
6273-EX-PL-1998 Text Documents



                                                                                    No.1?8      Pp.avd"     o0   —
eme26.1997 © g:igAn             CIC LEGA AFFAIRS



               The Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") requires COMSAT Corporation
      ("COMSAT"‘) to obtain authority prior to providing service to Inmarsat terminals operated from land—
      based (i.e., nonmaritime locations) within the United States. The FCC will only grant domestic
      service authority to COMSAT under certain circumstances, The FCC‘s determination is made on a
      case—by—case basis with regard to the specific facts of each request. For instance, the FCC has
_     authorized COMSAT to provide space segment capacity in the United States where:

      (1)      the capacity is required to test and demonstrate the communications capafiflities of sn
               Inmarsat terminal to prospective customers;

      (2)      the performance of an Inmarsat terminal is to be tested prior to sending/taking it abroad;

      (3)      personsel areto_be trained in the use ofInusrsat terminal(s) prior to being deployed abroad;

      (4)       an Imnarsat tetiminal is needed for emergency communications (either as backup
                communications or disaster relief); or

      (§)       an Inmarsat,tem:inal is reqmred to provide serviws from a remote location where no
                alternative means of communications is available.

               Therefore, the following information is necessary for COMSAT to prepare its request for
       arthority from the FCC to provide domestic Inmarsat space segmentcapacity to your terminal(s) in
       a timely manner. The more specific and detailed the information you provide us about the
       intended—ase(s) of the terminal, the more likely it will he that COMSAT will be able to obtain
       timely FCC autharization to provxde the services you—need! Please feel free to attach additional
       pages ifneeded to snswer
                             quesuona fully.

       1.           Company‘sName: _C omA—IL MoATE COMmmuNEATanlq                                                    +

       2      0 Company‘s Business:                  _LNMRRSA T         __S CE Ayz CC         fAoEDe|


                                                                                             ho. 178            P. 374   =———
                  e            vav LcunL HFFHiNS

            Who will operate the terminal?                       C Mc    ty
4.                                                                        _
            By what date do you need tooperate the terminal in the U.S.? aczifep Q—G—P .
            For how long?                                 o _ MarVITH S             __

            Please indicate on page 3 your reasons for needing to use the terminal by the specified date.

            Will the same terminal also he used in one or moreforeign countries or globally?
            Yes ___ No «.

             IF YES, please state on page 3 the country or countries involved, and how frequently you
             intend to use the terminal outside ofthe U.S.         -
               ow —TH—_ RAMERECA _ _ L0 U TR LE +—vosditcare                         Brzet:3—f¥ 1—I°1 c
                                                                  <E m Rf\p’e   *        °                 a.     ___
                   PY~* ""‘h               ;'l\UN(nrtoret \‘\/
             Will the terminal be used for test and/or demonstration purpom"                           ,          P
             Yes w« No _

             IF YES, please indicate on page 3 where the test(s) or demonstration(s) will take place, their
             duration and whether (a) this is a test prior to sale, (b) this is a test after sale prior to use,
             (c) this is a demmonstration to potential customers, (d) the terminal will be a part of a test or
             demo pool, or {e) other (please describe),         ‘

             Will the terminal be used to train your employees, customers, or other users?
             Yes «/       No__.

              IF YES, please explainon page 3 the namure, purpose, and duration ofthe training (indicating
              in particular whether the terminal will be used outside the U.S. or ifpe:sonnel being trained
              will be deployed outside the U.S.):
              s:a: ~

              Will the terminal be used for emergency communications or in a remotelocation where
              no alternative means ofcommunications exist? Yes _ No

              IF YES, please describe on page 3 the nature of the emergency communication (if
              applicable), state the location, describe the communications service desired, and explain the
              reason(s) why existing means ofcommunications, in particular those ofthe U,.S. domestic
               mobilesatellite service licensee (AMSC), are not available orare insdequate to meet your
               communications requiretmients:                               .


