements of the CubeSats obscuring another element of the same CubeSats
from view. Thus, mean CSA for all stowed CubeSats was calculated using Equation 1.
This configuration renders the longest orbital life times for all CubeSats.

Once a CubeSat has been ejected from the NanoRacks CubeSat Dispenser (NRCSD) and
deployables have been extended Equation 2 is utilized to determine the mean CSA. Amax
is identified as the view that yields the maximum cross-sectional area. A1 and A2 are the
two cross-sectional areas orthogonal to Amax. Refer to Appendix A for dimensions used in
these calculations

 The IceCube orbit at deployment is 400 km apogee altitude by 400 km perigee altitude,
with an inclination of 51.6 degrees. With an area to mass (4.5 kg) ratio of 0.035 m2/kg,
DAS yields 2.3 years for orbit lifetime for its stowed state, which in turn is used to obtain
the collision probability. Table 4 below provides complete results.

There will be no post-mission disposal operation. As such the identification of all systems
and components required to accomplish post-mission disposal operation, including
passivation and maneuvering, is not applicable.


                                  Table 3: CubeSat Orbital Lifetime & Collision Probability

                         CubeSat                        CSUNSat-1         CXBN-2          HARP*          IceCube      OpenOrbiter1
                            Mass (kg)                       2.16           2.818           4.766            4.5            0.979

                      Mean C/S Area (m^2)                  0.0277         0.032            0.042          0.035           0.0163

                     Area-to Mass (m^2/kg)                 0.0128         0.011            0.009          0.008            0.017
                      Orbital Lifetime (yrs)                 1.2            1.5              2              2.3             0.8
                  Probability of collision (10^X)         0.00000        0.00000          0.00000        0.00000         0.00000

                      Mean C/S Area (m^2)                  0.0289         0.050            0.056          0.1602          0.0173

                     Area-to Mass (m^2/kg)                 0.0134         0.018            0.012           0.036           0.018
                      Orbital Lifetime (yrs)                 1.1            0.8              1.3            0.4             0.8
                  Probability of collision (10^X)         0.00000        0.00000          0.00000        0.00000         0.00000
                     Solar Flux Table Dated

* HARP operational attitude is nadir pointing, Mean C/S Area consists of average of solar panels perpendicular and parallel to velocity vector.

The probability of any ElaNa-17 spacecraft collision with debris and meteoroids greater
than 10 cm in diameter and capable of preventing post-mission disposal is calculated to
be less than 0.00000 by DAS, for any configuration. This satisfies the 0.001 maximum
probability requirement 4.5-1.

Since the CubeSats have no capability or plan for end-of-mission disposal, requirement
4.5-2 is not applicable.

Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.5-1 shows ElaNa-17 to be
compliant. Requirement 4.5-2 is not applicable to this mission.

Section 6: Assessment of Spacecraft Postmission Disposal Plans and Procedures

All ElaNa-17 spacecraft will naturally decay from orbit within 25 years after end of the
mission, satisfying requirement 4.6-1a detailing the spacecraft disposal option.

Planning for spacecraft maneuvers to accomplish postmission disposal is not applicable.
Disposal is achieved via passive atmospheric reentry.

Calculating the area-to-mass ratio for the worst-case (smallest Area-to-Mass) post-
mission disposal among the CubeSats finds IceCube in its stowed configuration as the
worst case. The area-to-mass is calculated for is as follows:

                  !"#$ ! ! !"#$ (!! )                     !!
                                      = !"#$ − !" − !"## ( )
                     !"## (!")                            !"

                              Equation 3: Area to Mass

                                 0.035 !!         !!
                                          = 0.008
                                  4.5 !"          !"

IceCube has the smallest Area-to-Mass ratio and as a result will have the longest orbital
lifetime. The assessment of the spacecraft illustrates they are compliant with
Requirements 4.6-1 through 4.6-5.

