Orbital Debris Assessment Report

0419-EX-CN-2017 Text Documents

Brigham Young University


April 20, 2017 (Rev1)

                      Orbital Debris Assessment for
                           The CubeSats on the
             Virgin Galactic LauncherOne /ELaNa-20 Mission
                     per NASA-STD 8719.14A (FCC)

Signature Page

                    National Aeronautics and
                    Space Administration

                    John F. Kennedy Space Center, Florida
                    Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899

                                                                                                         April 7, 2017
Reply to Attn of:   VA-H1

                    TO:             Justin Treptow LSP Mission Manager, NASA/KSC/VA-C

                    FROM:           Yusef Johnson, a.i. solutions/KSC/AIS2

                    SUBJECT:        Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR) for the ELaNa-20 Mission
                                    (FCC Rev 1)


                          A. NASA Procedural Requirements for Limiting Orbital Debris Generation, NPR
                             8715.6A, 5 February 2008
                          B. Process for Limiting Orbital Debris, NASA-STD-8719.14A, 25 May 2012
                          C. VCLS Spacecraft to LauncherOne Interface Control Document (ICD), MA-
                             0002 Rev 4. Virgin Galactic
                          D. McKissock, Barbara, Patricia Loyselle, and Elisa Vogel. Guidelines on Lithium-
                             ion Battery Use in Space Applications. Tech. no. RP-08-75. NASA Glenn
                             Research Center Cleveland, Ohio
                          E. UL Standard for Safety for Lithium Batteries, UL 1642. UL Standard. 4th ed.
                             Northbrook, IL, Underwriters Laboratories, 2007
                          F. Kwas, Robert. Thermal Analysis of ELaNa-4 CubeSat Batteries, ELVL-2012-
                             0043254; Nov 2012
                          G. Range Safety User Requirements Manual Volume 3- Launch Vehicles,
                             Payloads, and Ground Support Systems Requirements, AFSCM 91-710 V3.
                          H. HQ OSMA Policy Memo/Email to 8719.14: CubeSat Battery Non-Passivation,
                             Suzanne Aleman to Justin Treptow, 10, March 2014

                    Rev 1 removes references to CNGB, AeroCube 12A/B, and SurfSat as they have been
                    demanifested from the ELaNa-20 mission.

                    The intent of this report is to satisfy the orbital debris requirements listed in ref. (a) for
                    the ELaNa-20 auxiliary mission launching on the Virgin Galactic LauncherOne vehicle.
                    It serves as the final submittal in support of the spacecraft Safety and Mission Success
                    Review (SMSR). Sections 1 through 8 of ref. (b) are addressed in this document; sections
                    9 through 14 fall under the requirements levied on the primary mission and are not
                    presented here.


The following table summarizes the compliance status of the ELaNa-20 payload mission
to be flown using Virgin Galactic’s LauncherOne. The 13 CubeSats comprising the
ELaNa-20 mission are fully compliant with all applicable requirements.

           Table 1: Orbital Debris Requirement Compliance Matrix
 Requirement              Compliance Assessment    Comments
 4.3-1a                   Not applicable           No planned debris release
 4.3-1b                   Not applicable           No planned debris release
 4.3-2                    Not applicable           No planned debris release
 4.4-1                    Compliant                On board energy source
                                                   (batteries) incapable of
                                                   debris-producing failure
 4.4-2                    Compliant                On board energy source
                                                   (batteries) incapable of
                                                   debris-producing failure
 4.4-3                    Not applicable           No planned breakups
 4.4-4                    Not applicable           No planned breakups
 4.5-1                    Compliant
 4.5-2                    Not applicable
 4.6-1(a)                 Compliant                Worst case lifetime 7.2 yrs
 4.6-1(b)                 Not applicable
 4.6-1(c)                 Not applicable
 4.6-2                    Not applicable
 4.6-3                    Not applicable
 4.6-4                    Not applicable           Passive disposal
 4.6-5                    Compliant
 4.7-1                    Compliant                Non-credible risk of
                                                   human casualty
 4.8-1                    Compliant                No planned tether release
                                                   under ELaNa-20 mission


Section 1: Program Management and Mission Overview

The ELaNa-20 mission is sponsored by the Human Exploration and Operations Mission
Directorate at NASA Headquarters. The Program Executive is Jason Crusan. Responsible
program/project manager and senior scientific and management personnel are as follows:

ALBus: Kathryn Shaw, Project Manager

CACTUS-1: Sandy Antunes, Technical Point-of Contact

CAPE 3: Jacob Desotels, Project Manager

ExoCube: Alex Saunders, Technical Point of Contact

INCA: Steven Stochaj, Principal Investigator

MicroMAS2b: William Blackwell, Principal Investigator

MiTEE: Brian Gilchrist, Principal Investigator

PICS: David Long, Principal Investigator

PolarCube: Albin Gasiewski, Principal Investigator

Q-PACE: Joshua Colwell, Principal Investigator

RadFXSat-2: Robert Reed

SHFT-2: Jim Lux (JPL), David Pfundstein, Technical SETA


                 Program Milestone Schedule
                         Task                               Date
                   CubeSat Selection                       6/10/2016
               Mission Readiness Review                     8/1/2017
               CubeSat Delivery to TriSept                 11/9/2017
                        Launch                             12/1/2017

                     Figure 1: Program Milestone Schedule

The ELaNa-20 mission will be launched as payloads on the Virgin Galactic LauncherOne
launch vehicle from Mojave, CA. The ELaNa-20 mission will deploy 13 pico-satellites
(or CubeSats). Each CubeSat slotted position is identified in Table 2: ELaNa-20
CubeSats. The ELaNa-20 manifest includes: ALBus, Cactus-1, CAPE 3, ExoCube,
INCA, MicroMAS2b, MiTEE, PICS, PolarCube, Q-PACE, RadFXSat-2, and SHFT-2.
The current launch date is in December 1, 2017. The 17 CubeSats will be ejected from
the FANTM-INVERSE carrier which is the vehicle’s main payload, placing the CubeSats
in an orbit approximately 500 X 500 km at inclination of 90 deg.

The CubeSats on this mission range in size from a 10 cm x 10 cm x 11 cm to 11.5 cm x
11.5 cm x 37.5 cm, with masses from about 1.3 kg to 5.1 kg, with a total mass of 55.29
km being manifested on this mission. The CubeSats have been designed and universities
and government agencies and each have their own mission goals.


Section 2: Spacecraft Description

There are 13 CubeSats flying on the ELaNa-20 Mission. Table 2: ELaNa-20 CubeSats
outlines their generic attributes.

                            Table 2: ELaNa-20 CubeSats

           CubeSat        CubeSat
                                              CubeSat size             Masses
            Names         Quantity
         CACTUS-1             1         3U (36.6 x 10.3 x 11 cm3)        2.8
            ALBus             1       3U (34.05 x 11.6 x 11.6 cm3)       4.0
            Cape-3            1         1U (11.35 x 10 x 10 cm3)         1.3
           Q-PACE             1          3U (30 x 10 x 10 cm3)           4.2
           MiTEE              1          3U (34 x 10 x 10 cm3)           4.0
         RadFXSat-2           1       1U (11.35 x 11.1 x 11.1 cm3)       1.3
             PICS             2        1U (11.2 x 11.2 x 11.2 cm3)       2.7
            INCA              1        3U (37.5 x 11.5 x 11.5 cm3)      3.83
         MicroMas-2b          1         3U (34.05 x 10 x 10 cm3)         4.5
         EXOCUBE              1         3U (35.05 x 10 x 10 cm3)         3.2
          PolarCube           1         3U (34 x 10.1 x 10.5 cm3)        3.9
           SHFT-2             1         3U (34.05 x 10 x 10 cm3)         5.1

The following subsections contain descriptions of these 13 CubeSats.


CACTUS-1 – Capital Tech University – 3U

                         Figure 1: CACTUS-1 Expanded View.


The overall goal of the CACTUS-1 mission is to profile and capture micrometeorites and
micro-debris using aerogel in an effort to initiate the cleanup of LEO as well as provide a
platform for a technology demonstration for an experimental communication and
command subsystem.

The CACTUS-1 flight system is a 3U CubeSat (roughly 10 x 11 x 36 cm3, 2.8 kg) that will
operate in low Earth orbit. The payload consists of the main payload, a debris capture
mechanism, the HERMES CPU and data modem, and imaging camera.


Upon deployment from the FANTM-Rail dispenser, CACTUS-1 will conduct one or
more charge-up orbits. Once sufficient power is available, the CPU will power up, verify
system status, and automatically activate the nichrome burn wires to release the dipole
(tape measure) antenna. Within the first available contact passes with our primary
ground station, we will request health-and-safety telemetry. The TRAPSat subsystem
passively collects orbital debris; image data of the captured particles will be periodically
requested via ground commands after initial health and safety telemetry is validated. The
secondary Hermes payload will power up after at least 3 days of charging orbits to
receive commands and send health and safety data via the Iridium network.



The primary CubeSat structure is made of Aluminum 7075. It contains all standard
commercial off the shelf (COTS) materials, electrical components, PCBs and solar cells


CACTUS-1 contains no pressure vessels. The aerogel being used as a debris capture
mechanism, could be considered an exotic material. This material is contained as two 51
x 51 x 13 mm3 volumes. There is also a small amount of aerogel being using as thermal

Power System/Batteries

The electrical power storage system consists of common Lithium Ion (Li-ion) batteries
with over-charge/current protection circuitry. The primary EPS is a direct energy transfer
system using the solar array to produce 3.08W average. This is composed of (6) 1U and
(2) 0.5U solar panels using Trisol 28% efficient GaAs triple junction solar cells, it utilizes
(4) COTS 18650 3.7V 28090 mAhr Lithium Ion battery cells. The EPS drives the
primary PiSat board, which acts as the distribution hub for the sensors and payloads.
Nominal power usage is 1.77W with an additional +1.1W when transmitting. The
Hermes experiment EPS consists of (4) 0.5U solar panels using Trisol GaAs 28%
efficiency solar cells, and (3) COTS 18650 battery cells. To turn on the entire CubeSat,
there are two power inhibit switches and 1 SW timer to ensure that the spacecraft is
triggered on when launched from the dispenser.


ALBus – NASA Glenn Space Flight Center – 3U CubeSat

                      Figure 2: ALBus Stowed View

                Figure 3: ALBus Expanded/Deployed View



The Advanced Electrical Bus (ALBus) mission is a pathfinder engineering demonstration
of a high power 3-U CubeSat. The primary objectives include demonstration of 100 W
power distribution in the 3-U form factor and functional demonstration of shape memory
alloy retention and release mechanisms for solar array deployment and power transfer.


Upon deployment from the CubeSat deployer, the ALBus CubeSat will power up and
hold for the duration prescribed by the launch provider. Following the prescribed hold,
ALBus will attempt deployment of the deployable solar arrays and antennas utilizing the
shape memory alloy retention and release mechanism. Following these deployments, the
CubeSat will begin beaconing in an attempt to establish communication with the ground
network. Once communication is established, the ALBus will undergo a series of
automated checkouts prior to moving into a stand-by mode. A series of permissives will
be checked on-board and the system will schedule its first test to demonstrate the key
objective, which is delivery of 100 W of electrical power to a passive load bank. The 100
W demonstration will run until prescribed temperature limits are reached on control
thermocouple or another system shutdown parameter is activated. A series of tests will
follow varying length, duration, system initial conditions and environmental conditions to
characterize the performance of the system.


The primary CubeSat structure is made of Aluminum. It contains standard commercial
off the shelf (COTS) materials, electrical components, PCBs and solar cells. The
retention and release mechanism and hinge assembly for the deployable solar arrays are
designed and built in house and primarily consist of off the shelf materials. The shape
memory alloys used for actuation of the solar array deployment are a customized alloy of
Nickel-Titanium, made at NASA GRC.


