
3474-EX-ST-1998 Text Documents



                                     CBS, INC.                                        Page  0
                                  WASHINGTON, DC                                July 21, 1998

                 Wireless Cable Database Retrieval Program

                 This product is provided by Dataworld,                  Inc.
                  solely for the standard business uses of
                              CBS, INC.
      and is not to be duplicated for other purposes or provided
       to others without written permission of Dataworld, Inc.
                             ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

                     Copyright     (c)    1998,    Dataworld,     Inc.

Disclaimer:   Dataworld,   Inc.    assumes no liability for any errors or
omissions in the information hereby provided, and shall not be liable
for any injuries or damages        (including consequential)             which might result
from use of the said information.

Job Title:                           CBS SPORTS       —   REDMOND,   WA

Channel(s)    selected:              Al A2 A3 M4 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C2 C3 C4 D1 D2
                                     D3 D4 El E2 E3 EB4 F1 F2 F3 F4 G1 G2 G3 G4
                                     H1 H2 H3 1  2  2A

Authorization(s)    selected:                        CP     LIC

CP—s are for unlicensged facilities only
All records within:                      40.0 mi
Reference coordinates:               47—38—00 122—03—00
Output format number 1

Contact address data will be included

Database searched:                   Dataworld 07/09/98

Records processed:                   15980

Records retrieved:                         10

                                           CBS, INC.                                                     Page  1
                                        WASHINGTON, DC                                             July 21, 1998

                                Wireless Cable Database Report
/‘>tle:   CBS SPORTS    —   REDMOND,   WA                                                    DB:     DW 07/09/98

                                                                                       HAG         ERP
City of License                  St Call         Chan Type Rec Date HAMSL                          TPO Latitude
Licensee name                               Auth FCC File Number     (ft)                          (W) Longitude
SEATTLE                          WA WHR528   Al—A4 ITFS O5/23/97                       499               h 47—36—58
KCTS TV                                 LIC   BMPIF—870316DI                                        50    122—18—27
401 MERCER ST                           Prin: BURNILL F. CLARK
SEATTLE, WA 98109                             PPH: (206) 728—6463
      Legal: DOW,   LOHNES & ALBERTSON                           (202)    857—2500
Ant #1:    Andrew HMD12HO—W @ 0 deg;              TX:    TSA—50GA;       GR EXT 910927DA       (21233       102291)
;    BRIF—970501DF GRD 4/9/98(44220—4/15/98);                    CP Granted 09%/22/87; Distance:l2.1
     mi; Bearing: 264.4 deg.

SEATTLE                          WA WHR622              B1—B4 ITFS 10/12/94            499               h 47—36—58
KCTS TV                                 CP              BMPLIF—911002DC                909          50    122—18—28
410 MERCER ST                                Prin: WALTER PARSONS
SEATTLE, WA 98109                                        PPH:
Engineer:    COHEN, DIPPELL                                      (202)    898—0111
Ant #1: Andrew HMD12HO—W; TX: Emcee ITS—10F; Ant #2: ; TX: Emcee TSA—50GA; EXT
 931103DC (15667 11/8/93); EXT 930917DV GR (21862 4—13—94); CP Granted 06/04/9
2 per FCC release #21401 dated 06/15/92; Distance:l2.1                               mi; Bearing: 264.4 de
SEATTLE                  WA WNC381    Ci—C4 ITFS 01/20/95                              499            h 47—36—58
KCTS TV                          CP   BMPLIF— 93091 7DV                                909          50 122—18—27
401 MERCER ST                    Prin: BURNILL F. CLARK
"~ATTLE, WA 98109                      PPH: (206) 728—6463
   Legal: DOW, LOHNES & ABERTSON             (202) 857—2500
Ant #1:    Andrew HMD12HO—W @ 0 deg;              TX:    Emcee TSA—50GA;         EXT 940902DE        (15899    9/16
/94); GR (22068 12—22—94);; CP Granted 09/23/87 per FCC release #20168 dated 1
0/06/87;    Distance:l2.1        mi;   Bearing:          264.4 deg.

