0042-EX-CN-2016 Text Documents

California Polytechnic State University


Rev 1

            Orbital Debris Assessment for
              the IRVINE01 CubeSat
             per NASA-STD 8719.14A


Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)


                                   Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)


  A. NASA Procedural Requirements for Limiting Orbital Debris Generation, NPR 8715.6A, 5
     February 2008
  B. Process for Limiting Orbital Debris, NASA-STD-8719.14A, 25 May 2012
  C. McKissock, Barbara, Patricia Loyselle, and Elisa Vogel. Guidelines on Lithium-ion
     Battery Use in Space Applications. Tech. no. RP-08-75. NASA Glenn Research Center
     Cleveland, Ohio
  D. UL Standard for Safety for Lithium Batteries, UL 1642. UL Standard. 4th ed. Northbrook,
     IL, Underwriters Laboratories, 2007
  E. Kwas, Robert. Thermal Analysis of ELaNa-4 CubeSat Batteries, ELVL-2012-0043254;
     Nov 2012
  F. Range Safety User Requirements Manual Volume 3- Launch Vehicles, Payloads, and
     Ground Support Systems Requirements, AFSCM 91-710 V3.
  G. UL Standard for Safety for Household and Commercial Batteries, UL 2054. UL
     Standard. 2nd ed. Northbrook, IL, Underwriters Laboratories, 2005
  H. HQ OSMA Policy Memo/Email to 8719.14: CubeSat Battery Non-Passivation, Suzanne
     Aleman to Justin Treptow, 10, March 2014


                                 Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

              Table 1: Orbital Debris Requirement Compliance Matrix
Requirement              Compliance Assessment     Comments
4.3-1a                   Not applicable            No planned debris release
4.3-1b                   Not applicable            No planned debris release
4.3-2                    Not applicable            No planned debris release
4.4-1                    Compliant                 On board energy source
                                                   (batteries) incapable of debris-
                                                   producing failure
4.4-2                    Compliant                 On board energy source
                                                   (batteries) incapable of debris-
                                                   producing failure
4.4-3                    Not applicable            No planned breakups
4.4-4                    Not applicable            No planned breakups
4.5-1                    Compliant
4.5-2                    Compliant
4.6-1(a)                 Compliant                 Worst case lifetime 4.5 years
4.6-1(b)                 Not applicable
4.6-1(c)                 Not applicable
4.6-2                    Not applicable
4.6-3                    Not applicable
4.6-4                    Not applicable            Passive disposal
4.6-5                    Compliant
4.7-1                    Compliant                 Non-credible risk of human
4.8-1                    Compliant                 No planned tether release
                                                   under IRVINE01 mission


                                                    Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

                                       ODAR Table of Contents
Section 1 (Program Management and Mission Overview)............................................................6

Section 2 (Spacecraft Description).................................................................................................8

Section 3 (Assessment of Spacecraft Debris Released during Normal Operations)…………......9

Section 4 (Assessment of Spacecraft Intentional Breakups and Potential for Explosions)...........10

Section 5 (Assessment of Spacecraft Potential for On-Orbit Collisions): ………………………11

Section 6 (Assessment of Spacecraft Post-mission Disposal Plans and Procedures)....................12

Section 7 (Assessment of Spacecraft Reentry Hazards)................................................................14

Section 8 (Assessment for Tether Missions).................................................................................20


                                        Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

ODAR Section 1: Program Management and Mission Overview

Project Manager: Tinh Tran
Foreign Government or Space Agency Participation: The Ecuadorian Space Agency (EXA)
will provide many of the necessary parts for the CubeSat including the batteries and the solar
panels. Russia will control the launch vehicle, a Depnr vehicle, that will be launched from
Yasny, Russia.
Schedule of Upcoming Mission Milestones:
       Mission kickoff date: March 1, 2016
       Design review date: April 29, 2016
       Delivery date: November 11, 2016
       Tentative Launch Date: March 1, 2017
Mission Overview:
IRVINE01 will be dispensed from an ISIPOD 3U CubeSat dispenser into an estimated orbit of
714 km Apogee and 598 km Perigee with an inclination of 97.74 degrees. The mission is
expected to remain in orbit for 1659 days or approximately 4.5 years without use of our thrusters
to adjust our orbit. During this time, our payload will take pictures of celestial objects, not
including the Earth, as well as collect other data using our sun sensors, GPS, and other necessary
ODAR Summary:
No debris released in normal operations; no credible scenario for breakups; the collision
probability with other objects is compliant with NASA standards; and the estimated nominal
decay lifetime due to atmospheric drag is under 25 years following operations.
Launch Vehicle and Launch Site:
Dnepr, Yasny, Russia
Proposed Launch Date:
March 1, 2017
Mission Duration:
Normal mission operations will take place until contact is lost, or some other mission detrimental
factor causes a failure of essential systems. The natural decay time of the CubeSat is 1659 days


