ODAR 2018

0265-EX-CR-2018 Text Documents

California Polytechnic State University


April 18, 18

                    Orbital Debris Assessment for
                        The CubeSats on the
                    ICESat-2/ELaNa-18 Mission
                      per NASA-STD 8719.14A

                     Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)

                        Signature Page

        Yusef ?ognson, Analyst, a.i. solutions Inc AIS2

            4. ———~—<fafig
     Rex Engelhardt, Mission Manager, NASA KSC VA—C

      Jason Crusan, Program Executive, NASA HEOMD

Suzanne Aleman, NASA HQ OSMA MMOD Program Executive

        Signatures Required for Final Version of ODAR

Terrence W. Wilcutt, NASA Chief, Safety and Mission Assurance

              William Gerstenmaier, NASA AA,
    Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate

                      RECORD OF REVISIONS

REV                    DESCRIPTION                           DATE

 0    Basic Issue                                         February 2017

 A    Deletion of CHIEFS at. Addition of ELFIN-Star and    April2018
      SURFS at


             National Aeronauties and
             Space Administration

            John F. Kennedy Space Center, Florida
            Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899


Reply to Attn of: VA—H1                                                                               April 18, 18

            TO:                Scott Higginbotham, LSP Mission Manager, NASA/KSC/VA—C

            FROM:              Justin Treptow, NASA/KSC/VA—H1

            SUBJECT:           Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR) for the ELaNa—18 Mission


                    A. NASA Procedural Requirements for Limiting Orbital Debris Generation, NPR
                          8715.6A, 5 February 2008
                          Process for Limiting Orbital Debris, NASA—STD—8719.14A, 25 May 2012
                          Preliminary Mission Analysis for the Delta II 7420/ICEAT—2 Spacecraft Mission
                          — CDRL C4—1, PGAA#2, ULA—TP—16—163, Sept 2016
                          McKissock, Barbara, Patricia Loyselle, and Elisa Vogel. Guidelines on Lithium—
                          ion Battery Use in Space Applications. Tech. no. RP—08—75. NASA Glenn
                          Research Center Cleveland, Ohio
                          UL Standardfor Safety for Lithium Batteries, UL 1642. UL Standard. 4th ed.
                          Northbrook, IL, Underwriters Laboratories, 2007
                          Kwas, Robert. Thermal Analysis of ELaNa—4 CubeSat Batteries, ELVL—2012—
                          0043254; Nov 2012
                          Range Safety User Requirements Manual Volume 3— Launch Vehicles,
                          Payloads, and Ground Support Systems Requirements, AFSCM 91—710 V3.
                          HQ OSMA Policy Memo/Email to 8719.14: CubeSat Battery Non—Passivation,
                          Suzanne Aleman to Justin Treptow, 10, March 2014

            The intent of this report is to satisfy the orbital debris requirements listed in ref. (a) for
            the ELaNa—18 auxiliary mission launching in conjunction with the ICESAT2 primary
            payload. It serves as the final submittal in support of the spacecraft Safety and Mission
            Success Review (SMSR). Sections 1 through 8 of ref. (b) are addressed in this document;
            sections 9 through 14 fall under the requirements levied on the primary mission and are
            not presented here.

The following table summarizes the compliance status of the ELaN a-18 auxiliary payload
mission flown on IceSat-2. The four CubeSats comprising the ELaNa-18 mission are
fully compliant with all applicable requirements.

             Ta ble 1 0 rb1'tal Debr1s
                                    ' ReqmrementC om pJiance
                                                      I'     Ma t.
 Requirement                  Compliance Assessment        Comments
 4.3-la                       Not applicable               No planned debris release
 4.3-1b                       Not applicable               No planned debris release
 4.3-2                        Not applicable               No planned debris release
 4.4-1                        Compliant                    On board energy source
                                                           (batteries) incapable of
                                                           debris-producing failure
 4.4-2                        Compliant                    On board energy source
                                                           (batteries) incapable of
                                                           debris- producing failure
 4.4-3                        Not applicable               No planned breakups
 4.4-4                        Not aQplicable               No planned breakups
 4.5-1                        Compliant
 4.5-2                        Not aQQ).icable
 4.6-l(a)                     Compliant                    Worst case lifetime 4.4 yrs
 4.6-1(b)                     Not applicable
 4.6-l(c)                     Not applicable
 4.6-2                        Not applicable
 4.6-3                        Not applicable
 4.6-4                        Not applicable               Passive disposal
 4.6-5                        Compliant
 4.7-1                        Compliant                   Non-credible risk of
                                                          human casualty
 4.8-1                        Compliant                   No planned tether release
                                                          under ELaN a-18 mission


Section 1: Program Management and Mission Overview

The ElaNa-18 mission is sponsored by the Human Exploration and Operations Mission
Directorate at NASA Headquarters. The Program Executive is Jason Crusan. Responsible
program/project manager and senior scientific and management personnel are as follows:

DAVE: Dr. Jordi Puig-Suari & Dr. John Bellardo, Principal Investigators; Justin Foley,
Project Manager

ELFIN & ELFIN-Star: Lydia Bingley, Principal Investigator; Anais Zarifian, Systems

SURFSat: Adrienne Dove, Principal Investigator, Joshua Cowell & Dawn Trout, Co:.


        Program Milestone Schedule
                          Task                                 Date
                    CubeSat Selection                       11/16/2017
                          MRR                                6/25/2018
            CubeSat Integration into P-PODs                  7/30/2018
                CubeSat Delivery to VAFB                    7/30/2018
                         Launch                             9/12/2018

                        Figure 1: Program Milestone Schedule

The ElaNa-18 mission will be launched as an auxiliary payload on the NASA ICESAT-2
mission on a Delta IT 7420-10 launch vehicle from VAFB, CA. The ElaNa-18
compliment, will deploy 4 pica-satellites (or CubeSats). The CubeSat slotted position is
identified in Table 2: ElaNa-18 CubeSats. The ElaNa-18 manifest includes: Dave,
ELFIN, ELFIN-Star, and SURFSat. The current launch date is in September 12,2017.
The 4 CubeSats are to be ejected from PPOD deployers mounted on the Delta II second
stage, placing the CubeSats in an orbit approximately 450 X 473 km at inclination of 93.0
deg (ref. (h)).

The CubeSat dimensions range from the 1U configuration 10 em x lOcm x 10 em, to a
3U configuration of 10em x 10 em x 34 em with masses from about 3.2 kg to 3.7 kg total.
The CubeSats have been designed and universities and government agencies and each
have their own mission goals.


