0340-EX-ST-2014 Text Documents

CP Communications LLC


Bill Hurlock
Sent:                Monday, April 28, 2014 10:49 AM
To:                  Bill Hurlock;;
Cc:        ;;;;
Subject:             AFTRCC ICN 1210-14/5076A (CPCommunications STA/Tour of California-Multiple Locations, CA)

Please note comments by DOD Western AFC. CPCommunications should provide this office with a STOP BUZZER POC for southern
California portion of tour due to potential conflicts with aeronautical flight testing. Please note that stages 5,6, and 7
are within Radio Line of Sight of 3 separate test ranges.

This email is your AFTRCC coordination.

This coordination includes this header information, DOD Area Frequency Coordinator comments and AFTRCC comments. These
messages must not be separated.

This coordination is advisory only and not binding on the FCC. Applicants are advised that this coordination does not
constitute a judgment that the frequency(ies) is best suited for the applicant's purpose nor that the frequency(ies) is
exclusive to the applicant. Flight Test frequencies are shared and may require scheduling with other users.

In return for AFTRCC's processing of the applicant's coordination request, the applicant agrees to release and hold harmless
AFTRCC, its officers, directors, agents, members, and representatives from any claims, losses or expenses that may arise
from the use of the frequency.

This coordination is not an authorization to transmit. A copy of this coordination must accompany application to the FCC.

Wayne Morris
AFTRCC Telemetry Coordinator

-----Original Message-----
From: Heaton, Jamie CIV NAVAIR, 52370MD []
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 9:20 AM
To: Morris, Wayne L @ ISG - MID
Cc: Foltz, Andrew P CIV NAVAIR, 52140MD; Hernandez, Michael A NAVAIR; Bill Hurlock (
Subject: RE: AFTRCC ICN 1210-14/5076A (CPCommunications STA/Tour of California-Multiple Locations, CA)


WAFC concurs with CPCommunications CA bike tour event on a non-interference basis. WAFC ctrl nbr 14-278. I cannot ensure
there operations are not interfered with in L &S band due to their close proximity to three DOD test ranges in the final 4
stages of the race. Please ensure they provide a STOPBUZZER POC name and phone number to the WAFC. Thank you,

Jamie Heaton, CIV
DOD Western Area Frequency Coordinator
M/S 3008 130 Easy Road
China Lake CA 93555
Code 52140MD
Comm: 760-939-6832
DSN: 437-6832

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
AFMO CONCUR WITH AFTRCC ICN 1210-14/5076A (CPCommunications STA/Tour of California-Multiple Locations, CA (Livermore,
Sacramento, Folsom, San Jose, CA )) Corrected. COORDINATION NUMBER AFMO140279//GUILLO-LUIS.G.SANCHEZ10.CIV@MAIL.MIL-210-221-

C024 Comments: DoD database check shows no conflicting DoD assignments within 50 mile radius

COM: 210-221-0454
DSN: 312-471-0454

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 1:24 PM
To: Heaton, Jamie CIV NAVAIR, 52370MD
Subject: RE: AFTRCC ICN 1210-14/5076A (CPCommunications STA/Tour of California-Multiple Locations, CA)

CPCommunications (Bill Hurlock) @ 856-234-1661

-----Original Message-----

From: Morris, Wayne L @ ISG - MID

Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 10:26 AM
To: 'Sanchez, Luis G (Guillo) CIV USARMY (US)'; 'Hernandez, Michael A NAVAIR'
Cc: Sanchez, Edwin (Ed) CIV USARMY HQDA CIO G-6 (US); Szelog, John CIV NAVAIR, 52370MD; Foltz, Andrew P CIV NAVAIR, 52140MD
Subject: AFTRCC ICN 1210-14/5076A (CPCommunications STA/Tour of California-Multiple Locations, CA)

AFTRCC concurs with and requests DOD AFMO-US&P and DOD Western AFC concurrence/

coordination    on the following request. This proposal is in 2 parts.

Part 1 for AFMO-US&P

Stage 1

Frequencies:    1435-1460.0 MHz / 1500-1525.0 MHz Center frequencies are 1440.0/1455.0/1505.0/1520.0

Station Class:   MOEA

Emission:   10M0D7W

Power:    10 watts   (ERP)

Location:   Start/End    Sacramento, CA   (38-50-36N 121-00-52W/38-34-42N 121-29-44)

MIRAD:    44.6 miles   (71.8KM)


Max Operating Altitude:      8,000AGL

Dates:    2014-05-05 thru 2014-05-11     (intermittent usage)

AFTRCC comments:      aircraft will serve as an airborne receive site for ground

transmitted video etc and relay link to additional central ground distribution site.

