Form 405

1698-EX-RR-1997 Text Documents



  FCC 405                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                   Approved by OMB| FCC USE ONLY
                                          Washington,       D.C. 20554                            3080—0093
                                                                                               Expires 03/31/97

                                                       Est. Avg. Burden Hours Per Response: 2.25 Hrs.

                                   IN SPECFIED SERVICEs                                                                  Fie,         er                              u
                   (Specified Services — FCC Rules Parts 5, 21, 22, 23 and 25)                                           Jg%fiX R_ 97 fmiX&Q
                       Read instructions and Notice on Back Before Completing                                            Service  Class of S«anon

  1. Name of Applicant ({must be identical with that shown on current authorzation)                                                        Calt Sign or Other FCT identifier
                                                                                                                                           (if applicabie)
      CHRYLER CORPORATION                                                                                                                    KM2XGO
 2.         ing     Street Addrass or P.0._Box, City, State and ZiP Code of applicant                                                      3. Identify     Rul               whic:
      AWR?'   everly E. Graves   424—75—00                                                                                                   \tng fltl\l/ng Lfsee:;‘asmder whien
      25999 Lawrence Ave., Center Line, MI 48015                                                                                            Sec 5.202(d)
 4. Fee Data, Refer to 47 CFR Section 1.1105 or to appropriate Fee Filing Guide for informatign,                                                 J FCC Use Only

 (aFea,           Type Code                   (b) Fee Multiple, if required
                                                                                          (c) Fee Due for Fee Type Code in 4(a)
                                                                                                & 70 .00
 5. Application is for renewal of license                     in exact conformity with the exisiing licanse as specified below:
 (a) File Number                                                      (b) Date issued               |’ (c} Cail Sign              l(a) Locaton Detroit, MI
                                                                                                    |                                  42—24—O06N,83—04—4 4W
      1698—EX—RR—93                                                    1/1/94                       |__kM2xGo                   Chelsea,MI 42—16—55N,
 (e) Nature of Service                                                (f) Class of Staton                                                  (g) Expraton Oare8 4— 02— 06W

   EXPERIMENTAL                                                        XR—MO                                                                  1/1/98
 8. Note any changes such as discontinuance of use of a frequency, or Of a tvGe of emission or of a transmitier which nave oss~
made       since     the last       application   covering this       station   was   filed:
 Mems 7(a) and (b) apoly to Part 21 licensees ony.
 "a) Has there been removal of equipment or alteration of facilities                                so as to render the station not operational
           if "vES," when:                                                                                                                                        {ves          Rac

  (b) If this is a Multipoint Distribution Service (MDS) station, is there an Ownersmp interest in, control by,
          affiliation with,or leasingarrangement with a cable television company?                                                                                 [ ves         K nc
5. Applicant represents that there has been no change in applicant‘s organization and that there has been no transfer of contrd| or
changes in the applicant‘s relation to the station, or financial responsibility; that applicant‘s most recent application or report
embodying this information, as identified below, i to be considered as a part of this application, and the truth of the statements
therein contained is heraby reaffimed. Note here any further exceptions, ngt already covered in question 6 or 7.
File No.                                                                         Date
9. Would a Commussion grant of this application come within                                    47 "TR    1.1307, such that it may nave a
   significant envirormental mpact?                                                                                                                               DYES          ENG
           i "vES," attach as Exhibit No.                                       an Envirormnenial assessment requred by 47 CFR                      1.1311.
           if "NO," explain briefy why notDoes not effect environment as defined by 47CFRL.1307
                                                     10. Certifation used for vehicle test only. j
The    applicant      certifies       that,   in the   case Of   an    individual   applicant, he   or she    is   not   subject to    a denial     of    federal benefits   pursuan:
to section §301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. §53a, or, in the case of a nonindividual applicant (e.g., cor—
poration, partnership or other unincorporated association), no party to the application is subject to a denial of federal benafits
pursuant to that section. For the definition of a "party" for these purposes, see 47 CFR 1.2002(b).                                                               DYES          mNC
a, Applicant waives any clam to the use of any particular frequency or of the slectromagnetic spectrum as against the regulatory
power of the United States because of the previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise, and requasts a station
license in accordance with this application. Applicant acknowledges that all attached exhibits are a material part hereof.
b. The undersigned, individually and for the applicant, hereby certifies that the slatements made in this application are true, com—
plate and carrect to the best ol ins signer‘s knowledge and belief, and are made in good faith,
Date                                          Name of Applicant (must correspond with                   item 1)                        Title of Applicant '(uf anv)'
  1/5/98                                      Chrysler Corporation                                                                     Telecommunications Sp:
Signature          f                              *               Designate Appropriate Classification
      12 oys                    +                         z_1 D wow.                  enon                Dlosmicen & mem. or mhe               EAUTH apor. [D orriciat of
 Beverf? E.                     Graves                                   APPL.           PaRT.               APPLICANT‘S AS§OC.                          F ComP           GOVT. SNtitY
Wiliful    false statements made on this form are punishable by fine and/or Imprisonment (U.S. Code, Title                                                        18, Section    1001
and/or revocation of any station licanse or construction permit (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(al1}},                                                          and/or     forfeiture
(U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).

                                                                                                                                                                             FCC 405
                                                                                                                                                                          March 1994

Document Created: 2001-08-30 08:28:51
Document Modified: 2001-08-30 08:28:51

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