Application for Modification of Experimental Radio Licenses

4797-EX-ML-1995 Text Documents



                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                              RECEIVED
                                  Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                                                     MAR — 1 1996
                                                                             FEQERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMi©::!<
In the Matter of                           )                                         OFFICE OF SECRETARY
COMSAT RSI, Inc.                           )   File Nos. 4797—EX—ML—95
                                           )             4798—EX—ML—95
Application for Modification of            )
Experimental Radio Licenses                )
Call Signs KM2XRE and KK2XFV               )
To:    The Office of Engineering and Technology
       Experimental Licensing Branch


       COMSAT RSI, Inc. (*CRSI"), by its attorneys, hereby moves the Commission to accept

the attached Supplemental Filing to the Consolidated Petition for Limited Reconsideration

("Petition") CRSI filed on November 13, 1995, pursuant to Section 1.106 of the Commission‘s

Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.106 (1994). The engineering analyses included in the Supplemental Filing

were not available when the Petition was filed. No parties have filed in opposition to CRSI‘s

Petition. Accordingly, no parties will be prejudiced by this Supplemental Filing.

                                           Respectfully submitted,
                                           COMSAT RSI, Inc.

Of Counsel:
                                    m L L ed
                                           Harold A. Siegel, Esq.
                                           Vice President, Legal Affairs
Philip V. Permut                           COMSAT RSI, Inc.
Edward A. Yorkgitis, Jr.                   1501 Moran Road
KELLEY DRYE & WARREN                       Sterling, Virginia 20166
1200 19th Street, N.W., Suite 500          703—450—5680
Washington, D.C. 20036

February 29, 1996

                                                                                       MAR — 1 1996
                                 Before the
                           L       ICATIONS COMMISSION                         FE2ERAL COMMUNIC        COMMiSSH‘ .
                                                                                             OF ATIONSABY
                     FEDERA COMMUN
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554
In the Matter of

COMSAT RSI, Inc.                                File Nos. 4797—EX—ML—95
Application for Modification of
Experimental Radio Licenses
Call Signs KM2XRE and KK2XFV

To:    The Office of Engineering and Technology
       Experimental Licensing Branch

                       SUPPLEMENTAL FILING TO

       COMSAT RSI, Inc. ("CRSI"), by its attorneys, respectfully submits this Supplemental

Filing to its Consolidated Petition for Limited Reconsideration ("Petition") filed on November

13, 1995, pursuant to Section 1.106 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.106 (1994). The

Petition sought, in part, reconsideration of the Branch‘s decision to deny use of the frequencies

1088 MHz and 1213 MHz in the above—captioned experimental licenses. As indicated in the

Petition, the addition of 1088 MHz and 1213 MHz will further the public interest by facilitating

CRSI‘s program of testing the TACAN antennas of the FAA and U.S. Navy, as well as

associated commercial and foreign customers.         These tests will ensure that newly deployed

TACAN antennas will operate to promote air traffic safety. CRSI respectfully requests that the

Commission grant the Petition and authorize the use of 1088 MHz and 1213 MHz by adding

these frequencies to the above—captioned licenses.

       There is little chance that the proposed test signals, which would not be modulated, could

interfere with airborne IFF receivers, which are designed to detect pulse—modulated IFF radar

signals.   Even in the unlikely event that an unmodulated signal would confuse an IFF receiver,

the analysis attached in Exhibit 1 demonstrates that, if authorized, CRSI experimental operations

at the Arcola test range in the band 1080 — 1100 MHz and at 1213 MHz would not produce

detectable signal levels in airborne IFF receivers. Specifically, Exhibit 1 shows that an airplane

would have to fly at an extremely low altitude —— less than 500 ft. —— at approximately 6000 feet

from the test sites, for its IFF receiver to even detect a signal from the proposed experimental

operations. Similarly, an airplane would have to fly below 500 ft. at a distance of about 17,000

feet for its TACAN receiver to detect CRSI‘s operations. It would not be reasonable to assume

that an airplane would be in such positions, because the test antenna is pointed away from the

nearest airport (Dulles), seven miles away. Signals from operations at the Sterling plant would

be even further attenuated —— at least 40 dB —— because all operations are indoors."