Section 2: Spacecraft Description

There are 4 CubeSats flying on the ElaNa-18 Mission. Table 2: ElaNa-18 CubeSats
outlines their generic attributes.

                             Table 2: ElaNa-18 CubeSats

                                                      CubeSat          CubeSat
     P-POD#                CubeSat size
                                                       Names          Masses (kg)
         1           1U (lOcmx 10cmx llcm)             DAVE              1.4
         1          3U (10cm X lOcm X 34cm)            ELFlN             3.4
         1          3U (lOcm X lOcm X 34cm)          ELFIN-Star          3.4
         1          2U ( 1Ocm x lOcm x 22cm)          SURFS at           .89

The following subsections contain descriptions of these 4 CubeSats.


Dave — California Polytechnic University — 1U
          Memory     *
          Alloy {SMA)
          Actuatoir                                                  Single Pieca

       Beam Locking
       Mechanism         "

                                                                    Plezo Electric
     Particle Damper     |_                                           '

                                                                 Li—ion Battery

                              Figure 2: DAVE Assembled View

Overview: The Damping and Vibration Experiment (DAVE) CubeSat implements a
payload to evaluate a mechanical damping technology in microgravity. This
technology, called particle damping, exploits the dynamics of multiple constrained
particles to dissipate vibration energy. Terrestrial applications demonstrate particle
damping performance to be largely unaffected by extreme environments yet simple
and cheap to implement. This feature set makes particle damping an attractive
technology for applications in spacecraft, where dampers are needed to steady
sensitive instrumentation and inhibit destructive structural resonant modes.
In orbit, DAVE provides a low cost and low risk platform to characterize unknown
particle damper microgravity behavior and provide flight heritage for particle
damper technology. The completion of these objectives overcomes barriers
currently inhibiting the employment of particle dampers in space.

DAVE is equipped with one OmniVision imager. The primary purpose of the imager is
verifying the rotation rates of the spacecraft prior to performing experiments. The
secondary mission is acquiring Earth imagery to support public outreach activities.

CONOPS: After deployment from the P—POD, the satellite will power on.
Approximately 15 minutes later, antenna deployment will occur. 115 minutes after
antenna deployment, the beacon will be activated and the satellite will be available
to acquire with the ground station. A full parameter sweep vibration experiment
will begin automatically within a few hours of launch. Results will be downloaded

over subsequent passes. Additional experiments can be commanded from the
ground as necessary to improve confidence in the results.

Materials: The structure is made entirely of 6061—T6 Aluminum. The antenna is made of
NiTi and Delrin. The ceramic piezo electric beam actuators are lead zirconate titanate.
The tips of the booms contain tungsten particles. The satellite contains mostly standard
commercial off the shelf materials, electrical components, PCBs, and solar cells.

Hazards: There are no pressure vessels, hazardous materials, or exotic materials. The
cavities containing the tungsten particles are not freely vented.

Batteries: There are 2x UL listed 3.7V 2600mAh Lithium—Ion 18650 batteries connected
in parallel. The UL listing number is MH48285. There is battery protection circuitry and
over—charge protection.



                                                        (     Payload Boards
                                                            (siPs, orH, EPD—D1.                 _
                                                a                EPD—D2)                    Avianics Stack
                                              wil                                       (sSerce 1 SBPCB 2                     Rerrmmnmmimrinnes., .

        mernlil__           s
                                          _     e
                                                                                        PCPCB, ACB, LETC1

   ‘L {Aominum, Tantalom)

    |        somg               '     3
    L8Alamincm, Tastalum}
                 e              |~~

                                                                2e                     Battery

                                                                '\\\                   Holder
                                                                                  <_                  D

                      EGZ (Roard, Brace,                                           &                  |      {BeCu)
                 L___BLEZT_                                                               Sik.. «~~
                 1     Strap, Modalc}               ’                                   &             L—/_:" ——

                                                        Figure 3: ELFIN Expanded View

Overview: The Electron Losses and Fields Investigation (ELFIN) Mission, is a space
weather CubeSat that will investigate the loss of relativistic particles from the radiation
belts into the Earth‘s atmosphere. ELFIN will accomplish this using two primary payload
instruments; a fluxgate magnetometer and an energetic particle detector.

CONOPS: Upon deployment from the PPOD, ELFIN will power up and initiate a 45
minute timer counting down for antenna deployment. If tip off rates from the PPOD are
large, ELFIN will execute an automatic detumble sequence in order to get the spacecraft
in a stable attitude configuration. At 45 minutes, the UHF/VHF antennas will deploy, and
the spacecraft will begin beaconing. After communication with the ground is established,
spacecraft and instrument commissioning will begin. At a minimum of 2 weeks after
deployment, the stacer boom will be commanded to deploy, the spacecraft will be spun
up to ~20 rmp, and nominal operations will begin. Science will resume for a minimum of
3 months (nominally 6 months).

Materials: ELFIN‘s structure is primarily composed of Aluminum 6061—T6, with some
peek components as additional structural components. Most materials are standard
commercial off the shelf, as well as standard electrical components, printed circuit
boards, and solar cells. The Energetic Particle Detector is built with a combination of
Aluminum and Tantalum parts. All Tantalum parts are internal components, and are
relatively small.

Hazards: There are no pressure vessels or hazardous materials on this satellite.

Batteries: The power system uses 4 Molicel ICR18650J Lithium—ion batteries that are
screened by the Aerospace Corporation before delivery to ELFIN. The UL listing number
is BBCV2.MH27672.


SURFSat- University of Central Florida- 2U

                          Figure 4: SURFSat Expanded View

Overview: The space radiation environment in Earth's atmosphere is filled with hot and
low-density plasmas that can cause charge to build up on spacecraft surfaces, resulting in
high differential voltages and subsequent eleCtrostatic discharges. These discharges can
damage avionics and/or scientific instruments on spacecraft. SURFSat will take in-situ
measurements of the ground current waveforms from chosen common spacecraft
dielectric material samples, measure the spacecraft and material potentials, and will use a
Langmuir probe system to measure the ambient plasma environment. The sample
materials will span a range of resistivities that will be chosen both for relevance and in
order to maximize scientific return. Comparison of on-orbit ESD measurements with
completed and ongoing plasma chamber charging experiments will be used to validate
current plasma charging test methods. These experiments will be used to develop design
criteria, and help avoid potentially disastrous discharging on spacecraft.

