FAA Coordinations

0981-EX-ST-2015 Text Documents

Broad Comm Inc


                   Federal Aviation

Date: August 31, 2015
To: Jim DiMatteo

From: Mark R. Gallant, Manager, Central Service Area Spectrum Engineering


This Memorandum does not provide authority to transmit. It only satisfies the prerequisite to
coordinate with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). A transmit authorization, or license
must be obtained from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). You MUST NOT
transmit on these frequencies until you receive the license from the FCC. Please include the FAA
coordination numbers on the FCC application to expedite the processing.

In response to your request, the FAA has engineered three Very High Frequencies (VHF)s for
use in the Fort Worth Texas Motor Speedway Airshow. If authorized by the FCC, operation on
these frequencies for advisory service is limited to the area and conditions indicated below:

            Start and end dates: September 20 through September 29, 2015

            Transmitter/Receiver Location
            City: Fort Worth
            State: Texas
            Airport ID or FAA Facility ID (if applicable): Texas Motor Speedway
            Coordinates: N33° 02' 11.85", W097° 16' 52.69"
            Terrain Elevation (AMSL): 632 ft.

            Transmitter/Receiver Equipment
            Nomenclature: IC-A6E, IC-A110, IC-A210E
            Power: 6W
            Antenna Height (AGL): 20 ft.

         FAA Coordination number(s) and Associated Frequencies:

         Coordination Number       Frequency
         AS T150237                119.800 MHZ
         AS T150238                120.500 MHZ
         AS T150239                121.025 MHZ

          Function/Hours of operation (Local Time): Advisory Service 0800 through 1900.
          Radius/Flight Level: 5NM/ 4000AMSL.
          Station Class: FAC

AJV-C2, Operations Support Group, Winston Dixon
AJW-1C6, CSA Spectrum Engineering Team, Wafi Gazi

William Meintel

From:                             Jim DiMatteo <jimdimatteo@me.com>
Sent:                             Wednesday, August 26, 2015 5:26 PM
To:                               Phuong.Duong@faa.gov
Cc:                               CAPT Jim DiMatteo; james.motley@faa.gov; Sergio-red bull; Dario Costa;
                                  Anthony.Q.Roldan@faa.gov; Yungmin Lee (Riedel); Douglas.Addington@faa.gov;
                                  Sydney.Bradfield@faa.gov; diane.deborde@faa.gov; Dennis.Bee@faa.gov
Subject:                          Re: Frequency request for Las Vegas Red Bull Air Race on Oct 13-19, 2015 at Nellis NV

Hello Phuong Duong,

Thank you very much for the email and the coordinated 4 frequencies to use for our event in Las Vegas. We
have Yungmin cc’d on this email and he will be the one to fill out the form to the FCC that you have attached

Thank you again for your help with this,

Please let me know if you have any other questions,


        On Aug 26, 2015, at 2:00 PM, Phuong.Duong@faa.gov wrote:

        Hi Jim DiMatteo,

        Frequency engineering is complete.
        Las Vegas Red Bull Air Race is assigned following temporary frequencies at Nellis NV (lat long 36 16
        18.7N/ 115 00 36.6W) on Oct 13‐19, 2015:

        ‐Frequency M120.2, Air Boss, 10 nm, 9000 feet, coordination # AS T150233.
        ‐Frequency M121.65, Air Boss, 10 nm, 9000 feet, coordination # AS T150236.
        ‐Frequency M126.4, Air Boss, 10 nm, 9000 feet, coordination # AS T150234.
        ‐Frequency M134.7, Air Boss, 10 nm, 9000 feet, coordination # AS T150235.

        M121.05 cannot work this year for this event because M121.05 has been assigned to Palm Springs
        special event. I engineered M121.65 to replace M121.05.

        I was told for more Policy from Headquarters: please advise the requester to submit to FCC for STA, and
        requester needs to make sure to receive STA from FCC before the event 30 days or less. If they don't
        receive anything from FCC up to one week before the event, then they need to contact FCC the 2nd time
        for STA.