SEATTLE                   WA WLX726    D1i—D4 ITFS 06/19/95   955 158.5h 47—36—17
N. AMERICAN CATHOLIC ED‘L PROG   CP    BPLIF—911003DA        1060    10 122—19—46
P.O. BOX 40026                   Prin:
PROVIDENCE, RI  02940—0026              PPH:
Engineer: BLOOSTON, MORDKOFSKY                (202) 828—5523
   Legal: PEPPER & CORAZZINI                  (202) 296—0600
Ant #1: Andrew HMD16HO; TX: Emcee TTS—20HS; EXT 950125DJ (16104 2—3—95); EXT 9
50419DU (23507 5—15—95); GR, (43528 6/1/95); CP Granted 10/28/92 per FCC relea
se #21501 dated 11/03/92;         Distance:l3.2                 mi;   Bearing:    261.5 deg.

SEATTLE                    WA WHT6S6    E1—E4 MMDS O5/14/96   955 158.5h 47—36—17
JACK G HUBBARD                    LIC   50479—CM—ML—96       1060    10 122—19—46
8793 RANCH DRIVE                  Prin:
CHESTERLAND, OH   44026                  PPH:
Ant #1: Andrew HMD16HO—W; CP Granted O08/16/95License Granted 02/21/96 per FCC
releasge #D—843 dated 03/13/9%6; Distance:13.2    mi; Bearing: 261.5 deg.

BREMERTON                WA WMIL890    E1—E4 MMDS 09/15/94                             495 489.8h 47—32—57
SUN MULTI—CHANNEL MDS, INC.      LIC   50469—CM—L—94                                  2182    10 122—47—02
10801 NATIONAL BOULEVARD         Prin:
LOS ANGELES, CA   90064                 PPH:
Ant #1:    Bogner B16SB @ 90 deg;           TX:    Emcee TTS10G;          TS   IN LTTRY #47        (2/26/93);    50
"~~9—CM—MP—93,      CHG CARRIER STAT,        GR 11/18/93;             CP Granted 04/15/93License Grante
w 04/19/94 per FCC release #D—765 dated 09/14/94; Distance:34.8                                     mi; Bearing:
    260.6 deg.

                                               CBS,   INC.                                          Page   2
                                          WASHINGTON,        DC                             July 21,   1998

                                Wireless Cable Database Report
    tle:   CBS SPORTS   —   REDMOND,   WA                                             DB:     DW 07/09/98

                                                                                HAG         ERP
City of License                  St Call            Chan     Type Rec Date HAMSL            TPO    Latitude
Licensee name                               Auth FCC File Number               (ft)         (W)   Longitude
SEATTLE                          wA WHT6S7          F1—F4 MMDS O02/06/97        955    158.5h 47—36—17
SHERRY RULLMAN                          LIC         50480—CM—ML—96             1060       10 122—19—46
P.O.   BOX 345                              Prin:
CLAREMONT, CA  91711                               PPH:
Ant #1: Andrew HMD16HO—W;         CMMN CXR;      51560—CM—P—95,      GRANTED    (D908—A 1—29—97);          C
P Granted 08/16/95License Granted 02/21/96 per FCC release #D—843 dated 03/13/
96; Distance:l13.2  mi; Bearing: 261.5 deg.

SEATTLE                  WA WLX546   G1—G4 ITFS O5/11/96                        518            h 47—36—22
HISPANIC INFO & TELECOMM NTWK   CP   BPLIF—840301DB                             719          10 122—19—45
NEW YORK, NY  10013                   PPH: (212) 254—8661
Engineer: MARTIN SPERBER                   (213) 393—5127
Ant #1: Andrew 62111 @ 0 deg; TX: Info TX Systems CJJ—79X;ITS—16; PETITION TO
DENY FILED AGAINST EXT 950523DT; CP Granted 04/27/92 per FCC release #21376 da
ted O5/11/92; Distance:l3.2              mi;   Bearing:      261.9 deg.

