File number S-2736-EX-96

5608-EX-ML-1996 Post Grant Documents



                                                           5—2736—EX— 76
*   g   comsar _                                                /Pp4 set—sB
                                                                                                 22300 COMSAT Drive
                                                                                                Clarksburg, MD 20871
                                                                                             Telephone 301 428 4000
                                                                                                     Fax 301 428 7747
                                                                                                         Telex 197800

                                                      December 6, 1996

         Federal Communications Commission
         Experimental Radio Branch
         P.O. Box 358320
         Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5315

                       Attn:   Carl Huie
                               Office of Engineering and Technology

                       Re:     Request for Special Temporary Authority
                               for Experimental Radio Station License WA2XGG

         Dear Mr. Caton:

                COMSAT Mobile Communications herein requests a grant of special temporary
         authority for a new mobile radio station license beginning November 1, 1996 and extending
         until April 1, 1997 to operate two (2) land—based INMARSAT ship earth station(s) from
         temporary—fixed locations in the United States. In support of this request, COMSAT Mobile
         Communications submits the following information:

         1:     Applicant‘s Name and Address:

                COMSAT Mobile Communications
                22300 Comsat Drive
                Clarksburg, MD 20871

         2:     Name and Address of the Person for inquiries regarding this request:

                Adam Jamin
                COMSAT Mobile Communications
                22300 Comsat Drive
                Clarksburg, MD 20871

         3:     Particulars of Operation:

                Frequency                   Power             Modulating         Necessary
                                                                 Signal          Bandwidth
                1626.5 — 1646.5 KHz         500W Peak               B2D            100 KHz

         4:     Geographical locations of the proposed operation:
                Various locations within the continental United States as needed to verify correct
                operation of COMSAT Mobile Communications Inmarsat services.

                5:     Antenna Type: Directional ______ Non—Directional __________                         Width of
                beam in degrees at the half—power point:  15
                       Orientation: Horizontal variable_ Vertical plane variable

                6:      Transmitting equipment to be installed:

                            Manufacturer                     Type                   Number
                             ABB Nera                      Saturn BP                    2

                        COMSAT Mobile Communications, a U.S. corporation organized under the laws of the
               state of Maryland, affirmatively states that it does not in any manner actas a representative of a
               foreign government or a subdivision thereof nor would the authorization sought herein be used
               for the exclusive purpose of developing radio equipment for export that would come under the
               jurisdiction of a foreign government. The applicant has never had any FCC station license
               revoked or any application for permit, license, or renewal ever denied by the Commission.

                        COMSAT Mobile Communications further states that grant of this request would not
                have a significant environmental impact and, thus, does not require an Environmental
                Statement under Section 1.1307 of the Commission‘s Rules. Unless otherwise indicated in an
                attachment to this request, the authorization sought herein will not be sought for fulfilling the
                requirements of a government contract with an agency of the United States Government.

                        In addition, COMSAT Mobile Communications further certifies that neither the
                applicant, nor any other party to this application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits
                pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. §           853a.
     u* Tgé\%tf;flary license is sought by COMSAT Mobile Communications, to operate
           two (2)              terminal(s) from temporary—fixed locations in the United States to provide
           testing services. Simultaneous to this request, COMSAT has submitted to the Common Carrier
                Bureau a request for special temporary authority to provide satellite communications services to
                the subject terminal(s) via the INMARSAT system for the purposes stated herein.

                        Accordingly, COMSAT Mobile Communications respectfully submits that the public
                interest would be served by the operation of the subject terminal for the aforementioned
                purposes and, thus, requests that the Commission grant the instant request for temporary

                        The requisite filing fee of $45 is enclosed.
                                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                                Adam Jamin M
                                                                Lead Systems Engineer
                                                                (301) 428—2385

           12/06/96        FRI 11:53 FAX 2024182843                                  FCC—FOD
              —                                                                            rcc/merion DEC 0 9 1996                                           *
      (                                                                                                                                                              ;       Lt

            ost—it" Fax Note           7671    |Date
                                                                                           FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                                                                                                    Approved by OMB
                7                                                                                                                                        8060—0589
510         (Camant                                                                       ‘CC REMITIANCE ADVICE                                      Expires 2/28/97
  |                                                                                                               page No.       _ L_    or
                                                                                                   SPECIAL USE

                                                                                                   [FOC USEONLY. > ~

                                                                    PAYOR INFORMATION
          (1) FCC ACCOUNT NUMBER                           Did you have a number prior to this? Enter it.        (2) TOTAL AMOUNT PAID (dollars and cents)

          LL L L L [ J l J                                   J p L J J | J {p                                       {[s45.22
          (3) PAYOR NAME (If paying by credit card, enter name exactly as it appears on your card) —

                    COMAT TDAP
— *J46o ccopuAT DAIVEL
          (6) STREET ADDRESS LINE NO. 2

          ©ComrrsEORE, MO                                                        |                     oys             (8) ZIP CODE     E7
          (9) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                            ~            ~~|(10) COUNTRY CODE (if not U.S.A)
                    46i)       1441.9—2635
                                                                   TTEM #1 INFORMATION
          (11A) NAME OF APPLICANT, LICENSEE, REGULATEE, OR DEBTOR                                                    FCCUSE ONLY

                cComsaA T                     CoRrP
          (12A) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                  (13¥) ZIP CODE                    (144) PAYMENT TYPE CODE    (15A) QUANTITY           (16A) FEE DUE FOR          J
                                                                                                                                              PAYMENT TYPE CODE
            &                                                                                    E     A                     /                IN BLOCK 14
            i/A42. X CC                                                                                        4                              ;     _4.5.00
          (17A) FCC CODE 1                                                                (18A) FCC CODE 2                   "

          {(19A) ADDRESS LINE NO. 1                    | (20A) ADDREYS LINE NC. 2)                           | (21A) CITVSTATE OR COUNTRY CODE

                                                       ITEM #2 INFORMATION

          Gz2B) FCC CALL SicN/oTthEk in                 (i3B) ZIP CODE                    (12B) PAYMENT TYPE CODE (18B) QUANTITY (16B) Fes bus Fon
                                                                                                                                              PAYMENT TYPE CODE
                                                                                                                                              IN BLOCK 14
          (17B) FCC CODE 1                                                   |            (I8B) FCC CODE 2

          (19B) ADDRESS LINE No. 1                      (2oB) ADDRESS LINENo3                                (2iB) CirvsraTe oR CoUNTRY copE

          Eicbit cA pavent nrovcro.m
          (22)                    MASTERCARD/VISA ACCOUNT NUMBEER:
          [C] Mastercara|       |                          L1 L |                           _| exerrarion pare: E[:I         [:_—_I
                    2                                                                                               Month        Yoar

          C] Vise                                                                               AUTHORIZED SICNATURE                              DATE
          (23) Ihereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or Mastercard                   P
               for the service(s)/authorization(s) herein describe.

                                                                 See public burden estimate on reverse.                                              FCC FORM 159
                                                                                                                                                     Anvil 10904
                    DEC    6    ‘*96   11:56                                                                           2024182843                  PACE .001

Document Created: 2001-07-31 23:56:37
Document Modified: 2001-07-31 23:56:37

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