        To apply the STA (Special Temporary Authorization) from FCC:
        ‐Please fill out Form 602 (sometimes FCC calls it 601) from FCC online.
        Here is the link to the form:
        ‐The radio service code is: AF

‐The station class is FAC
‐The power (ERP) should be the output power of the VHF radio. Antenna gain is zero (0).
Hope FCC not asking ERP along a given radial, since the antenna is non‐directional. Make sure the
application states it is for a communications radio, not a Navaids.
‐Antenna elevation is the height of the antenna above Mean Sea Level (in meters). Antenna height is
the height of the antenna above the ground (in meters).
‐ If this doesn't help, please contact the FCC's Help Desk, at 1‐888‐225‐5322, Option 2.
‐They should be able to help you complete the form. Just tell them you are trying to get an STA for an
‐In box 3a), please select S for Special Temporary Authorization (STA)
‐If they ask for coordination , you can enter the AS T#.

Phuong Duong.
FAA WSA Spectrum Engineering Services, AJW‐1C7 Los Angeles Western Pacific Regional Office
Office: 310‐725‐3669

From: Duong, Phuong (FAA)
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 6:47 AM
To: 'Jim DiMatteo'
Cc: Motley, James (FAA); Sergio-red bull; Dario Costa; Roldan, Anthony Q (FAA); Lee, Yungmin;
Addington, Douglas (FAA); Bradfield, Sydney (FAA); Deborde, Diane (FAA); Bee, Dennis (FAA)
Subject: RE: Frequency request for Las Vegas Red Bull Air Race on Oct 9-13, 2014

I have engineered 4 frequencies and submitted to headquarters yesterday. Need Headquarters to
review them, and I will let you know for any progress. Phuong.

From: Jim DiMatteo [mailto:jimdimatteo@me.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 3:59 PM
To: Rollins, Daniel (FAA)
Cc: CAPT Jim DiMatteo; Duong, Phuong (FAA); Motley, James (FAA); Sergio-red bull; Dario Costa;
Roldan, Anthony Q (FAA); Lee, Yungmin; Addington, Douglas (FAA); Bradfield, Sydney (FAA); Deborde,
Diane (FAA); Bee, Dennis (FAA)
Subject: Re: Frequency request for Las Vegas Red Bull Air Race on Oct 9-13, 2014

Thank you Dan,

Diane, please see note below with application for 4 frequencies to be used in connection with the
Red Bull Air Race in October in the Vegas motor speedway. Please let me know if you have any

Thank you,


        On Aug 25, 2015, at 7:10 AM, Daniel.Rollins@faa.gov wrote:

        Jim and all,

        I have a new job assignment and am no longer working air shows at this time. I may
        return late this year, but in the meantime please contact Diane DeBorde for any


necessary air show coordination. I am of course still available to answer questions if
necessary. At this time I don’t know if I’ll be at the ICAS convention in Las Vegas in

Dan Rollins
Air Traffic Control Specialist
FAA Western Service Center
Planning & Requirements Group (AJV‐W3)
NPI North Team Manager (A)
Renton WA 98057

425‐203‐4796 Office
425‐306‐2479 FAA Cell
425‐203‐4624 FAX

From: Jim DiMatteo [mailto:jimdimatteo@me.com]
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2015 9:25 PM
To: Duong, Phuong (FAA)
Cc: CAPT Jim DiMatteo; Motley, James (FAA); Sergio-red bull; Dario Costa; Roldan,
Anthony Q (FAA); Lee, Yungmin; Addington, Douglas (FAA); Bradfield, Sydney (FAA);
Rollins, Daniel (FAA)
Subject: Re: Frequency request for Las Vegas Red Bull Air Race on Oct 9-13, 2014

Hello Sir,

This is Jim DiMatteo from the Red Bull Air Race and we will be having our event
again this year in the Vegas Motor Speedway. Attached is the Air show
frequency application form. I copied what we did last year as it seemed to work
very well. We are requesting 4 AirBoss frequencies like we used last year. This
will all be done in Coordination with Nellis. Below you will find all of the
additional information you asked for last year. We are a week later this year but I
wanted to make sure you have plenty of time for the frequency request.

Please let me know if you have any questions for me.

Thank you again for your assistance,

Jim DiMatteo
Race Director
Red Bull Air Race

        On Sep 22, 2014, at 7:18 AM, Phuong.Duong@faa.gov wrote:

        Hi Jim DiMatteo,

        Frequency engineering is complete.