CONOPS: Upon deployment from the PPOD, SURFS at will power up and initially enter
a charging phase. It will then deploy two Langmuir Probe booms and begin collecting
data. Data collection consists of voltage and current measurements from the dielectric
surfaces on the experiment, and measurements from the dielectric probe. Langmuir probe
and surface voltage measurements will be stored continuously during operation, but high
data rate current data is recorded in a circular buffer, and only stored in long-term


memory if triggered by an an on-orbit ESD event. Data is stored onboard the computer
until downlinked.

Materials: The primary CubeSat structure is made of 6061 Aluminum. In addition to the
solar cells on the outside of the spacecraft, the sample materials are made of aluminum
substrates with aerospace industry standard paints and coatings. Other than that, the
CubeSat contains all standard commercial off the shelf (COTS) materials, electrical
components, and PCBs.

Hazards: There are no pressure vessels, propulsion systems, hazardous or exotic
materials on the SURFSat CubeSat

Batteries: We use standard PCB material and electronics components. The solar cells are
23% Spectrolab CICs. The electrical power storage system consists of common Lithium
Iron Phosphate (LFP) batteries with over-charge/current protection circuitry (UN38.3


Section 3: Assessment of Spacecraft Debris Released during Normal Operations

The assessment of spacecraft debris requires the identification of any object (> 1 mm)
expected.to be released from the spacecraft any time after launch, including object
dimensions, mass, and material.

The section 3 requires rationale/necessity for release of each object, time of release of
each object, relative to launch time, release velocity of each object with respect to
spacecraft, expected orbital parameters (apogee, perigee, and inclination) of each object
after release, calculated orbital lifetime of each object, including time spent in Low Earth
Orbit (LEO), and an assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.3-1 and

No releases are planned on the ElaNa-18 CubeSat mission therefore this section is not


Section 4: Assessment of Spacecraft Intentional Breakups and Potential for

There are NO plans for designed spacecraft breakups, explosions, or intentional
collisions on the ElaN a-18 mission.

The probability of battery explosion is very low, and, due to the very small mass of the
satellites and their short orbital lifetimes the effect of an explosion on the far-term LEO
environment is negligible (ref (h)).

The CubeSats batteries still meet Req. 56450 (4.4-2) by virtue of the HQ OSMA policy
regarding CubeSat battery disconnect stating;

       "CubeSats as a satellite class need not disconnect their batteries if flown in LEO
       with orbital lifetimes less than 25 years." (ref. (h))

Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.4-1 through 4.4-4 shows that
with a maximum CubeSat lifetime of 4.4 years maximum the ElaNa-18 CubeSat is


Section 5: Assessment of Spacecraft Potential for On-Orbit Collisions

 Calculation of spacecraft probability of collision with space objects larger than 10 em in
diameter during the orbital lifetime of the spacecraft takes into account both the mean
cross sectional area and orbital lifetime.

The largest mean cross sectional area (CSA) among the three CubeSats is that of the
ELFIN CubeSat with deployable extended (2x long antennas, 2x short antennas, Tuna
Can, Stacer Boom and Sensor. :

                       Figure 5: ELFIN Deployed Configuration

                            'f. Surface Area      [2 * (w * l) + 4 * (w *h)]
            Mean CSA =                          = ----------
                                     4                          4
               Equation 1: Mean Cross Sectional Area for Convex Objects

                                            (Amax + A1 + A1)
                            MeanCSA =
              Equation 2: Mean Cross Sectional Area for Complex Objects

All CubeSats evaluated for this ODAR are stowed in a convex configuration, indicating
there are no elements of the CubeSats obscuring another element of the same CubeSats
from view. Thus, mean CSA for all stowed CubeSats was calculated using Equation 1.
This configuration renders the longest orbital life times for all CubeSats.

Once a CubeSat has been ejected from the P-POD and deployables have been extended
Equation 2 is utilized to determine the mean CSA. Amax is identified as the view that
yields the maximum cross-sectional area. A1 and A2 are the two cross-sectional areas
orthogonal to Amax. Refer to Appendix A for component dimensions used in these

 The ELFIN (3.26 kg) orbit at deployment is 476 km apogee altitude by 450 km perigee
altitude, with an inclination of 93 degrees. With an area to mass ratio of 0.019 m2/kg,
DAS yields 4.4 years for orbit lifetime for its deployed state, which in turn is used to
obtain the collision probability. Even with the variation in CubeSat design and orbital
lifetime ElaNa-18 CubeSats see an average of 0.00000 probability of collision. All
CubeSats on ElaNa-18 were calculated to have a probability of collision of 0.00000.
Table 4 below provides complete results.



          Table 3: CubeSat Orbital Lifetime & Collision Probability

              CubeSat                     Dave         S{ar       SURFSat
                 Mass (kg)                1.33        3.26            .895

           Mean C/S Area (m42)            0.016       0.036           0278
§         Area—to Mass (m"2/kg)           0.012       0.011        0.031
g          Orbital Lifetime (yrs)          3.9         4.4            3.1
       Probability of collision (10"X)   0.00000     0.00000      0.00000

3          Mean C/S Area (m4‘2)                       0.062
qo>'      Area—to Mass (m‘~2/kg)                      0.019
§-         Orbital Lifetime (yrs)                      3.9
       Probability of collision (10"X)               0.00000
          Solar Flux Table Dated

                        Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)

The probability of any ElaNa-18 spacecraft collision with debris and meteoroids greater
than 10 em in diameter and capable of preventing post-mission disposal is less than
0.00000, for any configuration. This satisfies the 0.001 maximum probability requirement

Since the CubeSats have no capability or plan for end-of-mission disposal, requirement
4.5-2 is not applicable.

Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.5-1 shows ElaNa-18 to be
compliant. Requirement 4.5-2 is not applicable to this mission.

Section 6: Assessment of Spacecraft Postmission Disposal Plans and Procedures

All ElaNa-18 spacecraft will naturally decay from orbit within 25 years after end of the
mission, satisfying requirement 4.6-1a detailing the spacecraft disposal option.

Planning for spacecraft maneuvers to accomplish postrnission disposal is not applicable.
Disposal is achieved via passive atmospheric reentry.

Calculating the area-to-mass ratio for the worst-case (smallest Area-to-Mass) post-
mission disposal among the CubeSats finds SurfSat in its stowed configuration as the
worst case. The area-to-mass is calculated for is as follows:

                              Equation 3: Area to Mass

                                 0.036 m 2          m2
                                             = .0.011-kg
ELFIN and ELFIN-Star have the smallest Area-to-Mass ratio and as a result will have the
longest orbital lifetime. The assessment of the spacecraft illustrates they are compliant
with Requirements 4.6-1 through 4.6-5.