                                      Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

assuming we do not use our thrusters. Upon use of our thrusters, we will make the proper
adjustments to our orbit listing.
Launch and deployment profile, including all parking, transfer, and operational orbits
with apogee, perigee, and inclination:
The Dnepr launch vehicle will be dispensing various payloads into a nearly circular 600 km sun-
synchronous orbit.
IRVINE01 will decay from an orbit defined as follows assuming no orbit adjustments with our
        Apogee: 714 km
        Perigee: 598 km
        Orbital Inclination: 97.74 degrees
IRVINE01 does include thrusters and ergo has the ability to actively change its orbit. Any orbital
changes will be coordinated with the JSpOC.


                                     Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

ODAR Section 2: Spacecraft Description

Physical description of the spacecraft: IRVINE01 conforms to the 1U CubeSat specification,
with a launch mass of 1.2 kg. Basic physical dimensions are 100mm x 100mm x 106mm, with
two solar panels with 170mm x 85mm x 2mm extended dimensions. The IRVINE01 solar panel
structure is comprised of two 100mm x 100mm plates that are extended. The solar arrays are
spring-loaded and burn-wire deployed. Power storage is provided by Lithium-Ion cells. The
batteries will be recharged by solar cells mounted on the body of the satellite and on the two
deployable solar panels. IRVINE01 attitude is approximately determined using the magnetic
field vector, measured by onboard magnetometers. The IRVINE01’s attitude will be controlled
by a 3-axis magnetorquer controller.
Total satellite mass at launch, including all propellants and fluids: ~1.2 kg.
Dry mass of satellites at launch, excluding solid rocket motor propellants: ~1.2 kg
Description of all propulsion systems (cold gas, monopropellant, bipropellant, electric,
nuclear): Electric
Identification, including mass and pressure, of all fluids (liquids and gases) planned to be
on board and a description of the fluid loading plan or strategies, excluding fluids in sealed
heat pipes: Unpressurized ionic liquid
Fluids in Pressurized Batteries: None


                                     Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

ODAR Section 3: Assessment of Spacecraft Debris Released during Normal
Identification of any object (>1 mm) expected to be released from the spacecraft any time
after launch, including object dimensions, mass, and material: There are no intentional

Rationale/necessity for release of each object: N/A.

Time of release of each object, relative to launch time: N/A.

Release velocity of each object with respect to spacecraft: N/A.

Expected orbital parameters (apogee, perigee, and inclination) of each object after release:

Calculated orbital lifetime of each object, including time spent in Low Earth Orbit (LEO):

Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.3-1 and 4.3-2 (per DAS v2.0.1)
4.3-1, Mission Related Debris Passing Through LEO: NOT APPLICCABLE
4.3-2, Mission Related Debris Passing Near GEO: NOT APPLICCABLE


                                       Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

ODAR Section 4: Assessment of Spacecraft Intentional Breakups and Potential for

There are NO plans for designed spacecraft breakups, explosions, or intentional collisions on the
IRVINE01 mission.
The probability of battery explosion is very low, and, due to the very small mass of the satellites
and their short orbital lifetimes the effect of an explosion on the far-term LEO environment is
negligible (ref (H)).

The CubeSats batteries still meet Req. 56450 (4.4-2) by virtue of the HQ OSMA policy
regarding CubeSat battery disconnect stating;

“CubeSats as a satellite class need not disconnect their batteries if flown in LEO with orbital
lifetimes less than 25 years.” (ref. (H)).

Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.4-1 through 4.4-4 shows that with a
maximum possible lifetime of 4.5 years the IRVINE01 CubeSat is compliant.


                                     Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

ODAR Section 5: Assessment of Spacecraft Potential for On-Orbit Collisions

Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.5-1 and 4.5-2 (per DAS v2.0.1,
and calculation methods provided in NASA-STD-8719.14, section 4.5.4):

      Requirement 4.5-1: Limiting debris generated by collisions with large objects when
      operating in Earth orbit:
         For each spacecraft and launch vehicle orbital stage in or passing through LEO, the
       program or project shall demonstrate that, during the orbital lifetime of each spacecraft
      and orbital stage, the probability of accidental collision with space objects larger than 10
          cm in diameter is less than 0.001 (Requirement 56506).

      Large Object Impact and Debris Generation Probability: (DAS 2.0.2)
            IRVINE01; Collision Probability: 0.00000;      COMPLIANT.

      The above analysis results are a product of the DAS 2.0.2 software. We then assume hard
      spheres of diameter 1 m for IRVINE01

      Requirement 4.5-2: Limiting debris generated by collisions with small objects when
      operating in Earth or lunar orbit:
      For each spacecraft, the program or project shall demonstrate that, during the mission of
      the spacecraft, the probability of accidental collision with orbital debris and meteoroids
      sufficient to prevent compliance with the applicable post-mission disposal requirements
      is less than 0.01 (Requirement 56507).