DAS 2.0.2 Orbital Lifetime Calculations:

DAS inputs are: 400 km maximum perigee 400 km maximum apogee altitudes with an
inclination of 51.6 degrees at deployment in the year 2017. An area to mass ratio of 0.008
m2/kg was imputed and DAS 2.0.2 yields a 2.3 years orbit lifetime for IceCube in its
stowed state.

This meets requirement 4.6-1. For the complete list of CubeSat orbital lifetimes reference
Table 3: CubeSat Orbital Lifetime & Collision Probability.

Assessment results show compliance.

Section 7: Assessment of Spacecraft Reentry Hazards

A detailed assessment of the components to be flown on ElaNa-17 was performed. The
assessment used DAS 2.0, a conservative tool used by the NASA Orbital Debris Office to
verify Requirement 4.7-1. The analysis is intended to provide a bounding analysis for
characterizing the survivability of a CubeSat’s component during re-entry. For example,
when DAS shows a component surviving reentry it is not taking into account the material
ablating away or charring due to oxidative heating. Both physical effects are experienced
upon reentry and will decrease the mass and size of the real-life components as the
reenter the atmosphere, reducing the risk they pose still further.

The following steps are used to identify and evaluate a components potential reentry risk
relative to the 4.7-1 requirement of having less than 15 J of kinetic energy and a 1:10,000
probability of a human casualty in the event the survive reentry.

              1. Low melting temperature (less than 1000 °C) components are identified as
                 materials that would never survive reentry and pose no risk to human
                 casualty. This is confirmed through DAS analysis that showed materials
                 with melting temperatures equal to or below that of copper (1080 °C) will
                 always demise upon reentry for any size component up to the dimensions
                 of a 1U CubeSat.

              2. The remaining high temperature materials are shown to pose negligible
                 risk to human casualty through a bounding DAS analysis of the highest
                 temperature components, stainless steel (1500°C). If a component is of
                 similar dimensions and has a melting temperature between 1000 °C and
                 1500°C, it can be expected to posses the same negligible risk as stainless
                 steel components. See Table 4.

                      Table 4: ELaNa-17 Stainless Steel DAS Analysis

   CubeSat        High Temp Component            Material         Mass(g)   Demise Alt (km)   KE (J)
  CSUNSat1          Delployable Antenna         NiTi Alloy          10            0             1
                                             LiFePO4/ Stainless
  CSUNSat1                 Battery                                  75           67.6           0
   CXBN-2           Antennas and Mounts          Steel 410          19            0             1
                                               Stainless Steel
   CXBN-2                 Fasteners                                 60           76.5           0
                                               (M2, M3, M4)
    HARP             Solar Panel Hinges                             7             0             2
                                               Stainless Steel
    HARP             Separation Switch              Steel           2             0             0
    HARP                    Prism                  Glass            74            74            0
                    Lens assembly (W/O
    HARP                                           Glass            80           74.4           0
                    front lens glass only)
    HARP                prism holder             Titanium           8             0             1
    HARP             Average Fasteners         Stainless Steel      82           67.4           0
    IceCube               Fasteners             300/316 SS         133           67.2           0
 OpenOrbiter 1            Antenna              COTS Steel           0             0             3
                                                Steel 304,
 OpenOrbiter 1            Batteries                                200           62.8           0


The majority of stainless steel components demise upon reentry. The components that
DAS conservatively identifies as reaching the ground have 3 or less joules of kinetic
energy, far below the requirement of 15 joules. No stainless steel component will pose a
risk to human casualty as defined by the Range Commander’s Council. In fact, any injury
incurred or inflicted by an object with such low energy would be negligible and wouldn’t
require the individual to seek medical attention.

Through the method described above, Table 4: ELaNa-17 Stainless Steel DAS Analysis,
and the full component lists in the Appendix all CubeSats launching under the ElaNa-17
mission are conservatively shown to be in compliance with Requirement 4.7-1 of NASA-

See the Appendix for a complete accounting of the survivability of all CubeSat


Section 8: Assessment for Tether Missions

ElaNa-17 CubeSats will not be deploying any tethers.

