Form 405

1154-EX-RR-1993 Text Documents



         FCC 405                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                  Approvee by OMBI FCC USE ONLY
                                              Washington, O.C. 20554                                       3G60~—0093
                                                                                                      Expires 03/31/94

                                                          Est. Avg. Burgen mours Per Response: 2.25 Hrs.

                        APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL CF RADIO staTion License
                                       IN SPECFIED services                                                                      Fie Number                             Cal Sign
                   (Specifiea Services — FCC Rules Parts 5, 21, 22, 23 and 25)
                       Read instructions anga Notice on Rack Before Compieting                                                   Service                        Class of Station

     i.    Name of Appicant (must be igentical wiin tnat shown on current aulthori@zation}                                                      Call Sign or Other FCC igentimier
                                                                                                                                               (f appucable)
             Colorado State University                                                                                                           KC2XAF
          . Mailing Street Adgdress or P.0. Box, City, State ana 2P C3ge of Aopucant                                                            3. identify Rulepart unger wnich

             Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State Univ.                                                                              tms fiing is mace
             ATTN:Stephen K:xCox Fort Collins, CO 80523                                                                                          Sec. 5202(a)
    4. Fee Data. Refer to 47 CFR Secuon 1.1105 or to approsriate Fee riing Guige for information.                                                        FCC Use Only
    (a) Fee Type Coge                         ((b) Fee Multiple, if required                      (c) Fee Oue for Fee Type Coge in 4(a)
                                                                                              ‘        $
    =. Aopication             is   for renewar of lcense          in    exact     CcOnformitv        with thne   sxisting   incense   as specified     below:

    (a) File Number                                                      (0) Oate issuea                         (c; Calt Sign                 (a) Locaton Ft. Collins, CO

             1154—Ex—R—90                                                January 1, 1993                          xcoxar                       fiifi3e§638?35?105 o3 o9
    (e) Nature of Service                                                (f) Class of Station                                                  (g) Expiration Oate

            Experimental                                                      XR FX                                                            October 1,            1993
    6.    Note any      cnanges        such as giscontinuance            Of   use of a      irequency,       or C! a lype Oof emission         or of    a transmitter wnich    nave peen

    made      since     the    last application      covering this station was             f:ileq:     N/A

    tems 7(a) ang (b) aoow to Part 21 licensees ontv.
    7(a) Has there been removal of equipment or alleration of faciities so as to renger the station not operational?
               If "YES," wnen:                                                                                                                                       {Oves         {Q no

     <s) If thms us a Muitipaint Distriqution Service (MDQS) stamon, :s there an ownersnip interest in, controi by,
            affiiathon with. or leaging sfrangement                    win a capile tsievision comsiany‘                                                             DYES          D\’C
    ~opiicant represents that there nas Deen no Cchange in aroicants orgenizalion amda thal there nas been no transter of contro! or
 snanges in the apoicant‘s relaton to the station, or financ:al responsibutv; that appicant‘s most recent application or report
 <mbogving this information, as icentifiea céeiow, as to be consigereg 3s isi cart of this apolication, and the truth of the statements
 ‘merein contained                 is nerepy reallirmeg. Note nere anv               further exceptions,. not already covered                in question 6 or 7.
File No.              1154—Ex—R—90                                                  Date
                                                                                                  March 19, 1993

 3. Would 3 Commssion grant o‘ this applicaton come winin 47 CFR *.:307, such trhat it mav have a
          significant    environmentai         impact‘                                                                                                               D YES         E NO
              if "YES," stacn as Exhioit No.                                      in Envirommental           Assessment required by 47 CFR              1.1311.
              if "NO,." expiain prieflv wnvy not.

                                                                                        10. Certification
a. Applcant wawes anv claim io the use Of inv oarticuiar trequency or of the electromagnetic spectrum as against the requiatory
sower of the Umfteq States because of the rrewous use of the same. whether by lcense or oiherwise, and requests a station
ucemse        in   a3CcCcorcance       with   this application.       AoQlicant    acknowedges             thai 2: atfached exniqits       are a material part hereo!.
b. The undersigneg, indiwidually ang for the apDilicant, herepy certi‘es thal the statements made in this applcation are true,
complete and correct fo the best of the signer‘s knowileage ang sele!, ind are made in good faith.

Dare                                          Name   of    Appicant      «must     corresgong         with   (fem   1)                       Title of Applicant Guf any)
            3/19/93                            Colorado State University
Sign                                                              ‘ cesignate Approoniate Class. tcation
     //                                                                Q sow.          I viemor                  K ormega & mem. or me AUTH REPR CA orriciac or
                                                                  (      APPL.           PART.                     APPLICANT‘S ASSOC.   F CORP      GOVT. ENTiTY
   faise statements mhage on this form are punishable by fine ana/or imprisonment (U.S. Code, Title                                                                 18, Section    1001
and/or revocation of any station license or construction permit (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(a¥ 1. andlor                                                                forfeiture
(U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 5031.

                                                                                                                                                                             FCC 405
                                                                                                                                                                        February 1991

Document Created: 2001-08-20 01:31:33
Document Modified: 2001-08-20 01:31:33

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