Air show is assigned following frequencies at Las Vegas, NV
is 36 16 18.7N/115 00 36.6W) on Oct 9-13, 2014:

- M120.2, Local Control, 9000 feet, 10 nm, coordination # AS
- M121.05, Local Control, 9000 feet, 10 nm, coordination #
AS T140203.
- M126.4, Local Control, 9000 feet, 10 nm, coordination # AS
- M134.7, Local Control, 9000 feet, 10 nm, coordination # AS

Special Temporary Authorization from FCC.
For more info to apply for FCC STA:
-Please fill out Form 602 (sometimes FCC calls it 601) from
FCC online.
Here is the link to the form:

-The radio service code is: AF
-The station class is FAC
-The power (ERP) should be the output power of the VHF
radio. Antenna gain is zero (0).
Hope FCC not asking ERP along a given radial, since the
antenna is non-directional. Make sure the application states
it is for a communications radio, not a Navaids.
-Antenna elevation is the height of the antenna above Mean
Sea Level (in meters). Antenna height is the height of the
antenna above the ground (in meters).
- If this doesn't help, please contact the FCC's Help Desk, at
1-888-225-5322, Option 2.
-They should be able to help you complete the form. Just
tell them you are trying to get an STA for an Airshow.
-In box 3a), please select S for Special Temporary
Authorization (STA).

Thank you.
Phuong Duong.
WSA Engineering Services
LA Operations Engineering Support Center, AJW-1C7

From: Jim DiMatteo [mailto:jimdimatteo@me.com]
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 3:45 PM
To: Duong, Phuong (FAA)
Cc: CAPT Jim DiMatteo; Motley, James (FAA); Sergio-red bull; Dario
Costa; Roldan, Anthony Q (FAA); yungmin.lee@riedel.net; Addington,
Douglas (FAA)
Subject: Re: Frequency request for Las Vegas Red Bull Air Race

great, thank you very much,,,


On Sep 19, 2014, at 2:54 PM, Phuong.Duong@faa.gov wrote:

Jim DiMatteo,
4 frequencies have been completed studying and have sent to
Headquarters to review. I will get back to you next week. Phuong.

From: Jim DiMatteo [mailto:jimdimatteo@me.com]
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 2:30 PM
To: Duong, Phuong (FAA)
Cc: CAPT Jim DiMatteo; Motley, James (FAA); Sergio-red bull; Dario
Costa; Roldan, Anthony Q (FAA); Yungmin Lee; Addington, Douglas
Subject: Re: Frequency request for Las Vegas Red Bull Air Race

No worries, Sounds great, thank you!!


On Sep 19, 2014, at 1:57 PM, Phuong.Duong@faa.gov wrote:

Hi Jim DiMatteo,

It was close to lunch so I counted 6 days by mistake. From
Headquarters, 6 days or less, air show frequency (within 400 nm from
the border) does not need to coordinate with Mexico.
I will look for 4 frequencies from Oct 9‐oct 13 and will get back to
you. Phuong.

From: Jim DiMatteo [mailto:jimdimatteo@me.com]
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 11:13 AM
To: Duong, Phuong (FAA)
Cc: CAPT Jim DiMatteo; Motley, James (FAA); Sergio-red bull; Dario
Costa; Roldan, Anthony Q (FAA); yungmin.lee@riedel.net; Addington,
Douglas (FAA)
Subject: Re: Frequency request for Las Vegas Red Bull Air Race

Yes, we are requesting 4 frequencies from Oct 9 through Oct 13,
which is only five days. If 5 days is a problem still with Mexico,
then we could cut off Oct 13th and just use the frequencies for four
Just let me know what works for you,

Thank you,


On Sep 19, 2014, at 11:06 AM, Phuong.Duong@faa.gov wrote:

Hi Jim Dimatteo,

Can I verify with you one more time ? Do you want 4 frequencies from
Oct 9 to Oct 13 ? Please confirm.
I will double check with Headquarters to make sure 6‐day event does
not require Mexican coordination (to make sure). Phuong.