       Similarly, the chances of a TACAN receiver even detecting the proposed test signal is

extremely remote because the Arcola site is approximately 90 miles from the closest TACAN

site tuned to frequencies within the range 1080 — 1100 MHz.          The Dulles airport TACAN

frequency is 1169 MHz and, thus, airborne receivers in the vicinity of the test sites would be

tuned to this frequency, not the frequencies requested herein.? The nearest facility using the

1213 MHz frequency is Westminister, MD (EMI), which is 55 miles distant. As noted above,

the operations at the Sterling plant, which is only a few miles from the Arcola site, are even less

likely to be detectable. Accordingly, CRSI‘s experimental operations would not interfere with

airborne TACAN receivers.

U      See Exhibit 2.

2      See Exhibit 1.

       Additionally, CRSI notes that on January 25, 1996, the FAA acceded to CRSI‘s request

for special temporary authorization to operate in the 1080 — 1100 MHz band at the Sterling and

Arcola sites at power levels of 4 watts ERP and 2 watts ERP, respectively.        Subject to the

special condition that the "authorization may be subject to further modification if deemed

necessary to avoid interference," the Commission therefore granted an STA to CRSI on January

26, 1996.5

       In sum, CRSI believes the enclosed analysis further demonstrates that use of the 1088

MHz and 1213 MHz frequencies, as proposed in CRSI‘s application for experimental authority,

would not cause any harmful interference to IFF or TACAN operations and, therefore, should

be permitted. The recent grant of an STA to CRSI to use the 1080 — 1100 MHz band at the

Sterling and Arcola sites is further evidence that the proposed frequencies would be acceptable.

¥      See Exhibit 3.

CRSI respectfully requests that the Branch reconsider the denial of the use of these frequencies

and add 1088 MHz and 1213 MHz to the above—captioned experimental licenses.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            COMSAT RSI, I
                                    By:          ‘       ©
Of Counsel:                                 Harold A. Siegel, Esq.
                                            Vice President, Legal Affairs
Philip V. Permut                            COMSAT RSI, Inc.
Edward A. Yorkgitis, Jr.                    1501 Moran Road
KELLEY DRYE & WARREN                        Sterling, Virginia 20166
1200 19th Street, N.W.                      703—450—5680
Suite 500
Washington, D.C. 20036

February 29, 1996

                                                                                        Exhibit 1
                                                                                           Page 1

                                       COMSAT RSI
                       Interference Analysis on IFF Source Antenna


       COMSAT RSI has sought expanded use of frequencies associated with the testing of its
secondary radar (IFF) antennas in the 1025 to 1100 MHz band and two additional frequencies,
1088 and 1213 MHz, for testing its TACAN antennas. It is assumed that is the principal area
of concern in coordinating use of these frequencies is possible interference between COMSAT
RSI‘s source antenna and nearby aircraft. The IFF frequencies (1030 +5 MHz and 1090 +10
MHz) are within the TACAN frequency band (962 to 1215 MHz). This analysis shows that,
given the power levels that COMSAT RSI is proposing to use, it is unlikely that any nearby
aircraft would detect any interference with either its IFF or TACAN receiver.

       In addition to examining the possible interference effects of transmitting in the IFF band,
COMSAT RSI also looked at the 1213 MHz TACAN frequency. This frequency was requested
in COMSAT RSI‘s application, but was denied with a frequency of 1214 MHz being granted.
Information is presented which seems to indicate that interference will be unlikely on the 1213
MHz frequency.


      In order to determine the possibility of interference between a signal which COMSAT
RSI would transmit from its Arcola test range using a 15 ft. source antenna, the following
method was used.

1.     COMSAT RSI contacted ARINC in Annapolis, MD, to determine the typical sensitivities
       of airborne IFF and TACAN receivers. (ARINC conducts EMI/EMC studies and is
       intimately familiar with aircraft communications/navigation equipment.) Typical IFF and
       TACAN receivers were reported to have sensitivities of —77 and —92 dBm respectively.

2.    Aircraft were assumed to have an omni—directional receiving antennas (i.e., with 0 dB
      gain) and no losses between the antenna and the receivers. Potential interference was
      assumed to be co—channel and, thus, with no filter losses.

3.    The radiated power level of COMSAT RSI‘s 15 ft. source antenna was determined using
      the pattern envelope and an input power level of 1 mW. This source antenna is
      stationary and is located on COMSAT RSI‘s range to point at an azimuth of
      approximately 345°, which is almost directly away from Dulles Airport.

