Progress Report (April 30, 1993)

3043-EX-PL-1992 Post Grant Documents




                                Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
                                                                                                     s s«
                                                                                       Stephen D. Dukes
                                                          Vice President, Advance Network Development

April 30, 1993

Dr. Thomas P. Stanley
Chief Engéneer                    Nkien i BRA                ns       ee
Federal Communications Commission
2025 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20554

Dear Sir,
                                    PCS Experimental License KM2XAT
                                         Your Fil       EX—PL—92

Our third quarterly report, covering the period ended March 31st, is attached.


Stephen D. Dukes

ce:      Richard H. Strodel

                                                            (31A{19 34

         1050 Walnut Street, Suite 500 + Boulder, Colorado 80302 « Telephone 103/9°——I520 + Zax: 303/939—9189

                           PCS EXPERIMENTAL LICENSE
                            THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT

  This is the third quarterly report by Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. (CableLabs), under
  experimental license KM2XAT, covering the period ended March 31st, 1992.

  This license was awarded by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), effective
  June 10, 1992 and expiring January 1, 1994. A copy of this license was included in our
  first quarterly report.

  INTEREST                                    .
  — wag—*—               NWWt innePl uzlz2zelk                                     .
_ CableLabs is a research and development consortium of North American cabie television
  operators. Its members provide service to 85 % of the cable television subscribers in the >
  U.S.A. and 60 % of those in Canada. Among its members are the leading cable television >
  operators in these countries.
  Many CableLabS members are looking into the prospects for providing PCS (personal
  communications services) on cable. Some of these members are holders of experimental
  licenses from the FCC. In addition, CableLabs members are associated with ail three of the
  non—telco commercial Digital Cordless Telephony licenses in Canada. CableLabs‘ research
  and development program supports members who have an interest in PCS.

  One of the programs at CableLabs is the investigation of the integration of cable and radio
  technology to provide PCS. It seems likely that, by making use of the pre—existing
 broadband cable infrastructure which cable operators have in place in many lecalitfes, PCS
 could be brought to the public readily and economically.

  CableLabs is using portions of the radio spectrum to evaluate and demonstrate PCS radio
 technologies in a cable environment.

 The following activifics are covered in this report:
    1.   Microcell extender evaluation.

    2.   PCS in daily use.

   3.    Space Diversity Using Distributed Antennas

   4.    Loans of Equipment to CableLabs Members

   5.    Preparations for Future Activities

Mi            I Extender Evaluati

In Appendix A of our Second Quarterly Report is described the method which was used for
evaluating Microcell Extender (MEx) technology compared with Remote Antenna Driver
(RAD) technology. Both technologies are of interest to the cable industry, so there is
interest in knowing if there are any practical differences.
The measurements were made in the Metrotown Centre enclosed atrium—style shopping
mall in Burnaby, B.C., which is a Rogers Cablesystems test bed. CableLabs—provided
MExs were located at two locations where Rogers had previously performed RAD
experiments. Radio coverage measurements were made using the methodology and data
point locations which Rogers had used, so as to provide a basis for comparison.
This experiment showed that:
     —— Received signaldevel alone is not aiiiasent<ndicater—of—subjective—voree quality.

     ——       The range of variation of received signal levels at a given location is not in itself a
          sufficient indicator of subjective voice quality.

     —— Performance in the overlap zone between adjacent simulcasting remote antennas
        was similar, whether with RADs or MExs. A performance degradation of up to
        one grade, on the 5—grade scale of Table 1 below, was observed in the overlap
        zone. The performance degradation is the result of interference between rays from
        the adjacent remote antennas. The resulting quality in the test was still "very good".

     —— The development of simple test systems and methods to reduce the subjective
        component of determining coverage quality is very desirable (CableLabs has a
        research program directed toward these ends).

                                                Table 1
                                Subjective Audio Quality Rating Scale

   RATING                                      SUBJECTIIVE QUALITY
          3           Excellent audio (toll   grade or better) with no audible impairments.
          4           Very good audio quality with minimal impairment.
          3           Consistent radio coverage. Audio is usable with moderate umpairment
                      (periodic "clicking" due to audio muting when the Bit Error Ratio on the
                      radio link exceeds 10).
          2           Marginal radio coverage. Audio is listenable but requires frequent
                      repetition.       .
          1           No radio coverage (includes cases where link drops).

PCS in Daily Use

Two CableLabs staff members began regular daily use of CT2 equipment in CableLabs‘
office, in order to acquire a hands—on appreciation of transmission quality issues.