                                                                          i. i.(o     .474

     If the terminal is to be used for high speed data applications, pl¢ase indicate the speed
     at which transmissions will be conducted:       ——                                   ~—~——_,

     Does your use of the Inmarsat terminal relate to a U.S. Government contract?
     Yes_____ No /.          _

     IF YES, please briefly describe below how the terminal will be used in fulfilling the
     government contract:

      If not otherwise provided above, state the purpose for which the terminal will be used
      in the United States:_¥ CS C _q_ OEmMONS TLRA TEs N

      You are required to obtain a separate FCC license before operating the terminal in the
      United States. Have you applied to the FCC for a license to operate the terminal?
      Yes w No_

      IF YES, give the date you filed the license application:                            ; or the
      grant date;                                  Please attach a copy of the terminal license

      IF NO, please complete the enclosed FCC application form and rehurn it with the other
      commissioning materials, or explain on page 3 why no additional FCC license is required,

       Use the space below to provide any additional requested information:

        Thank you for yourassistance in providing us the above information.


% Mobile Communications

                                                                                                           6560 Rock Spring Drive
                                                                                                             Bethesda, MD 20817
                                                                                                          Telephone 301 214 3000
                                                                                                                 Fax 301 214 7100
                                                                                                                     Telex 197800

          To Whom It May Concern:

          COMSAT Mobile Communications (CMC) is a satellite communications company providing Inmarsat
          service, seeking to commission one Inmarsat—C terminal for test and demonstration purposes.   CMC is
          applying to the FCC for permission to use the terminal in the U.S.A. FCC Form 442 has been forwarded to
          the FCC for a license to operate the unit in the domestic U.S.


          Ed Tanzer
          Manager, Customer Engineering

Registration for service activation
of Land Mobile Earth Station & Aero—C
            w       o                  .                                                                    RO use only ROcode             —     — D
Sections 1—4 and 7 are to be completed by all customers.                                                        icati number
Tick boxes as appropriate.
Please write in block capitals.                                   f                                         Date      Day          Moath       Year

                                                                                                            Customer‘s reference aumber

  1. Your details (See note A)                       -                      i                                                    e               e
You! name or the name of your organtsation:
       Ccomsft 1 _MageLe                                      communytI CAzow S —
"""‘C5E0 Rock Sfgz—nQh DR
Town/clty:          Av
                     C \J‘g_
                       \     %’DH                                                  ?lutelprovlnce      /V\D

Post/ZIP code                                                                      Country:
Telephone: + Country code ( 4|             ) — Area code ( 3 O i ) Telephone number (a 14 — 3 'GO)

 Facstmile: + Country code-( | ) —aescie( 3 0o \ *) Facsimile numbe(v( 2tA ~10959 J
 CO.ntact persoa:        Oharles _T/;n k ef'

          MANAGeR:                                                                  Demmemfiflfl/caZ/ms /nMzwf/fla
 What is their telephone number andlot extension? + Country code (                  ) Area code ( ) Telephone number /
   2        Paying the bill (See mm BJ           >                                            i                                            J

 With whom have you arranged payment of calls for this MES?                     The Service Provider ’L}’-" i .                The Accounting Authority

 What is their Code? mam“                                If the Code is unknown, enter their name:

    3       Whot type of Mobile Earth Station (MES) are you registering? (See note C)
           29   *                                        What will be the primary use of the MES?

  Environmeat usage                    The system        Land mobite/Land fixed

          Land mobite (K          Inmarsat—A D 1.

           Land fixed D           inmarsat—8 D

                gero—c [__|       > inmarsat© {Y€]                    Media ]                     Rentat [_] *         Commerctat ]
                                  Infnorsot—M D                   —Security D            m‘g‘:‘g D                             Other D
                              tamarsot—phone                          Finance D — management                         please specity
                                       mint—M                                                                            .
                                     inmarsat                Humantforian                   Agricutture D
                                       beraC                and emergency D

                                                                       Mining            please specity
                                                                                       TEST 4 Denal
    What will be the country of registry of this MES?
                        We A
    Mobite Earth Station (MES) manufacturer                                             Moblle Earth Station MECS_,) model
           J RC                                                                            J U4& L2 —

  4          Vhat services are you applying for?                |                                                   ‘
Enter your Mobile Earth Station (MES) Serial number