SEATTLE                  WA WNTB226     H3   OFS 12/08/95        317v 47—36—17
QUADRANGLE COMMUNICATIONS, INC  LIC   748906                      20 122—19—46
1134 BOBOLINK DRIVE             Prin:
VISTA, CA 92083                        PPH:
Ant #1: Andrew HMD16HO—W; Licenge Granted 09/10/90 per FCC release #1554 dated
"~~9/28/90; Lic. Renew Granted 09/05/95 per FCC release #D—817—A dated 09/13/95
    Distance:13.2       mi;   Bearing:    261.5 deg.

SEATTLE                  WA WMI902      1   mDpS 02/17/98  449        47—36—57
DCT COMMUNICATIONS, INC.        LIC   50144—CM—ML—98                 122—18—26
201 OCEAN AVE., #1701P          Prin:
SANTA MONICA, CA  90402                PPH:
N CMMN CXR; License Granted 01/07/98 per FCC release #D—970 dated 02/04/98; Di
stance:12.1   mi; Bearing: 264.3 deg.

               >> End of Wireless Cable Database Retrieval Program «<<

                          MDS FREQUENCY ASSIGNMENTS

                                                                 CARRIER IN MHz
                              Bandwidth (MHz) Video                  Color          Audio
     MDS Channel 1              2150—2156     2154.75              2151.17         2150.50
     MDS Channel 2              2156—2162     2160.75              215717         2156.25
      i         11.    _9 A) Note; Video & Audio carters are I
     159k—26°B                     260 8— Abiy au,:zo-:uae/
                          TFSFREQUENCY ASSIGNMENTS db3a—263#
                      Channel      Band Limit          Visual Carrier         Aural Carrier
      Group           Number         MHz              Frequency Mz          Frequency MHz

                       A1         2500—2506              2501.25               2505.75
          A            Ar         p5122518               2513.25               2517.75
      }TF) AB                     2524—2580              2525.25               2520.75
                       A—4        2596—2542              2537.25               2541.75
           B1                     25062512               2507.25               2511.75
       8   B2                     2518—2524              251925                2523.75
      ~TA" B3                     25302536               2531.25               2535.75
      &                B4         25422548               2543.25               2547.75
           C1                     25482554               2549.25               2559.75
       c   C2                     2560—2566              2561.25               2565.75
       TE® C3                     ssr22878               2573.25               2577.75
     C     C4                     2584—2590              2585.25               2589.75
          D1                      2554—2560              2555.05               2550.75
      D   D                       2s6e—2572              2567.25               2571.75
A    xTPS Ds                      asreosee               2579.25               2583.75
f         D4                      2590—2596              2501.25               2505.75
t                       E4        2s9e—2s02              psores                2601.75
&         G             Ee        26082614               2609.25               2613.75
     moS Es                       rercasrs               reries                2625.75
                        B4         segasess              2633.25               2637.75
                        F4        26022608               2603.25               2607.75
          FE,           Fa        2614—2620              2615.25               2619.75
     mOS$ Es                      ressssse                seeres               2631.75
;               ,g, F4             26382644              2639.25               2649.75
4      e
|         @                       2e44—2650              2e45.25               2649.75
|      a.  —8                       reserser             2657.25               2661.75
       }’(Ff’ G3                  2668—2674              2660.25               2673.75
                       G4         25802686               2681.25               2685.75
 R                      H—1       2eso—255e              2651.25               2655.75
i         Hs            M         2es2.266s              2663.25               2667.75
‘                       H—3       2674—2680              2675.25               2679.75
     w7               i Not

                         Note: Groups E and F are avallable for MMDS use.

Document Created: 2001-08-27 23:38:35
Document Modified: 2001-08-27 23:38:35

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