DAS 2.0.2 Orbital Lifetime Calculations:

DAS inputs are: 476 km maximum apogee 450 km maximum perigee altitudes with an
inclination of 93 degrees at deployment no earlier than November 2018 An area to mass
ratio of 0.011 m 2/kg for the ELFIN/ELFIN-Star CubeSats was imputed. DAS 2.1.1 yields
a 4.4 years orbit lifetime for ELFIN or ELFIN-Star in its stowed state.

This meets requirement 4.6-1. For the complete list of CubeSat orbital lifetimes reference
Table 3: CubeSat Orbital Lifetime & Collision Probability.

Assessment results show compliance.

                           Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)

Section 7: Assessment of Spacecraft Reentry Hazards

A detailed assessment of the components to be flown on ElaNa—18 was performed. The
assessment used DAS 2.0, a conservative tool used by the NA¥ASA Orbital Debris Office to
verify Requirement 4.7—1. The analysis is intended to provide a bounding analysis for
characterizing the survivability of a CubeSat‘s component during re—entry. For example,
when DAS shows a component surviving reentry it is not taking into account the material
ablating away or charring due to oxidative heating. Both physical effects are experienced
upon reentry and will decrease the mass and size of the real—life components as the
reenter the atmosphere, reducing the risk they pose still further.

The following steps are used to identify and evaluate a components potential reentry risk
relative to the 4.7—1 requirement of having less than 15 J of kinetic energy and a 1:10,000
probability of a human casualty in the event the survive reentry.

                 1. Low melting temperature (less than 1000 °C) components are identified as
                       materials that would never survive reentry and pose no risk to human
                       casualty. This is confirmed through DAS analysis that showed materials
                       with melting temperatures equal to or below that of copper (1080 °C) will
                       always demise upon reentry for any size component up to the dimensions
                       of a 1U CubeSat.

                 2. The remaining high temperature materials are shown to pose negligible
                    risk to human casualty through a bounding DAS analysis of the highest
                    temperature components, stainless steel (1500°C). If a component is of
                    similar dimensions and has a melting temperature between 1000 °C and
                    1500°C, it can be expected to posses the same negligible risk as stainless
                    steel components. See Table 4 and Table 4.

               Table 4: ELaNa—18 High Melting Temperature Material Analysis

         £4               HighTemp                                 AVF                         q. ; j —,_—   Demise Alt
   ‘Cu,ch:_n      i      Component                              Material                      Mass (g)           (km)

    DAVE                 Antenna Wire                      Nickel Titanium                       2.5                0             0
    DAVE              Crystalline Powder                        Tungsten                          20                0             0
    ELFIN                 Back Wall                             Tantalum                        19.35               0             13
    ELFIN             Side Wall (outer)                        Tantalum                         11.91               0             10
                         Side Wall
    ELFIN                (top&bot)                             Tantalum                           16                0             13
    ELEFIN            Side Wall (inner)                        Tantalum                          4.59               0              :
    ELFIN                  E Front                              Tantalum                        16.73               0              9
                      Auxiliary Shield T
    ELFIN                      1                               Tantalum                          7.93               0              6
                      Auxiliary Shield G
    ELFIN                      1                                Tantalum                         8.98               0              6
                      Auxiliary Shield T
    ELFIN                     2                                 Tantalum                         6.44               0             4
                      Auxiliary Shield G
    ELFIN                     2         |                       Tantalum                         7.A7               0             4
* S—Band Radio assembly was modeled as all Stainless Steel, which is conservative. It is likely that less than % of the mass is actually
stainless steel.


  ELFIN       Auxiliary Shield G 3      Tantalum          6.4


                                                                                 s |w m u
  ELFIN       Auxiliary Shield T 4      Tantalum          5.04

  ELFIN       Auxiliary Shield G 4      Tantalum          5.26
  ELFIN            Back Wall            Tantalum         19.35

  ELFIN            Side Wall            Tantalum          6.03


  ELFIN        Side Wall (Outer)        Tantalum         4.21

  ELFIN        Side Wall (Inner)        Tantalum          1.7


  ELFIN         Mag Stage Front         Tantalum         10.98

  ELFIN            Cone Wall            Tantalum          7.21


  ELFIN        Auxiliary Shield M       Tantalum          0.57

  ELFIN          Payload Rods        #4 Titanium Rod       1


  ELFIN       Auxiliary Shield T 3      Tantalum          5.69

All components have less than 15J of energy upon reentry. As a result probability of
Human Casualty is not calculated, resulting in automatic compliance with the 1:10,000
probability of Human Casualty Requirement 4.7—1.

All CubeSats launching under the ElaNa—18 mission are shown to be in compliance with
Requirement 4.7—1 of NASA—STD—8719.14A.

See the Appendix for a complete accounting of the survivability of all CubeSat


Section 8: Assessment for Tether Missions

ElaN a-18 CubeSats will not be deploying any tethers.

ElaNa-18 CubeSats satisfy Section 8's requirement 4.8-1.


Section 9-14

ODAR sections 9 through 14 for the launch vehicle are not covered here.

If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 321-867-2098.

/original signed by/

Yusef Johnson
Flight Design Analyst
a.i. solutions/KSC/AIS2

cc:   V A-H/Mr. Carney
      V A-Hl/Mr. Beaver
      V A-Hl/Mr. Haddox
      VA -C2/Mr. Hall
      SA-D2/Mr. Frattin
      SA-D2/Mr. Hale
      SA-D2/Mr. Henry
      Analex-3/Mr. Davis
      Analex-22/Ms. Ramos


                         Appendix Index:

Appendix A.   ElaNa-18 Component List by CubeSat: DAVE
Appendix B.   ElaNa-18 Component List by CubeSat: ELFIN/ELFIN-Star
Appendix C.   ElaNa-18 Component List by CubeSat: SurfSat