Primary Iamarsat Mobile number (if known) lII:D                               I                !     1

                                          Fax    D             HsD D                  OHSO D                    Telex       D Telex answerback D:Dj

Secondary Inmarsat Mobile number (if mbm)m

Privacy D              Voice   D          Fax     D            uso D                      DHSD L__]

Preferred service activation region      Pacific D         Indian       D                 Allantic D             Attantic D
                                                                                              East                  West
Preferted service activation LES:                                                     Preferced service activation date: (day/month/year)

Agent to conduct test:                                                                .                          Country:

Telepone:+Countrycode()~Areacode(—_ ) Telephonenumber (                                                                        .            y            0 TT
 Facsimile: + Country code (              )      Area code (                  ) Facsimite number (                      |          | 20.    )        Go to Secfion;"

 RO use only             Type of test:

   Inmarsat—B services (See note E)                      e                            tC
                                                   L3l      l 1         T —J
 Enter your Inmarsat Serial aumber (ISN)                                                       1 1 1 | | 1|
 Tick only 1 service per row and Pfivacy Hf required

 Number Privacy Yoice — rax              Data      HSD              .   Telex anaswerback                    Sewlce.code-

 _            0        OA       OO                 O       U
 >            0O       O        O O                O       U
 >            U        C        O O                O       C
 <_           O        O        O O                O       O
 s            O        O        QG. 0              O       O
 ‘To enter more services, copy and complete this page req'uited,' then go toSection 5

       Inmarsat—M services (See note F)
  Enter ygu¢—Inmarsat Sedtal number (1SH)           [6 l       r J        l       l                1 1 1 | | | |
  Tick only 1 service per row and Privacy H.required                              RO use only
                                                                                  inmarssat Mobile number
  Number Privacy Voice           Fax      Data      Service code

                 C O C U

   : O 80 O 08
   : O O OA 8
   o OA 80 8

   To enter more services, co       and complete this page as required, then go to Section 5

        inmarsat—phone mini—fi and SIM card services (See note G)
       Enter your Inmarsat sedial number (iSN)                                            —|       Enter your SIM card sedal number (SSH)

      G@TeT T TTAAA                                                                                UA 1A L T T T T T 11
                                                     RO use only                                                                                RO use only
       Service           Privacy Service code        Inmarsat Mobile number                        Service          Privacy   Service code ~    famarsat Moblle number
  . Valce        D       D .                                                                       Yoice D          D
       Fax       DD
                                                                                                   t« [ .
                                                                                                    Data     D       D
       se J C

Enter your Mobile Earth Station (MESY Sertal numher           é’l V/ é g 73 Q ( gD E)
                                                                                                     _      q XO L///27@)

                                        RO use only                                                                                 ‘
Privacy      Telex answerback           Inmatsat Mobite number

k [»—FIEM                              T T T T TL OATL IL]                                     sowseatons
             m EL S

  5 . Multi—channel details (see Note 1)

if you ace NOT applying for a multi—channel or the Mobile Earth Station
(MES) is not part of a muiti—channel GO TO SECTION 6

 If the Mobile Earth Station (MES) applied for is part of a multi—channel but is NOT the
 primary channel enter the required information betow:

           INMARSAT—A ONLY
           Eater the Primary Inmarsat Mobile number of the pfimarj channel m

           INMARSAT—B/M/Inmarsat—phone minl—M ONLY
           Eme(melnmumtSefiu(numWotmmquu@eI.                               I_I      ] }         1   ]4‘ J     Jj       ‘   J   ]

          . If you are applying for more than one channel.copy and compiete Sections 4
            and 5 for each MES that is part of this mutti—channet application.

      6 — To be completed for Aero—C Mobile Earth Stations (MES) only (see Note J)
 What is the alrcratt‘s registration or tail number?                          Fuselage/alrframe number

 n which country Is the alrcraft registered?

 Type of alrcraft                                                             Name of model

      7      Cortification and agreement                                                                          j

  _ Charleo Tiaker                                                                         |
   the owner, have read and agree to comply, with the."Termsand Conditions for the useof the Inmarsat space segment‘ on the next page. *   —
  Signed                                                                       Date

  .           C??fi::fi;—-’                                                   Q/Q/?z .