From: Jim DiMatteo [mailto:jimdimatteo@me.com]
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 10:48 AM
To: Duong, Phuong (FAA)
Cc: CAPT Jim DiMatteo; Motley, James (FAA); Sergio-red bull; Dario
Costa; Roldan, Anthony Q (FAA); Yungmin Lee; Addington, Douglas
Subject: Re: Frequency request for Las Vegas Red Bull Air Race

Thank you for your quick response. I was not aware of the 7 day
requirement so we definitely don’t want to make things
difficult. In discussions with the Nellis folks they have a standard
freq. that they would like us to use on Monday to Wednesday,
October 6-8. Therefore, we request our Frequencies to be operable
from Thursday morning, October 9, through Monday afternoon,
October 13, 2014. Additionally, when I originally filled out the
request I had asked for 3 frequencies, can I ask for 4
frequencies? After speaking with Nellis I think that would be

Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions for


On Sep 19, 2014, at 7:13 AM, Phuong.Duong@faa.gov wrote:

Hi Jim DiMatteo,


I have received your request.
I have question:
Air Show Frequency Application has required date Oct 6‐Oct 13, 2014.
Your email dated Aug 26 has required date Oct 11‐12, 2014.
Please confirm required date (Start date/End date) for me.
The reason I need to verify because if we need Air Show frequencies 7
days or more, we need to have more time to have Mexican
Thanks. Phuong.

From: Motley, James (FAA)
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 6:27 PM
To: Duong, Phuong (FAA)
Subject: Fw: Fwd: Frequency request for Las Vegas Red Bull Air Race

Hey Phuong can you take the action.


From: Jim DiMatteo [mailto:jimdimatteo@me.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 05:29 PM
To: Motley, James (FAA)
Cc: CAPT Jim DiMatteo <jimdimatteo@me.com>; Gallant, Mark R (FAA);
Sergio-red bull <sergio.pla@redbullairrace.com>; Dario Costa
<dario.costa@redbullairrace.com>; Roldan, Anthony Q (FAA); Yungmin
Lee <yungmin.lee@riedel.net>; Addington, Douglas (FAA)
Subject: Fwd: Frequency request for Las Vegas Red Bull Air Race

Mr. Motley,

Per my email below sent on August 26th, I am following up to see
what the status is on our request for frequencies. Please let me
know as soon as possible as we still need to get these frequencies
approved by the FCC, which takes time. If possible, I would like
to request 4 Air Boss frequencies.

Thank you,

Jim DiMatteo
Race Director
Red Bull Air Race

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jim DiMatteo <jimdimatteo@me.com>
Subject: Frequency request for Las Vegas Red Bull Air
Date: August 26, 2014 at 4:34:47 PM PDT

To: james.motley@faa.gov
Cc: CAPT Jim DiMatteo <jimdimatteo@me.com>, Dario
Costa <dario.costa@redbullairrace.com>, Sergio-red bull


Per the previous email from Mark Gallant, I am contacting you about getting
a few frequencies we can use for the Red Bull Air Race in Las Vegas Motor
Speedway on Oct 11, 12, 2014. Please see attached request form plus the
info that our comms guy provided Mr. Gallant.

These are the aviation radios we use at the Air Races

IC-A6E Portable Radio, incl. Antenna (Icom)
IC-A110 Air Band Transceiver VHF (Icom)
IC-A210E Air Band Transceiver VHF (Icom)

The devices can go up to:

IC-A6E Portable Radio, incl. Antenna (Icom) max 5W
IC-A110 Air Band Transceiver VHF (Icom) max 6W
IC-A210E Air Band Transceiver VHF (Icom) max 6W

We would need 3 Frequencies:

                            Bandwidth Model/Typ          FCC ID#:
   frequency range

108,000–                                  IC-
136,9917MHz                 25khz.        A24E/A6E      AFJ279100
108,000–                                  IC-
136,9917MHz                 25khz.        A24E/A6E      AFJ279100
108,000–                                  IC-
136,9917MHz                 25khz.        A24E/A6E      AFJ279100

        This is what we received form Mr. Gallant for our Texas

        Thank you very much and please let me know what you
        need from me.

        Jim DiMatteo
        Race Director
        Red Bull Air Race

<Air_Show_Frequency_Application-Vegas.pdf><Red Bull Air
Race Coordination Memorandum 2014_.pdf>


Document Created: 2015-09-02 13:09:30
Document Modified: 2015-09-02 13:09:30

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