ElaNa-17 CubeSats satisfy Section 8’s requirement 4.8-1.


Section 9-14

ODAR sections 9 through 14 for the launch vehicle are addressed in ref. (g), and are not
covered here.

If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 321-867-2958.

/original signed by/

Justin Treptow
Flight Design Analyst

cc: VA-H/Mr. Carney
     VA-H1/Mr. Beaver
     VA-H1/Mr. Haddox
     VA-C/Mr. Higginbotham
     VA-G2/Mr. Marin
     SA-D2/Mr. Hale
     SA-D2/Mr. Hidalgo
     Analex-3/Mr. Hibshman
     Analex-22/Ms. Nighswonger


                           Appendix Index:

Appendix   A.   ElaNa-17 Component List by CubeSat: CSUNSat1
Appendix   B.   ElaNa-17 Component List by CubeSat: CXBN-2
Appendix   C.   ElaNa-17 Component List by CubeSat: HARP
Appendix   D.   ElaNa-17 Component List by CubeSat: IceCube
Appendix   E.   ElaNa-17 Component List by CubeSat: OpenOrbiter1


  Appendix A.             ElaNa-17 Component List by CubeSat: CSUNSat1

                                                                   Mass (g)   Diameter/ Width   Length   Height   High
CUBESAT              Name               Qty        Material                                                              Melting Temp (C)   Comments
                                                                    (total)       (mm)           (mm)    (mm)     Temp

CSUNSat1   CSUNSat1( Entire Assembly)    -             -           Assembly        100           100      227      No           -                -

                                              Aluminum 5052-H32,
CSUNSat1        CubeSat Structure        1                           254           100           100      227      No    Low Melting Temp    Demise
                                                 Stainless Steel
               ISIS UHF Antenna
CSUNSat1                                 1      Aluminum 6061        100            98            98       7       No    Low Melting Temp    Demise
            ISIS Delployable Antenna
CSUNSat1                                 4        NiTi Alloy          10            1.5          120       5      Yes         1981          See Table 5

CSUNSat1          Solar Panels           4      Aluminum 6061        100            1.6           82      224      No    Low Melting Temp    Demise
CSUNSat1    Hot Shunt Regulator Board    1     FR4/ Sn solder/Cu      37            96            92       5       No    Low Melting Temp    Demise
CSUNSat1         Processor Board         1     FR4/ Sn solder/Cu      93            96            92       5       No    Low Melting Temp    Demise
CSUNSat1   Cold Shunt Regulator Board    1     FR4/ Sn solder/Cu      49            96            92       5       No    Low Melting Temp    Demise
CSUNSat1      Battery Control Board      1     FR4/ Sn solder/Cu     104            96            92       5       No    Low Melting Temp    Demise
             Panasonic NCR18650B
CSUNSat1                                 1          Li-ion            46            19                    65       No    Low Melting Temp    Demise

CSUNSat1     Power Processing Unit 1     1     FR4/ Sn solder/Cu      77            96            92       5       No    Low Melting Temp    Demise

CSUNSat1     Power Processing Unit 2     1     FR4/ Sn solder/Cu      49            96            92       5       No    Low Melting Temp    Demise
CSUNSat1       Radio Beacon Board        1     FR4/ Sn solder/Cu      79            96            92       5       No    Low Melting Temp    Demise
CSUNSat1      RF Multiplexer Board       1     FR4/ Sn solder/Cu     106            96            92       5       No    Low Melting Temp    Demise
CSUNSat1          Pigtail Board          1     FR4/ Sn solder/Cu      50            96            92       5       No    Low Melting Temp    Demise
CSUNSat1         Payload Board           1     FR4/ Sn solder/Cu      50            96            92       5       No    Low Melting Temp    Demise