  Terms and Conditions for uhllZGHOF\ of s lnmursut Space Segment by
 <Mobile Earth Stations (MESs) —

Article 1Scope of Terms ond Condition                       fion or any operalion of the MES that degrades the per—        event of detayed poyment, the LES Operators can—
                                                            formance of the inmarsol space segment occurs.                 cemned may discontinue telecommunications services
Subject to the inmarsot Convention and Operating                                                                           for the MES in defoult, except for the frangmission of

Agreement, and any fudther femas and condifions tha!            (2) The outhorization shall be deemed to be teami—         a distress aled, in occordance with Article 2(D)
inmarsat may attech, these ferms and conditions shall       naled if any one ‘of the following cireumnstances              above.

apply to the authorizalion mode by inmarsal to the          eccurs:
Owner of the Matbile Earth Station (MES) described in                                                                       EucOe® 're!ecommumcutlonsmslaImr-. B
‘the Service Activation Registration Foam (SARF), with          (a) any chonge in the informotion contained in the
respect to the utilizefion of the Inmarsot Spoce                SARF which would sequire a change in MES                       (A) in this Adicle, "Inmorsat" means inmarsot, iis
Segment by the MES.                                             identity;                                                  Parties, Signotories, their officers, employees, agents,
                                                                                                                           the lessors, manufacturers and other providers of the
 Article 2. Mobile Earth Station Pex(armunce.                   (b) significont modification or change to the MES;         inmorsat space segment, or their assignees, or ony of
 Criteria ond Operations —                                                                                                 them.
                                                                (c) in the case of a ship earth stafion (SES)

