Form 405

0216-EX-RR-1999 Text Documents




IN RESPONSE TO FCC FORM 442, Page 3, Item 10:

a.   Mobile ground radio equipment will be used to establish communications links
through the NASA Satellite ATS—3, providing emergency communications from disaster
areas and Search and Rescue locations, where few if any other means of communications
might exist.  Actual disaster situations as well as training, testing and evaluation
exercises will be used to test, demonstrate and refine equipment and methods.

b.  Specific objectives are to work with NASA to develop and test improved means
of lightweight, portable, low—cost, reliable communications from disaster sites.

c.   This effort will add to NASA‘s Lewis Laboratory‘s research, by providing
additional field data.  In addition, we will contribute to the technology by
providing field experiments of solar powered equipment and new antenna configurations,
which might be more suitable for emergency installation at disaster sites.

                National Aeronautics and          EXHIBIT 1   —   Page a
                Space Administration                                                   WA
                Lewis Research Center
                Cleveland, Oho

Reply to Attn of 5660                                                      July   5,   1994

             Mr. Bascombe J. Wilson,
             Executive Director
             Disaster Emergency Response Association
             P.0O. Box 37324
             Milwaukee, WI 53237—0324

             Dear Mr. Wilson:

             This is to inform you that the Disaster Emergency Response
‘            Association has been accepted as a member of the Applications
             Technology Satellite III (ATS—3) Emergency Net and has NASA‘s
             approval to use the ATS—3 satellite during the times set aside
              for net use.

             The Applications Technology Satellite III (ATS—3) is a NASA
             experimental communications satellite launched in 1967.  The
              satellite is in geosynchronous orbit located at 105 degrees
             west longitude.  From this location, reliable communications
             can be established to most of the western hemisphere.  Because
             it is an experimental satellite owned by NASA, there are no
             usage fees.  Earth terminal equipment is very inexpensive,
             reasonably easy to transport, and can be linked to the public
             telephone network at several existing ground stations.
             Presently, the satellite is used by approximately ten
             different experimenters each with unusual communications
             needs .

             One approved experiment is the ATS Emergency Net comprised of
             volunteer stations available to support search and
             rescue/emergency communications using the satellite in a
             declared emergency.           Some stations have portable equipment
              stored ready for transport.  The satellite‘s resources can be
              assigned exclusively to support a declared emergency.

             The ATS Emergency Net meets every Wednesday at 1900 UTC using
             NBFM Channel 2(TX 149.195 MHz and RX 135.575 MHz)for the
             purpose of checking the equipment of member ground stations.
             Time is set aside after the net for members to test and adjust
             their equipment while using the satellite.  This net is a
             volunteer net since there are no usage fees and NASA does not
             provide financial support to members.

Attached is a list of terms and conditions. Please make sure
you have read and understand them.   If you have any questions,
please call me at (216)   433—3483; it is very important you
fully understand thenm.

Enclosed is a copy of the "ATS Emergency Net Protocol Manual"
and ATS Emergency Net Application.    Please answer the
questions on the application and return them using the
postage~—free envelope enclosed. The application will cover
your station through the end of 1994.  Your authorization from
NASA to use the satellite during the emergency net time is
granted when the completed form has been mailed back to us.

We look forward to having the Disaster Emergency Response
Association as a net member.  If you have questions or would
like to further discuss the ATS Emergency Net, please call me
at (216) 433—3483.


4{/ re   eb   0 butcd
Michael A. Cauley
ATS Experiments Manager

3 Enclosures
1. Terms and Conditions of Authorization
2. ATS Emergency Net Application
3. Protocol for Activation of NASA‘s ATS—3

NASA HQ/C/M.J. Smith (w/encl.   1 only)
ATSOCC/Paul Eden (wo/encls.)

               EXHILBIT 2

  Disaster Emergency Response Association
Mobile Satellite Earth Station Configuration

   25—75 Watt Mobile Transceiver
   Roof—Mounted M2 Systems "Eggbeater" Antenna
   Cross—Polarized, 45 Degree Elevated Radiation Pattern

Document Created: 2001-08-21 13:19:27
Document Modified: 2001-08-21 13:19:27

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