                                                                      Mass (g)   Diameter/ Width   Length    Height    High
CUBESAT            Name                Qty           Material                                                                 Melting Temp (C)   Comments
                                                                       (total)       (mm)           (mm)     (mm)      Temp
                                                 LiFePO4/ Stainless
CSUNSat1          Battery               1                               75             26             -        65      Yes         1400          See Table 5
CSUNSat1      Supercapacitors           2         Aluminum 1100         63             33             -        65       No    Low Melting Temp    Demise
CSUNSat1                                1           Aluminum            315            10            10        5        No    Low Melting Temp    Demise
CSUNSat1   Standoffs, nuts, screws   mulitiple   Aluminum/ Copper       48           Various       Various   Various    No    Low Melting Temp    Demise


   Appendix B.                ElaNa-17 Component List by CubeSat: CXBN-2

                                                                                               Mass (g)   Diameter/     Length
CUBESAT           Name             Qty                        Material                                                             Height (mm)    Melting Temp      Comments
                                                                                                (total)   Width (mm)     (mm)
CXBN-2           CXBN-2             1                     Aluminum 6061                           -           -            -            -        Low Melting Temp    Demise
CXBN-2        2U Structure          1                     Aluminum 6061                          520         113         113          227        Low Melting Temp    Demise
CXBN-2    Antennas and Mounts       4                         Steel 410                          19          10          180           1              1500          See Table 5
CXBN-2     Solar Panels (4 cell)    4                     FR-4 PCB (4 cells)                     360         82          216.5         27        Low Melting Temp    Demise
CXBN-2     Solar Panels (2 cell)    4                     FR-4 PCB (2 cells)                     180         80           90           1.2       Low Melting Temp    Demise
            Thermal Radiator
CXBN-2                              4       Gold, Copper, Stainless Steel, FR-4 PCB, Brass       144         75           95           3         Low Melting Temp    Demise
CXBN-2        Sep Switches          3           Steel, Brass, Thermoplastic Polyester             6         5.5-6         15          13-15      Low Melting Temp    Demise
CXBN-2          Batteries           2            Lithium Ion Batteries (Swing 5300)              186         37          64.8         19.1       Low Melting Temp    Demise
CXBN-2    ACS (Magenetorqure)       1                  HyMu-80, EFI Alloy 50                     300         95           95          45.1       Low Melting Temp    Demise
          ADS (IMU Integrated
CXBN-2      into C&DH, Sun          1            FR-4 PCB, Resistor, Capacitor, IMU              11          14          18.7          2.3       Low Melting Temp    Demise
          Payload System (CZT            CZT, Aluminum, Epoxy, Tungsten Powder, FR-4 PCB,
CXBN-2                              2                                                            620         54           54           40        Low Melting Temp    Demise
          Detector + Shielding)            ZE4 Connectors, Gold, Copper, TFM Connectors
                                          Aluminum, FR-4 PCB, SMA Connector, black liquid
CXBN-2       Comms Board            1                                                            90          32           62           12        Low Melting Temp    Demise
                                                      crystal polymer Connector
                                          Aluminum, FR-4 PCB, Stainless Steel, Connectors,
CXBN-2     Battery Board (EPS)      1                                                            114         95           95           35        Low Melting Temp    Demise
                                          FR-4 PCB, Stainless Steel, ZE4 and ZE8 Connectors,
CXBN-2        C&DH Board            1                                                            18          46           46           18        Low Melting Temp    Demise
CXBN-2          Fasteners          275              Stainless Steel (M2, M3, M4)               60.116         4           6.1           -             1500          See Table 5
CXBN-2           Cabling           TBD                 Various (Teflon Wiring)                    -          50                         -        Low Melting Temp    Demise
             Epoxies, Tape,
CXBN-2                                                         Various                           160         160       Conformal        -        Low Melting Temp    Demise