There are no pressure vessels, hazardous or exotic materials.


The electrical power storage system consists of common COTS Li-Ion batteries from
GOM Space with over-charge/current protection circuitry.


CAPE3 –University of Louisiana – 1U

                            Figure 4: CAPE3 Expanded View


CAPE 3’s primary mission is to create a CubeSat, improving upon the CAPE program’s
previous satellites, with the intent of generating grade school interest and involvement in
aerospace. This includes the use of portable smartphone-controlled ground stations as an
educational outreach. The secondary mission includes experimental radiation detection
through triboluminescent crystals, as well as taking pictures of the earth utilizing active
attitude control.


CAPE-3 will begin in BLUE mode upon deployment from the PPOD, and for 30 minutes
after deployment will remain on, but inactive. Following the 30 minutes, the satellite will
begin attempts to deploy antennas. Upon successful deployment of antennas, the satellite
will enter PINK mode. The satellite will then send telemetry beacons until a ground
station receives a successful transmission, and is able to activate the satellite into normal
operations. From this point, the satellite will enter one of three modes (GREEN,

ORANGE, or RED) autonomously based on several factors from the satellite, such as
temperature, power levels, and others.


The primary CubeSat structure will be composed of Aluminum 6061 and stainless steel.
The antenna deployment mechanism will be made of Delrin material. The scientific
payload will consist of triboluminescent crystals. The rest of the satellite will contain
COTS materials, electrical components, PCBs, and solar cells.
There are no pressure vessels or hazardous materials on the satellite. The solar panel
cover glass will be coated with ITO. A boom constructed from LoadPath P/N 1106-
03TS-0050-180-041-005 polymer will be used. The communications and science
antennas will be constructed from steel measuring tape.

There are no pressure vessels, hazardous, or exotic materials.

Power Systems/Hazards

The electrical power storage system consists of the Clyde Space Third Generation 10Whr
Lithium Polymer battery. The battery has over-charge, over-current, over-voltage, and
under-voltage protection circuitry. The battery is qualified to NASA standards EP-Wi-


Q-PACE – University of Central Florida – 3U

                          Figure 5: Q-PACE Expanded View


Q-PACE is a planetary mission to the orbital free-fall environment necessary for long
duration microgravity experiments to study collisions in the early protoplanetary disk. The
CubeSat will observe low-velocity collisions between cm-scale and smaller particles and
the formation of clusters of particles. The experiments run during the 3 years mission time
will make it possible to determine whether collisional growth can proceed into this size
range, confronting the decades-old question of how bodies grow past the meter-size barrier
into planetesimals that can go on to become planets through gravitational accretion.


After deployment, Q-PACE will start its on-orbit experiment plan consisting of 5-minute
experiment runs. During each experiment run, the experiment test cell (ETC) containing
the dust particles will be agitated in a sequence of high and low frequencies, while video
of the colliding particles will be recorded by the on-board camera. After each experiment


run, the video data will be processed on board and downlinked for analysis. During the 3-
year mission time, four different particle combinations will be studied amongst cm-, mm-
and 100 µm-sized particles


The primary CubeSat structure is made of Aluminum 6061-T6. The experiment cell is
made of Aluminum 6061 and includes two transparent fused quartz plates to allow for the
particle observation. The particles contained in the experiment cell will be composed of
SiO2 either in the form of glass beads or as dust particles, brass and meteoritic material.
The Q-PACE camera is a GoPro Hero3+ black edition.
We use standard PCB material and electronics components.


There are no pressure vessels, hazardous or exotic materials.


The solar cells are 23% Spectrolab CICs. The electrical power storage system consists of
common LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate) batteries with over-charge/current protection
circuitry (UN38.3 passed).


       MiTEE– University of Michigan – 3U

                Langmuir                    Battery PCB
                Probe PCB       CDH Main
Langmuir                          Board                 Constant Current
 Probe                                                   Power Supply

    Radio PCB
   Antenna                               EPS/Plasma
                       Magnetorquers        PCB         High Voltage
                                                        Power Supply
                                   Figure 7: MiTEE Expanded View


       MiTEE will demonstrate the use of CubeSat capabilities to deploy a Pico/Femto Satellite-
       tether system (satellite mass up to 200 g). The mission will allow students to work on a
       real-world, research driven, mission to assess the key dynamics and electrodynamic
       fundamentals of a very short tether system for pico/femto satellites. The central technical
       questions motivating the student mission include: (I) (Primary) Can the miniature tether
       provide stable, practical thrust for drag make-up and basic propulsion for “smart phone”
       sized pico/femtosatellites? (II) (Secondary) Can the miniature tether and
       pico/femtosatellite system serve in other roles. This could include, among others, that the
       miniature tether can be the basis for a useful, enhanced antenna for communication with
       the ground.


       Upon deployment from the PPOD, MiTEE will wait around 15 minutes before powering
       up and beginning a subsystem and instrument performance assessment. After this check
       out is complete, MiTEE will initiate the antenna deployment, Langmuir probe
       deployment, and de-tumble procedure. We will then perform a check the performance of
       the Langmuir probe and antenna array, and begin transmission and plasma measurement
       as soon as possible. It is anticipated that after 2 days, MiTEE will be rotating less than 0.5
       degrees per second. At this time, MiTEE can initiate the boom deployment procedure. A
       ~120 g end-body will deploy 100 cm by means of a semi-rigid boom. After a payload
       instrument checkout, MiTEE will proceed to begin the primary science mission by
       biasing the end-body, activating the thermionic cathode, and measuring the current flow
       through controlled voltage sweeps.



The primary material of the structure is 6061 Aluminum. It contains commercial off the
shelf components, electrical components, science instruments, PCBs, and solar cells


There are no pressure vessels, hazardous or exotic materials.


The electrical power storage system consists of common lithium-ion batteries with over-
charge/current protection circuitry.


RadFXSat 2– Vanderbilt University – 1U

                   Figure 8: RadFXSat-2 Expanded/Deployed View


RadFxSat-2 is a 1U CubeSat designed by Vanderbilt University and AMSAT. It is
controlled by AMSAT. Its mission has two objectives: collect data on the effects of space
radiation on SRAMs designed using FinFETs for the purpose of validating single-event
error rate predictions, and two-way linear transponder communications in the amateur
radio band. The experiment consists of four boards: VUC, LEP, LEPF, and REM. The
linear transponder (radio) consists of two boards: RX/TX and ICR.


Upon deployment from the PPOD, MiTEE will wait around 15 minutes before powering
up and beginning a subsystem and instrument performance assessment. After this check
out is complete, MiTEE will initiate the antenna deployment, Langmuir probe
deployment, and de-tumble procedure. We will then perform a check the performance of
the Langmuir probe and antenna array, and begin transmission and plasma measurement
as soon as possible. It is anticipated that after 2 days, MiTEE will be rotating less than 0.5

degrees per second. At this time, MiTEE can initiate the boom deployment procedure. A
~120 g end-body will deploy 100 cm by means of a semi-rigid boom. After a payload
instrument checkout, MiTEE will proceed to begin the primary science mission by
biasing the end-body, activating the thermionic cathode, and measuring the current flow
through controlled voltage sweeps.


The primary material of the structure is 6061 Aluminum. It contains commercial off the
shelf components, electrical components, science instruments, PCBs, and solar cells


There are no pressure vessels, hazardous or exotic materials.


The electrical power storage system consists of common lithium-ion batteries with over-
charge/current protection circuitry.


PICS– University of Michigan – 1U

                       Figure 9: ALBus Stowed/Deployed View


The primary objective of PICS is to demonstrate inspection of the parent vehicle by a
passive, fly-away probe. PICS will evaluate structural condition, validate state vector
models, identify potential separation debris, and confirm separation.


After deployment, they rapidly bootup and image the launch vehicle. Out of view of the
upper stage, each will characterize the other’s tumble using the cameras. At 30 mins, the
cameras will be used to observe each PIC’s own antenna deployment. At 45 mins, the
system will downlink primary mission data, including telemetry used for evaluating
system performance.


The primary CubeSat structure is made of 6061 Aluminum. It contains all standard
commercial off the shelf (COTS) materials, electrical components, PCBs and solar cells.


There are no pressure vessels, hazardous or exotic materials.

The electrical power storage system consists of common LiPo batteries with over-
charge/current protection circuitry. They are not UL listed.


INCA– New Mexico State University – 3U

                     Figure 10: ALBus Expanded/Deployed View


The Ionospheric Neutron Content Analyzer (INCA) is a 3U CubeSat being built by New
Mexico State University carrying a scintillator (silicon photomultiplier-based neutron
detector) being built by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. The INCA mission will,
for the first time, study the latitude and time dependencies of the neutron spectrum in low
Earth orbit (LEO). INCA will focus on albedo neutrons; however, the instrumentation
will also be sensitive to solar neutrons.


Upon deployment from the launch vehicle, INCA will enter a 45 min sleep period. Once
the sleep period is complete, it will deploy its antenna and solar panels. After
deployment, the vehicle will begin science operations, and begin the de-tumbling
sequence. Once the vehicle is detumbled, it will be spin stabilized about the Z-axis, with
the +Z axis pointed towards the sun.


The primary material of the structure is Aluminum 7075. It contains standard commercial
off the shelf components, electrical components, science instruments, PCBs, and solar



There are no pressure vessels, hazardous or exotic materials.


The electrical power storage system consists of common lithium-ion batteries with over-
charge/current protection circuitry.


MicroMAS-2b – Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 3U

                       Figure 10: MicroMAS-2b Deployed View


The Micro-sized Microwave Atmospheric Satellite (MicroMAS-2b) will validate new
ultra-compact and low-power technology for CubeSat-sized scanning microwave
radiometer including 1) multiband (W/F band 89 GHz – 120 GHz and G band 175 GHz –
207 GHz) total power radiometer payload with 2) cross track scanner assembly in a dual-
spinning local vertical local horizontal (LVLH) stabilized 2U CubeSat spacecraft. These
core technology elements will directly improve atmospheric science measurements by
demonstrating high-fidelity, well-calibrated radiometric sensing from very small satellite
platforms, thereby enabling new architectural approaches for atmospheric monitoring.


After launch and deployment, MicroMAS2b will be power inhibited for 45 minutes, then
execute autonomous solar panel and communications antenna deployment for 4 minutes
and reach safe mode waiting for ground command. It will be then commanded through a
progression of detumble and slew attitude control states to reach LVLH stabilized
attitude. While in a stabilized attitude, the spacecraft will collect payload radiometer data
while scanning over +/- 56o cross-track from nadir. The payload will cycle between data
collection and standby power modes at 50% duty cycle to manage power consumption.
In order to prevent EMI into the sensitive payload microwave channels, data will not be
collected while the high power downlink radio is operating for nominal 8 minute pass
near the ground station.


MicroMAS2b is a 3U CubeSat consisting of a 2U PC104 avionics stack/ADCS module
connected to a 1U radiometer payload via a brushless scanner assembly and slip ring. It
contains all standard electrical components, PCBs and solar cells. The structural housing
consists of four Al 6061 side panels and four Al 7075 rails confirming to the PPOD 3U

dimensional standards. Total mass is approximately 4.5 kg. There are no hazardous or
exotic materials. Microwave electronics components are packaged in small (approx. 1-3
cu in) soldered unsealed waveguide housings. A thermal switch is packaged in a
hermetically sealed stainless steel housing filled with dry nitrogen, tested to MIL-STD-


There are hazardous or exotic materials. A thermal switch is packaged in a hermetically
sealed stainless steel housing filled with dry nitrogen, tested to MIL-STD-202.