    (A) Authodzation Subject to Compliance with                 remmoval of the SES from the ship on which it has             (B) Inmarsat sholl nof be liable to the MES
    Technical and Operating Requlrements                        been authorized to operate.                                Qwner, MES operator, MES user or any other person
                                                                                                                            or enlily for any cloims artsing out of property dam—
     (1) Throughout its utilizotion of the inmarsat spoce        (3) The MES Owner or MES Operator, as the case             age or personal Injury Including death arising in any
 segment, the MES shotl comply with the crilera and          moay be, sholl nolify inmarsat promptty via the appro—         manner ond related to ony unovailability, deloy, Inter—
‘pertormance standards to which if was type—approved         pricte Rouling Orgonization, of the events specified in        tuption, disruption ar degradation in or of the
 by inmarsat, and the MES Operctor shati comply with         poragraphs (l)OMCZ) above. .                                   inmarsat space segment capacity or modificalion,          _
 the operating—procedures nolified by Inmarsat to the                                                                       cestriction, suspension orlermination of the authoriza—
 MES Owner and MES Operator at any time or fimes.                (D) Suspenslon for Non—Payment of Accounts and             tion, Including suspension pursuant to Adicle 2(D).
                                                                 Other Causes :                                             tegordiess of the couse or couses thereof. Such waiy—
     (2) The cuthorization to wiilize the Inmarsat space                                                                    er of claims shall alse exdend to any Indirect or con—
 segment shell be conditional upon such complionce.              (1) Without prejudice to any of the other remedies sequential loss, domage Hability or expense,or toss
 The MES Operctor shall not utifze the Inmarsot spoce .       and provislons of these Terms and Conditions or at            of revenue of business horm of ony kind. .
  segment for any purpose or in ony mannes other than         fow, inmarsot and ony or all of the land earth station
 as specified in the SARF ond in thesa Terms and              (LES) Operators In the Inmarsal system may, Individu—          PyOc Lnguuge and Communications —
* Conditions, without the prior writienconsent of             ally or Jointty, suspend the authorization due to non—
  inmarsat.                                                   poyment of accounts for the telecommunications ser—                (A) These ferms ond condifions and all documen—
                                                              vices provided by the LESs, unouthorized use of the            tation ond communications required thereunder shait
      (B) Sanctions in the Case of Kon—compfiance             MES, loss or theil of the MES, frouduleat abuse of or          te in the English language.
                                                              by the MES, other non—complionce with these Terms
      (1) Inmarsat shalt be entitied, ot any fime or          and Conditions, Insolvency of the MES Owner of MES                   (8) All communications pedtinent to the outhoriza—
  fimes, and with—Immediate effect, unitoterally to modi—     Operator or their designated enfity responsible for pay—       fion or to these terms and condilions shall be made
  ty, restrict, suspend or ferminate, femporarity or per—     ment of accounts, or any other reason established        '     or confirmed, by telex, facstmile, data fronsmission of
  manentty, g quthorization by nofification to the MES         under the Inmarsat Baring Procedures in force of the          other wnttien form. Communications by inmarsot to
  Owner andMES Operator, If inmarsat deems the MES             relevont lime. The suspension sholl not restrict on SES       the MES Owmer and the Routing Orgonizafion sholl be
  or the MES Operator to not so comply, or to practise a       in the tronsmission of odistress aled.                        sent to its last known adgress and communications
   ufiflzation not so authorized, no matter what the cause                                                                   to the MES Operator shall be sent to the MES.
   or causes of such non—compliance or practice.                   (2) Upon being satisfied that the couses of the
                                                               suspension have been remedied, inmorsot and the                 Aricle 6. Amendments
       (2) inmarsat sholl also send a copy of the notifi—      LESs Operofors. may lifl the suspension.
   eation tothe Routing Organizafion through which the                                                                        The feans ond conditions as herein stated are subject _
   MES Owner‘s application for service activation was for—            (E) Compliance with Notlonal Reguiations                to omendment by the Council of inmarsof, such
   warded to inmnarsat.                                                                                                       amendment to become effective upon the date speci—
                                                                in ufitlzing the inmorsat space segment, the MES               MWMWMMMI&SMM
       (3) Unless the authorlzation has been terminated, — Oaner and MES Operctor shall comply with the reguic— (30) days ofter the date of nolification of the omencd—
    Inmarsot shotl Hf such modification, restdction or sus— Hions governing the use of rediocommunicafions in the              ment to the MES Owner, the MES Operator ond the
    pension, If it is demonstrated to Inmarsat‘s safisfaction fenttoria! sea, the ports, or national feattory of any           Routing Organization through which the MES Owner‘s .
    that compflance has been resumed and will be main—          State In which the MES is tooated at ony fime.                — application for authorizafion was forwarded to
    talned, or that such uncuthorized practice has been                                                                        famarsct,
    and will be discontinued by the MES Operator.                Article 3. Financial Obligations

        (C) Suspenslon and Termination in Special                The establishment of charges for the lelecommunica—
        Clicumstances                                            fions services provided by the lond sarth stations
                                                                 (LESs) is the prerogative of the owner and/or aperator
         (1) The authortzation shalf be deemed to be sus—        of the LES. Alt accounts for felecommunications ser—
     pended during any period in which porsistent mattunc—       vices via the LESs must be poid without delay, in the

            /L L£»uUB TL
            —   (’

                          20.    5of   {\:

                      [STA LICENSE LETTER APPLICATION)

                                                         a2_2. 1996

Mr. William F. Caton, Acting Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street,       N.W.,       Room 222
Washington, D.C.            20554

                     ATTN: Frank Wright,
                                Office of Enginee

                      Re:        Request for Speci.
                                for Radio Station

Dear Mr.    Caton:

      Lomeatkt — Malaby                        (Name of the
a grant of special temporary authorit
station  license  beginning
C to operate ______ (nw
INMARSAT ship earth station(s) from tem
the United States.              In support of this re«
(Name of the applicant)                      submits the foll

1.   ppllcant‘s Name and Address:

     2TOMSRT_                    mogrLE                      CommnreAn teop §
            6500            Roctk §Pfzw4® OR —
            Se<—ucson®,                        mtb         2o2.
2.   Name and Address of the Person for inquiries regardlng this
      requegt :
                Charks Tinker ____,                            560—        Lock Sf'/(twfn D /2
                                  NeEeS dbA
3     Partlculéggvof bperatlon-’                           hA—3   2oR 1 s
      Frequency                              Power             Modulating        Necessary .
      —                                              7            Signal         Bandwidth
          16 265 —| 6 46 ue 1\49b                                     Goo 67 S      A\cd C     —

