Supplemental statement

0231-EX-CN-2017 Applicant Eligibility

Brown University


                Supplemental Statement of Brown University

             FCC Experimental License File 0231-EX-CN-2017

This application is for facilities. intended to be used by Prof. Daniel Mittleman1 of the School of
Engineering, for propagation measurement experiments on the Brown University campus in
Providence RI. Prof. Mittleman is a qualified researcher in this field who has written extensively
on the subject of terahertz propagation.2 The purpose of the experiment is to gather
measurement data in a complex environment at frequencies of approximately 100, 200, 300 and
400 GHz.

We believe that the technology being tested here is "new technology in the context of 47 U.S.C.
157 and that the results from this experiment will help to further other use by others of spectrum
above 95 GHz that now lacks any FCC rules3. Therefore we ask that this be treated under the
provisions of Section 7, particularly with respect to the burden test of § 157(a):

       Any person or party (other than the Commission) who opposes a new technology or service
       proposed to be permitted under this chapter shall have the burden to demonstrate that such
       proposal is inconsistent with the public interest. (Emphasis added)

Some of the spectrum covered in the application overlaps with passive allocations. Thus we
readily acknowledge that following provisions of §5.85(a)(2) apply to this application:

       (2) Applications to use any frequency or frequency band exclusively allocated to the passive
       services (including the radio astronomy service) must include an explicit justification of why
       nearby bands that have non-passive allocations are not adequate for the experiment. Such
       applications must also state that the applicant acknowledges that long term or multiple location
       use of passive bands is not possible and that the applicant intends to transition any long-term use
       to a band with appropriate allocations.

The spectrum with primary passive allocations involved is 100-102 GHz, 200-205 GHz. In
addition, while there are no ITU or US allocations above 275 GHz, 292-308 GHz and 390-410
GHz are "identified" in ITU Radio Regulation 5.565 for passive applications. The RR provision
also states

   There are two minor exceptions: ISM and Amateur Radio Service use on small slivers

       "The use of the range 275-1 000 GHz by the passive services does not preclude use of this range
       by active services. Administrations wishing to make frequencies in the 275 1 000 GHz range
       available for active service applications are urged to take all practicable steps to protect these
       passive services from harmful interference until the date when the Table of Frequency
       Allocations is established in the above-mentioned 275 1 000 GHz frequency range." (Emphasis

Brown believes that the experiment described in this application uses "all practicable steps" to
protect passive services and thus meets the requirements of 5.565.

Brown would be willing to participate in any reasonable coordination activities with passive
interests that the Commission find necessarily in order to comply with the letter and spirit of both
§5.85(a)(2) and RR 5.565.

Statements required by § 5.85(a)(2)

       Justification of why nearby bands that have non-passive allocations are not
       adequate for the experiment. The basic purpose of this experiment is propagation
       measurement in a complex outdoor environment. At these frequencies atmospheric
       absorption is a key issue and varies with frequency.4 In many cases multipath is also
       important and varies with frequency. A wide variety of frequencies are needed to fully
       characterize the nature of propagation at the regions being studied. Transmitters at these
       frequencies are not in general production and are usually quite expensive. Brown has
       identified a readily available signal source that has the tuning range specified in the
       application and that is available at a realistic price for this research. Avoiding the passive
       bands that overlap with the tuning range would either require a much more expensive
       custom made signal source or would result in less data collected on this area of the
       spectrum there little measurement data is available for complex paths.

       Applicant acknowledgements: The applicant has no intention of long term use of these
       frequencies and understands that their use in multiple locations may not be possible. The
       sole purpose of this experiment is to generate propagation data and propagation models
       that characterize terrestrial propagation in the region above the present 95 GHz upper
       limit of the Commission's Rules.

Technical Issues in Application

The application asks for mobile use as the transmitter will be moved around the university
campus in making the tests. Unlike most mobile use, the experiments will use a high gain
antenna which will be directed in different azimuth during the tests. The antenna system can not
be readily indicated in the format of FCC Form 442 so we are taking this opportunity to clarify
our intentions.

 FCC, "Millimeter Wave Propagation: Spectrum Management Implications", OET Bulletin No.
70, July 1997,

The antennas to be used in this project are listed below with key parameters:

    Virginia Diodes        Frequency Range           Beam Width         Gain
    Model Number         in Experiment (GHz)          (Degrees)         (dBi)
      WR 8.0 CH                97.5-103                  13              21
      WR 5.1 CH                195-205                   13              21
      WR 3.4 DH                292-308                   12              25
      WR 2.2 DH                390-410                   12              25

The application form submitted uses the 13 degree maximum beamwidth in all bands for

The closest radio astronomy facility with known capability at these frequencies is the MIT
Haystack Observatory in Westford MA5 which is 88 km away but without a line of sight path.
The azimuth from Brown to Haystack is 355o. Out of an abundance of caution, Brown will
avoid all transmissions in azimuths from 340o to 370o.

All transmissions will be at a zero degree or less elevation angle and this should contribute to the
protection of any passive satellite sensors in these bands in both GSO and NGSO orbit.
Atmospheric absorption is also a key factor in sharing in this range.

The STOP BUZZER contact for this experiment is Dr. Mittleman who can be reached at (713)

Any questions about this application should be directed to Dr. Michael Marcus, consultant to
Brown University, 301-229-7714,


                                              Daniel M. Mittleman, Ph. D.
                                              Professor of Engineering


Document Created: 0400-04-26 00:00:00
Document Modified: 0400-04-26 00:00:00

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