Letter of Complaint (Mar 24, 2004)

0285-EX-RR-2001 Text Documents



Federal Communications Commission
Attn: James R. Burtle
Chief, Experimental Licensing Branch
445 12"" Street, S.W., Room 7A—321
Washington, D.C. 20554                                               March 24, 2004

Reference number:                1575
File number:                     0285—EX—RR—2001
Call Sign:                       KM2XGO

Dear Sir,

I sent an application for renewal for the Experimental license KM2XGO 11/26/2001.
As of today I have not received the final renewal for this license.

I have spoke with John Kennedy on several occasions throughout the last 2 & years and
the Chrysler Corporation license user Andy Magic has furnished Mr. Kennedy with
various information that he has requested.

Mr Kennedy has advised me during April 2003 that he had resubmitted this application
that there was a possibility the application could have been lost at that point. During
December 2003 Mr. Kennedy advised me that it could be issues with refarming and that
he is still trying to get approvals to keep the license as is.

I have been advised by Mr. Kennedy on many occasions that the license is still being
processed and is pending renewal. He also advised me that we are legal in continued use
of the frequencies until the renewal arrives.

I spoke with Mr. Kennedy as recent as March 11, 2004 and he says there is a problem and
he will bring it to the attention of the branch that now handles our application, and that he
no longer is in the same position.

I am somewhat concerned at this point. These frequencies are important to our
manufacturing process. Could someone please provide a status and detail as to what
is happening and if there is any assistance needed on behalf of Chrysler Corporation.

Your assistance is deeply appreciated.
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Beverly E. Graves
DaimlerChrysler Corporation
6565 E. Eight Mile Rd.
Warren, MI 48091 —2990

Document Created: 2004-04-05 13:27:04
Document Modified: 2004-04-05 13:27:04

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