Exhibits I - IV

4057-EX-MR-1993 Text Documents



                                                           CBS Inc.
                                                           _December 6, 1993

                              EXHIBIT NO.      I

     Description of Modification of Call Sign KM2XJW Requested
             Item 3 of Application FCC Form 442

 This application requests authorization to modify Call Sign KM2XIJW
 to add five mobile units and renew the authorization period of two
 years. Renewal on FCC Form FCC Form 405 has not been submitted ,
 per Section 5.55(d) of the Commission‘s Rules, because simultaneous
 changes to the authorization,   as described below,   are being
 requested. All the equipment are transportable land—based earth
 stations to be operated by CBS         Inc.       using the   INMARSAT Global
 Satellite Systenm.

 CBS has previously filed applications (FCC Form 442) for these five
 mobile units as described below.

 Manufacturer                 Type No.      No.of       FCC File
                                            Units       Number

 Magnavox                     MX—211T          2        1832—EX—PL—91
 Japan Radio Company, Ltd. JUE—45T             3        2103—EX—PL—91

 Commission action on these applications, filed in 1991, is not
 specifically reflected in the authorizations issued to date.CBS has
 filed two subsequent applications and received the authorizations
 attached   (Attachment 1 & 2).

 Pursuant to Section 5.55(b) of the Commission‘s Rules individual
 authorizations are not required for each equipment, as these are
 all mobile units to be operated in the same service and within the
 same geographical area. It is noted that the authorization received
 (Attachment 1 — FCC File 3327—EX—PL—92) does not specifically
 identify the equipment, while Attachment 2 — FCC File 3762—EX—ML—
 93), identifies only the four Magnavox terminals listed in the last
 two CBS applications. The instant application therefore requests
 authority to add the two Magnavox MX—211T and three Japan Radio
 Company JUE—45T terminals, described in the referenced FCC File
 number ~applications and this application, to this one system

 This application also requests that the Operation of the station be
in accordance with Section 5.202(h) of the Commission‘s Rules, not
‘ Section 5.202(c),   as stated in the authorization.

 Commissioning applications have been filed              and   acted    upon   by
 Comsat, the U.S. signatory to INMARSAT.

                                                       CBS Inc.
                                                       December 6,       1993

                                   EXHIBIT NO.II

                          particulars of Operation
                 Item No. 4 of Application FCC Form 442

 4A Frequency:   Transnmit .. 1636.5—1645.0 MHz
                 Receive.... 1535— 1645.5 MHz

 POWER                             z7
 4B Maximum Power at Transnmitter Terminals:       40 Watts
 4C Maximum Effective Radiated Power: 5012 Watts (37 dBW)

   4 (E)          .        4 (F)                       4 (G)
                                                   BANDWIDTH     (kHz)


 24KOF3E              3000 Hz max.      audio              24
 3OKOF3E              3000 Hz max.      audio              30
— 40KOF3E             3000 Hz max.      audio              40


 40KOG1B              Phase Modulation                     40
 40KOFLIB             Frequency Mod                        40


 4K80OFID             4800 Baud            o               4.8
  115KFID             Variable                             115

Transmission will include voice (SCPC FM), data and telex.
 INMARSAT — Standard A Type Approved Mobile Earth Station

                                                     CBS Inc.
                                                     December 6, 1993

                          EXHIBIT NO.   III

                 Description of Proposed Operation
                Item 4 of Application FCC Form 442

All the proposed portable satellite terminals would be used by CBS
Inc. in the event of a disaster, to provide reliable telephone and
data communications between remote CBS field locations and CBS News
or Headquarters, when standard communications facilities are not
available.   For the most part,   usage would be for communications
during emergencies or disasters. The units would be held at the .
CBS Broadcast facilities in New York City and dispatched by air
transport, along with operational personnel, as requirements
dictate. All personnel involved in operating the unit will be
instructed as to proper procedures and operational techniques.

                                                         CBS Inc.
                                                         December 6, — 1993

                            EXHIBIT NO.IV

           Dismiséed or Denied Applications of CBS Inc.
             Item No. 18 of Application FCC Form 442

The following applications have,      in    the    past,    been   denied     or
dismissed by the Commission:                                             |

(a)   Application for consent to assign license of KSFO to Columbia
      Broadcasting System, Inc. Denied 1938 (6 FCC 387);

(b)   Application for consent to transfer of control of license of
      KQW to Columbia Broadcasting System,        Inc.   — Denied 1946
      (Docket No. 7013) ;

(c), Application for consent to assign the construction permit for
      .WRTB —from  Raytheon  —Manufacturing Company — to  Columbia
      Broadcasting System, Inc.  Dismissed as moot 1950 (BAPCT—8);

(d)   Applications for exténsion of time within which to construct
      station KCBS, San Francisco, California.      Denied in 1950
      because construction not possible due to Commission action on
      another pending application (BMP—4835); and

(e)   Application for minor change to increase effective radiated
      power of WBBM~TV, Chicago, Illincis from 6.0 Kilowatts to 8.3
      kilowatts.   Dismissed in 1989 as inconsistent with 47 C.F.R.
      Section 73.213.   (BPH—8902141A) .

Document Created: 2001-08-22 11:45:05
Document Modified: 2001-08-22 11:45:05

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