Accion Systems Testing Results

0254-EX-CN-2018 Text Documents

California Polytechnic State University


Accion Systems Inc.
529 Main Street, Suite 114 ∙ Boston ∙ MA 02129
Phone 617-500-2563

                     Accion Systems’ TILE Propellant Tank Environmental Testing
                               From December 20th, 2017 to July 24th, 2018

                                  Document release date: July 25th, 2018
                                         Updated: August 21st, 2018


Accion Systems Inc.
529 Main Street, Suite 114 ∙ Boston ∙ MA 02129
Phone 617-500-2563

Accion TILE Propellant Tank Testing i
Order of qualification testing on any test hardware is always 1) humidity, 2) vibration and 3) thermal testing ii. Qualification vibration testing is always started
immediately following humidity to ensure test hardware is fully saturated iii. All qualification-level vibration and thermal testing is done per NASA-GSFC-700A.

Additionally, each test article is exposed to vacuum (depressurized from ambient pressure) multiple times throughout its test lifecycle and subsequently
inspected for leaks. iv

Tests in Table 1 are grouped by hardware designation and are not chronological.
                                                    Table 1 List of TILE Propellant Tank Tests from December 20, 2017 to July 24, 2018

 Tests Run                Test Description       Test Objective              Test Levels            Pass/Fail            Test            Hardware Tested                    Results
                                                                                                    Criteria             Completion
 Lifetime Test            Thruster performance   Verify successful tank      1 microtorr            -Bi-polar            2018/2/16       TILE 50 Qualification Tank SN02    PASS –
                          test under vacuum      vacuum pump-down and        vacuum                 operation?                                                              successful bi-
                                                 thruster lifetime ion                              -Propellant leaks?                                                      polar
                                                 emission test                                                                                                              operation, no
                                                                                                                                                                            leaks detected
 Launch Vibration v       3-axis, random         Verify system can           Qualification level:   Propellant leaks?    2017/12/20      TILE 500 Prototype Tank 02         PASS – no
                          vibration              operate nominally after     14.1 grms per                                                                                  leaks detected
                                                 launch vibration            NASA-GSFC-700A
 Humidity Exposure        Long duration/high     Verify propellant water     Qualification level:   Propellant leaks?    2018/5/23       TILE 500 Prototype Tank 02         PASS – no
 Test vi                  humidity exposure      absorption does NOT         99%, 10 days                                                                                   leaks detected
                                                 cause liquid leaking
 Thermal Vacuum           Thermal stress test    Verify the system has no    Qualification level:   Propellant leaks?    2018/5/29       TILE 500 Prototype Tank 02         PASS – no
 Survivable               post-vibration         workmanship flaws and       -30 C to +90 C, <10                                                                            leaks detected
 Temperature Cycling                             functions nominally after   microtorr
                                                 thermal cycling
 Humidity Exposure Test   Long duration/high     Verify propellant water     Qualification level:   Propellant leaks?    2018/6/6        TILE 500 Qualification Tank SN03   PASS – no
                          humidity exposure      absorption does NOT         99%, 15 days                                                                                   leaks detected
                                                 cause liquid leaking
 Launch Vibration +       3-axis, random         Verify system can           Qualification level:   Propellant leaks?    2018/6/7        TILE 500 Qualification Tank SN03   PASS – no
 Depressurization         vibration while        operate nominally after     14.1 grms per                                                                                  leaks detected
                          depressurizing per     exposure to vibration       NASA-GSFC-700A
                          Falcon 9 launch        during depressurization
                          pressure profile
 Thermal Vacuum           Thermal stress test    Verify the system has no    Qualification level:   Propellant leaks?    2018/6/27       TILE 500 Qualification Tank SN03   PASS – no
 Survivable               post-vibration         workmanship flaws and       -30C to +90 C, <10                                                                             leaks detected
 Temperature Cycling                             functions nominally after   microtorr
                                                 thermal cycling