                                               —2 —

4.     Geographical location of the proposed operation:

         VARrous               ZocA T—owm 8                     and      6 56 o           KoCK      SPRzntQ D;
       —                                                                    [)GT'HESDFMYMD 2
                                                                                                            0 27177
5.     Antenna Type: Directional            Non—Directional                                Z
       Width of beam in degrees at the half—power point:
       Orientation: Horizontal plane          Vertical plane

6.     Transmitting equipment to be installed:                                        >
              Manufacturer                            Type                       Number

               JRC                    ____         7e                                 20b
                 .                     Ccommuntrca tzov S —                                     i       |
           C OMSP—T       Mobns6        (Name          of        the     applicant)        a   °U.S.
 corporation organized under the laws of the state of mff YJA y_{ D
 affirmatively states that it does not in any manner act as a
 representative of a foreign government or a subdivision thereof. nor
 would     the authorization sought herein be used for the exclusive
 purpose of developing radio equipment for export that would come
 under the jurisdiction of a foreign government. The applicant has
 never had any FCC station license revoked or any application for
 permit,     license ,     or renewal ever denied by the Commission.
                               ommunN—t® YEw$S              .     |
      corsga—c mogr;c!t               (Name of the applicant) further states that
 grant of this requést would not have a significant environmental —
 impact and, thus, does not require an Environmental Statement under
 Section 1.1307           of    the    Commission‘s             Rules.      Unless        otherwise
 indicated      in   an    attachment         to   this         request,   <the    authorization
 sought~ herein will not be sought for fulfilling the requirements of
. a   government      comtract         with    an      agency of           the    United       States

           In addition, (oms5pr MBE : cCOyA                           :(Name of the applicant)
 further certifies that neither the applicant , nor any other party
  to this application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits
 pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21
 U.S.C. § §853a.
       This temporary license is sought by Comgat moBILE C)mCamc
  (Name of the applicant), a SACiirtC —Comm{(type of business), to
  operate {lifECG    (number of unit(s;' INMARSAT—_C ~({terminal type)
  terminal (sg) from temporary—fixed locations in the United States to
  provide   TQ@'}’@D€MONS'\-@RTIQI\/_ (type  of _ service)  services.
  Simultaneous to this request, COMSAT has submitted to the Common
  Carrier Bureau a request for special temporary authority to provide
  satellite communications services to the subject terminal(s) via

the INMARSAT system for the purposes stated herein.:

       Accordingly,(omcA1t— fAd Ee — ComnfName of the applicant)
respectfully submits that the public interest would be served by
the operation of the subject terminal for the aforementioned
purposes and, thus,   requests that the Commission grant the instant
request for temporary authority.

     The requisite filing fee of $45 is enclosed.

                                Respectfully submitted

                                                                   "Z’L\’2d: 7 "fl—\
                                 (Telephone Qumbe;) KI— ’3/20’10/'

. CC: Sylvia Lam
      Carl Huie

ukc eb.ayye     Y:1@A0M ;       CIC LEGAL AFFAIRS                                    No.178      P.2724


               The Federal Communications Commissfon ("FCC") requiree COMSAT Corporation
      ("COMSAT) to obtain authority prior to providing service to Inmarsat terminals operated from land—
      based (i.e., nonmaritime locations] within the United States, The FCC will only grant domestic
       service authority to COMSAT under certain circumstances. The FCC‘s determination is made on a
       case—by—case basis with regard to the specific facts of each request, For instance, the FCC has
       authorized COMSAT to provide space segment capacity in the United States where:

       (1)     the capacity is required to test and demonstrate the communications capabilities of an
               Inmarsat terminal to prospective customers;

       (2)     the performance of an Inmarsat terminal is to be tested prior to sending/taking it abroad:

       (3)      personnel _are tobe trained in the use ofInmarsat terminal(s) prior to being deployed sbroad;

       (4)      an Inmarsat tetininal is needed for emergency commumcatxons {either as backup
                communications or disaster relief}; or

     | (§)      an Inmarsqt_‘,term_inal is required to provide services from a remote location where no
                alternative means ofcommunications is available.