The electrical power storage system consists of common ClydeSpace Ltd Lithium ion
polymer chemistry batteries with over-charge/current protection circuitry and battery
control with triple safety inhibits suitable for International Space Station manned
spaceflight as per NASA JSC 20793 Rev B


EXOCUBE – California Polytechnical Univeristy – 3U

                    Figure 11: EXOCUBE Stowed/Deployed View

ExoCube2 will measure in-situ densities of selected ions and neutrals in the upper
ionosphere and lower exosphere. These measurements will be used to characterize the
climatology of the upper ionospheric and lower exospheric composition. They will help
improve current empirical and climatological atmospheric models. The densities are
measured using a gated time-of-flight mass spectrometer designed and built by NASA
Goddard. A satellite bus to house the mass spectrometer was designed and built by Cal
Poly. The bus includes an environmental chamber to protect the instrument and a 3-axis
attitude determination control system (ADCS) that will maintain stable Nadir and Ram
pointing necessary for accurate data measurement. The ADCS uses gravity gradient
stabilization with deployable booms and a momentum wheel to stabilize the roll axis and
Ram pointing. The mission life is expected to be 6 months to a year.

After deployment from the P-POD, the satellite will power on. Approximately 40 minutes
later, antenna deployment will occur. Upon verification of antenna deployment, the
beacon will be activated and the satellite will acquire with Cal Poly’s ground station. The
ground station will uplink the current time and TLEs. The detumble process will then
begin. Magnetometers and solar sensors will determine orientation and magnetorquers
will stabilize ExoCube2. Onboard GPS will acquire lock for position and time keeping.
Once spin rates have been reduced, the PD controller and Kalman Filter will be activated
and the booms will deploy. The camera on the –Z panel will take pictures to verify boom
deployment. Once Nadir pointing is acquired, the momentum wheel will begin spinning


up. Around 4 hours later, the wheel will be at full speed and the satellite will reacquire
Nadir and Ram pointing. The camera on the –Z panel will take pictures to verify the
satellite is pointed in the correct direction. Once the correct orientation is verified, the
science payload will be powered on. The mass spectrometer will take data over the
Earth’s poles and several ground stations throughout the mission. Every pass over a
ground station (approx. every 12 hours), the satellite will downlink data from the
instrument and uplink the current time for the clock and new TLEs to maintain accuracy
of the orbital propagator.


The structure is made entirely of 6061-T6 Aluminum. The deployable booms are made of
FR4, the tips are constructed from brass. The antennas are made of NiTi and Delrin. The
satellite contains mostly standard commercial off the shelf materials, electrical
components, PCBs, and solar cells. The cathode inside of the instrument is made of
tungsten, but the tungsten is small enough that it burns up during re-entry.


There are no pressure vessels, hazardous materials, or exotic materials.


There are 4 1-cell batteries on the satellite. They are all Tenergy Li-Ion, 3.7 V 2600 mAh
batteries. The UL listing number is MH48285. There is battery protection circuitry and
over-charge protection circuitry. All batteries are connected in parallel.


PolarCube – Colorado Space Grant Consortium – 3U

                        Figure 12: PolarCube Expanded View

The PolarCube mission will collect Earth surface and atmospheric temperature data using
a passive microwave radiometer operating at the 118.7503 GHz O2 resonant frequency.
To accomplish this, PolarCube is utilizing an existing 3U CubeSat bus, the Agile Low-
cost Laboratory for Space Technology Acceleration and Research (ALL-STAR),
designed and built entirely by students at COSGC. The objective is to collect brightness
temperature spectra at high spatial resolution at a very low cost for remote sensing
science and technology evaluation.


Upon deployment from the PPOD, PolarCube will power on EPS and begin a 60 minute
software inhibit. After 60 minutes, EPS will trigger the frangibolt deployment and
subsequently power on the ALL-STAR bus. PolarCube will then enter a bus
commissioning phase. Once ground operators are satisfied with the bus operations, they
will command the payload commissioning phase to begin. Once the payload has been
commissioned, PolarCube will enter a minimum mission success phase where the
payload will collect brightness temperature data over pre-determined orbit sectors, and
will finally enter an open science collection phase until decommissioning and end of life



PolarCube’s primary structure is made of Aluminum 6061 with an anodized finish and
Teflon coating on the rails. The system contains all standard commercial materials (IC’s),
FR-4 PCB’s, brass RF components, and ITJ solar cells.


There are no pressure vessels, hazardous, or exotic materials.


The electrical power storage system consists of common lithium ion batteries with
overcharge/current protection circuitry. UL Listing information is as follows MH48285.



                     Figure 15: SHFT-2 Expanded/Deployed View

The SHFT mission will collect radio frequency signals in the HF (5-30 MHz) band to
study the galactic background emissions, the HF signals from Jupiter, and the signals
from terrestrial transmitters after having passed through the earth’s ionosphere. The
ionosphere changes its characteristics on a minute to minute basis, particularly changing
between day and night, but also in response to geomagnetic phenomena and solar events.

After deployment from the PSC CSD, the SHFT Cubesat will power up, deploy the solar
panels and UHF telecom antennas, establish positive power state and wait for ground
communications. Upon ground command, the HF antenna (4 tape measure type antenna,
each 3 meters long) will be deployed. Over the next 3 months, the spacecraft will
periodically record signals in the 5-30 MHz band for 10 minutes, then will transmit the
recorded signals to the ground station on subsequent passes for analysis.

The primary CubeSat structure is made of Aluminum. It contains all standard commercial
off the shelf (COTS) materials, electrical components, PCBs and solar cells. The
deployable 3 meter HF antenna elements are made of cold rolled steel (i.e. they are standard
construction tape measures).



There are no pressure vessels, hazardous or exotic materials.


The electrical power storage system consists of common Lithium ion batteries with over-
charge/current protection circuitry in the spacecraft power controller.


CubeSat Measurement Specifications

  Figure 16: 1U CubeSat Specification

  Figure 17: 3U CubeSat Specification


Section 3: Assessment of Spacecraft Debris Released during Normal

The assessment of spacecraft debris requires the identification of any object (>1 mm)
expected to be released from the spacecraft any time after launch, including object
dimensions, mass, and material.

The section 3 requires rationale/necessity for release of each object, time of release of
each object, relative to launch time, release velocity of each object with respect to
spacecraft, expected orbital parameters (apogee, perigee, and inclination) of each object
after release, calculated orbital lifetime of each object, including time spent in Low Earth
Orbit (LEO), and an assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.3-1 and

No releases are planned on the ELaNa-20 CubeSat mission therefore this section is not


Section 4: Assessment of Spacecraft Intentional Breakups and Potential for

There are NO plans for designed spacecraft breakups, explosions, or intentional
collisions on the ELaNa-20 mission.

The probability of battery explosion is very low, and, due to the very small mass of the
satellites and their short orbital lifetimes the effect of an explosion on the far-term LEO
environment is negligible (ref (h)).

The CubeSats batteries still meet Req. 56450 (4.4-2) by virtue of the HQ OSMA policy
regarding CubeSat battery disconnect stating;

       “CubeSats as a satellite class need not disconnect their batteries if flown in LEO
       with orbital lifetimes less than 25 years.” (ref. (h))

The whole manifest of ELaNA-20 contains 3U or smaller CubeSats. Therefore, they are
included in the 3U or smaller mentioned in ref. (h).

Limitations in space and mass prevent the inclusion of the necessary resources to
disconnect the battery or the solar arrays at EOM. However, the low charges and small
battery cells on the CubeSat’s power system prevents a catastrophic failure, so that
passivation at EOM is not necessary to prevent an explosion or deflagration large enough
to release orbital debris.

Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.4-1 through 4.4-4 shows that
with a maximum CubeSat lifetime of 7.2 years maximum the ELaNa-20 CubeSats are


Section 5: Assessment of Spacecraft Potential for On-Orbit Collisions

 Calculation of spacecraft probability of collision with space objects larger than 10 cm in
diameter during the orbital lifetime of the spacecraft takes into account both the mean
cross sectional area and orbital lifetime.

The largest mean cross sectional area (CSA) among the 13 CubeSats is that of the INCA
CubeSat with solar arrays deployed (37.5 X 11.5 X 11.5 cm with four deployed arrays
each 37.5 cm X 11.5 cm):

                        Figure 6: INCA Deployed Configuration

                           '*+,#-" (+"#       /∗ 1∗2 +.∗ 1∗4
            !"#$ &'( =                     =
                                 .                       .
             Equation 1: Mean Cross Sectional Area for Convex Objects

                                        (5#6 + (7 + (7
                            !"#$ &'( =
            Equation 2: Mean Cross Sectional Area for Complex Objects

All CubeSats evaluated for this ODAR are stowed in a convex configuration, indicating
there are no elements of the CubeSats obscuring another element of the same CubeSats
from view. Thus, mean CSA for all stowed CubeSats was calculated using Equation 1.
This configuration renders the longest orbital life times for all CubeSats.

Once a CubeSat has been ejected from the P-POD and deployables have been extended
Equation 2 is utilized to determine the mean CSA. Amax is identified as the view that
yields the maximum cross-sectional area. A1 and A2 are the two cross-sectional areas
orthogonal to Amax. Refer to Appendix A for component dimensions used in these

 The INCA (3.83 kg) orbit at deployment is 500 km apogee altitude by 500 km perigee
altitude, with an inclination of 90 degrees. With an area to mass ratio of 0.09 m2/kg, DAS
yields 4.7 years for orbit lifetime for its stowed state, which in turn is used to obtain the
collision probability. Even with the variation in CubeSat design and orbital lifetime
ELaNa-20 CubeSats see an average of 0.0 probability of collision. All CubeSats on
ELaNa-20 were calculated to have a probability of collision of 0.0. Table 4 below
provides complete results.


There will be no post-mission disposal operation. As such the identification of all systems
and components required to accomplish post-mission disposal operation, including
passivation and maneuvering, is not applicable.


                     CubeSat                       1
                                                             ALBus         SurfSat         CAPE-3       Q-PACE
                        Mass (kg)                 2.8          4.0           2.5                1.3       4.2

                  Mean C/S Area (m^2)            0.0459      0.0462          .0287          .035         0.035

                 Area-to Mass (m^2/kg)           0.0164      0.0116         0.0115         0.0269       0.00833
                  Orbital Lifetime (yrs)           5.2         5.6            5.7            4.7          6.2
              Probability of collision (10^X)   0.00000     0.00000        0.00000        0.00000       0.00000

                  Mean C/S Area (m^2)            0.189     0.1224255    0.072377275       0.057272    0.092685182
Deployed **

                 Area-to Mass (m^2/kg)           0.016        0.013        0.0119           0.029         0.019
                  Orbital Lifetime (yrs)          1.4           2            2.2             0.6           1.1
              Probability of collision (10^X)   0.00000     0.00000       0.00000         0.00000           0
                 Solar Flux Table Dated

              **Note: Blacked out areas
              represent CubeSats which do
              not have deployables

                                    Table 3: CubeSat Orbital Lifetime & Collision Probability

            CubeSat                       MITEE        RadFXSat        PICS            INCA
               Mass (kg)                    1.3           2.7           2.7             3.83        4.5

            Mean C/S Area (m^2)            0.039        0.0188         0.0188           0.147       0.039
           Area-to Mass (m^2/kg)          0.00975       0.0144        0.00697          0.0384     0..00868

            Orbital Lifetime (yrs)          5.9           5.3            6.6             4.3         6.1
           Probability of collision
                                          0.00000      0.00000        0.00000         0.00000     0.00000

            Mean C/S Area (m^2)           0.0220      0.1224255                        0.0979      0.107

           Area-to Mass (m^2/kg)          0.0055         0.013                         0.0255     0.0238
            Orbital Lifetime (yrs)          7.2            2                             4.7        4.8
           Probability of collision
                                          0.00000      0.00000        0.00000         0.00000     0.00000

                           Table 4: CubeSat Orbital Lifetime & Collision Probability (cont.)

