STA Request

0247-EX-ST-1999 Text Documents

CBS Communication Services, Inc.


                                     WILKES, ArTIs, HEDRICK & LanE
RaxmsEyr L WoopwortH                                    CHARTERED                                 ANNAPOLIS. MARYLAND
VoIcE: 202—457—7874                                                                                BETHESDA. MARYLAND
EmaAIL:                     ATTORNEYS aAT Law                                  FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA
Fax: 20O2—457—7814                                      SUuITE 1100                               GREENBELT. MARYLAND
                                                                                                   WALDORF, MARYLAND
                                                   i18sse K STREET, N. W.
                                       WasHuinoGtTox, D. C. 20008—2897
                                                  (202) 457—7800

                                                      August 2, 1999

              Federal Communications Commission
              Experimental Licensing Branch
              New Technology Development Division
               Office of Engineering and Technology
              Experimental Radio Services
              P.O. Box 358320
              Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5320

                         Re:     Request for Special Temporary Authority for Use of Certain
                                 2 GHz Frequencies, August 10—15, 1999

              Dear Gentlemen:

                     CBS Communication Services, Inc. (CCS) requests a Special Temporary
              Authority (STA) to operate on certain 2.5 GHz frequencies in conjunction with its
              operations providing television coverage of the PGA championship at the Medinah
              Country Club, in Medinah, Illinois.

                     Previously, similar STAs have been granted to CCS or its subcontractor,
              Broadcast Sports Technology (BST), a manufacturer and provider of video transmission
              equipment for remote video and film production sporting events, for the testing and use
              of equipment on these frequencies. CCS requests an identical authorization for video
              production at the upcoming PGA championship. The use of these frequencies, in
              addition to broadcast auxiliary frequencies normally used for video production, is
              necessitated by the unavailability of sufficient broadcast auxiliary frequencies for an
              event of this magnitude. Therefore, in addition to the frequencies for which CCS and
              BST has existing authority to use, we hereby request, for the period of August 10—15,
              1999, use of the following frequencies:

              Frequency (MHz)                  Power (watts)                 Emission
                    2521                       4 (output)                    17MOFIW
                        2545                   4 (output)                    17MOFIW
                        2569                   4 (output)                    17MOFIW
                        2591                   4 (output)                    17MOFIW


     Federal Communications Commission
     August 2, 1999
     Page 2

             All operation will be on a non—interference basis to licensed users of these
     frequencies. CCS and BST have been granted prior special temporary authority to utilize
     these frequencies in other areas premised on prior coordination with the ITFS licensees in
     the area. CCS and BST will coordinate use of the requested frequencies with all licensee
     entities and obtain all necessary concurrence, as was done in previous instances.

            The location of the Medinah Country Club is 41—57—62N and 88—02—75W. All
     operation will cease on these frequencies upon any report of interference. The contact
     person is Raymond Benedict, CBS Communication Services, Inc., who can be reached at
     (202) 457—4518 or by facsimile at (202) 457—4615.

            Our check in the amount of $45.00 together with FCC Fee Form 159 is enclosed.

             Your prompt review of this request is greatly appreciated. Should any question
     arise concerning this request, kindly contact the undersigned at (202) 457—7874.

            The applicant hereby certifies that no party to this application is subject to a
     denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988,
     21 U.S.C. § 853a.

                                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                                 Ramsey L. Woodworth
                                                 Its counsel


Document Created: 2001-08-20 18:30:39
Document Modified: 2001-08-20 18:30:39

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