  Appendix C.             ElaNa-17 Component List by CubeSat: HARP
  Appendix D.
                                                                                         Mass (g)   Diameter/ Width   Length   Height
CUBESAT                    Name                       Qty           Material                                                             Melting Temp        Comments
                                                                                          (total)       (mm)           (mm)    (mm)

 HARP             Thermal Knife Deployer               2        G10/Aluminum                1            10.7          17.5     5.1     Low Melting Temp       Demise
 HARP              Sun Sensor Assembly                 1      Aluminum 6061-T6             25            35.6          35.6     40.9    Low Melting Temp       Demise
 HARP                  Detector cage                   1           Aluminum                161            50            60      45      Low Melting Temp       Demise
 HARP                       Prism                      3              Glass                74             45            25      35            1400           See Table 5
 HARP     Lens assembly (W/O front lens glass only)    8              Glass                80             30            4                     1400           See Table 5
 HARP        Lens assembly aluminum structure          1           aluminum                167            75            70       1      Low Melting Temp       Demise
 HARP                power board mount                 1           aluminum                17             45            12      2.5     Low Melting Temp       Demise
 HARP               TIM electronic board               1              PCB                  115            90            90      10      Low Melting Temp       Demise
 HARP               Camera power board                 1              PCB                  53             80            25      15      Low Melting Temp       Demise
 HARP                     Detector                     3            Ceramic                32             36            24       2      Low Melting Temp       Demise
 HARP            Detector electronics board            3              PCB                  53             30            45       2      Low Melting Temp       Demise
 HARP                      BusBar                      1             Copper                176            4            150      100     Low Melting Temp       Demise
 HARP                  Detector Strap                  3             Copper                33             15            75       1      Low Melting Temp       Demise
 HARP                  SDL Standoffs                   8           Aluminum                 9            12.7          95.9     19      Low Melting Temp       Demise
 HARP              ClydeSpace Standoffs                4                                   0.5           6.35                   25.4    Low Melting Temp       Demise
 HARP             Electronic Stack Mounts              4      Aluminum 6061-T6              2            11.5          16.5     9.5     Low Melting Temp       Demise
 HARP                      Shutter                     1           Aluminum                28             75            3               Low Melting Temp       Demise
 HARP                   Prism holder                   1            Titanium                8             45            35       3            1660           See Table 5
 HARP                   Prism mount                    1           Aluminum                17             45            35      30      Low Melting Temp       Demise
 HARP                   Stack spacers                  4           Aluminum                39             10            90      10      Low Melting Temp       Demise
 HARP                 Electrical harness               1         Copper-PTFE               30             1             50       1      Low Melting Temp       Demise
 HARP         4-40 x 0.375" Detector Assembly         12    300 Series Stainless Steel     7.87           2             9        -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP         2-56 x 0.125" Detector Assembly         12      18-8 Stainless Steel         3.15           1             3        -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP         2-64 x 0.188" Detector Assembly         12      18-8 Stainless Steel         3.15           1.5           5        -        See Average Fastener Results


CUBESAT                  Name                  Qty              Material                 Mass (g) (total)   Diameter/ Width (mm)   Length (mm)   Height (mm)           Comments