Non interference basis to Flight Test telemetry. This is an annual event with

no previous issues reported.

Stage 2 (same as Stage 1 except)

Location:   Start/End     Folsom, CA    (38-40-39N 121-10-36W/38-40-37N 121-10-46W)

MIRAD:    5.9 miles   (9.6KM)

Date:    2014-05-12

Stage 3   (same as Stage 1 except)

Location:   Start/    Livermore, CA     (37-37-47N 121-42-22)

                      End/ San Jose, CA    (37-52-53N 121-54-53W)


MIRAD:    30 miles    (48.5KM)

Date:    2014-05-13

Stage 1

Frequencies:    2360-2390.0 MHz

Station Class:      MOEC

Emission:   10M0D7W

Power:    10 watts    (ERP)

Location:   (Start/End)       Sacramento, CA   (38-34-42N 121-29-44W)

MIRAD:    2 miles    (3.2KM)

Dates:    2014-05-05 thru 2014-05-11     (intermittent usage)

AFTRCC comments:      Ground camera(s) transmitting to aircraft relay station.


Stage 2    (Same as Stage 1 except)

Location:   (Start/End)    Folsom, CA   (38-40-37N 121-10-46W)

MIRAD:    2 miles   (3.2 KM)

Date:    2014-05-12

Stage 3    (Same as Part 1 except)

Location:   San Jose, CA       (37-52-53N 121-54-53W)

MIRAD:    2 miles   (3.2 KM)

Date:    2014-05-13

PART 2 for DOD Western AFC

Stage 4:

Frequencies:    1435-1460.0 MHz / 1510-1525.0 MHz


Station Class:   MOEA

Emission:   10M0D7W

Power:    10 watts    (ERP)

Location:   Start/Lafler Rock, CA         (36-10-15N 121-40-44W)

                       End/Cambria, CA      (35-33-53N 121-05-49W)

MIRAD:    61.7 miles   (99.3 KM)

Max operating altitude:       8,000 AGL

Date:    2014-05-14

AFTRCC comments:      aircraft will serve as an airborne receive site for ground

transmitted video etc and relay link to additional central ground distribution site.

Non interference basis to Flight Test telemetry. This is an annual event with

no previous issues reported.

Stage 5   (same as Stage 4 except)


Location:   Start/Sisquoc, CA      (34-51-11N 120-15-37W)

                       End/Santa Barbara, CA    (34-24-53N 119-40-58W)

MIRAD:    52.6 miles   (84.6 KM)

Date:    2014-05-15

Stage 6   (same as Stage 4 except)

Location:   Start/Desert Highlands, CA       (34-35-23N 118-11-09W)

                       Stop/Mountain High, CA    (34-23-06N 117-41-12W)

MIRAD:    42.5 miles   (68.4 KM)

Date:    2014-05-16

Stage 7   (same as Stage 4 except)

Location:   Start/Los Angeles, CA      (34-24-22N 118-04-31W)

                       Stop/Pasadena, CA    (34-08-51N 118-08-42W)


MIRAD:    33.5 miles   (53.9 KM)

Date:    2014-05-17

Stage 8   (same as Stage 4 except)

Location:   Start/End    Thousand Oaks, CA   (34-09-14N 118-49-33W)

MIRAD:    18.5 miles   (29.8 KM)

Date:    2014-05-18

Stage 4

Frequencies:    2360-2390.0 MHz

Station Class:   MOEC

Emission:   10M0D7W

Power:    10 watts    (ERP)


Location:   Cambria, CA     (35-33-53N 121-05-49W)

MIRAD:    2 miles   (3.2 KM)

Date:    2014-05-14

AFTRCC comments:      Ground station to aircraft relay.

Stage 5   (same as Stage 4 except)

Location:   Santa Barbara, CA    (34-24-53N 119-40-58W)

MIRAD:    2 miles   (3.2 KM)

Date:    2014-05-15

Stage 6   (same as Stage 4 except)

Location:   Mountain High, CA    (34-23-06N 117-41-12W)

Date:    2014-05-16

Stage 7   (same as Stage 4 except)

Location:   Pasadena, CA   (34-08-51N 118-08-42W)

MIRAD:    2 miles   (3.2 KM)

Date:    2014-05-17

Stage 8   (same as stage 4 except)

Location:   Thousand Oaks, CA   (34-09-14N 118-49-33W)

MIRAD:    2 miles   (3.2 KM)

Date:    2014-05-18

Please reply via return email as to concurrence/non concurrence, scheduling, or other comments.



Wayne Morris

AFTRCC Telemetry Coordinator



Document Created: 2014-04-28 11:01:50
Document Modified: 2014-04-28 11:01:50

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