STA Request

1832-EX-PL-1991 Text Documents



                                           —                                     Chery! Lynn Schneider
                                                                                 General Attorney


                CDMSAT                                                           MobilseA(.:rommunications

                                                                                 Satellite Corporation
                                                                                 950 L‘Enfant Plaza, SW
                                                                                 Washington, DC 20024
                                                                                 Telephone 202—863—6773
                                                                                 Telex 197800
                                                                                 Fax 202—488—3814/3819
                                                 July 24,   1992

               Ms. Donna R.    Searcy,    Secretary
               Federal Communications Commission
               1919 M Street, N.W., Room 222
               Washington, D. C.  20554

                    ATTIN:   :George S.    Li,    Chief
                              International Facilities D1v151on
                              Room 534

                    Re:       Request for Special Temporary Authority
                              Domestic Land—Based Ship Earth Station

               Dear Ms.    Searcy:

                    Communications Satellite Corporation (COMSAT) herein
               requests a grant of special temporary authority for the period
               beginning July 28,    1992 and extending until October 20,           1992 to
               provide satellite communications services via the INMARSAT system
               between land—based ship earth stations in the United States and
               the U.S. coast earth stations at Southbury, Connecticut (WA—28),
               and Santa Paula, California (KA—31).  In support of this request,
               COMSAT submits a      ows :

                               as U.S. Signatory to INMARSAT, has received a
                               CBS, Inc.       for permission to operate three

                                    BS intends to use the terminals to support
                                  activities in disaster and other situations
               where no other communications systems are available.

                    INMARSAT has reviewed the CBS request and has approved
               access to the INMARSAT space segment.  This approval is in
               accordance with INMARSAT‘s policies, and subjéect to its
               conditions, in regard to land—based ship earth stations engaged
               in non—maritime communications.

                    Because the subject land—based ship earth stations will use
               L—band frequencies in the Maritime Mobile Satellite Service
               portion of the spectrum,          frequency coordination will not be an
               issue.     In any event,    the land—based units will operate on a
               non—interference basis with ship earth stations in the Maritime


Mobile Satellite Service.       COMSAT will apply its regular maritime
service charge for the proposed services,         in accordance with its
FCC Tariff 102.

     CBS has filed an application with the Office of Engineering
and Technology for an experimental license for its terminals.

     COMSAT respectfully submits that the public interest will be
served through the provision of this capacity and thus by a grant
of temporary authority until October 20,         1992.

      The requisite filing fee of $610 is enclosed.

                         Respectfully submitted,     .

                            f; 23    ;207_§a 4     ky    Jaos   o   es

                         Cheryl Lynn Schneider

cc:   Michael   Pollak
      Frank Wright

Document Created: 2001-08-21 18:13:29
Document Modified: 2001-08-21 18:13:29

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