                                                                                         Exhibit 1
                                                                                            Page 2

4.     A slant range was determined for varying angles off of the boresight of the source
       antenna that would result in a free space path loss which would just permit detection of
       the radiated signal by the aircraft receiver.


       The results of the foregoing analysis are shown in Figures 1 and 2 (for an IFF receiver)
and Figures 3 and 4 (for a TACAN receiver). Each graph shows the range of detection as a
function of slant range, boresight angle, or height. Aircraft below the lines on the graphs could
detect the radiated signal. For example, as shown in Figure 1, the IFF receiver on an aircraft
at a range of approximately 17,000 ft. from COMSAT RSI‘s antenna and at an angle of = 0°
to the antenna boresight would detect the signal. The height of the aircraft at this position would
be less than 500 ft.

       A.      1025 — 1035 MHz and 1080 — 1100 MHz

       COMSAT RST‘s analysis indicates the regions in which a 1030 +5 MHz or 1090 + 10
MHz signal transmitted by COMSAT RSI‘s test range could be detected by a typical airborne
IFF receiver. The results show, for example, that an aircraft 17,000 ft. from the antenna and
at a height of 500 ft. could detect the signal with its IFF receiver. Since the range is 7 miles
from Dulles International Airport, with the boresight of the source antenna directed away from
the airport, it is rare that an aircraft would be at this extremely low altitude. Furthermore,
COMSAT RSI‘s test signal is transmitted in a continuous wave (CW) form —— as opposed to the
pulsed form employed by IFF radar —— and, thus, an IFF receiver is unlikely to be confused were
it to detect the testing signal.

       Because an aircraft‘s TACAN receiver is more sensitive than its IFF receiver, a TACAN
set tuned within the 1030 + 5 MHz or 1090 + 10 MHz frequency bands could detect a signal
over a greater region than the IFF receiver. However, COMSAT RSI has obtained local air
navigation maps and determined that the closest TACAN site tuned to frequencies within the
possible test frequencies of 1025 to 1035 or 1080 to 1100 MHz is located approximately 90
miles away in Garrett County, MD (GRV). Consequently, it is expected that any aircraft using
this beacon would be at an altitude well above the maximum level of 2750 ft. required for
detection as shown in Figure 2.

                                                                                       Exhibit 1
                                                                                          Page 3

       B.      1213 MHz

    Figure 5 displays the results of COMSAT RSI‘s analysis at 1213 MHz. The closest
TACAN site using this frequency is Westminister, MD (EMI), which is approximately 55 miles
from COMSAT RSI‘s Arcola test range. This graph shows that COMSAT RSI‘s radiated signal
could be detected by an aircraft below an altitude of approximately 2000 ft. and within a
distance of about 15.5 miles of the source antenna. It is unlikely that an aircraft using the
Westminister, MD TACAN site would travel through this beam.

       C.     Pointing Considerations

      All of these analyses are performed assuming the aircraft in a worst—case position relative
to COMSAT RSI‘s non—rotating radiating antenna. The 15 ft. diameter antenna is mounted such
that it is always pointed at an approximate azimuth of 345°. Thus, for an aircraft to detect
COMSAT RSI‘s radiated signal, it would have to fly through the point in space where the
radiating antenna beam peak occurs. Since the antenna does not move, this effectively reduces
even further the small chance that interference would be detected.

       D.     Relative Power Considerations

        Finally, it should be noted that actual TACAN and IFF signals are radiated at power
levels considerably in excess of those at the test range. The table below shows a comparison
between the effective incident radiated power (EIRP) of COMSAT RSI‘s test antenna and typical
TACAN and IFF transmitter antennas. The levels for the navigation/control antennas are
significantly (> 30 dB) greater than the maximum EIRP for the range test antenna. In the
majority of cases for the foreseeable future, COMSAT RSI expects that the source antenna will
transmit at an even lower EIRP of 26 dBm.