 HARP      Ø.062" x 0.188" Detector Assembly   12          18-8 Stainless Steel               0.89                  19                  5             -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP     Ø0.750" Snap Ring Lense Assembly 1    1             Stainless steel                 0.66                  1.5                 1             -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP       6-40 x 0.375" Lense Assembly 2      4          18-8 Stainless Steel               4.72                   5                  9             -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP        6-40 x 0.5" Lense Assembly 2       4          18-8 Stainless Steel               5.24                   5                 13             -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP        1-72 x 0.125" Lens Assembly 2      6          18-8 Stainless Steel               0.79                   1                  3             -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP       1-72 x 0.188" Lense Assembly 2      4          18-8 Stainless Steel               0.52                   1                 22             -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP        2-56 x 0.25" Lense Assembly 1      3    18-8 Stainless Steel/ Black Oxide        0.79                  1.5                 6             -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP      Ø0.125" x .375" Lense Assembly 1     2          18-8 Stainless Steel               1.23                   3                  9             -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP       Ø0.125" x .5" Lense Assembly 2      2          18-8 Stainless Steel               1.63                   3                 13             -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP        4-40 x0.25" Detector Assembly     12       300 Series Stainless Steel            6.29                   2                  6             -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP       4-40 x0.188" Thermal Assembly       3          18-8 Stainless Steel               1.57                   2                  5             -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP       4-40 x0.313" Thermal Assembly      15          18-8 Stainless Steel               9.83                   2                  8             -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP         1-64 x 0.25" Prism Assembly       6          18-8 Stainless Steel               0.79                   1                  6             -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP       Ø0.062" x .25" Prism Assembly       2          18-8 Stainless Steel               0.20                  1.5                 6             -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP              #4 washer General           39       300 Series Stainless Steel            3.07                   5                  1             -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP              #6 washer General            8          18-8 Stainless Steel               1.05                  6.5                 1             -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP        2-56x0.188 Phillips Head Bolt      4                SS 316                       0.95                  1.5                 5             -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP        2-56x0.188 Socket Head Bolt        2                SS 303                       0.58                  1.5                 5             -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP         2-56x0.25 Socket Head Bolt       12                SS 303                       4.08                  1.5                 5             -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP            093-187x0.1 Washer            12                SS 316                       0.19                   4                  2             -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP         2-56x0.25 Phillips Head Bolt     34                SS 304                       8.02                  1.5                 6             -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP         1-64x0.25 Socket Head Bolt        4                6061-T6                      0.19                  1.5                 5             -        See Average Fastener Results
 HARP            8-32x.049 Flat Washer          4                SS 304                       3.16                  10                  1             -        See Average Fastener Results


CUBESAT                     Name                        Qty   Material   Mass (g) (total)   Diameter/ Width (mm)   Length (mm)   Height (mm)   Melting Temp             Comments

 HARP            8-32x0.375 Socket Head Bolt             4    SS 303          8.40                   8                 10             -           See Average Fastener Results
 HARP              2-56x0.125 Shoulder Bolt              4    SS 316          1.13                  1.5                 3             -           See Average Fastener Results
 HARP            2-56x0.375 Phillips Head Bolt           2    SS 304          0.66                  1.5                10             -           See Average Fastener Results
 HARP                    2-56 Hex Nut                    2    SS 304          0.46                   3                  1             -           See Average Fastener Results
 HARP     6-32x.4375 Flat Head Phillips Machine Screw    3    SS 304          0.77                   5                 13             -           See Average Fastener Results
 HAPR                 Average Fasteners                 246                   82.02                23.89              34.15           -           ~1500                See Table 5


   Appendix E.             ElaNa-17 Component List by CubeSat: IceCube
   Appendix F.
                                                                                                 Mass (g)   Diameter/ Width   Length   Height
CUBESAT                  Name                    Qty                  Material                                                                   Melting Temp      Comments
                                                                                                  (total)       (mm)           (mm)    (mm)

 IceCube                IceCube                   1              Various (see below)              4500           100           100      300     Low Melting Temp    Demise
 IceCube           CubeSat Structure              1                  Al 6061-T6                   1052           100           100      300     Low Melting Temp    Demise
 IceCube               Antennae                   1                      Al                        110            98            98       7      Low Melting Temp    Demise
 IceCube              Solar Panels                1               IPC-4101/99 FR4                  928           500           300      300     Low Melting Temp    Demise
 IceCube   Batteries Assembly (batt,board,etc)    1             Li-Ion Polymer, FR4                365            96            90      26      Low Melting Temp    Demise
 IceCube                 ADCS                     1                    Al, FR4                     910           100           100      50      Low Melting Temp    Demise
 IceCube             Comm Board                   1        FR4, 1B31 Acrylic, DC 6-1104            260            96            90      1.6     Low Melting Temp    Demise
 IceCube             C&DH Board                   1                     FR4                        276            96            90      1.6     Low Melting Temp    Demise
 IceCube               Fasteners                 141                 300/316 SS                    133            4             6        -           1500          See Table 5
 IceCube                Cabling                   8                 Copper alloy                   103            n/a          n/a      n/a     Low Melting Temp    Demise
 IceCube                 Solder                  n/a          Sn62 or Sn63 (Tin/Lead)              100            n/a          n/a      n/a     Low Melting Temp    Demise
 IceCube              Miscelanea                 n./a   Not expected to be high-temp materials     763            n/a          n/a      n/a     Low Melting Temp    Demise