      Small Object Impact and Debris Generation Probability:
      IRVINE01; Collision Probability: 0.00000      COMPLIANT.

      Identification of all systems or components required to accomplish any post-mission
      disposal operation, including passivation and maneuvering:
      No post-mission disposal procedures are necessary, since the satellite’s orbit will
      naturally decay within 4.5 years.


                                      Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

ODAR Section 6: Assessment of Spacecraft Post-mission Disposal Plans and

6.1: Description of Spacecraft Disposal Option Selected:
        IRVINE01 will de-orbit naturally by atmospheric re-entry within 4.5 years. All
components will burn up during re-entry.

6.2: Plan for Any Spacecraft Maneuvers Required to Accomplish Post-Mission Disposal:
        No maneuvers are required.

6.3: Calculation of Area-to-Mass Ratio After Post-Mission Disposal, if the Controlled Re-
entry Option is Not Selected:
       Spacecraft Mass: 1.2 kg
       Cross-Sectional Area: 141cm2

6.4: Assessment of Spacecraft Compliance with Requirements 4.6-1 Through 4.6-5 (per
DAS v. 2.0.1 and NASA-STD-8719.14 Section):
       Requirement 4.6-1: Disposal for Space Structures Passing Through LEO:
       A spacecraft or orbital stage with a perigee altitude below 2000 km shall be disposed of
by one of three methods (Requirement 56557):
    a. Atmospheric Re-Entry Option:
            ○ Leave the space structure in an orbit in which natural forces will lead to
               atmospheric reentry within 25 years after the completion of mission by no more
               than 30 years after launch.
            ○ Maneuver the space structure into a controlled de-orbit trajectory as soon as
               practical after completion of mission.\
    b. Storage Orbit Option:
            ○ Maneuver the space structure into an orbit with perigee altitude greater than
               2000 km and apogee less than GEO - 500 km.
    c. Direct Retrieval:
            ○ Retrieve the space structure and remove it from orbit within 10 years after
               completion of mission.
Analysis: The IRVINE01 satellite re-entry is COMPLIANT using method “I”.


                                     Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

       Requirement 4.6-2: Disposal for Space Structures Near GEO:
       Analysis: Not Applicable.

       Requirement 4.6-3: Disposal for Space Structures Between LEO and GEO:
       Analysis: Not Applicable.

        Requirement 4.6-4: Reliability of Post-Mission Disposal Operations:
        Analysis: The maximum drag configuration is the aerodynamically stable state, meaning
that even under massive subsystem failure we would eventually assume this orientation.


                                      Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

ODAR Section 7: Assessment of Spacecraft Reentry Hazards

Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirement 4.7-1:

       Requirement 4.7-1: Limit the risk of human casualty:
       The potential for human casualty is assumed for any object with an impacting kinetic
       energy in excess of 15 joules:
       a) For uncontrolled reentry, the risk of human casualty from surviving debris shall not
       exceed 0.0001 (1:10,000) (Requirement 56626).

       Summary Analysis Results: DAS v2.0.1 reports that IRVINE01 is compliant with the
       requirement. There will be no risk of human casualty during reentry because it will
       completely burn up in the atmosphere.

=============== End of Requirement 4.3-1 ===============
06 19 2012; 16:57:52PM Processing Requirement 4.3-2: Return Status : Passed

=============== End of Requirement 4.3-2 ===============
06 19 2012; 16:57:57PM Requirement 4.4-3: Compliant

=============== End of Requirement 4.4-3 ===============
06 19 2012; 16:58:03PM Processing Requirement 4.5-1: Return Status : Passed

Run Data

       Space Structure Name = IRVINE01
       Space Structure Type = Payload
       Perigee Altitude = 400.000000 (km)
       Apogee Altitude = 650.000000 (km)
       Inclination = 97.790000 (deg)
       RAAN = 0.000000 (deg)
       Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
       Mean Anomaly = 0.000000 (deg)
       Final Area-To-Mass Ratio = 0.036538 (m^2/kg)
       Start Year = 2017.4166667 (yr)


                                  Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

     Initial Mass = 1.2 (kg)
     Final Mass = 0.9 (kg)
     Duration = 3.000000 (yr)
     Station-Kept = True
     Abandoned = False
     PMD Perigee Altitude = N/A
     PMD Apogee Altitude = N/A
     PMD Inclination = N/A
     PMD RAAN = 0.000000 (deg)
     PMD Argument of Perigee = N/A
     PMD Mean Anomaly = N/A


     Collision Probability = 0.000011
     Returned Error Message: Normal
     Processing Date Range Error Message: Normal Date Range
     Status = Pass