                                                                                 Exhibit 1
                                                                                    Page 4

                                EIRPs of Various Antennas

    COMSAT RSI Range                  30.0                    —67.1
     TYPICAL TACAN                    68.4                    —28.7

        TYPICAL IFF                   74.0                    ~23.0

  * Signal levels at other distances may be calculated by the equation P = P;,,,, —— 20

where         P = power level at desired distance (dBm)
              Pia; = antenna power level at 1 mile distance (dBm)
              d = distance (miles)

                                                                                                                           FIGURE 1

                                                                                Detection of Range Signal by IFF Receiver at 1025 MHz

                   18000.00                                                                                                                                                    500.00

                   18000.00 |‘.                                                                                                                                              f 450.00

                                                                                                                                                                             4 400.00
                   14000.00 } k

                                                                                                                                                                             4 350.00
                   12000.00 4 :

                                   &                                                                                                                                         + 300.00
Slant Range (ft)

                   10000.00 }      :                                                                                                                                                    L
                                       :                                                                                                                                                €
                                       i                                                                                                                                     1 250.00 €,    = — = ~Stant Range
                                           *                                                                                                                                            &
                    Bo00.00 4|             }                                                                                                                                            4
                                               t                                                                                                                             + 200.00

                    6000.00 +|                     .
                                                    &                                                                                                                        + 150.00

                    4000.00 4|                          .:
                                                                                                                                                                             + 100.00

                    2000.00                                      :                                                                                                           1 s0.00

                        0.00                                 +       x4 _1   Faz lz s%. 25 2a.a%.s   +   4      t     +     +      uy     ~   +   +       *+   +               0.00

                                                                                                                                                                   90.00 +
                               S                                     8               8               8         8           8              8               a
                               o                                     o               a               9         9           @              ©               &
                                                                                                         Angle from Boresight (Degrees)

                                                                                                  FIGURE 2

                                                              Detection of Range Signal by IFF Receiver at 1100 MHz

                   18000.00                                                                                                                           450.00

                   16000.00 +4,                                                                                                                      + 400.00

                   14000.00 +                                                                                                                        + 350.00

                   12000.00 4 [‘                                                                                                                     + 300.00
Slant Range (ft)

                   10000.00 1| >1                                                                                                                    + 250.00 _
                                    :                                                                                                                           B     z_
                                    +                                                                                                                           .%’   ------ Stant Range
                    so00.00 ||      :                                                                                                                4 200.00 *—             Height

                    so00.00 }]          :                                                                                                            4 150.00

                    4000.00 4|              :                                                                                                        + 100.00

                    2000.00 {                    v                                                                                                   + 50.00

                        0.00                     P   —    f      +    +    +     f    }      .     :      4       +   +   h        4   4        1      0.00

                                                                                                                                           90.00 4
                               o                     O          o          =]        o            O              o        o       o
                                                     w«         O          &         hos          i)             ol       D       co

                                                                                Angle from Boresight (Degrees)

                                                                                          FIGURE 3

                                              Detection of Range Signal by TACAN Receiver at 1025

                      20.00                                                                                      3000.00

                      18.00 £

                                                                                                               4 2500.00
                      16.00 +

                      14.00 +
                                                                                                               + 2000.00
Slant Range (miles)


                                                                                                                           Height (ft)
                      10.00 +                                                                                  4 1500.00

                           8.00 +
                                                                                                                                         ------ Slant Range

                                                                                                               + 1000.00                        Height
                           6.00 +

                           4.00 +
                                                                                                               — 500.00



                                                                                    50.00 +

                                                                                                     90.00 +
                                                        30.00 —
                                    10.00 4

                                                                  Angle from Boresight (Degrees)

                                                                                         FIGURE 4

                                                               Detection of Range Signal by TACAN Receiver at 1100 MHz

                      18.00                                                                                               2500.00

                      16.00 1|\

                                                                                                                         + 2000.00
                      14.00 + [

                      12.00 +     ;
                                                                                                                         + 1500.00
Slant Range (miles)

                      10.00 +|        1;:
                                                                                                                                     o   |e 8 8< > —> Slant Range
                                                                                                                                     9        —— Height
                       8.00 {]                .f

                       s.00 }|                     .

                       4.00 {|                         }
                                                                                                                         — 500.00

                       2.00 4

                       hss                                 |
                                                                     Angle from Boresight (Degrees)

                                                                     FIGURE 5

                              Detection of Range Signal by TACAN Receiver at 1213 MHz

                      16.00                                                              2000.00

                                                                                        + 1500.00
Slant Range (miles)

                                                                                                   Height (ft)
                                                                                                                 = = ~ —— «Slant Range
                                                                                        + 1000.00

                                                                                        + 500.00

                                                 Angle from Boresight (Degrees)

Document Created: 2001-08-20 10:00:21
Document Modified: 2001-08-20 10:00:21

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