                    **Note: Blacked out areas represent CubeSats which do not have deployables


                CubeSat                    EXOCUBE      PolarCube      SHFT-2
                   Mass (kg)                  3.2           3.9          5.1

                Mean C/S Area (m^2)         0.0406        0.0410        0.0391
               Area-to Mass (m^2/kg)        0.0127        0.0105       0.00766

                Orbital Lifetime (yrs)        5.5           5.8           3.2
               Probability of collision
                                            0.00000       0.00000      0.00000

                Mean C/S Area (m^2)          0.136         0.110

               Area-to Mass (m^2/kg)        0.0425        0.0282
                Orbital Lifetime (yrs)        4.2           4.6
               Probability of collision
                                              0.0           0.0

            Table 5: CubeSat Orbital Lifetime & Collision Probability (cont.)

**Note: Blacked out areas represent CubeSats which do not have deployables


The probability of any ELaNa-20 spacecraft collision with debris and meteoroids greater
than 10 cm in diameter and capable of preventing post-mission disposal is less than
0.00000, for any configuration. This satisfies the 0.001 maximum probability requirement

Since the CubeSats have no capability or plan for end-of-mission disposal, requirement
4.5-2 is not applicable.

Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.5-1 shows ELaNa-20 to be
compliant. Requirement 4.5-2 is not applicable to this mission.

Section 6: Assessment of Spacecraft Postmission Disposal Plans and Procedures

All ELaNa-20 spacecraft will naturally decay from orbit within 25 years after end of the
mission, satisfying requirement 4.6-1a detailing the spacecraft disposal option.

Planning for spacecraft maneuvers to accomplish post-mission disposal is not applicable.
Disposal is achieved via passive atmospheric reentry.

Calculating the area-to-mass ratio for the worst-case (smallest Area-to-Mass) post-
mission disposal among the CubeSats finds MiTEE in its deployed configuration as the
worst case. The area-to-mass is calculated for is as follows:

                 !"#$ & ' ()"# *+                    *+
                                  = ()"# − 12 − !#,,
                    !#,, -.                          -.

                              Equation 3: Area to Mass

                             0.0222013 89          89
                                          = 0.0055
                                 4 ;<              ;<

MiTEE has the smallest Area-to-Mass ratio and as a result will have the longest orbital
lifetime. The assessment of the spacecraft illustrates they are compliant with
Requirements 4.6-1 through 4.6-5.

DAS 2.1.1 Orbital Lifetime Calculations:

DAS inputs are: 500 km maximum apogee 500 km maximum perigee altitudes with an
inclination of 90 degrees at deployment no earlier than December 2017. An area to mass
ratio of 0.0055 m2/kg for the MiTEE CubeSat was used. DAS 2.1.1 yields a 7.2 years
orbit lifetime for MiTEE in its deployed state.

This meets requirement 4.6-1. For the complete list of CubeSat orbital lifetimes reference
Table 3: CubeSat Orbital Lifetime & Collision Probability.

Assessment results show compliance.

Section 7: Assessment of Spacecraft Reentry Hazards

A detailed assessment of the components to be flown on ELaNa-20 was performed. The
assessment used DAS 2.1.1, a conservative tool used by the NASA Orbital Debris Office
to verify Requirement 4.7-1. The analysis is intended to provide a bounding analysis for
characterizing the survivability of a CubeSat’s component during re-entry. For example,
when DAS shows a component surviving reentry it is not taking into account the material
ablating away or charring due to oxidative heating. Both physical effects are experienced
upon reentry and will decrease the mass and size of the real-life components as the
reenter the atmosphere, reducing the risk they pose still further.

The following steps are used to identify and evaluate a components potential reentry risk
relative to the 4.7-1 requirement of having less than 15 J of kinetic energy and a 1:10,000
probability of a human casualty in the event the survive reentry.

               1. Low melting temperature (less than 1000 °C) components are identified as
                  materials that would never survive reentry and pose no risk to human
                  casualty. This is confirmed through DAS analysis that showed materials
                  with melting temperatures equal to or below that of copper (1080 °C) will
                  always demise upon reentry for any size component up to the dimensions
                  of a 1U CubeSat.

               2. The remaining high temperature materials are shown to pose negligible
                  risk to human casualty through a bounding DAS analysis of the highest
                  temperature components, stainless steel (1500°C). If a component is of
                  similar dimensions and has a melting temperature between 1000 °C and
                  1500°C, it can be expected to possess the same negligible risk as stainless
                  steel components. See Table 6 and Table 6.

        Table 6: ELaNa-20 High Melting Temperature Material Analysis (1/2)

                                                                        Demise      Kenetic
     CubeSat              Name             Material         Mass (kg)
                                                                        Alt (km)   Energy (J)
                                         Stainless Steel
    CACTUS-1         Mounting screws                          .001       77.4          0
                                         Stainless Steel
    CACTUS-1              Nuts                              .000128      77.8          0
                                         Stainless Steel
    CACTUS-1          Threaded rod                             .01       78.0          0
    CACTUS-1           Battery case    Aluminum 7075-T6       .160       75.8          0
                                         Stainless Steel
     ALBus            Threaded Rod                           .00068       78           0
     ALBus              Baseplate      Aluminum 7075-T6      0.0008       78           0
     ALBus               Springs       Titanium (generic)    0.0069       78           0
                                         Stainless Steel
     ALBus             Gravity mass                          0.0009       78           0
     ALBus               Screws           Steel AISI 304     0.0004       78           0
     ALBus               Spacers          Steel AISI 304     0.0058       78           0
     ALBus             Battery pack    Aluminum 7075-T6      0.0228       78           0


        Table 7: ELaNa-20 High Melting Temperature Material Analysis (2/2)

                                                                                                Demise Alt       Kenetic
    CubeSat                Name                        Material                Mass (g)
                                                                                                  (km)          Energy (J)
     CAPE-3            Magnetorquers                     Iron                   .003156            75.8              0
     CAPE-3          Separation springs        Stainless Steel (generic)          .0014            76.6              0
     CAPE-3             Weight ballast           Aluminum 6061-T6                  .230            72.4              0
     MiTEE          Metal magnetorquer                  Nickel                     .058            71.0              0
     MiTEE           Deployment switch            Titanium (generic)           .0000005            78.0              0
     MiTEE              Boom housing             Aluminum 6061-T6                  .148            74.4              0
     MiTEE             Langmuir probe             Titanium (generic)               .001            0.0               0
     MiTEE        Antenna mounting probe         Aluminum 6061-T6                  .158            74.7              0
   RadFXSat-2           PCB standoffs            Aluminum 6061-T6                 .0005            77.5              0
      PICS          Camera lens housing        Stainless Steel (generic)           .004            0.0               0
      PICS             Antenna hinge 1           Aluminum 7075-T6                .00013            78.0              0
      PICS             Antenna hinge 2           Aluminum 7075-T6                .00013            77.9              0
      PICS                  Bracket              Aluminum 6061-T6                .01018            76.9              0
      INCA                Detector lid           Aluminum 6061-T6                  .026            78.0              0
  MicroMAS-2b       Payload balance ring         Aluminum 6061-T6                  .166            75.9              0
  MicroMAS-2b           Payload ballast                Tungsten                    .001            0.0               3
  MicroMAS-2b          Scanner housing            Titanium (generic)               .388            0.0              240
    EXOCUBE            Reaction wheel            Aluminum 6061-T6                 .0122            77.2              0
    EXOCUBE            Battery bracket           Aluminum 6061-T6                .09325            76.1              0
    EXOCUBE           Tip mass brackets          Aluminum 7075-T6               .001558            77.9              0
    EXOCUBE         Rough pass through           Aluminum 7075-T6                .04905            74.8              0
    EXOCUBE               Boom hinge             Aluminum 6061-T6                .00256            77.7              0
   PolarCube           Battery bracket           Aluminum 6061-T6                  .018            77.2              0
   PolarCube        Star camera bracket          Aluminum 6061-T6                 .0153            77.2              0
   PolarCube             Isolator plate          Aluminum 6061-T6                  .040            76.9              0
   PolarCube        Frangibolt assembly          Aluminum 6061-T6                 .0117            0.0               3
     SHFT-2                  ADCS                Aluminum 6061-T6                  .895            68.3              0
     SHFT-2                   rails              Aluminum 7075-T6                .00399            77.9              0

       Table 8: ELaNa-20 Summary of Surviving High Temperature Material

    CubeSat           Name                   Material             Mass (g)   Demise Alt (km)   Kinetic Energy (J)

     MiTEE        Langmuir probe        Titanium (generic)          .001           0                   9

     PICS       Camera lens housing   Stainless Steel (generic)     .004           0.0                 0
  MicroMAS-2b     Payload ballast            Tungsten               .001           0.0                 3
  MicroMAS-2b    Scanner housing        Titanium (generic)          .388           0.0                240
   PolarCube    Frangibolt assembly     Aluminum 6061-T6            .0117          0.0                 3

The majority of stainless steel components demise upon reentry. And all CubeSats
comply with the 1:10,000 probability of Human Casualty Requirement 4.7-1. A
breakdown of the determined probabilities follows:

                    Table 9: Requirement 4.7-1 Compliance by CubeSat


                                                                Risk of Human
                       Name                 Status
                     CACTUS-1            Compliant                    1:0
                      ALBus              Compliant                    1:0
                      CAPE-3             Compliant                    1:0
                      Q-PACE             Compliant                    1:0
                      MiTEE              Compliant                    1:0
                    RadFXSat-2           Compliant                    1:0
                       PICS              Compliant                    1:0
                       INCA              Compliant                    1:0
                   MicroMAS-2b           Compliant                 1:198200
                     EXOCUBE             Compliant                    1:0
                    PolarCube            Compliant                    1:0
                      SHFT-2             Compliant                    1:0
                       *Requirement 4.7-1 Probability of Human Casualty > 1:10,000

If a component survives to the ground but has less than 15 Joules of kinetic energy it is
not included in the Debris Casualty Area that inputs into the Probability of Human
Casualty calculation. This is why CubeSats that have surviving components like ALBus,
MiTEE, PICS have a 1:0 probability as none of their components have more than 15J of
energy. MicroMAS-2 has 1 component with greater than 15J of energy but the CubeSat’s
probability of risk of human casualty still exceeds the NASA requirement on an order of

All CubeSats launching under the ELaNa-20 mission are shown to be in compliance with
Requirement 4.7-1 of NASA-STD-8719.14A.


Section 8: Assessment for Tether Missions

ELaNa-20 CubeSats will not be deploying any tethers.

ELaNa-20 CubeSats satisfy Section 8’s requirement 4.8-1.


Section 9-14

ODAR sections 9 through 14 for the launch vehicle are not covered here.

If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 321-867-2098.

