Cover letter (May 26, 1999)

0201-EX-RR-1999 Text Documents



                                    WILEEsSs, ARTIs, HEDRICK & LancE
RamsEy L Woopwortk                                CHARTERED                            ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND
VorceE: 202—457—7874                                                                    BETHESDA. MARYLAND
EmaIc:                ATTORNEYS AT Law                              FAIRFAX. VIRGINIA
Fax: 202—457—7814                                SUITE 1100                            GREENBELT. MARYLAND
                                                                                        WALDORF. MARYLAND
                                             i1@8e K STREET. N. W.
                                     WasnuInGtorx, D. C. 200086—2807
                                              (202) 457—7800

                                               May 26, 1999

               Ms. Magalie Roman Salas
               Federal Communications Commission
               Experimental Radio Services
               P.0O. Box 358320
               Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5320

                        Re:      Experimental Station License WAZXKW,       Coral Springs,
                                 Florida, Application for Renewal of License

              Dear Ms.          Salas:

                   On behalf of CBS Communications Services, Inc.,
              enclosed herewith for filing are an original and one copy of
              an application for renewal of license of the above—
              referenced experimental station.  Further included with the
              application is FCC Fee Form 159, together with our check in
              the amount of $45.00 to cover applicable filing fees.

                        As this application is being filed less than 60 days
              prior to the expiration date of the current license                (June 1,
              1999), waiver of Section 5.59 (c) of the Commission‘s rules
              is requested to permit acceptance of the application at this
              time .

                   Should there be any questions in connection with this
              application, please contact the undersigned.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                WILKES,    ARTIS,    HEDRICK & LANE,

                                                       Ramééy L.     Woodworth

Document Created: 2001-08-23 19:40:21
Document Modified: 2001-08-23 19:40:21

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