   Appendix A.               ELaNa—18 Component List by CubeSat: DAVE

          §                                  :                                                    Mass _      y
 CUBESAT .            Name             Qty                  Material            —| Body Type| —(g) | mfl)«' 65
                      —                                                              eA (A ati   | (W)‘    in ,‘(‘m;'_. x
  DAVE               DAVE               1                  Various                    Box          1.4       100                          y
  DAVE          CubeSat Structure       1               Aluminum 6061                 Box          535       100              100     113.5    No      —           Demise
  DAVE           Antenna Route          1                   Delrin                   Square         7        65               65       3.5     No      —           Demise
  DAVE            Antenna Wite          2            Nickel Titanium (NiTi)        Rectangular     2.3       0.3              160      0.5     Yes    1400    c:;gyi?&w.;.t:bg$
  DAVE              Solar Cells        10                    Eglass                Rectangular    2.2512     0.5              68       40       No                 Demise
  DAVE             Side Panels         hy             FR4 Multilayer PCB           Rectangular      35       1.3              83       72       No      =          Demise
  DAVE               Z—Panels          1              FR4 Multilayer PCB             Square         45       1.5              100      100      No      —          Demise
  DAVE             Cavity Caps         3               316 Stainless Stee|             Box       —10.5       20                13       13     Yes:   1400,        Demise
  payg        CemmicNcstoedidc
                                        ;            Lead Zirconate Titanate          Box          3.5      2.54             4445      12.7    No      —           Demise
  e            esfi                     2w                  fTengsten                 Powdet        20       ie                 2        i      Yes    x2      |fi:fi?cfigt% $
  DAVE        SMA Actuators Boards     4             Nickel Titaninm {NiTi)           Wire          0.5     0.05              100      N/A     Yes    1400         Demise _
  DAVE         SMA Actuators wire      4              FR4 Multilayer PCB           Rectangular      22      1.524           68.707    24.257   No       —          Demise
  DAVE             Torque Shaft        1                Aluminum 6061              Cylindrical       3        4                         62     No       —          Demise
  DAVE           Locking springs       3                  302 Stainless            Cylingrical       3       69               10         —     Yes    1500         Demise
  DAVE        Sep/Actuating Switches   5                  Plastic (PBT)            Rectangular       2        6               8          7     No       —          Demise
  DAVE               Batteries         2                   Lithium Ion             Cylindrical     90.7     26.3             65.8        —     No       —          Demise
  DAVE            Payload Board        2              FR4 Multilayer PCB              Board         33       1.5             83         83     No       —          Demise
  DAVE            Sensor Board          3             FR4 Multilayer PCB             Board          3        1.5              32        32     No      —           Demise
   DAVE         Comm Board              1             FR4 Multilayer PCB              Board        12        1.5              83       36      No       —          Demise
   DAVE        Breakout Board           1             FR4 Multilayer PCB              Board        12        1.5              83       36      No       —          Demise
   DAVE         C&DH Board              1             FR4 Multilayer PCB              Board        30        1.5              83       83      No       —          Demise
   DAVE           Fasteners             1                18—8 Stainless               Screw        35        22             Various     >      Yes    1500         Demise
   DAVE      Staking Compound           1            3M Scotch Weld 2216           Rectangular     15         —                —        =      No       —          Demise
L_’DAVE   O_     Heat Shrink            1        RNF—100 Polyolefin Heat Shrink       Tube         0          =                         —      No       5          Demise
  DAVE             Kapton Tape          1                 Kapton Tape                 Tape          0      Various          Various    0.05    No      —           Demise

                                                                               Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)

Appendlx B.              ElaNa—18 Component List by CubeSat: ELFIN/ELFIN—Star
      f                              :                                           —|     Body       _| Mass t   Diameter/ _ |.
    itapytsean—itacers"=t:                                                  5J*Typi smrg)-*"»w;d&cm)w \_(m
                 ELFIN               1                                                  Box                                                                 —
           Chassis Rail (+x,+y)      1              Aluminum 6061—T6                    Bar           48.94        7              18.8     322.38    No     —            Demise
           Chassis Rail (—x,+y)      1              Aluminum 6061—T6                    Bar           50.79        7             18.74     322.38    No     —            Demise
           Chassis Rail (+x,—y)      1              Aluminum 6061—T6                     Bar          51.06        7             18.8      322.38    No     —            Demise
           Chassis Rail (—x,—y)      1              Aluminum 6061—T6                     Bar          53.52        7             18.8      322.38    No     —            Demise
               Top Hat (—Z)          1              Aluminum 6061—T6                    Block         55.179      100             100       24.3     No     —            Demise
              Top Hat (+2)           1              Aluminum 6061—T6                   Block          100.97      100             100       24.3     No     —            Demise
            Tuna Can (+ Unit)        1               Windform LX2.0                   Cylinder          48.      61.01             —         30      No     —            Demise
               Stacer Boom           1               Wrought Copper                      Rod             —        29             750         ~       Yes   1085          Demise
             Stacer Tip Piece        2                     Peek                         Block          4.6         5             20.08     49.82     No     —            Demise
               Mag Sensor            1       6061—T6 A, Copper, ferrite, NdFeB           Box             =         #               >                 No     —            Demise
                Mag Cable            1              6061—T6 A, Copper                   Cable            —         —               — .               No     =            Demise
             Antenna (long)          2              BeCu / Fiber Glass                Thin sheet        6.9       13.8           609.6       —       No     —            Demise
             Antenna (short)         2              BeCu / Fiber Glass                Thin sheet       2.91       13.8           228.6       ~       No     —            Demise
          (+y — long) Solar Panel    1                     FR4                          PCB             48        1.65            82       146.33    No     —            Demise
          (+y — short) Solar Panel   1                     FR4                          PCB             38        1.65            82       112.95    No     —            Demise
             (+y) Solar Cell         4               GalnP2/GaAs/Ge                     Sheet          2.54      39.3            69.5         —      No     —            Demise
             (—y) Solar Panel        1                    FR4                           PCB            111       1.65             82       329.29    No     —            Demise
              (—y) Solar Cell        6               GalnP2/GaAs/Ge                     Sheet          2.54      39.3            69.5         —      No     —            Demise
             (+x) Solar Panel        1                    FR4                           PCB             112      1.65             82       329.29    No                  Demise
             (+x) Solar Cell         6               GalnP2/GaAs/Ge                     Sheet          2.54       39.3           69.5         —      No     —            Demise
             (—x) Solar Panel        1                    FR4                           PCB             11        1.65            82       329.29    No     —            Demise
              (—x) Solar Cell        4               GalnP2/GaAs/Ge                     Sheet          2.54      39.3             69.5        —      No     —            Demise
             (+z) Solar Panel        1                    FR4                           PCB             19       1.65            98.98      61.9     No     —            Demise
             (—z) Solar Panel            1                 FR4                          PCB             32        1.65           97.97     97.97     No     —            Demise
                Fasteners            48                  Brass                           Rod          0.25         —               —         —       No     —            Demise
              Shield Insert           1             Aluminum 6061—T6                    Block          6.29     23.3172         19.8628   12.5222    No     —            Demise
            Aluminum Shield           1             Aluminum 6061—T6                    Block         71.78     39.0144         33.8328   39.0144    No     —            Demise
                Back Wall            1                   Tantalum                       Block         19.35    20.94992         459994    20.94992   Yes   2980   Survives — See Table 4
             Side Wall (outer)       1                   Tantalum                       Block          L1.91   16.74876         2.99974   14.65072   Yes   2980   Survives — See Table 4
           Side Wall (top&bot)       #4                  Tantalum                       Block           16     16.74876         2.99974   20.94992   Yes   2980   Survives — See Table 4
             Side Wall (inner)       2                   Tantalum                       Block          4.59    16.74876         54991     2.99974    Yes   2980   Survives — See Table 4
                  Spacer             1              Aluminum 6061—T6                    Block           0.4    12.90066         0.89408   12.90066   No     —            Demise
              Insulator Side         1                   PEEK                           Block          0.19    17.74952          4.4704   6.55066    No     —            Demise
           Wave Spring Washer            1    Beryllium Copper UNS C17200               Block         0.052     4.18846          0.127       —       No     —            Demise