/original signed by/

Yusef A. Johnson
Flight Design Analyst
a.i. solutions/KSC/AIS2

cc:    VA-H/Mr. Carney
       VA-H1/Mr. Beaver
       VA-H1/Mr. Haddox
       VA-G2/Mr. Treptow
       SA-D2/Mr. Frattin
       SA-D2/Mr. Hale
       SA-D2/Mr. Henry
       Analex-3/Mr. Davis
       Analex-22/Ms. Ramos


                        Appendix Index:

Appendix A.   ELaNa-20 Component List by CubeSat: ALBus
Appendix B.   ELaNa-20 Component List by CubeSat: CACTUS-1
Appendix C.   ELaNa-20 Component List by CubeSat: CAPE 3
Appendix D.   ELaNa-20 Component List by CubeSat: ExoCube
Appendix E.   ELaNa-20 Component List by CubeSat: INCA
Appendix F.   ELaNa-20 Component List by CubeSat: MicroMAS2b
Appendix G.   ELaNa-20 Component List by CubeSat: MiTEE
Appendix H.   ELaNa-20 Component List by CubeSat: PICS
Appendix I.   ELaNa-20 Component List by CubeSat: PolarCube
Appendix J.   ELaNa-20 Component List by CubeSat: Q-PACE
Appendix K.   ELaNa-20 Component List by CubeSat: RadFXSat-2
Appendix L.   ELaNa-20 Component List by CubeSat: SHFT-2


Appendix A.           ELaNa-20 Component List by CubeSat: ALBus

                                                                                       Mass     Diamete                             Melting
           Item                                                           Body                             Length   Height   High
CUBESAT                        Name             Qty     Material                        (g)     r/ Width                            Temp      Survivability
          Number                                                          Type                              (mm)    (mm)     Temp
                                                                                      (total)     (mm)                               (Fº)
  ALBus       1.1         Discharge Board        1         PCB             Box          50        95         95       3       No       -        Demise
  ALBus       1.2          MSP430 Board          1         PCB             Box          50        95         95       3       No       -        Demise
  ALBus       1.3      Boost Convertor Board     1         PCB             Box          50        95         95       3       No       -        Demise
                      Battery Pack /(GOMSpace
  ALBus       1.4                                1                                                                            No       -        Demise
                               Battery)               Aluminum 7075      Cylinder      720        94         88      20
  ALBus       1.7           Threaded rod         2    Stainless Steel    Cylinder      136        2.8        50       --     Yes     2642º      Demise
  ALBus       2.1.1           Baseplate          1    Aluminum 7075        Box          33        95         95      95      Yes     1175º      Demise
  ALBus       2.1.2       Release slide post     4    Stainless Steel    Cylinder      3.5        3.2        21      21       No       -        Demise
  ALBus       2.1.5         SMA actuator         1         NiTi          Cylinder      <1g        0.3        59      59      Yes     2370º      Demise
  ALBus       2.1.9         Release plate        1    Aluminum 7075        Box          30        95         95      95       No       -        Demise
  ALBus       2.2.1        Auxiliary Board       1      PCB-FR4            Box          50        95         95      95       No       -        Demise
  ALBus       3.1       Radio Support Board      1      PCB-FR4            Box          50        95         95      95       No       -        Demise
  ALBus       3.5           Radio Board          1      PCB-FR4            Box          50        95         95      95       No       -        Demise
  ALBus                                                                                                                       No       -        Demise
              4.1.1     Solar panel Substrate    4      PCB-FR4            prism        80        83        315      0.76
  ALBus                                                                                                                      Yes     2370º      Demise
              4.1.2         SMA Spring           8         NiTi            prism       3.6        15         55      0.7
  ALBus       4.1.3             Lugs             4    Stainless Steel    cylinder      5.4        11         21      1.3      No       -        Demise
  ALBus       4.1.5           Hinge pin          4    Stainless Steel     cylinder      20       3.175       76      ---      No       -        Demise
  ALBus                                                                                                                      Yes       -        Demise
              4.2.5     Gravity Gradient Mass    4    Stainless Steel      prism        40       63.5       38.1     2.1
  ALBus                                         1                                                                    16       No       -        Demise
              4.3.1           Heat Sink               Aluminum 6061        prism       350        100       100
  ALBus       4.3.2        Hinge brackets       4     Aluminum 7075        cube         7         14         14       5       No       -        Demise
  ALBus                                                                                                              0.5      No       -        Demise
              4.3.8          Lock hook          4     Stainless Steel      prism        1          5         5
  ALBus       5.1         Load Bank Board        1         PCB             Box          75        95         95      10       No       -        Demise
  ALBus       6.1              Chassis           1    Aluminum 7075        Box         210        98         98      307      No       -        Demise

  ALBus       6.4    Body mounted solar array      4         FR4 PCB              Box          54        54         83         .76      No       -        Demise
  ALBus       7.1             Screws              97    Stainless Steel 304     Cylinder      43.16    Various       -          -      Yes     2642º      Demise
                                                        Stainless Steel 304/
  ALBus                                           32                            Cylinder      16.84    Various       -          -       No       -        Demise
              7.2              Nuts                            Nylon
  ALBus       7.3            Spacers              28    Stainless Steel 304     Cylinder      12.56    Various       -          -      Yes     2642º      Demise

Appendix B.         ELaNa-20 Component List by CubeSat: CACTUS-1

                                                                                             Mass     Diameter                                Melting
            Item                                                                 Body                             Length      Height   High
CUBESAT                       Name                Qty        Material                         (g)      / Width                                Temp      Survivability
           Number                                                                Type                              (mm)       (mm)     Temp
                                                                                            (total)      (mm)                                  (Fº)
CACTUS-1      1      CACTUS - 1 3U Cubesat         1             -               Box                     -           -          -       -        -            -
CACTUS-1      2          Aerogel Monolith          2      Silica Aerogel         Box          7         50.8       50.8        12.7     No       -        Demise
CACTUS-1      3              Tab Base              1     Aluminum 7075         Flat Plate    296        113         364        3.5      No       -        Demise
CACTUS-1      4               Frame                1     Aluminum 7075           Box         391       101.5        364        100      No       -        Demise
CACTUS-1      5      End Mount (Comms side)        1     Aluminum 7075         Flat Plate     43         97        98.5        13.5     No       -        Demise
                        Hermes End Mount
CACTUS-1      6                                    1     Aluminum 7075         Flat Plate     44         97        98.5        13.5     No       -        Demise
CACTUS-1      7            Tape Antenna            2           Steel           Flat Plate    12.8       25.4        32          3       No       -        Demise
CACTUS-1      8     Aerogel Capture Bay (ACB)      2     Aluminum 7075           Box         160       75.54      125.54       42.2     No       -        Demise
CACTUS-1      9            Battery Case            1     Aluminum 7075            Box         99       86.74       91.2        39      Yes       -        Demise
CACTUS-1      10    Battery Case Lid / Burn Box    1     Aluminum 7075           Box          73       90.74       91.2        32      Yes       -        Demise
CACTUS-1      11      End Mount (ACB side)         1     Aluminum 7075           Box          44         97        98.5        13.5     No       -        Demise
CACTUS-1      12    Hermes End Mount (Interior)    1     Aluminum 7075         Flat Plate     44         97        98.5        13.5     No       -        Demise
CACTUS-1      13           RASC Locks              4     Aluminum 7075         Flat Plate     28         12       125.54       16.5     No       -        Demise
CACTUS-1      14             Batteries             7          Li-Ion           Cylinder      350        18.4       64.8         -       No       -        Demise
CACTUS-1      15         Pointing Magnet           1     NdFeB grade 42        Cylinder       20       9.525       38.1         -       No                Demise
                    Mounting Screws M3 x (4, 6,                                                                  Varies (4,
CACTUS-1      16                                  64      Stainless Steel      Cylinder       64         3                      -      Yes     2642º      Demise
                               8, 10)                                                                            6, 8, 10)
                     Solar Panel PCB (Top and
CACTUS-1      17                                   2        PCB FR-4           Flat Plate    156        100         264        1.6      No       -        Demise


CACTUS-1   18   Solar PCB (Left, Right Side)    2        PCB FR-4         Flat Plate   48     90        91        1.6    No      -     Demise
                Small Solar PCB (Left, Right
CACTUS-1   19                                   2        PCB FR-4         Flat Plate   22     40        90        1.6    No      -     Demise
CACTUS-1   20    Hermes Solar PCB (Sides)       2        PCB FR-4         Flat Plate   26     50        90        1.6    No      -     Demise
CACTUS-1   21   Hermes Solar PCB (Bottom)       1        PCB FR-4         Flat Plate   25     86.5      100       1.6    No      -     Demise
CACTUS-1   22          Antenna PCB              1        PCB FR-4         Flat Plate   18     60        97        1.6    No      -     Demise
CACTUS-1   23    Hermes Solar PCB (Top)         1        PCB FR-4         Flat Plate   15     50        100       1.6    No      -     Demise
CACTUS-1   24      Hermes Helix Antenna         1          Varies         Cylinder     14     18        48         -     No      -     Demise
CACTUS-1   25       Mylar Support Wire          4          Steel          Cylinder      6      1       72.54       -     No      -     Demise
CACTUS-1   26           Solar Panels           454       Solar Cell                    79.5    8       26.3       0.16   No      -     Demise
                                                                                                     Est. 330-
CACTUS-1   27     Nylon String (Antenna)        1          Nylon            Wire       0.15   1.0                  -     No      -     Demise
CACTUS-1   28          Mylar sheets            N/A      PET Mylar         Flat Plate    1     N/A      N/A        0.01   No      -     Demise
CACTUS-1   29         M3 Weld Nuts             56      Stainless steel    Cylinder     56     7.5        3         -     Yes   2642º   Demise
                                                                                                     Varies (4,
CACTUS-1   30      M2 x (4,8) mm Screws        12      Stainless steel    Cylinder     12      2                   -     No      -     Demise
CACTUS-1   31         Threaded Rod 1            2      Stainless Steel    Cylinder     10      3       95.4        -     No      -     Demise
CACTUS-1   32         Threaded Rod 2            2      Stainless steel    Cylinder     10      3       93.4        -     No      -     Demise
CACTUS-1   33            M3 Nuts               16      Stainless steel    Cylinder      8     5.5       2.4        -     Yes   2642º   Demise
CACTUS-1   34            M2 Nuts                8      Stainless steel    Cylinder      4     4.5       1.6        -     Yes   2642º   Demise
CACTUS-1   35         Hysteresis Rods           2      Permalloy 80       Cylinder     14      2        95         -     No      -     Demise
                 Bus Insulation (Top, Left,
CACTUS-1   36                                   3    Aerogel Blanketing   Flat Plate   18     84.4      97         2     No      -     Demise
                 Battery Insulation (Front,
CACTUS-1   37                                   2    Aerogel Blanketing   Flat Plate   10     80.2     82.74       2     No      -     Demise
CACTUS-1   38      Bus Insulation (Back)        1    Aerogel Blanketing   Flat Plate    6     93.5      95         2     No      -     Demise
CACTUS-1   39      Bus Insulation (Front)       1    Aerogel Blanketing   Flat Plate    6     88.5     93.5        2     No      -     Demise
CACTUS-1   40     Bus Insulation (Bottom)       1    Aerogel Blanketing   Flat Plate    5     84.4      97         2     No      -     Demise
                 Insulation packer (Battery
CACTUS-1   41                                   2    Aerogel Blanketing   Flat Plate    4     26.1     82.74       2     No      -     Demise
                     Top and Bottom)
                 Insulation Packet (Battery
CACTUS-1   42                                   2    Aerogel Blanketing   Flat Plate    2     26.1     80.2        2     No      -     Demise
CACTUS-1   43       RASC W/ coatings            2    PLA Plastic, RTV       Box        112    56        69        26.8   No      -     Demise


