Exhibits 1 - 4

4717-EX-MR-1995 Text Documents



                                           Exhibit No.    i

          Transmitter Equipment Characteristics

    Manufacturer‘s Model No.           :          Tycho Model 400 final Amplifier
    Manufacturer‘s Name:                          Tycho Technology,           Inc.   Transmitter
    Type:                                         Pulse Radar
    Tuning Range:                                 404.37 MHz fixed
    Method of Tuning:                             Fixed Crystal
    Frequency Tolerance:                          +/— 5 ppm        0 — 50 Deg.       C
    Emission Bandwidth:
                                   —3 @B          120 KHz        (Measured)
                                  —20 dB           11 MHz       < (Measured)
                                  —40 dB           31 MHz  (Measured)
                                  —=60 dB          50 MHz  (Measured)
                                   OC—BW            1.96 MHz (Calculated)

    Maximum Bit Rate:                             600 K bits/sec
    Modulation Techniques:                        Phase coding of pulse
    Pulse Characteristics:
'                             Rate                6000    —    10000    pps
                              wWidth              1.67    — 6.67 micro seconds
                              Rise Time           0.25 micro seconds
                              Fall Time           0.25 micro seconds

    Power :
                        Mean :                1 — 2 Kw,       1.5 Kw non.
                        Peak:                 20 — 40 Kw,       35 Kw non.

    Output Device:                                CPX 5000 A7
    Harmonic Level:
                        2nd                   —58 dBc
                        3ra                   —59 dBc

    Spurious Level:                               —65 daBce     (est)

    Note: Tycho Technology Inc.            is currently licensed to operate the prototype
              system (See attached).

                                  Exhibit No.   2

              Antenna System Specifications:

The antenna consists of two overlaid phased arrays of coaxial
colinear antenna elements.     The two arrays are perpendicular to each
other.   Only one array is active at any time.

The antenna can generate 5 discrete pointing angles for the main
beam — one at a time.     The allowed beam angles are as follows:

Beam 1 — Vertical

Beam 2 — 15 deg off vertical toward +X direction.

Beam 3 — 15 deg off vertical toward —X direction.

Beam 4 — 15 deg off vertical toward +Y¥ direction.

Beam 5 — 15 deg off vertical toward —Y direction.

Each of these beams has the same beamwidth and sidelobe
specifications.     The beam stays at each position for 1 minute.   The
beam is blanked during steering.

                                      EXHIBIT No.    3

Wind Profiling Theory of Operation:

   The system for which this application applies is an Model 400 —
   404.37 MHz Doppler Wind profiler system designed and manufactured by
   Tycho Technology, Inc. of Boulder, Colorado.  The Model 400 consists
   of an external phased—array antennae, a 35KW pulsed transmitter, a
   receiver/processing system which produces doppler spectra for each
   level of the atmosphere sensed and a display/graphics component.
   This system is designed to remotely sense the horizontal and vertical
   components of wind in the lower portion of the atmosphere from a
   surface based platforn.

   Wind profiling depends upon the scattering of electromagnetic energy
   by minor irreqgularities in the index of refraction of the air. The
   index of refraction is a measure of the speed at which
   electromagnetic waves propagate through a medium.  For wind
—~ profiling, this medium is the atmosphere.        A spatial variation in
   this index encountered by a propagating electromagnetic wave (radio
   wave — 404.37 MHz) causes a minute amount of the energy to be
   scattered (or dispersed in all directions).  Most of the energy
   incident on the refractive irreqgularity propagates through it without
   being scattered.     Backscattering (scattering of energy toward its
   point of origination) occurs preferentially from irreqularities of a
   size about one—half the wavelength of the probing radio wave.   Since
   these irreqgularities are carried by the wind, they prove to be good
   "traces" of the mean wind.   By measuring the shift in frequency of
   the radar return signal (the Doppler shift) the radial velocity of
   the scatterers,   and thus the wind,   can be calculated.

   The calculated radial velocity is determined for discrete increments
   (gates) of range sufficient to cover the heights of interest, up to
   16 km for the Model 400, depending on local meteorological
   conditions.  The data in each range gate for each beam direction is
   carefully analyzed to provide the desired information.  Spectral
   analysis techniques are applied to obtain a Doppler spectrum from
  which three moments are calculated:      received power,   mean radial
  velocity, and spectral width.