~ During January and February, operations took place at in the 1921.1—1927.9 MHz band.
  Beginning in February, operations were shifted to the 902.1~906.1 MHz band.

  In each case, a Motorola CT2 private base station was set up in a location which provided
 coverage of the user‘s typical work area. CableLabs‘ offices are on the 4th and 5th floors
 of a 5—storey building at 1050 Walnut Street, Boulder, and one user was selected on each
 of the two floors. The base station configuration adopted was: one base on the 4th floor,
  for the 4th—floor user, and one on the 5th floor, for the 5th—floor user.

 Although good coverage was obtained in the vicinity of the users‘ work stations, and some
 adjacent—floor coverage resulted, in neither case was a single base station adequate to cover
 the entire CableLabs establishment on both floors, due to the attenuation of partitions,
 floors, and other objects.

 Distributed antenna systems (such as Remote Antenna Drivers, Microcell Extenders, leaky
 coaxial lines, and even simple multiple—fed antennas) are possible means of providing
: coverage of the entige—EableLabs establnh-mtramd%mw+hesewl¥be—smdm¢
~ These operations took place without theuse of dlversny Future work w111mvcsugatc the
 — nnpact of space diversity on this coverage area.
 A very important outcome of these experiments is the significant improvementin business
 efficiency that resulted. Among other things, the test users were able to answer in real time
 a noticeable amount of incoming calls that might otherwise have gone to voice mail when
 the test users were away from their work stations.

 This daily—operation trial will be extended to other CableLabs staff members. CableLabs
 commends to readers of this report the usefulness of such a daily—operation trial in their
 own circumstances, for the insights it could convey.

 Space Diversity Using Distributed Antennas

 CableLabs sponsored experiments of space diversity using distributed antennas during the
 week of March 22, 1993. The experiments are summarized in Appendix A.

 During the week of February 8th, CableLabs loaned a 1.9—GHz CT2 private base station
 and handset to Cox Enterprises, for use by them in El Cajon, CA, under their experimental
 license KF2XFR expiring December 31st, 1994. They used the equipment for propagation
 observations. A CableLabs representative was also very kindly invited to witness some of
 the experiments they were performing, on February 10th, and made brief observations of
 transmission quality using CT2 and Omnipoint equipment. The activities will be reported
 to the FCC by Cox.

 Also during the month of February and into early March, CableLabs loaned a 1.9—GHz
 CT2 Telepoint and handset to Cablevision Systems Corporation, for use by them in
 Lynbrook, NY, under their experimental license KF2XFX expiring January 1, 1995, and
 under their control. They used the equipment for propagation observations and in

connection with Remote Antenna Driver technology. The activities will be reported to the
FCC by Cablevision.

Other equipment loans and exchanges with CableLabs members are also under discussion.

p       ons   for F     Activid

Motorola CT2 CAI equipment operating at 864, 902 and 1921 MHz has been received.
Northern Telecom CT2Plus Class I equipment, operating at 864 MHz has been received.

The rework of CableLabs‘ RASP and RAD equipment to include equipment updates that
were suggested by the experience of other CableLabs members to date, and to operate at
902—906 and 1921—1928 MHz, was in progress at the end of the first quarter of 1992. This
will enable comparisons to be made of the differences in RAD behavior in the two bands.
Two Nexus 900—MHz microcell extepgders, and a microc@illkmaxtender—baso«unit,—have—been——
received and are being set up to cover CableLabs‘ offices.
Progress was made by Enterprise Technologies (formerly Nexus) on CableLabs‘ order for
a CT2 base station and RASP which will accommodate very long base—handset delay times.
This will demonstrate that the cable distance limitation of TDD (time—division duplex) radio
technology can be overcome, by making use of the FDD (frequency—division duplex)
characteristics inherent in the cable plant.

The activities to date by CableLabs and others continue to indicate that cable technology is
suitable for the economic provision of PCS.

—   w   ;

                                             APPENDIX A
             Introduction. —— CableLabs sponsored an investigation into space diversity using distributed
             antennas during the week of March 22, 1993.