CACTUS-1   44     Hermes Battery Mount        2          ABS plastic         Box        35.2    22.25    73      21.5    No   -   Demise
                   Cactus Plastic Battery               Thermoplastic
CACTUS-1   45                                 1                              Box         26     76.2    78.74    22.1    No   -   Demise
                         Housing                     Polyester, Aluminum
                                                       Copper, Plastic,
CACTUS-1   46         Coaxial Cable           1                              Wire        2       5       40        -     No   -   Demise
                                                      28 AWG, Copper,
CACTUS-1   47             Wiring             N/A                           Cylinder      35      1.5     N/A       -     No   -   Demise
CACTUS-1   48             Solder              1           Tin/Lead           N/A         10     N/A      N/A     N/A     No   -   Demise
                                                                             Rod /
CACTUS-1   49      Nichrome Burn Wire         1           Nichrome                      0.003   0.16     200       -     No   -   Demise
                                                      PCB FR4, Glass,
CACTUS-1   50       TTL- jpeg camera          2                            Block ?      22.3     32      32      24.75   No   -   Demise
                   BUS Boards ( Power,               PCB FR-4, Surface        Flat
CACTUS-1   51                                 4                                         248     90.17   95.885   12.75   No   -   Demise
                  Comms, Sensor, CPU )               Mount Components        Plane
                                                     PCB FR-4, Surface        Flat
CACTUS-1   52     Hermes Electrical PCB       1                                         25.4    90.17   95.88     1.6    No   -   Demise
                                                     Mount Components        Plane
                  Hermes Iridium Modem               PCB FR-4, Surface
CACTUS-1   53                                 1                             Block        31     35.75    61      12.5    No   -   Demise
                          9603                       Mount Components
                                                     PCB FR-4, Surface        Flat
CACTUS-1   54     Hermes Raspberry Pi 0       1                                          11      31      65       4.5    No   -   Demise
                                                     Mount Components        Plane
                   Raspberry Pi Compute              PCB FR-4, Surface        Flat
CACTUS-1   55                                 1                                         5.76     30      67.6     1      No   -   Demise
                         Module                      Mount Components        Plane
                5 mm LED (Dimensions not
CACTUS-1   56                                 4         Generic LED        Cylinder     1.08     5       5.6       -     No   -   Demise
                     including wires)
CACTUS-1   57          Foot Switch            2         Plastic, steel       Box         2      15.2     20.1     6.4    No   -   Demise
                734 RTV conformal coating              Silicone Rubber
CACTUS-1   58                                Fluid                           N/A        N/A     N/A      N/A     N/A     No   -   Demise
                      (Electronics)                     MIL-A-46106
                3145 RTV conformal coating             Silicone Rubber
CACTUS-1   59                                Fluid                           N/A        N/A     N/A      N/A     N/A     No   -   Demise
                       (Structure)                      MIL-A-46146
CACTUS-1   60       Double Sided Tape        N/A      Polyimide Kapton     Flat Plate    12     N/A      N/A     0.01    No   -   Demise
CACTUS-1   61      Nylon spacer 16 mm         8           Nylon 66         Cylinder      4       4.5     16        -     No   -   Demise
CACTUS-1   62      Nylon spacer 18 mm         8           Nylon 66         Cylinder      4       4.5     18        -     No   -   Demise
CACTUS-1   63      Nylon spacer 14 mm         4           Nylon 66         Cylinder      2       4.5     14        -     No   -   Demise
CACTUS-1   64      Nylon spacer 22 mm         4           Nylon 66         Cylinder      2       4.5     22        -     No   -   Demise
CACTUS-1   65       Nylon spacer 19mm         4           Nylon 66         Cylinder      2       4.5     19        -     No   -   Demise
CACTUS-1              Nylon M3 Nut            2           Nylon 66         Cylinder      1       5.5     2.4       -     No   -   Demise


Appendix C.        ELaNa-20 Component List by CubeSat: CAPE-3

                                                                                               Diameter                                Melting
           Item                                                          Body       Mass (g)              Length     Height     High
CUBESAT                     Name           Qty       Material                                   / Width                                Temp      Survivability
          Number                                                         Type        (total)               (mm)      (mm)       Temp
                                                                                                  (mm)                                  (Fº)
 CAPE-3       0            CubeSat          1     Aluminum 6061          Cube        1330        100       113.5       100       No       -        Demise
 CAPE-3       1             Frame           1     Aluminum 6061          Cube         180        100       113.5       100       No       -        Demise
 CAPE-3       2         Battery Cells       4       Lithium Ion        Cylinder       45          26        70         n/a       No       -        Demise
 CAPE-3       3          Solar Cells       12    Crystalline Silicon   Flat Plate     2.24       39.5      68.9        n/a       No       -        Demise
                                                  Silver alloy gold
 CAPE-3       4      Deployment Switches    2                            Box          0.28       6.1                             No       -        Demise
                                                       plated                                               8.1        2.7
 CAPE-3       5           RBF Pin           1      Stainless Steel     Cylinder       n/a        n/a        n/a        n/a       No       -        Demise
 CAPE-3       6         Screws/Bolts       X       Stainless Steel     Cylinder       0.6         3         11         n/a       No       -        Demise
 CAPE-3       7         Long Antenna        4         Nitinol          Thin wire      0.87       0.5        508        n/a       No       -        Demise
 CAPE-3       8         Short Antenna       4         Nitinol          Thin wire      0.25       0.5        178        n/a       No       -        Demise
 CAPE-3       9       Antenna Platforms     2          Delrin          Flat Plate     40         100        100         6        No       -        Demise
 CAPE-3       10         Motherboard        1           PCB            Flat Plate     40          97        97         1.6       No       -        Demise
 CAPE-3       11        Comm board          2           PCB            Flat Plate     40          97        97         1.6       No       -        Demise
 CAPE-3       12        Comm board          1           PCB            Flat Plate     40          97        97         1.6       No       -        Demise
 CAPE-3       13        Battery Board       1           PCB            Flat Plate     30          97        97         1.6       No       -        Demise
 CAPE-3       14        Power Board         1           PCB            Flat Plate     40          97        97         1.6       No       -        Demise
 CAPE-3       15        Exterior PCBs       4           PCB            Flat Plate     30          97        97         1.6       No       -        Demise
 CAPE-3       16      Separation Springs    2      Stainless Steel     Cylinder       1.4        0.07       0.6        n/a      Yes     2642º      Demise
 CAPE-3       17        Cabling/wiring     X       copper, rubber        wire       variable   variable   variable   variable    No       -        Demise
 CAPE-3       18        Cell Housing        1    Cotton lacing cord                   n/a        2.38       n/a       0.397      No       -        Demise
 CAPE-3       19     PCB Connecting Rods    4      Stainless Steel                     6          3         100        n/a       No       -        Demise
                                                                        al Rod
 CAPE-3       20     Mezanine Connectors   10      Thermoplastic                     1.163        8        51.5       4.86       No       -        Demise


CAPE-3   21    Reaction Wheel    1      DC Motor         Cube         55         28         31         26       No      -     Demise
CAPE-3   22   Magnetorque Core   2         Iron                      3.156       3.2        50         n/a      Yes   2800º   Demise
CAPE-3   23   Magnetorque Wire   2     Copper Wire        Wire       0.318      0.12       7854        n/a      No      -     Demise
CAPE-3   24    Control Board     1         PCB           Square       45         97         97         1.6      No      -     Demise
CAPE-3   25    Payload Board     1         PCB           Square       50         97         97         1.6      No      -     Demise
CAPE-3   26       Crystals       2   Triboluminescent    Paste      variable   variable   variable   variable   No      -     Demise
CAPE-3   27       Camera         1     Plastic/glass                 6.862       10         10         10       No      -     Demise
CAPE-3   28    Geiger Counter    1        sensor          Box        3.55        16         28          6       No      -     Demise
CAPE-3   29        LED's         2    semiconductor                  0.25         5          9         n/a      No      -     Demise
CAPE-3   30    Weight Ballast    X   Aluminum 6061                    230      variable   variable   variable   Yes   1205º   Demise


Appendix D.        Elana-20 Component List by CubeSat: EXOCUBE
                                                                                       Mass     Diameter                            Melting
           Item                                                             Body                           Length   Height   High
CUBESAT                    Name               Qty        Material                       (g)      / Width                            Temp      Survivability
          Number                                                            Type                            (mm)    (mm)     Temp
                                                                                      (total)      (mm)                              (Fº)
EXOCUBE       1    ExoCube++ 3U CubeSat        1          Various            Box      3864        100       100     340.5     No       -        Demise
                                                      Black Anodized                  1228.8
EXOCUBE       2       CubeSat Structure        1                             Box                  100       100     340.5     No       -        Demise
                                                      Aluminum 6061                     7
EXOCUBE       3           Antenna              2        Nitinol Wire       Cylinder    2.7        0.15       80      N/A      No       -        Demise
EXOCUBE       4        Antenna Route           1           Delrin            Box       4.73      64.48      64.4     3.4      No       -        Demise
EXOCUBE       5           Solar Cell          24          Eglass             Box       7.45        69        40       1       No       -        Demise
EXOCUBE       6            X Panel             2    FR-4 Multilayer PCB      Box      91.67        83       289      1.6      No       -        Demise
EXOCUBE       7            Y Panel             2    FR-4 Multilayer PCB      Box      87.12        83       334      1.6      No       -        Demise
                                                      Aluminum 6061,
                                                      Nitronic 60 (UNS
EXOCUBE       8        Reaction Wheel          1     S21800) SS, Delrin,     Box       122       40.64     40.64    19.05    Yes     2795º      Demise
                                                    Samarium Cobalt, SS
EXOCUBE       9      Magnetorquer Route        3           Delrin            Box       3.5         82        51       4       No       -        Demise
EXOCUBE       10     Magnetorquer Wire         3          Copper           Cylinder     9          3        260      N/A      No       -        Demise
EXOCUBE       11         GPS Patch             1          Ceramic            Box        20        25.1      25.1     5.2      No       -        Demise
EXOCUBE       12          Batteries            4        Lithium Ion        Cylinder     45       19.16       66      N/A      No       -        Demise
EXOCUBE       13       Battery Bracket         1      Aluminum 6061          Box      93.25        81      89.85    28.15    Yes     1205º      Demise
                     -Z System Board w/
EXOCUBE       14                               1    FR-4 Multilayer PCB      Box        60         83       100      13.8     No       -        Demise
                   -Z Payload Interface and
EXOCUBE       15                               1    FR-4 Multilayer PCB      Box        50         83        83       3       No       -        Demise
                        Battery Board
                    +Z Payload Extension
EXOCUBE       16                               1    FR-4 Multilayer PCB      Box        50         83        83      5.15     No       -        Demise
EXOCUBE       17          +Z Panel             1    FR-4 Multilayer PCB      Box        30        100       100      2.5      No       -        Demise
EXOCUBE       18          -Z Panel             1    FR-4 Multilayer PCB      Box        30        100       100      2.5      No       -        Demise
EXOCUBE       19     Tip Mass Brackets         2    7075-T6, Plate (SS)      Box      15.58      31.57     79.47      5      Yes     2795º      Demise
EXOCUBE       20     Rough Pass Through        1      Aluminum 6061        Cylinder   49.05      31.75     36.66    30.23    Yes     1205º      Demise
                                                    RNF-100 Polyolefin
EXOCUBE       21         Heat Shrink           1                            Tube        1         63.5      25.4     0.5      No       -        Demise
                                                       Heat Shrink


                                                  3M Scotch Weld        Rectangula
EXOCUBE   22      Staking Compound         1                                          50       N/A       N/A      N/A     No      -     Demise
                                                      2216                   r
EXOCUBE   23         Kapton Tape           1        Kapton Tape           Tape         0      Various   Various   0.05    No      -     Demise
EXOCUBE   24    Sep/Actuating Switches     5       Plastic (PBT)                       2        6         8        7      No      -     Demise
EXOCUBE   25         Boom Mass             2      Brass Alloy 360                    200.69    33.5      67.8     16.8    No      -     Demise
EXOCUBE   26         Boom Truss            2    FR-4 Multilayer PCB        Box        27.3      68       299.4     2      No      -     Demise
EXOCUBE   27           Kit Kat             2      Aluminum 6061                       3.01     11.4      28.05    5.18    No      -     Demise
                                                AISI 316 Annealed
EXOCUBE   28        Boom Spring            2                             Cylinder      1        6.1       20      N/A     No      -     Demise
                                                      SS Bar
EXOCUBE   29    Screw - Representative    152    Stainless Steel 316     Cylinder     0.87      2.8       10      N/A     No      -     Demise
EXOCUBE   30         Boom Hinge            2      Aluminum 6061            Box        2.56      15        46       6.5    Yes   1205º   Demise
                                                  FR-4 Multilayer
                                                PCB, Stainless Steel,
EXOCUBE   31     Goddard Instrument        1      Aluminum 6061            Box        400       74        75      1.59    No      -     Demise
                                                 Conversion, Ultem,
EXOCUBE   32         GPS Board             1    FR-4 Multilayer PCB        Box        24       45.72     71.12    11.09   No      -     Demise
EXOCUBE   33        Battery Board          1    FR-4 Multilayer PCB        Box        50       58.51     78.51    8.12    No      -     Demise
EXOCUBE   34   Solar Angle Sensor Board    4    FR-4 Multilayer PCB        Box        20        20        30       1.6    No      -     Demise


