Cover Letter (Dec 21, 1993)

4057-EX-MR-1993 Text Documents



CBS Inc., 51 West 52 Street
New York, New York 10019
(212) 975—4321
Law Department

Re:       —Call Sign KM2XJW, Experimental Radio Service

Dear Mr.           Caton:                              December 21,   1993

Attached are an original and two (2)                 copies of the

          1.       An application on FCC Form 442 to modify the
above station license.                  I have been informed by Frank
Wright, Chief of the Frequency Liaison Branch, that his
office will accept this application to renew the current
license (which expires on January 1,                 1994) and to modify
the license to reflect changes in equipment which are
described in the application.

          2.       A letter seeking Special Temporary Authority to
begin operation of the station, pending approval of the
above application, subsequent to January 1, 1994 and with
the equipment changes described in the above application.

In addition, I am enclosing a check for Thirty—Five
Dollars ($35) and a completed FCC Form 155 to accompany
the above application on FCC Form 442.  Also enclosed is a
check for Thirty—Five Dollars ($35) and a completed FCC
Form 155 to accompany the above application for Special
Temporary Authority.

If there are any questions regarding the above
applications, please write me at the above address or
telephone me at               (212)   975—4037.


R. Bryan Hatchett
Broadcast Counsel

                                                                LICRBH/ 226

Page Two
December 21,    1993

Mr. William Caton
Acting Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
Mass Media Services
P.0.   Box 358200
Pittsburgh,    Pennsylvania   15251—5200

Ccc:   Frank Wright
       Chief, Frequency Liaison Branch
       Federal Communications Commission
       Office of Engineering and Technology
       Room 7326
       2025 M Street, N.W.
       Washington, D.C.  20054


                                              LICRBH/ 226

Document Created: 2001-08-21 11:40:10
Document Modified: 2001-08-21 11:40:10

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