Wind Profiler System Design:

   The VHF 404.37 MHz wind profiler consists of four primary subsystems.
   These are : 404.37 Mhz transmitter/circulator, receiver/modulator,
   processor/display (which produces the doppler spectra, converts them
   to meteorological variables and displays them) and phased array
   antenna.   The system is shown schematically in Fiqgure 1.

   On command from the Processor Subsystem, the antenna
   Controller/Monitor Processor (CMP) sets up the proper phasing for the
   desired antenna beam position.  The processor sends a prompt signal
   (pulse) to the receiver/modulator, which produces a pulsed RF signal.
   This is then amplified by the transmitter and sent to the antenna
   subsystem to complete the transmit cycle.  The receiver is
   g@isconnected from the antenna during the transmit cycle to prevent
   overloading it.

             TIR Pulse
     In—phase and Quadrature              Recelved RF
      y     __Components         | jf                                          ANTENNA ARRAY
                             RECEIVERI                                 TY¥4        with
 PRocEssoR           MODULATOR                        CIRCULATOR    fo—oy——|   BEAM STEERING
                         —    I CMPI
                                          .           TRANSMITTEA
         Transmit Puls®
     COnlrollorlmon]lor signal
                                         Pulsed RF
                                                            ]            .
                Controlier/monitor signal                                            J
                                  Controller/monlitor signal

Figure 1:    Block diagram of a 400 MHz wind profiler systenm.

  The system is then set to the receive configuration.  The receiver is
  reconnected and the circulator directs the weak return signal from
  the antenna to the receiver subsystem.  The receiver amplifies the
   signal and extracts the in—phase and quadrature       (or sine and cosine)
  phase components from which the radial wind velocity is derived.
   Filtered outputs from the receiver are sent to the processor
   subsystem, which performs the various processing steps necessary to
   produce the radial wind component and other important parameters
   relative to the return signals from that bean.

  The processor controls the cycles through this sequence for each of
  the 5 d@iscrete pointing angles (see exhibit No. 2).  Each of the 5
  beams has the same beamwidth and sidelobe specifications. The bean
  stays at each position for 1 minute.   The beam is blanked during

Supported Research:

~~ The Doppler Wind profiler system will directly support both current
   and future studies of the physical processes in the atmospheric
  boundary layer.     In order to understand the evolution of the boundary
  layer and its‘s attendant properties, such as visibility, clouds,
  density, wind and moisture structures, we must be able to monitor the
  motions of the layer and it‘s exchanges of mass and energy with the
   free atmosphere as well as with the surface.       The documentation and
  understanding of these complex dynamic interactions will improve our
  ability to verify simulations of boundary layer evolution and to
  ultimately verify predictions of the properties of the boundary

  In addition to the on—going research projects that the wind profiler
  will complement, three areas of new research have been identified.
  These include the interpretation and optimization of wind profiler
  data to deduce the dynamic structure of the atmosphere.  Another area
  of new research will be the study of two weather features associated
  with the lee position relative to a mountain barrier.          These two
  phenomenon include severe down—slope windstorms and up-slope
  precipitation events.

Government Contract Agencies:

              Department of Defense
              Office of Naval Research
              Marine Meteorology Program
              800 North Quincy Street
              Arlington, VA       22217—5000

              Ccontact :   Dr.   Robert Abbey   (202)—696—6598

              NASA/Langley Research Center
              Mail Stop 483.
              Hampton, VA.   23665—5225

              contact : Mr. David McDougal (804)—864—5832

                                         Exhibit No. 4

The Department of Atmospheric Sciences at Colorado State University utilizes a 404.37 MHz
wind profiler system as an integral part of its instructional and research programs. Currently
it is located on university property at the foothills campus as specified on its operational
license for station KC2XAF file number 1154—EX—R—92. In order to provide the greatest
return in terms of research information, the faculty at the department has decided to collocate
the instrument with an existing research radar funded by the National Science Foundation and
operated by Colorado State University. The National Science Foundation (CHILL) radar is
located on property owned by Colorado State University north of the town of Greeley, in
Weld county in the state of Colorado at 30750 County Rd. 45 at geographical coordinates:
40° 27 18" N latitude and 104" 37 54" W longitude. This move is scheduled to commence
in the middle of March 1995 and it is anticipated that the profiler will remain at this location _
for a period of not less than one year. There are no significant environmental impacts that .
would result if this relocation is approved.

Document Created: 2001-08-21 13:11:54
Document Modified: 2001-08-21 13:11:54

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