Appendix E.        Elana-20 Component List by CubeSat: INCA

                                                                                      Mass     Diameter                             Melting
           Item                                                           Body                            Length    Height   High
CUBESAT                      Name               Qty       Material                     (g)      / Width                             Temp      Survivability
          Number                                                          Type                             (mm)     (mm)     Temp
                                                                                     (total)      (mm)                               (Fº)
  INCA        2     Deployable Solar Panels      1      Aluminum 7075     Box         154        100       341.8     100      No       -        Demise
  INCA        3       Fixed Solar Panels         4          PCB         Flat Plate    39.4        82        332       3       No       -        Demise
  INCA        4      Neutron Detector Case       4          PCB         Flat Plate     40         82        250       3       No       -        Demise
  INCA        5      Neutron Detector Lid        1      Aluminum 6061     Box         855         88        223      86      Yes     1205º      Demise
  INCA        6      Scintillators Crystals      1      Aluminum 6061   Flat Plate     26         88        223       3       No       -        Demise
  INCA        7       Scintillators Holders      2        P-Terfinal    Cylinder      966         51                 42       No       -        Demise
  INCA        8           Veto Boards            2        Aluminum        Box         245         72        72       76       No       -        Demise
  INCA        9          Battery Pack            4         EJ-212       Flat Plate    235         69        219       3       No       -        Demise
                                                        Aluminum 6061
  INCA        10         Beagle Bone             1                        Box         247                                     No       -        Demise
                                                         and Lithium
  INCA        11        Link Star Radio          1          PCB         Flat plate     40         86        53       ~10      No       -        Demise
                                                                                     unkno                          Unkno
  INCA        12          Intrepid XY            1          PCB         Flat plate             Unknown    Unknown             No       -        Demise
                                                                                      wn                             wn
  INCA        13    Novatel OEM-615 GPS          4          PCB         Flat plate     32        103        83       ~5       No       -        Demise
  INCA        14    Intrepid Systems Board       1          PCB         Flat plate     22         71        46       12       No       -        Demise
  INCA        15          Intrepid -Z            1          PCB         Flat plate    104         94        83       ~2       No       -        Demise
  INCA        16          Sun Sensor             1          PCB         Flat plate     96         91        91       ~5       No       -        Demise
                    Miscellaneous Nuts and
  INCA        17                                 1          PCB             -           -         -          -        -       No       -        Demise
  INCA        18      Missilaneous Wires      Unknown       Steel           -           -         -          -        -       No       -        Demise


Appendix F.          Elana-20 Component List by CubeSat: MicroMAS-2b

                                                                                           Mass     Diameter                            Melting
             Item                                                               Body                           Length   Height   High
CUBESAT                         Name                 Qty      Material                      (g)      / Width                            Temp      Survivability
            Number                                                              Type                            (mm)    (mm)     Temp
                                                                                          (total)      (mm)                              (Fº)
MicroMAS-              Payload Antenna/Gband
              1                                       1        Al 6061           Box       115         80                20       No       -        Demise
    2b                         Mixer
              2            Payload G RFE              1     Al, Au coated        Box        30         80        50      30       No       -        Demise
              3           Payload W/F RFE             1     Al, Au coated        Box        42                                    No       -        Demise
MicroMAS-                                                  PCB FR4, Dupont
              4              IF Processor             1                          Box       118         68        58      25       No       -        Demise
    2b                                                       9K7 LTCC
              5       Payload Interface Module        1       PCB FR4           Board       16         70        60      10       No       -        Demise
MicroMAS-            Payload Voltage Regulator
              6                                       1       PCB FR4           Board       20         65        35      10       No       -        Demise
    2b                        Module
MicroMAS-            Payload Dielectric Resonant
              7                                       1                          Box        54         32        41      16       No       -        Demise
    2b                       Oscillator
                                                            stainless steel,
MicroMAS-                                                    hermetically
              8      Payload Heaters/Thermostat       1                        Cylinder     10         16        -       13       No       -        Demise
    2b                                                        sealed dry
                                                                Al 6061
MicroMAS-                                                      tungsten;       Various
              9      Payload Structures, fasteners   n/a                                   275        100       100      100      No     6191º      Survives
    2b                                                        fastnerers:       plates
                                                            stainless steel
              10          Payload Harnesses          n/a                       Cables       40         -         -        -       No       -        Demise
MicroMAS-                                                                      Various
              11        Payload Balance Ring          1        Al 6061                     166         80        -       10      Yes     1205º      Demise
    2b                                                                          plates
              12           Payload Ballast           10        tungsten         screw       1          3         25              Yes     6191º      Survives
              13       Bus Avionics TIB/Gyro          1       PCB: FR4          Board      111         96        90      16       No       -        Demise
              14       Bus Avionics Processor         1       PCB: FR4          Board      104         96        90      11       No       -        Demise
              15          Bus Avionics BIB            1       PCB: FR4          Board       54         96        90       8       No       -        Demise
              16         Bus Avionics Radio           1      Housing: Al        Board      138         68        79      15       No       -        Demise


            17      Bus Radio UHF Filter       1                             Box      36    35    14    10    No      -     Demise
MicroMAS-                                             Antenna: spring
            18    Bus Radio UHF Antenna        1                            Plate     30     8    178    -    No      -     Demise
    2b                                               steel; cables: FEP
            19       Bus Avionics EPS          1         PCB: FR4           Board     150   90    85    11    No      -     Demise
MicroMAS-                                             PCB: FR4; cells:
            20      Bus Avionics Battery       1                            Board     173   95    86    15    No      -     Demise
    2b                                                 Li cobalt oxide
                                                         Housing: Al
                                                         6061; MQT:
MicroMAS-           Bus Avionics ADCS
            21                                 1        electromagnet        Box      638   100   100   56    No      -     Demise
    2b                   Housing
                                                      ferrite 66; PCB:
MicroMAS-        Bus Avionics ADCS reaction           magnet, stainless
            22                                 3                             Box      160   40    20    20    No      -     Demise
    2b                     wheels                         steel case,
                                                        ceramic balls
                                                      PCB: FR4 PCB;
MicroMAS-                                            cells:GaInP2/GaA
            23    Bus Solar Panel Assembly     4                            Board     250   82    326   1.6   No      -     Demise
    2b                                                s/Ge; Hinges: Al
            24   Bus Solar Panel Harness Set   1           PTFE            Cables     30     -     -     -    No      -     Demise
MicroMAS-                                             RTD: alumina;
            25      Bus Thermal Control        1                            Cable     50     -     -     -    No      -     Demise
    2b                                                 Wires: PTFE
                                                      Rails: Al 7075
                                                     anodized; Sides:
MicroMAS-          Bus Housing Assembly,             Al 6061 alodined;     Various
            26                                 1                                      328    -    200   90    No      -     Demise
    2b                   fasteners                       Fasteners:         plates
                                                       stainless steel
            27           Bus Wiring            n/a       ETFE-SB           Cables     39     -     -     -    No      -     Demise
                                                     Housing, shaft: Al
                                                         6061; Hub:
            28        Scanner Housing          1        stainless steel    Cylinder   388   73     -    42    Yes   3034º   Survives
                                                       balls, Braycote
                                                        601 lubricant;
                                                      Encoder grating:
                                                       soda lime glass
                                                       Rotor: stainless
MicroMAS-                                             steel 455; Stator:
            29         Scanner Motor           1                           Cylinder   163   68     -    25    No      -     Demise
    2b                                               neodymium boron
                                                         iron magnet


Appendix G.        ELaNa-20 Component List by CubeSat: MITEE

                                                                                    Mass     Diameter                            Melting
           Item                                                          Body                           Length   Height   High
CUBESAT                      Name              Qty      Material                     (g)      / Width                            Temp      Survivability
          Number                                                         Type                            (mm)    (mm)     Temp
                                                                                   (total)      (mm)                              (Fº)
  MiTEE       1        MiTEE 3U Cubesat         -           -              -          -         -         -        -       -        -            -
  MiTEE       2       CubeSat Main Walls        2    6061 Aluminum        Box        98        100        10      340      No       -        Demise
  MiTEE       3        Cubesat Side Walls       2    6061 Aluminum        Box       290        100        10      340      No       -        Demise
  MiTEE       4         Langmuir Probe          1                       Cylinder     50         4         53       4      Yes     3034º        Yes
                   Langmuir Probe Deployment
  MiTEE       5                                 1    6061 Aluminum       Hinge       10         12        95      15       No       -        Demise
  MiTEE       6            Antennae             4       302 Steel        Tape        20        1.5        17       1       No       -        Demise
  MiTEE       7           Radio Board           1         PCB            Board       60         93        97      10       No       -        Demise
  MiTEE       8              Radio              1      Aluminum           Box        52         32        62       9       No       -        Demise
  MiTEE       9      Langmuir Probe Board       1         PCB            Board       60         93        97      16       No       -        Demise
  MiTEE       10    Metal Core Magnetorquer     2     Nickel-Alloy      Cylinder     58         25        55      13      Yes     2651º      Demise
  MiTEE       11     Air Core Magnetorquer      1         PLA                        58         70        70      20       No       -        Demise
  MiTEE       12      Magnetorquer Board        1         PCB            Board       18         93        97      35       No       -        Demise
  MiTEE       13          ADCS PCB              1         PCB            Board       60         93        97      13       No       -        Demise
  MiTEE       14           CDH PCB              1         PCB            Board       60         93        97       8       No       -        Demise
  MiTEE       15        EPS/Plasma PCB          1         PCB            Board       60         93        97       8       No       -        Demise
  MiTEE       16       EPS Battery PCB          1         PCB            Board      430         93        97      35       No       -        Demise
  MiTEE       17           Batteries            4     Lithium Ion       Cylinder     45         18        65      18       No       -        Demise
  MiTEE       18          HVPS PCB              1         PCB            Board       75         93        97      16       No       -        Demise
                     Constant Current Power
  MiTEE       19                                1         PCB            Board       68         93        97      19       No       -        Demise
                          Supply PCB
  MiTEE       20      Thermionic Cathode        2    Stainless Steel1                5          10        13       9       No       -        Demise
  MiTEE       21          Boom Tape             4    Stainless Steel     Tape       0.7         20        1       50       No       -        Demise


MiTEE   22       Boom Housing         1                         Box       148   60.5   50     41.8     Yes   1205º   Demise
MiTEE   23      Anode End Body        1    6061 Aluminum        Box       50    80     80      20      No      -     Demise
MiTEE   24     Deployment Switch      2        Titanium       Cylinder     2     5      5      26      Yes   3034º   Demise
MiTEE   25      Solar Panel PCB       4          PCB           Board      138   80     340     2       No      -     Demise
MiTEE   26         Solar Cell         24                      Flat Cell    3    80     23      0.5     No      -     Demise
                                              Solar Cell
MiTEE   27        Photodiode          13        Silicon        Sensor      1     1      3      0.4     No      -     Demise
MiTEE   28      Backplane PCB         1          PCB           Board            62     200     2       No      -     Demise
                                             Polyester and     Header
MiTEE   29   Backplane Connectors     18                                   1     6     23      8       No      -     Demise
                                                Copper        Connector
MiTEE   30         Fasteners          70    Stainless Steel     Bolt      <1     5      5    Various   No      -     Demise
MiTEE   31          Cabling           4        Copper         Cylinder     1     2     10      2       No      -     Demise
MiTEE   32        Wedgelocks          18   6063 Aluminum        Box        2     6     74      6       No      -     Demise
MiTEE   33   Antenna Mounting Plate   1    6061 Aluminum        Plate     158   100    100     19      Yes   1205º   Demise