Pentpsrn   l se                           00 WMarrdiap   _ __ |—— Body— _| Mass(g)   — Diameter/ — |   Length     | H           l Fogh
BEteve NC                         Chor   o eu.. >|o)tout/) worment|.mant| rnln.|fls
   ELFIN                            1          PEEK                Block     0.19       12.90066       0.84328     1290066        No
   ELEIN        Spacer MSD          1          PEEK                Block     0.138      12.99972       1.80086     12.99972       No
   ELFIN      Foil Frame Back       1     Aluminum 6061—T6         Block     0.19       14.69898       0.73406     14.69898       No
   ELFIN         Lexan Foil         1     Aluminum 6061—T6         Sheet     0.01       14.50086          —        14.50086       No
   ELFIN      Foil Frame Front      1     Aluminum 6061—T6         Block     0.11       14.69898       0.5588      14.69898       No       —            Demise
   ELFIN           E Front          1         Tantalum             Block     16.73      20.94992       5.174802    20.94992       Yes     2980   Survives — See Table 4
   ELFIN       E Aperture 1         1      Phosphor Bronze         Block     4.536      21.7932        1.61036      21.7932       No       —            Demise
   ELFIN      Aperture Frame        1     Aluminum 6061—T6         Block     69.08      39.0144        48.895       39.0144       No       —            Demise
   ELFIN    Auxiliary Shield T 1    2         Tantalum             Block     7.93       18.71726       2.49936     10.28954       Yes     2980   Survives — See Table 4
   ELEIN    Auxiliary Shield G 1    2         Tantalum             Block     8.98        23.3553       3.18008     10.28954       Yes     2980   Survives — See Table 4
   ELFIN        E Aperture 2        1      Phosphor Bronze         Block      5.8        25:8064       1.61036     25.8064        No        —           Demise _
   ELFIN    Auxiliary Shield T 2    2         Tantalum             Block     6.44        21.0058       1.80086     10.28954       Yes     2980   Survives — See Table 4
   ELEIN    Auxiliary Shield G 2    2         Tantalum             Block     747         25.6032       299974      10.28954       Yes     2980   Survives — See Table 4
   ELFIN        E Aperture 3        1      Phosphor Bronze         Block     5.06        26.1112       1.61036     26.1112        No        —           Demise
   ELFIN    Auxiliary Shield T 3    2         Tantalum             Block     5.69       21.51126       145034      11.03884       Yes     2980   Survives — See Table 4
   ELFIN    Auxiliary Shield G 3    2         Tantalum.            Block      6.4        25.8572       2.90068     11.03884       Yes     2980   Survives — See Table 4
   ELFIN        E Aperture 4        1      Phosphor Bronze         Block     4.07        21.7932       1.61036     21.7932        No        —           Demise
   ELFIN    Auxiliary Shield T 4    2         Tantalum °           Block     5.04       22.96668       1.19888     11.03884       Yes     2980   Survives — See Table 4
   ELFIN    Auxiliary Shield G 4    2         Tantalum             Block     5.26       26.28646        2.3495     11.03884       Yes     2980   Survives — See Table 4
   ELFIN        E Aperture 5        1      Phosphor Bronze         Block     746          32.166        1.5748      32.166        No        =           Demise
   ELFIN          Sensor E          1    [;‘;ggfi’,g;ggfi;i?         Block     3.63       12.94892       970788       1294892       No       —            Demise
   ELFIN     Preamp Cover Top       1     Aluminum 6061—T6         Block     22.17       56.90          19.02        43.33        No       —            Demise
   ELFIN     Preamp Cover Base      1     Aluminum 6061—T6         Block     15.15        56.90         7.62         43.33        No       —            Demise
   ELFIN       Preamp Spacer        4     Aluminum 6061—T6        Cylinder   0.09         3.81          4.57             —        No       —            Demise
   ELFIN     Aluminum Shell I       1     Aluminum 6061—T6         Block     44.39       45.42          19.46        39.01        No       —            Demise
   ELFIN     Mag Stage Frame        1     Aluminum 6061—T6         Block     48.55       39.01          25.27        39.01        No       —            Demise
   ELFIN         Back Wall          1         Tantalum             Block     19.35       20.95          4.60         20.95        Yes     2980   Survives — See Table 4
   ELFIN          Side Wall         2         Tantalum             Block     6.03        20.95          6.20            3.00      Yes     2980   Survives — See Table 4
   ELFIN     Side Wall (Outer)      1         Tantalum             Block     4.21         14.65         6.20            3.00      Yes     2980   Survives — See Table 4
   ELFIN      Side Wall (Inner)     2         Tantalum             Block      1.7         5.50          6.20            3.00      Yes —   2980   Survives — See Table 4
   ELFIN       Insulator Side       2           PEEK               Block     0.19         17.75          6.10           7.27      No       —            Demise
   ELFIN           Spacer           1     Aluminum 6061—T6         Block      0.4         12.90         0.89         12.90        No       —            Demise

   ELFIN    Wave Spring Washer      1    *sy0C                     Block     0.052        4.19          0.13             —        No       —            Demise
   ELFIN       Insulator Back       1           PEEK               Block     0.19         12.90         0.84            12.90     No       —            Demise
   ELFIN        Spacer MSX          1           PEEK:              Block     0.03         12.95          0.26        12.95        No       —            Demise