             Space diversity can give significant gains in coverage when individual antennas are used
             that are directly connected to a base station. CableLabs wanted to know what the effect
             would be in a microcell environment using single and multiple remote antennas. The
             evaluation focused on comparing the performance of individual remote antennas with and
             without space diversity, and the performance in the overlap zone between two simulcasting
            . Igs_t_S_an —— The cxpcnments tookplacein Lynbrook, NY, under Cablevision Systems
             experimental license KFZXFX expiring January 1, 1995. CableLabs was responsible for
            defining the test objectives and procedure, and managing the experiments. Rogers
            Engineering pmwdedengineering—expertise byarrarmpmrmentwith—CableLabs.Cablevision
            SystemsCorporation;Rogers Engineering, Enterprise Technologies (formerly Nexus
             Engineering) and CableLabsall contributed equipment for the tests. Cablevision Systems
             providedthevenue‘for the ‘tests, including coaxial cables on which to configure the >
             distributed antennas, and contributed human resources for the tests.
             In the tests, a CT2 CAI base station capable of space diversity was set up in the headend,
             and was used to drive microcell extenders at two remote locations on the east side of Ocean
             Avenue, as outlined in Figure A1.

                     end                  -      Merric
                    Hcad-                     \k                    0                     Cell
                            \                                                           Location
                             C       l                                                     2


                                     Figure A1. —— Distributed antenna layout.

            Two parallel paths were provided, as outlined in Figure A2 which shows the equipment
            configuration. Each of the two diversity antenna ports of the base station was connected to
            its own distributed antenna ("Cable 1" and "Cable 2"). Each of the distributed antennas
            consisted of two remote antennas arranged in simulceast. The remote antennas for each of
            the two parallel paths were collocated in two pairs, one pair near the headend ("Cell
            Location 1") and one pair farther away ("Cell Location 2"), such that there was an overliap
            zone approximately midway between the two Cell Locations.


           &                                 "T—=w                                            Y
                       MEx       Cable 1      7                      Cable 1
                  _fl   Base                   _R

      Diversity                                           MEx                     J   MEx
       seten 1|        mgx       Cable 2       m      =              Cable 2

           Headend Location                        I[ me« |Y                      [ me« |Y
                                                   Cell Location 1               Cell Location 2

                               Figure A2. —— Space diversity test setup.

     The cable on each distributed antenna system consisted of 0.750—inch aluminum—jacket
     solid—dielectric coaxial cable, loaned for the test by Cablevision Systems. The remote
     antenna equipmentwas suspendedfrom thecoaxial cable strand wire, about 18 feet above
     gmund. Dc.powerfor the MExs was supphadover the coaxial cable fnom the MEx base. ‘
     There is nofrequcncy4 u'anslauonin the MEx eqmpment the radio sxgnals to and fnom the ‘
     base station are simply amplified. The gains of the MExs were set such that approximately
     equal levels were received at each base station antenna port from each MEx antenna port,
     and approximately equal transmitted power levels were delivered from the base station to
     the MEx antenna ports.

     The space—diversity base station at the headend was a Northern Telecom CT2 Companion
     Deployment Tool, loaned by Rogers Engineering and modified by them so that each of two
     space diversity inputs/outputs would drive a distributed antenna system.
     As shown in Figure A2, the equipment on each distributed antenna system consisted of a
     microcell extender base unit (MEx base) at the headend, and two microcell extenders
     (MExs) at the two Cell Locations. This equipment was manufactured by Enterprise
     Technologies (formerly Nexus). Equipment was loaned by Cablevision Systems, and by
     Rogers Engineering by arrangement with Enterprise Technologies; CableLabs also used its
     own MExs and MEx base.

     Procedure. —— The intention of the program was to make measurements in the following
     system configurations:

     (a)     Each MEx at each Cell Location working individually.

     (b)     Two MExs simulcasting from Cell Locations 1 and 2 on Cable 1 only.
     (c)     Two MExs simulcasting from the two cell locations on Cable 2 only.

     (d)     Two MExs in space diversity on Cables 1 and 2 at Cell Location i.

     (e)     Two MExs in space diversity on Cables 1 and 2 at Cell Location 2.

     (£)     Two MExs simulcasting at Cell Locations 1 and 2 on Cable 1, in space diversity

        with two MExs simulcasting from the same Cell Locations on Cable 2.

Results. —— Operation in all the planned configurations was achieved, including what may
have been the first space diversity operation over a distributed antenna system in North
America (configurations d, e and f).

During space diversity operation with either Cell Location, an improvement in coverage
quality was observed. The improvement was in terms of filling in many of the small holes
in coverage that show up as pops and clicks, thus increasing the subjective quality rating
compared with the non—diversity configurations.
Limited observations in the overlap zone of configuration (£) indicated that space diversity
did not appear to degrade performance over the non—diversity case, and may have improved
Steps. —— Further more detailed measurements are planned in all these configurations,
focusing on measuring:
  1.   Radio signal levels.

 2.    Errors in TDD frames.
 3.    Subjective signal quality.

Document Created: 2001-08-24 05:53:16
Document Modified: 2001-08-24 05:53:16

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