               Therefore, the following information is necessary for COMSAT to prepare its request for
       authority from the ECC to provide domestic Inmarsat space segmentcapacity to your terminal(s) in
       a timelymanner. The more specific and detailed the information you provide us about the
        intended—ase(s) ofthe terminal, the more likely it will he that COMSAT will be able to obtain
        timely FCC authorization to provide the services youneed! Please feel free to attach additional
        pages if needed to answerquesttons fully.

        1.       Company‘s Name:                 C o mRA TT         J.V\O@:’ZL;E‘* COMMuyNECATI                 ¢

        2.    | Company‘s Business:                 __L_NY\ h rSA 1t     __Ss C fl\/’/.; C C    ffl ofpef?l


                                                   e                                       No.i7Ts       P.3/4 °~

            Who will aperate the terminal?                           C m       %

4.          By what date do youneed to operate the terminal in the U.S7                     A:Sfifl
            For how long?                  24 months

            Please indicate on page 3 your reasons for needing to use the terminal by the specified date.

            Will the same terminal also he used in one or moreforeign countries or globally?
            Yes___ No 7.

            IF YES, pleage state on page 3 the cpuntry or countries involved, and how frequently you
             intend to use the terminal outside ofthe U.S.
                OM —P+A— ;\w\z:\ZUA                              _   _( O wn} —@TF $ &   MinpJLi—DO z) + Tb
                                                                                                   yA# ¢—+MZ SH
                       ELC PRING Form
                   Pe< 3                                               MNutprar on 5     Ey F—eroa—_AFR
             Will the terminal be used for test and/or demonstration purposes?                       ~     /
             Yes ___/ No ___

             IF YES, pleaseindicate on page 3 where the test(s) or demonstration(s) will take place, their
             duration and whether (a) this is a test prior to sale, (b) this is a test after sale priorto use,
             (c) this is a demmonstration to potential customers, (d) the terminal will be a part of a test or
             demo pool, or (e) other (please describe).         ‘

             Will the         terminal be used to train your employees, customers, or other users?
             Yes 7             No__.

              IF YES, please explain on page 3 the nature, purpose, and duration ofthe training (‘mdicafing
              in particular whether theterminal will be used outside the U.S. or if personncl being trained
              will be deployed outside the U.S.):
              vrZ ~

              Will the terminal be used for emergency communications or in a remotelacation where
              no alternative means ofcommunications exist?      Yes ___ No :                 —

              IF YES, please describe on page 3 the nature of the emergency communication (if
               applicable), state the location, describe the communications service desired, and explain the
               reason(s) why existing means of communications, in particular those ofthe U.S. domestic
               mobilesatellite service licensee (AMSC), are not available oraré inudequate to meet your
               communications requiretfients:                                      -


                                                                                       2e ad t    .474

          If the terminal is to be used for high speed data applications, please indicate the speed
          at which transmissions will be conducted:       ——

10.       Does your use of the Inmarsat termmal relate to a U.S. Government contract?
          Yes ____          No                '

          IF YES, please briefly describe below how the terminal will be used in fulfilling the
          government contract:

11.       If not otherwise provided above, state the purpose for which the terminal will be used
          in the United States:__—¥&¥x CST _g OEmoO®pySTLATEeqN:‘

 12'      You are required to optfain a separate FCC license before operating the terminal in the
           United States. Have you applied to the FCC for a license to operate the terminal?
           Yes «w No.

           IF YES, give the date you filed the license application:                                   ; or the
           grant date:                                         , Please attach a copy of the terminal license

           IF NO, please complete the enclosed FCC application form and return it with the other
           commissioningmaterials, or explain on page 3 why no additional FCC license is required,

            Use the space below to provide any additional requested information:

             Thank you for yourassistance in providing us the above information.


Document Created: 2001-07-31 18:10:56
Document Modified: 2001-07-31 18:10:56

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