Accion Systems Inc.
529 Main Street, Suite 114 ∙ Boston ∙ MA 02129
Phone 617-500-2563
     Tests Run                Test Description          Test Objective            Test Levels            Pass/Fail           Test            Hardware Tested                    Results
                                                                                                         Criteria            Completion
    Humidity Exposure Test    Long duration/high        Verify propellant water   Qualification level:   Propellant leaks?   2018/6/6        TILE 500 Qualification Tank SN04   PASS – no
                              humidity exposure         absorption does NOT       99%, 36 days                                                                                  leaks detected
                                                        cause liquid leaking
    Launch Vibration +        3-axis, random            Verify system can         Qualification level:   Propellant leaks?   2018/6/26       TILE 500 Qualification Tank SN04   PASS – no
    Depressurization          vibration while           operate nominally after   14.1 grms per                                                                                 leaks detected
                              depressurizing per        exposure to vibration     NASA-GSFC-700A
                              Falcon 9 launch           during depressurization
                              pressure profile
    Humidity Exposure Test    Long duration/high        Verify propellant water   Qualification level:   Propellant leaks?   2018/7/24       TILE 500 Qualification Tank SN05   PASS – no
                              humidity exposure         absorption does NOT       99%, 96 days                                                                                  leaks detected
                                                        cause liquid leaking
    Launch Vibration +        3-axis, random            Verify system can         Qualification level:   Propellant leaks?   2018/5/4        TILE 500 Qualification Tank SN05   PASS – no
    Depressurization (rapid   vibration while rapidly   operate nominally after   14.1 grms per                                                                                 leaks detected
    depressurizing)           depressurizing (worst     exposure to vibration     NASA-GSFC-700A
    Run 1 of 4 vii            case)                     during depressurization
    Launch Vibration +        3-axis, random            Verify system can         Qualification level:   Propellant leaks?   2018/5/4        TILE 500 Qualification Tank SN05   PASS – no
    Depressurization (rapid   vibration while rapidly   operate nominally after   14.1 grms per                                                                                 leaks detected
    depressurizing)           depressurizing (worst     exposure to vibration     NASA-GSFC-700A
    Run 2 of 4                case)                     during depressurization
    Launch Vibration +        3-axis, random            Verify system can         Qualification level:   Propellant leaks?   2018/5/4        TILE 500 Qualification Tank SN05   PASS – no
    Depressurization (rapid   vibration while rapidly   operate nominally after   14.1 grms per                                                                                 leaks detected
    depressurizing)           depressurizing (worst     exposure to vibration     NASA-GSFC-700A
    Run 3 of 4                case)                     during depressurization
    Launch Vibration +        3-axis, random            Verify system can         Qualification level:   Propellant leaks?   2018/5/4        TILE 500 Qualification Tank SN05   PASS – no
    Depressurization (rapid   vibration while rapidly   operate nominally after   14.1 grms per                                                                                 leaks detected
    depressurizing)           depressurizing (worst     exposure to vibration     NASA-GSFC-700A
    Run 4 of 4                case)                     during depressurization
    Launch Vibration +        3-axis, long duration,    Verify system can         NASA-GSFC-700A         Propellant leaks?   2018/5/4        TILE 500 Qualification Tank SN05   PASS – no
    Depressurization (long    random vibration          operate nominally after   Qualification level:                                                                          leaks detected
    duration + rapid          while rapidly             exposure to vibration     +20% grms &
    depressurizing)           depressurizing            during depressurization   +100% duration
                              (extreme worst case)
    Humidity Exposure Test    Long duration/high        Verify propellant water   Qualification level:   Propellant leaks?   2018/3/7 thru   TILE Qualification Tank SN1 thru   PASS – no
                              humidity exposure         absorption does NOT       99%, 12+ days                              2018/6/20       SN40                               leaks detected
                                                        cause liquid leaking

    Inspection occurs pre and post test; each design is inspected before and after each test both visually and with use of leak detection equipment

Accion Systems Inc.
529 Main Street, Suite 114 ∙ Boston ∙ MA 02129
Phone 617-500-2563

   Deviation from this order of testing is acceptable only if supported by engineering analysis
    See above (ii)
    Multiple depressurizations: the test articles are placed inside vacuum chambers and exposed to at least millitorr pressures during a depressurization
   Test done out of order as developmental test to qualification levels
    During humidity testing, the test hardware is exposed to high humidity continuously per the levels specified except for mass measurements taken outside the chamber
    TILE 500 Qualification Tank SN05 was subjected to multiple, harsh (rapid) depressurization profiles and an extended duration vibration test for design verification


Document Created: 2018-08-21 18:47:49
Document Modified: 2018-08-21 18:47:49

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