Exhibit 1

4422-EX-RR-1998 Text Documents



 Claircom Licensee Corporation
 FCC Form 405
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                                                 EXHIBIT NO. 1

                                    PUBLIC INTEREST STATEMENT

           Claircom Licensee Corporation ("Claircom") is operating an experimental ground station

 pursuant to an experimental license granted by the Federal Communications Commission

 ("FCC") for the purpose of testing new equipment and software for use in the air—to—ground

 ("ATG") telephone service (Call sign KFZXJD, FCC File No. 4422—EX—PL—94).‘ The

 experimental license authorizes Claircom to use a pilot channel at 849.9813 MHz and voice

channels at channel block 6 (849.8000—849.9765 MHz) to operate the experimental ground

 station at 50 watts effective radiated power at the site of Claircom‘s existing ATG station at the

Seattle—Tacoma Airport in Seattle, Washington." The Commission renewed Claircom‘s

experimental license effective October 1, 1996. See File No. 4422—EX—R—96. Claircom‘s

experimental license expires on October 1, 1998. Extension of the experimental license is in the

public interest because it will enable Claircom to continue testing new ATG products and

services in a "real—world" environment, thus improving ATG call quality and benefiting the

American flying public.

          During the past two years, Claircom has used the experimental license to test new ATG

products such as software, repeaters, hardware and antennas to determine how they work in a

real—world environment. The primary use of the experimental license has been to test the use of

repeaters to extend ATG coverage and airplane telephone services to areas, such as airport gates,

‘ On October 18, 1994, the Commission granted the experimental license to Claircom Communications Group, L.P.
The Commission granted the July 12, 1995 pro forma application to assign the experimental license to Claircom
(FCC File No. 22739—CG—AL—94).

* The FCC also waived the station identification requirements contained in Section 5.152 of its rules.

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 FCC Form 405
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 that are blocked from the ground station. For example, repeaters will allow ATG customers to

 make telephone calls while an airplane is at an airport gate. The tests have enabled Claircom to

 demonstrate to the other ATG carrier, GTE Airfone Incorporated, that the repeater system will

 not interfere with its operations.

           During testing conducted pursuant to the experimental license, Claircom took measures

 to ensure that interference would not occur to other users. Claircom has coordinated its

 operations with the other ATG provider to ensure that in—band interference does not occur, and

 power and spectrum control has prevented interference to users outside the ATG frequency band.

 Claircom will continue to conduct its testing in accordance with the technical standards in Part

 22 of the FCC‘s rules and the terms ofits experimental license. Claircom has not received any

interference complaints, and does not expect to receive any. In any event, Claircom will remedy

any interference complaints received as a result of its testing. In addition, the experimental

ground station will continue to meet the distance separation requirements in Section 22.859 of

the FCC‘s rules. 47 C.F.R. § 22.859. The ATG spectrum reserved for use by Claircom for its

experimental license is not in use and has not been assigned to any ATG licensee."

           Although Claircom has completed testing for its repeater project, Claircom has other field

tests it would like to conduct with the experimental ground station at the Seattle—Tacoma Airport.

Specifically, Claircom would like to use the experimental ground station to conduct field tests to

further refine and verify the compatibility of new features that will be added to its ATG service,

such as packet data services. In addition, Claircom seeks to improve the ATG call hand—off

process, on board dial tone and radio link management ("RLM"). Such improvements can not be

* Claircom agrees to abide by any final action taken by the Commission with respect to the future use of the vacant
ATG pilot channels. Public Notice, Report No. MSD—94—8 (March 2, 1994).

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 duplicated in a laboratory. The use of the ground station at the Seattle—Tacoma Airport will

 allow Claircom to determine the effects of real—world conditions on RLM between the air

 terminals and ground stations. For example, Claircom is unable to reproduce the effects of such

 real—world factors as doppler frequency shifts, fading and multipath distortions on its ground

 station and ATG service in the laboratory environment. The proposed experiments are expected

 to enable Claircom to improve its ATG products and coverage, thus greatly enhancing ATG

 customer service.

           For good cause shown, Claircom requests a two—year extension of its experimental

 license to operate its experimental ground station at the Seattle—Tacoma Airport. Claircom also

 requests a continuation of the FCC‘s waiver of Section 5.152 of its rules because the

 experimental ground station is not capable of station identification. Such a waiver is customary

in the ATG service.

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Document Created: 2001-08-21 17:48:47
Document Modified: 2001-08-21 17:48:47

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