     =============== End of Requirement 4.5-1 ===============
     06 19 2012; 16:58:10PM Requirement 4.5-2: Compliant
     06 19 2012; 16:58:23PM Processing Requirement 4.6   Return Status : Passed
     Project Data


             Space Structure Name = IRVINE01
             Space Structure Type = Payload
             Perigee Altitude = 400.000000 (km)
             Apogee Altitude = 650.000000 (km)
             Inclination = 97.790000 (deg)
             RAAN = 0.000000 (deg)
             Argument of Perigee = 0.000000 (deg)
             Mean Anomaly = 0.000000 (deg)
             Final Area-To-Mass Ratio = 0.036538 (m^2/kg)
             Start Year = 2017.4166667 (yr)


                                   Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

             Initial Mass = 1 (kg)
             Final Mass = 0.9 (kg)
             Duration = 3.000000 (yr)
             Station-Kept = True
             Abandoned = False
             PMD Perigee Altitude = N/A
             PMD Apogee Altitude = N/A
             PMD Inclination = N/A
             PMD RAAN = 0.000000 (deg)
             PMD Argument of Perigee = N/A
             PMD Mean Anomaly = N/A

           Suggested Perigee Altitude = 595.700000 (km)
           Suggested Apogee Altitude = 799.000000 (km)
           Returned Error Message = Passes LEO reentry orbit criteria.

             Released Year = 2029 (yr)
             Requirement = 61 Compliance
             Status = Pass


             =============== End of Requirement 4.6 ===============
             06 19 2012; 16:59:04PM *********Processing Requirement 4.7-1
                    Return Status : Passed

Item Number = 1

name = IRVINE01
quantity = 1
parent = 0
type = Box
Aero Mass = 1.200000
Thermal Mass = 1.200000
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.106000
Height = 0.100000


                            Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

name = Camera
quantity = 1 parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.370000
Thermal Mass = 0.370000
Diameter/Width = 0.060000
Length = 0.080000
Height = 0.060000

quantity = 8
parent = 1
materialID = 46
type = Cylinder
Aero Mass = 0.026000
Thermal Mass = 0.026000
Diameter/Width = 0.014000
Length = 0.065000
name = Structure
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Box
Aero Mass = 1.280000
Thermal Mass = 1.280000
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.340000
Height = 0.100000

name = Solar Arrays
quantity = 8
parent = 1
materialID = 24
type = Flat Plate
Aero Mass = 0.050000
Thermal Mass = 0.050000
Diameter/Width = 0.080000
Length = 0.300000


                                   Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

name = Avionics
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 23
type = Box
Aero Mass = 0.200000
Thermal Mass = 0.200000
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.100000
Height = 0.100000

name = Optical Tube
quantity = 1
parent = 1
materialID = 72
type = Cylinder
Aero Mass = 2.080000
Thermal Mass = 2.080000
Diameter/Width = 0.091000
Length = 0.200000

name = +/- X Structure Walls
quantity = 2
parent = 1
materialID = 5
type = Flat Plate
Aero Mass = 0.200000
Thermal Mass = 0.200000
Diameter/Width = 0.100000
Length = 0.300000

Item Number = 1

name = IRVINE0-1
Demise Altitude = 77.999691
Debris Casualty Area= 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000


                               Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

name = Camera
Demise Altitude = 72.690324
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Batteries
Demise Altitude = 74.279746
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Structure
Demise Altitude = 73.855996
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

*********************** **************
name = Solar Arrays
Demise Altitude = 77.857871
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.0000

name = Avionics
Demise Altitude = 76.855277
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000

name = Optical Tube
Demise Altitude = 0.000000
Debris Casualty Area = 0.540089
Impact Kinetic Energy = 2419.714355

name =+/-X Structure Walls


                                      Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR)

Demise Altitude = 76.366027
Debris Casualty Area = 0.000000
Impact Kinetic Energy = 0.000000


=============== End of Requirement 4.7-1 ===============

Requirements 4.7-1b, and 4.7-1c below are non-applicable requirements because IRVINE01
does not use controlled reentry.

4.7-1, b) NOT APPLICABLE. For controlled re-entry, the selected trajectory shall ensure that
no surviving debris impact with a kinetic energy greater than 15 joules is closer than 370 km
from foreign land masses, or is within 50 km from the continental U.S., territories of the U.S.,
and the permanent ice pack of Antarctica (Requirement 56627).

4.7-1, c) NOT APPLICABLE. For controlled re-entries, the product of the probability of
failure of the re-entry burn (from Requirement 4.6-4.b) and the risk of human casualty assuming
uncontrolled re-entry shall not exceed 0.0001 (1:10,000) (Requirement 56628))

ODAR Section 8: Assessment for Tether Missions
Not applicable. There are no tethers in the IRVINE01 mission.


Document Created: 1480-04-26 00:00:00
Document Modified: 1480-04-26 00:00:00

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