Fax Cover Letter

0247-EX-ST-1999 Text Documents

CBS Communication Services, Inc.


AUG. —04‘ 99 (WED) 15: 32                    WA H L                                                            TEL: 4577814                                    P. 001         __

                                                       WILKES, ARTIS, HEDRICK & LANE
         FAX: (202) 457—7814                     ,                              CHARTERED                                                                 ABNI;‘NT:]E:;':. mYLAND

                                                                         ATTORNEYS aT Law                                                                   " FakPax, vromia
                                                                             SUITE 1100                                                                   WwALDOK®: MaRvLinp
         warrer‘s Dixscr Diat.:                                         1666 K STREET, N.W.
            (202) 487—7074         *                        WasHinagatToNn, D.C. 20006—2897
                                                                                (202) 457—7800

                                                                     FAX COVER LETTER
                     TJME N: August 4, 1999/3:12 PM                                      CLIENT/MATTER#: 14634—008

                    COMPLETED Jean                                                       ATTORNEYIP#: 057
                                                                                         TOTAL NO, OF PAGES;
                    FROM: Ramsey L. Woodworth                         fl?L\t\_                             (INCLUDING COVER SHEET}


                    1.    Name:             Car) Huie                                             Fax Number:             418—1918

                   ‘.{.&Name:               Doug Ynung                                            Fax Number:             418—1918

                     ¥Company:              FCC — Experimental Licensing Branch
                   383 Name:                                                                      Fax Number:
                   . ='7' Company:

               ,                       ; The attached STA request was filed in Pittsburgh yesterday, August 2. The
              .           d receipt stamped copy is attached. The start date is Tuesday, August 10, so
                   expeditious consideration is requested, and I wanted to get the receipt—stamped copy to
                   you right away.

                   Original will be mailed           ___ Yes     _X No                    Original will be couriered           _ Yes          _X No

                               N        :       oU                         IV                T         ACES,     CA       202—4857—7813
                             Information contained in this facsimile message is attomney privileged & confidential information intended only for the
                  use ofthe individual or entity indicated. [Fyou are not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to
                                                                                                                                         Ifyou have
                  the intended recipient, please note that any distribution or copying af this facsimile message is strictly prohibited.
                                                                                                                                 to us at the above
                   received this facsimile message in crror, immediately notify us by telephone. and retumn the original meseage
                  postal address. Thank you.

Document Created: 2001-08-20 16:22:24
Document Modified: 2001-08-20 16:22:24

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