Consummation of Merger (Aug 03, 2000)

0004-EX-TU-2000 Text Documents

COMSAT Corporation


                             Dow, LoHKNES & ALBERTSON, ruc
                                                  ATTORNEYS          AT   LAW

Raymonp G. BENDER JR.                              wWaASHINGTON, D.C.                                    ONE RAVINIA DRIVE . SUITE 1600
  DIRECT DIAL 202—776—2758                                                                               ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30346—2108      1200 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUE, N.W. + SUITE 800 + WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036—6802   TELEPHONE 770—901—8800
                                      TELEPHONE 202—776—2000 — FACSIMILE 202.—776.—2222                  FACSIMILE 770.901—8874

                                                       August 3, 2000

   Magalie Roman Salas, Esquire
   Federal Communications Commission
   The Portals
   445 12th Street, S.W.
   Washington, D.C. 20554

                    Re:      WRITTENEX PARTE PRESENTATION
                             Transfer of Control of COMSAT Corporation and its Subsidiaries,
                             Lead File No. SAT—T/C—20000323—00078

   Dear Ms. Salas:

           Lockheed Martin Corporation ("Lockheed Martin") and Lockheed Martin Global
   Telecommunications, LLC (formerly COMSAT Government Systems, LLC), by their counsel,
   hereby advise the Commission that all acts necessary to consummate the merger between
   COMSAT Corporation ("COMSAT") and Deneb (D.C.) Corporation ("Deneb (D.C.])"), a
   wholly—owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin, were completed today. The transaction was
   consummated as a "forward" merger whereby COMSAT was merged with and into Deneb
   (D.C.), with Deneb (D.C.) remaining as the surviving corporation after the merger. Deneb
   (D.C.) was renamed COMSAT Corporation upon closing of the transaction.

          In accordance with Section 1.1206 of the Commussion‘s rules, an original and twenty—
   seven copies of this letter are being filed with the Secretary‘s office on this date. Should any

   ‘ Related applications were assigned File Nos. SAT—STA—20000323—00073, SAT—T/C—20000323—00079, SES—T/C—
   20000323—00449, SES—T/C—20000323—00450, SES—T/C—20000323—00451, SES—T/C—20000323—00452, SES—T/C—
   20000323—00454, 0005—EX—TC—2000, 0006—EX—TC—2000, 0007—EX—TC—2000, 0008—EX—TC—2000 and Lead Call
   Signs WPAG761 and WPLS§20.

Magalie Roman Salas, Esquire
August 3, 2000
Page 2

questions arise with regard to this matter, kindly communicate with the undersigned.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            Coy d2A      )

                                            Raymqnd G. Bender, Jr.

                                             Counsel for Lockheed Martin Corporation and
                                              Lockheed Martin Global Telecommunications, LLC

cc : Honorable William Kennard
       Honorable Susan Ness
       Honorable Harold Furchtgott—Roth
       Honorable Michael Powell
       Honorable Gloria Tristani
       Clint Odom
       Mark Schneider
       Bryan Tramont
       Peter Tenhula
       Adam Krinsky
       Don Abelson
       Ari Fitzgerald
       Cassandra Thomas
       Thomas Tycz
       Fern Jarmulnek
       James Ball
       Sasha Field
       Karl Kensinger
       Linda Haller
       Kathleen Campbell
       Sharon Weigle
      Frank Peace
      Breck Blalock
      James Burtle

Document Created: 2001-07-25 15:46:10
Document Modified: 2001-07-25 15:46:10

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