Description of Research Project

1267-EX-ST-2017 Text Documents

CCO Fiberlink, LLC


                                      DESCRIPTION OF RESEARCH PROJECT

        Pursuant to Sections 5.3(j) and Section 5.61 of the Federal Communications Commission’s rules,
        47 C.F.R. §§ 5.3(j) and 5.61, CCO Fiberlink, LLC (“Charter”), a limited liability company and
        subsidiary of Charter Communications, Inc., seeks Special Temporary Authority (“STA”) for
        180 days, beginning September 30, 2017, to test and evaluate coverage, capacity, and
        propagation characteristics in the 3550-3700 MHz band. The proposed operations will advance
        Charter’s understanding of technology and network potential in the 3550-3700 MHz band and
        will advance the potential deployment of fixed wireless services.

        Location of Testing

        Charter will conduct outdoor fixed testing within a radius of 8 km from the specified fixed
        locations in each of Bakersfield, California; Coldwater, Michigan; and Charlotte, North Carolina.

        Description of Testing

        Charter will deploy the experimental fixed antennas on existing structures, and will test the radio
        link between each base station antenna and another end user antenna sequentially on a portable
        mast placed at fixed locations within the test area.

        Charter will evaluate propagation characteristics, conduct connectivity and throughput testing in
        the vicinity of each device, and assess individual performance of each vendor’s equipment.

        Radio Equipment Description

        For the testing, Charter will use 17 different models of fixed equipment. The technical
        information below provides the greatest bandwidth and power levels that will be used for each
        piece of prototype equipment.

                                       Tx                                        Frequency
                           Fixed or            EIRP    ERP           Mean or                 Emission     Signal Modulation
Equipment      Category1              Power                                      Tolerance
                            mobile            (dBm)   (watts)       Peak Power               Designator       Format(s)
                                      (mW)                                        +/- (%)
Prototype 1       B         Fixed     8000    56.0    242.7           Peak        0.0005     80M0W9W      Digital, 256 QAM

Prototype 2       B         Fixed     37767   54.8    184.1           Peak        0.0005     60M0W9W      Digital, 256 QAM

Prototype 3       B         Fixed      251    40.0     6.1            Peak        0.0005     10M0W8W           OTFS2
                                                                                                            256 QAM, 64
Prototype 4       B         Fixed     1000    43.0     12.2           Mean       0.000001    20M0D7D
                                                                                                           QAM, 16 QAM
                                                                                                            256 QAM, 64
Prototype 5       B         Fixed     1000    43.0     12.2           Mean       0.000001    20M0D7D
                                                                                                           QAM, 16 QAM

         Category A and B radios are defined in Sections 96.3 and 96.41 of the FCC’s rules. See 47
        C.F.R. §§ 96.3 and 96.41.
            “Orthogonal Time Frequency and Space” is a proprietary vendor signal modulation format.

                                                                                                        256 QAM, 64
Prototype 6      B        Fixed    1000     43.0     12.2       Mean      0.000001     20M0D7D
                                                                                                       QAM, 16 QAM
                                                                                                     64 QAM, 16 QAM,
Prototype 7      B        Fixed    1000     37.0     3.1        Mean      0.000005     20M0W7W
                                                                                                        QPSK, BPSK
                                                                                                     256QAM, 64QAM,
Prototype 8      B        Fixed    2000     47.0     30.6       Mean      0.000005     20M0W9W
                                                                                                       16QAM, QPSK
                                                                                                     256QAM, 64QAM,
Prototype 9      B        Fixed    2000     47.0     30.6       Mean      0.000005     20M0W9W
                                                                                                       16QAM, QPSK
                                                                                                     256QAM, 64QAM,
Prototype 10     B        Fixed    2000     50.0     61.0       Mean      0.000005     20M0F9W
                                                                                                       16QAM, QPSK
                                                                                                      64QAM, 16QAM,
Prototype 11     B        Fixed     251     33.0     1.2        Mean      0.000001     20M0W7W
                                                                                                     64QAM, 16QAM,
Prototype 12     B        Fixed     199     35.0     1.9        Peak      0.000001     20M0W7W
                                                                                                     64QAM, 16QAM,
Prototype 13     A        Fixed     199     25.5     0.2        Peak      0.000001     20M0W7W
Prototype 14     B        Fixed     316      47      30.6       Mean      0.000001     20M0W7D        64QAM, 16QAM
Prototype 15     B        Fixed     200      38      3.9        Mean      0.000001     20M0W7D        64QAM, 16QAM
Prototype 16     B        Fixed     200      33      1.2        Mean       0.00005     80M0W9W       256QAM, 64QAM
Prototype 17     B        Fixed     200      23      0.12       Mean       0.00005     40M0W9W            64 QAM

         Protection Against Interference

         Charter has taken a number of steps to protect against interference. In particular, the three base
         station locations were chosen specifically to avoid risk of physical interference. All base station
         sites are located on existing towers, and the equipment will not extend above those structures.
         Individual “end user device” test locations were also selected specifically to avoid physical
         interference, which will be further lessened due to the limited duration of the test, as well as the
         continuous presence of test engineers at each location under test.

         Charter understands it must accept interference from any federal and non-federal incumbent
         users of the 3550-3700 MHz band and that all Charter operations will be on a secondary basis.
         With regard to existing users, Charter confirmed there are no Fixed Satellite Service (“FSS”)
         earth stations operating in the 3600-3650 MHz band in the areas in which Charter seeks to
         conduct testing. Charter is aware the requested Bakersfield location is within the coordination
         zone of four 3650-3700 MHz FSS stations in the Los Angeles area, and will coordinate directly,
         but expects the process to be greatly simplified by the presence of the San Gabriel mountain
         range between the test location and the FSS stations. The other two sites are not within a FSS
         coordination zone.

         Charter has also identified all grandfathered 3650-3700 MHz “NN” Wireless Broadband
         Licensees with registered locations within 30 km of the requested testing areas, and will
         coordinate directly to avoid impacting their existing operations.

         Finally, as transmit levels of the proposed radios comply with approved CBRS band operations,
         and will be operated sequentially, Charter expects limited RF propagation distances as well as
         limited and localized aggregative contribution to the RF noise floor.


Restrictions on Operation

Charter does not seek authority to perform a market study under the requested license and will
retain control over the equipment in the testing at all times.

Contact Information

Point of contact for FCC licensing issues:

       Colleen King
       Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
       (202) 621-1921

Point of contact for questions about testing operations:

       Greg McLaughlin
       Sr. Director of Wireless Operations, R&D
       (720) 482-4290

The following individual will be available 24/7 during all testing and has authority and ability to
immediately cease all operations:

       PJ Dhillon
       Principal Engineer
       (631) 374-0748


Document Created: 2017-09-15 14:41:29
Document Modified: 2017-09-15 14:41:29

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