STA Request

3497-EX-ST-1998 Text Documents



@CBS                                                 5 — 349]—£EX—]IPS
       surme 1200
       WaSHINGTON, D.C. 20037—2403

       (202) asr—as02
       FAX: (202) 467—4815

       E. LANNY NaSS

     August 14, 1998

     Federal Communications Commission
     Experimental Licensing Branch
     Office of Engineering and Technology
     Suite 230
     2000 M Street, NW
~    Washington DC 20054

     Attention: Mr. Carl Huie

     Re:   Request for Temporary Authority for use of one 2.5 gHz.
     frequency August 25 through August 30, 1998, in Akron OH.

     Dear Sir:

     CBS Communication Services Inc. (CCS) hereby requests a Special Temporary
     Authority (STA) to operate on frequency 2.521 gHz. for the PGA Golf tournament to be
     played at:
     Firestone Country Club
     452 East Warner Road
.    Akron, OH 44319
     Coordinates: 41° 0.48° N latitude,         81° 30.03‘ W longitude
     As has been our past practice, Broadcast Sports Technology, a manufacturer and
     provider of video transmission equipment for remote video and film production sporting
     events will be providing equipment and expertise.

     Most of the broadcast auxiliary frequencies which CCS would normally request are
     unavailable due to regular use by Part 74 licensees on site and in the area. Therefore, in
     addition to the frequencies which CCS and BST have existing authority to use, we
     hereby request, for the period August 25 — 30, 1998, use of the following frequency:

          Frequency (mHz)                     Power (watts)                Emission
     2521.00                              4                          17MOFIW

     All operation will be on a non—interference basis to licensed users. CCS will use the
     enclosed Data World Frequency Search to coordinate use of the requested frequency
     with licensed entities and CCS will obtain all necessary concurrence, as has been done
«~   in previous instances.

All operation will cease on the frequency upon report of any interference. The contact
person will be the undersigned and can be reached at:

Tel# (202) 457—4602
Fax # (202) 457—4615
Pager # (888) CBS—BEEP (227—2332)

The applicant, CCS Inc., certifies that no party to this application is subject to a denial of
Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21
U.S.C. $53a.
The original of this STA request is being filed in Pittsburgh, together with the requisite
filing fee in the amount of $45.00. A copy of the FCC 159 Fee form is attached hereto
as evidence of filing today.
CBS Communication Services Inc. appreciates your prompt review of this urgent
request due to the short timetable available, and apologizes for the short notice. Should
any questions arise concerning this request, kindly notify me at the above referenced
telephone number.

Respectively submitted, (\

E. Lanny Nass
Vice President
CBS Communication Services Inc.

Document Created: 2001-08-27 03:05:29
Document Modified: 2001-08-27 03:05:29

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