                                   im                                apesmuircs                           m                                              §
sp—gure ud
usns                               Oy                                 2eo                                 f                                  $
  ELFIN                             1            Tantalum              Block   10.98    20.95     2.10                                       ~ See Table 4
  ELFIN        Insulator Front      1             PEEK                 Block   0.08     12.95     0.85                                     Demise
  ELEFIN         Cone Wall         4             Tantalum              Block    egral   18.45    14.84        7122     Yes   2980   Survives — See Table 4
  ELFIN         Small WSW          2    Beryllium Copper UNS €17200    Block    0.03     7.62     0.13          —      No     —            Demise
  ELFIN        RF Shield EFE       1         Aluminum 6061—T6          Block    3.72     7.92    36.02        9.86     No     —            Demise
  ELFIN        REMice,0C            1        Aluminum 6061—T6          Block    118      127     36.02        9.86     No     —            Demise
  ELFIN       I Aperture Frame      1        Aluminum 6061—T6          Block   27.66    36.58    30.02        36.58    No     —            Demise

  ELFIN       hebptp? ustsner
                                    ;        Aluminum 6061—T6.         Block    0.86     5.59    13.50        762      No     s            Demise
  ELEIN            Yoke            4        Hi Perm 49 Annealed        Block   0.9325    10.30    8.30        2.24     No     —            Demise
  ELEIN       Spring Retainer       1        Aluminum 6061—T6          Block    0.89    22.80     8.30        2.35     No     —            Demise
  ELFIN           I Aperture 1      1         Phosphor Bronze          Block    0.6      8.80     1.61        6.33     No      —           Demise
  ELFIN        Outside Magnet       4           SmCo 2: 17             Block   0.92      4.15     8.30         3.20    No      —           Demise
  ELFIN      Auxiliary Shield M     2             Tantalum             Block   0.57      6.55     3.50         1.70    Yes   2980   Survives — See Table 4
  ELFIN         Inside Magnet       2            SmCo 2:17             Block    1.84     8.30     3.20         8.30    No      —           Demise
  ELFIN       Magnet Retainer       1        Aluminum 6061—T6          Block    1.87    20.50     8.30         8.10    No      —           Demise
  ELFIN       Strawman Bridge       1        Aluminum 6061—T6          Block   1.546    25.40     7.94        4.95     No      —           Demise
  ELFIN         I to E Standoff     1        Aluminum 6061—T6          Block   0.49     38.86     8.59         1.22    No      —           Demise
  ELEIN           I Aperture 2      1         Phosphor Bronze          Block   6.73     24.00     1.61        24.00    No      —           Demise
  ELFIN      I Aperture 2 Spacer    1             6063—T6              Block    2.88    24.00     8.29        24.00    No     —            Demise
  ELFIN          I Aperture 3       1         Phosphor Bronze          Block    6.01     26.00    1.61        26.00    No     =            Demise
  ELFIN      I Aperture 3 Spacer    1             6063—T6              Block    3.15    ©26.00    8.29        26.00    No     —            Demise
  ELFIN          I Aperture 4       1         Phosphor Bronze          Block    6.88     31.00    1.61        31.00    No     2            Demise
  ELFIN      I Aperture 4 Spacer    1             6063—T6              Block    3.61    31.00     8.29        31.00    No     —            Demise
  ELFIN         1 Aperture 5        1         Phosphor Bronze          Block    7.61    36.60     1.60        36.60    No     =            Demise
  ELFIN           SensorI           1      onmoonnnictoneg:            Block    1.03     13.00    2.10        13.00    No     —            Demise
  ELFIN         Stacer Can          1        Aluminum 6061—T6          Box      560     76.00    83.00        101.35   No      —           Demise
  ELEIN        Payload Rods         4     #4 Titanium Threaded Rod     Rod       1      2.85      3.5            —     Yes   1650          Demise
  ELFIN    EPD Digital 1 Board      1               FR4                PCB       58      1.57    $3.22        86.61    No     —            Demise
  ELFIN    EPD Digital 2 Board      1               FR4                PCB       58      1.57    93.22        86.61    No     —            Demise

  rippy    BPD Extended Froot       ;               FR4                PoB      10.6    49.91     69.6        10.77    No     —            Demise
  ELFIN         EPD preamp          1               FR4                PCB       24      1.58    46.025       50.06    No     —            Demise
  ELFIN            IDPU             1               FR4                PCB       62      1.57    93.23        86.61    No                  Demise
  ELFIN             SIPS            1               FR4                PCB     31.13     1.37    90.68        86.61    No     —            Demise


         Mechoa:sPesas         *             FR4, various            85.05                 92.66    92.28   23.69   No   Demise
ELEIN       FGE brace          1          Aluminum 6061—T6            Box       46.97      10.16    §7.02   §7.17   No   Domise
                                          ———__———                      &                           Ts
             _                 &     is      ~aking                         2    otal) _     C                            t
            FGE strap .        1               Peek                  Box        4.27       5.84    78.26    10.16   No   Demise

ELFIN    T°‘q“sel’)Ll**                        Peek                             30.9       95.15   241.3    7.49    No   Demise
ELEIN    hiuon                                HTCCA                  Wire       43.7         —       —        «     No   Demise
ELFIN    T"rq“;;o‘f,‘l’“ —~A                   Peek                             31.9       85.73   243.84   16.64   No   Demise
ELEN     Terqueo ~ *                          HTCCA                  Wire       49.2         —       —        -     No   Demise
ELFIN    Battery Holders       2               Peek                 Block         26         82    83.83     8.53   No   Demise
ELFIN        Batteries         4   Molicel ICR18650J Lithium—ion   |_Cylinder   46.39       18.4    65.4       —    No   Demise
ELEIN      Battery Arcs        4         Aluminum 6061—T6            Block       3.61      16.71    5.74    28.35   No   Demise
ELEN          SBPCB            2               ER4                   PCB        28.78      55.83   55.88    16.16   No   Demise
ELEIN         FCPCB            1               FRa                   PCB          19       55.88   55.88    16.16   No   Demise
ELEIN         LETCI            1               FR4                   PeB         174       55.88   55.88    16.16   No   Demise
ELEIN         LETC             i               FRa                   PCB        15.63      55.88   55.88    16.16   No   Demise
ELFN           ACB             1               Fra                   Pes         17.8      55.88   55.88    16.16   No   Demise
ELEFIN         BETC            1               FRi                   PCB        40.44      55.88   55.88    16.16   No   Demise
ELFIN          Radio           1           FRA/Aluminum              PCB        a8.5         is     82       82     No   Demise


  Appendix C.            ElaNa-18 Component Listby CubeSat: SurfSat

                                                                                   Mas!; (g)    Diameter/    Length                     .High   Melting
Cl.JBESAT              Nuroo                Qt)'       Mareriul        Body Type    (tetal)    Width (nmll   (nun)
                                                                                                                      fleicbt (1D111)   Temp    Temp