   Appendix G.               ElaNa-17 Component List by CubeSat: OpenOrbiter1

                                                                                                                          Mass     Diameter/
                                                                                                                                               Length   Height
 CUBESAT                       Name                  Qty                           Material                                (g)      Width                         Melting Temp      Comments
                                                                                                                                                (mm)    (mm)
                                                                                                                         (total)     (mm)
OpenOrbiter 1              OpenOrbiter 1              1                                 -                                              -         -        -             -                -
OpenOrbiter 1           CubeSat Structure *           1                         Aluminum 6061                            264.0       100        100     113.5    Low Melting Temp    Demise
OpenOrbiter 1                 Antenna                 1                   COTS Steel (Tape Measure)                        30        12.7      164.34     -           1500          See Table 5
OpenOrbiter 1      Solar Panel Board (+Z Face)**      1                      2-Layer FR-4 1oz/ft^3                        31.5       94.5       94.5    1.8669   Low Melting Temp    Demise
OpenOrbiter 1          Solar Panel Boards **          4                      2-Layer FR-4 1oz/ft^3                       119.1        83        100     1.8669   Low Melting Temp    Demise
OpenOrbiter 1              Sep Switches               3                          COTS Plastic                             1.5         5.8       12.7      5      Low Melting Temp    Demise
OpenOrbiter 1         Payload Camera Board**          1                  Standard COTS Components                         4.1         50         50       -      Low Melting Temp    Demise
OpenOrbiter 1                Batteries                4                     Steel 304, LiNiCoAlO2                         200        18.6        68       -           1450          See Table 5
OpenOrbiter 1     Electrical Power System Board **    1                  Standard COTS Components                         25.7        87        100     7.5803   Low Melting Temp    Demise
OpenOrbiter 1   Primary Flight Comp/ Comm Board **    1                  Standard COTS Components                         25.7        87        100       5      Low Melting Temp    Demise
OpenOrbiter 1      System Interconnect Board **       1                  Standard COTS Components                         25.7       92.8       92.8      5      Low Melting Temp    Demise
OpenOrbiter 1            Payload Board **             1                  Standard COTS Components                         25.7        87        100       5      Low Melting Temp    Demise
OpenOrbiter 1             ADCS Board **               1                  Standard COTS Components                         25.7        87        100       5      Low Melting Temp    Demise
OpenOrbiter 1      ADCS - Electromagnets Cores        3                              Ferrite                               42        7.62        -       63.5    Low Melting Temp    Demise
OpenOrbiter 1             ADCS - Motors               3                  Copper, SS, Aluminum, ABS                        135        19.2        -       9.8     Low Melting Temp    Demise
OpenOrbiter 1                Fasteners               97    Stainless Steel (dimensions are averaged over 97 fasteners)    53.8        2         4.84      -      Low Melting Temp    Demise
OpenOrbiter 1                 Cabling                 -                         eg. Copper alloy                            -          -         -        -      Low Melting Temp    Demise
OpenOrbiter 1                 Epoxy                   -                            Adhesive                                 -          -         -        -      Low Melting Temp    Demise


Document Created: 2016-07-29 09:40:13
Document Modified: 2016-07-29 09:40:13

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