 SurfSat              SurfSat                1               -             -           -            -          -             -            -        -         Demise
 SurfS at            PanelAA                 1      6061   Aluminum      Plate      70.21          83         213          1.5           No        -         Demise
 SurfS at            PanelBB                 1      6061   Aluminum      Plate      70.01          83         213          1.5           No        -         Demise
 SurfSat             PanelCC                 I      6061   Aluminum      Plate      70.21          83         213          1.5           No        -         Demise
 SurfSat             Pane!DD                 I      6061   Aluminum      Plate      70.01          83         213          1.5           No        -         Demise
 SurfSat           Panel Bottom              I      6061   Aluminum      Plate      34.06          97          97          1.5           No        -         Demise
 SurfS at            Panel Top               I      6061   Aluminum      Plate      34.06          97          97          1.5           No        -         Demise
 SurfS at         Comer Bracket b            2      6061   Aluminum       Rail      37.04         16.63       213         16.63          No        -         Demise
                                                                                                                                                   -         Demise ·
 SurfS at         Comer Brackefc             2      6061   Aluminum       Rail      37.74         16.63       213         16.63          No
 SurfS at         Comer Block A              4      6061   Aluminum      Block       4.34         16.63      16.63        14.37          No        -         Demise
 SurfSat          Corner Block A2            2      6061   Aluminum      Block       7.48         16.63      16.63        25.85          No        -         Demise
            Comer Block Separation Spring
 SurfSat                                     2      6061 Aluminum        Block       3.98         16.63      16.63        14.37          No        -         Demise
 SurfSat            70cm Antenna             2            Steel          Wire          1.4          1.2      162.14          -           No        -         Demise
 SurfS at           Antenna Hook             2         Aluminum          Hook      <I g each      10.16         17         6.36          No        -         Demise
 SurfS at         Antenna Standoff           4           Brass            Rod        9.02         4 .75        3.3           -           No        -         Demise
 SurfSat       Antenna Swing Assembly        2        PCB/Plastic        Plate         4.5          16       23.17         17.1          No        -         Demise
 SurfSat          Brass swing screw          2           Brass            Rod           I         4.76        17.46          -           No        -         Demise
 SurfS at   NiChrome Wire Mech Assembly      4        Teflon/Steel       Plate       4.39           30          10         12.6          No        -         Demise
 SurfSat       Langmuir Probe support        I            Steel          Tape        15.11         12.7      216.74        25.4          No        -         Demise
 SurfSat        Langmuir Probe cable         l        Coaxial cable      Cable        2.25         2 .8        220           -           No        -         Demise
 SurfS at         Solar Panel (Side)         4         PCB/Glass         Plate       27.98        82.55       95.25         2            No        -         Demise
 SurfSat          Solar Panel (Top)          2         PCB/Glass         Plate       30.13        93.98       93.98         2            No        -         Demise
 SurfSat             Limit switch            2           Plastic         Block          I         5.08         12.7        10.2          No        -         Demise
 SurfS at          Switch Plunger            2            Steel         Cylinder   <I g each       1.78       6.35          -            No        -         Demise
 SurfSat          Separation Spring          2       Stainless Steel    Cylinder   <I g each      3.45        11.31          -           No        -         Demise
 SurfS at          Mounting Plate            4      6061 Aluminum        Plate         42         82.55       95.25          I           No        -         Demise
 SurfSat            Sample Plate I           I      6061 Aluminum        Plate        7.62         63.5       63.5         0.7           No        -         Demise
 SurfSat             Paint sample            I     AZ-400-LSW paint                  <I g         63.5        63.5         0.6           No        -         Demise
 SurfS at           Sample Plate 2           I      6061 Aluminum        Plate        7.62         63.5       63.5         0.7           No        -         Demise
 SurfSat             Paint sample            I       AZI-4020 paint        -         <lg          63.5        63.5         0.6           No        -         Demise
 SurfSat            Sample Plate 3           1      6061 Aluminum        Plate        7.62         63.5       63.5         0.7           No        -         Demise
 SurfS at        Kapton Tape sample          I        Kapton Tape          -          <1 g         63.5       63.5         0.6           No        -         Demise
 SurfSat            Sample Plate 4           I     Anodized Aluminum     Plate        7.62         63.5       63.5           I           No        -         Demise
 SurfS at         Permanent Magnet           I           Alnico          Block         1.7         6.15        12.7        3.13          No        -         Demise


SurfSat            Hysteresis Rod             2     Permalloy 80   Cylinder   0.618     1      90       —    No   Demise
SurfSat          Raspberry Pi CCDR            2         PCB          Plate     70      87      125     14    No   Demise
SurfSat     Picoscope Oscilloscope Board      1         PCB          Plate     110    95.1    89.1    10.9   No   Demise
SurfSat         Langmuir probe board          1        PCB          Plate      30      125     104    22     No   Demise
SurfSat           Electrometer board          1        PCB          Plate      100     76.7    80.4   12.3   No   Demise
SurfSat     AntennaDeployment and Link        1        PCB          Plate     28.5    78.78   91.38   1.37   No   Demise
SurfSat              Comm Board               2        PCB          Plate     28.5      94      94     10    No   Demise
SurfSat              Battery Board            1         PCB         Plate     21.64    94      94     10     No   Demise
SurfSat      Battery charge tracking board    1         PCB         Plate      47.5    94      94     10     No   Demise
SurfSat              C&DH Board               1         PCB         Plate     13.29    94      94     10     No   Demise
SurfSat   Electronics Bottom Mounting Plate   1    6061 Aluminum    Plate     33.54    97      97     1.6    No   Demise
SurfSat             Fastening screw           58       Steel       Cylinder     >       &       z      —     No   Demise
SurfSat             Fastening screw           2        Steel       Cylinder     —       —       —      —     No   Demise
SurfSat       Electronics board standoff      28       Steel       Cylinder     —       z       —      >     No   Demise
SurfSat       Electronics board standoff      16       Steel       Cylinder             —       —      —     No   Demise
SurfSat           Limit switch bolt 1          2       Steel       Cylinder     s       —       —      z     No   Demise
SurfSat           Limit switch bolt 2         2        Steel       Cylinder     —               —      —     No   Demise
SurfSat            Gecko Connector             6       PCB           Plate      =       —       —      —     No   Demise
SurfSat             Coaxial cable             10    Copper alloy      —         —       =       —      —     No   Demise


Document Created: 2018-05-30 12:44:08
Document Modified: 2018-05-30 12:44:08

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