Appendix H.        ELaNa-20 Component List by CubeSat: PICS

                                                                                     Mass     Diameter                            Melting
           Item                                                           Body                           Length   Height   High
CUBESAT                      Name               Qty      Material                     (g)      / Width                            Temp      Survivability
          Number                                                          Type                            (mm)    (mm)     Temp
                                                                                    (total)      (mm)                              (Fº)
                     PICs-A/B Identical 1U
  PICS        1                                  1    Aluminum 6061        Box      1209.4      116       116      116      No       -        Demise
  PICS        2        CubeSat Structure         1    Aluminum 6061        Box       330       102.5      100      110      No       -        Demise
  PICS        3            Antennae              4      Copper 101       Cylinder    4.5         3         69       -       No       -        Demise
  PICS        4      Solar Harvester Board       6    Fiberglass FR4       Box        35         83       100       2       No       -        Demise
  PICS        5            Solar Cell           12         GaAs            Box       2.2         40        69      0.14     No       -        Demise
  PICS        6        Separation Switch         2          PBT            Box        3          13        7        6       No       -        Demise
  PICS        7        Separation Spring         2         Steel         Cylinder     3          3         13       -       No       -        Demise
  PICS        8          Camera Lens             6         Glass         Cylinder     3          14        8        -       No       -        Demise
  PICS        9      Camera Lens Housing         6     Stainless Steel   Cylinder     4          19        4        -      Yes     2642º        Yes
  PICS        10     Antenna Hinge Side 1        4    Aluminum 7075        Box        3         26.5       6        6      Yes     1205º      Demise
  PICS        11     Antenna Hinge Side 2        4    Aluminum 7075        Box        3         13.8      5.7      4.45    Yes     1205º      Demise
                                                       Stainless Steel
  PICS        12     Antenna Hinge Spring        4                       Cylinder     1          6         4        -       No       -        Demise
  PICS        13     Antenna Inhibit Wire        4         Nylon          Wire        1        0.3048      10       -       No       -        Demise
                   Antenna Deployment Burn
  PICS        14                                 4       Nichrome         Wire        1        0.0762      7        -       No       -        Demise
  PICS        15         CubeSat Feet            8    Aluminum 6061        Box       1.25        8        8.5      8.5      No       -        Demise
  PICS        16            Bracket              4    Aluminum 6061        Box      10.18        60        8        8      Yes     1205º      Demise
  PICS        17        Camera Mount             6      Aluminum           Box       14.6        4         50      48.4     No       -        Demise
                                                      Aluminum 1100-
  PICS        18        Mounting Rods            4                       Cylinder     1         2.4        72       -       No       -        Demise
  PICS        19         Hex Standoff            8      Aluminum         Cylinder     1         5.5       15.5      -       No       -        Demise
  PICS        20   Solar Harvester Connectors    6       Nylon 66          Box      0.218       3.2       15.5     4.2      No       -        Demise
  PICS        21            Camera               6    Fiberglass FR4       Box        25         35        25      22       No       -        Demise
  PICS        22        Camera Housing           6      Aluminum           Box        15         16        16      16       No       -        Demise


PICS   23         Camera Board            6     Fiberglass FR4         Box       10       35      25     1.65   No   -   Demise
                                                Fiberglass Isola
PICS   24             Radio               1                            Box       50       45      45      8     No   -   Demise
PICS   25        Antenna Board            1     Fiberglass FR4         Box       15       88      88     1.65   No   -   Demise
PICS   26         Battery Boards          4     Fiberglass FR4         Box       10       51      51      2     No   -   Demise
PICS   27         C&DH Board              1     Fiberglass FR4         Box       40       88      88      3     No   -   Demise
PICS   28          FPGA SoM               1     Fiberglass FR4         Box       11       30      57     1.6    No   -   Demise
             Phillips Screw with Lock          Stainless Steel 18-
PICS   29                                20                          Cylinder    0.24     4.7     6.3     -     No   -   Demise
                      Washer                            8
             Phillips Screw with Lock          Stainless Steel 18-
PICS   30                                18                          Cylinder    0.27     4.7     7.9     -     No   -   Demise
                      Washer                            8
                                               Stainless Steel 18-
PICS   31    Flat Head Phillips Screw    16                          Cylinder    0.35     5.4     8       -     No   -   Demise
             Metric Phillips Machine           Stainless Steel 18-
PICS   32                                 4                          Cylinder    0.02     3.2    11.3     -     No   -   Demise
                     Screw                              8
                                                 Steel, Class 8,
PICS   33   Zinc Plated Steel Hex Nut     1                          Cylinder    0.04     3.7     1.3     -     No   -   Demise
                                                  Zinc Plated
             Metric Flat Head Phillips
PICS   34                                 4    Steel, Zinc Plated    Cylinder   0.193     4.7     5       -     No   -   Demise
                  Machine Screw
            Metric Cheese Head Slotted
PICS   35                                 4    Steel, Zinc Plated    Cylinder   0.074     2.6     5.9     -     No   -   Demise
                  Machine Screw
                                                  Steel, Black
PICS   36    Socket Head Cap Screw       24                          Cylinder    0.13     3       6.6     -     No   -   Demise
                                                  Oxide Alloy
PICS   37             Wires              180        Copper            Wire       0.03    0.321    40      -     No   -   Demise
PICS   38      Thermal Strap/Sink         3     Aluminum 6061          Box        3       30      5       -     No   -   Demise
PICS   39           Batteries             4           LiPo             Box       17       34      48     5.5    No   -   Demise
             Passive Electro-magnetic
PICS   40                                 5         Copper           Cylinder     4       5       30            No   -   Demise
                Stabilization Coils
PICS   41      Camera Connectors          6        Nylon 66            Box      0.2002    3.2    14.25   4.2    No   -   Demise


Appendix I.          ELaNa-20 Component List by CubeSat: POLARCUBE

                                                                                Mass     Diameter                            Melting
             Item                                                      Body                         Length   Height   High
CUBESAT                        Name              Qty     Material                (g)      / Width                            Temp      Survivability
            Number                                                     Type                          (mm)    (mm)     Temp
                                                                               (total)      (mm)                              (Fº)
POLARCUBE     1        PolarCube 3U CubeSat       1    Aluminum 6061   Box        -         -         -        -       No       -        Demise
POLARCUBE     2       Bus Deployed Solar Panel    4     FR-4, GaAs     Plate     75         84       340       2       No       -        Demise
POLARCUBE     3        Bus Exo-Frame (Rails)      4    Aluminum 6061   Plate    55.9       98.5     340.5     8.5      No       -        Demise
POLARCUBE     4      Bus Exo-frame Solar Panel    4     FR-4, GaAs     Plate     55         84       340       2       No       -        Demise
POLARCUBE     5          Bus X PEZ Frame          2    Aluminum 6061   Plate    35.4       82.5     165.1     6.1      No       -        Demise
POLARCUBE     6          Bus Y PEZ Frame          2    Aluminum 6061   Plate    27.7       82.5     165.1     13.3     No       -        Demise
POLARCUBE     7         Payload PEZ Frame         4    Aluminum 6061   Plate     79        82.5     195.1     13.3     No       -        Demise
POLARCUBE     8          Payload Reflector        1    Aluminum 6061   Disk      40       94.56     75.69    34.99     No       -        Demise
POLARCUBE     9      Payload Reflector Housing    1    Aluminum 6061   Plate     45       72.09     69.43    20.32     No       -        Demise
POLARCUBE     10      Payload Deployment Rail     1        Steel       Rod     37.69        7       158.88     5       No       -        Demise
POLARCUBE     11          Bus Tx Antenna          1     Brass, FR-4    Can       13         60       32.6      -       No       -        Demise
POLARCUBE     12      Bus Rx Antenna Bracket      2    Aluminum 6061   Block    7.4         22        26      10       No       -        Demise
POLARCUBE     13        Bus solar panel hinge    12      Steel 304     Plate    3.4        7.8       31.8      3       No       -        Demise
POLARCUBE     14       Bus Rx Antenna Axle        2     FR-4, Copper   Plate     10         10       200      0.76     No       -        Demise
POLARCUBE     15     Bus Deployment Claws -Z      4    Aluminum 6061   Block    1.8        10.8      13.8     12.3     No       -        Demise
POLARCUBE     16          Bus Rx Antenna          2       Copper       Rod      1.4         1        200       -       No       -        Demise
POLARCUBE     17     Bus Deployment Claws +Z      4    Aluminum 6061   Block    0.2        6.1       8.9      8.7      No       -        Demise
POLARCUBE     18          Bus CDH board           1     FR-4, Copper   Plate     62        74.2     169.2     11.6     No       -        Demise
POLARCUBE     19        Bus EPS Main board        1     FR-4, Copper   Plate     56        78.3      82.5     12.4     No       -        Demise
POLARCUBE     20        Bus COM RF board          1     FR-4, Copper   Plate     50        78.3      82.5     11.3     No       -        Demise
POLARCUBE     21        Bus EPS Li-ion cell       4        Li-Ion      Rod       46        18.4      66.5      -       No       -        Demise
POLARCUBE     22        Bus ACS Main board        1     FR-4, Copper   Plate     45        78.3      82.5     5.1      No       -        Demise
POLARCUBE     23       Bus COM Digital board      1     FR-4, Copper   Plate     44        78.3      82.5     8.7      No       -        Demise


POLARCUBE   24      Bus Reaction Wheel       3    Aluminum 6061        Disk       21.2    57.2     5.1       -     No      -     Demise

POLARCUBE   25   Bus ACS Star Camera board   1     FR-4, Copper        Plate      25      44.5     82.6     6.3    No      -     Demise

POLARCUBE   26        Bus GPS board          1     FR-4, Copper        Plate      18       46      71       13     No      -     Demise

POLARCUBE   27    Bus EPS battery bracket    2    Aluminum 6061      Box Frame    18      26.5     80.7     12     Yes   1205º   Demise

POLARCUBE   28    Bus Star Camera Bracket    1    Aluminum 6061        Plate      15.3     22      82.5    10.5    Yes   1205º   Demise
                   Bus ACS Motor Driver
                                             1     FR-4, Copper        Plate      15.2    40.6     54.6     8.7    No      -     Demise
POLARCUBE   29            board
POLARCUBE   30   Bus Magnetic Torque Rod     3     Steel, Copper       Rod        12.5     12      50        -     No      -     Demise

POLARCUBE   31       Bus RWM Bracket         3    Aluminum 6061        Plate      10.4     60      66.8     1.6    No      -     Demise

POLARCUBE   32    Payload Board Enclosures   1    Aluminum 6061        Box       277.54   86.03   103.63   50.8    No      -     Demise

POLARCUBE   33      RAD_RF_Oscillator        1         Brass           Box       176.72   28.7    60.69    22.1    No      -     Demise

POLARCUBE   34        RAD_RF_Tuner           1         Brass           Box         5      19.05   31.45    19.05   No      -     Demise

POLARCUBE   35   RAD_RF_PIN-SwitchDiode      1         Brass           Box        63      18.39   30.95    5.99    No      -     Demise

POLARCUBE   37        RAD_RF_Mixer           1         Brass           Box        72      30.48   31.75    20.32   No      -     Demise

POLARCUBE   38          Isolater Plate       1    Aluminum 6061        Plate      40      85.52   86.03    3.05    Yes   1205º   Demise

POLARCUBE   39       Payload IF Board        1     FR-4, Copper        Plate      46      66.95   103.89    8.7    No      -     Demise

POLARCUBE   40       Payload VA Board        1     FR-4, Copper        Plate      52      66.95   103.89    8.7    No      -     Demise

POLARCUBE   41     Payload Digital Board     1     FR-4, Copper        Plate      43      80.77   81.99     8.7    No      -     Demise

POLARCUBE   42     Payload Adapter Board     1     FR-4, Copper        Plate      30      73.79   73.79     8.7    No      -     Demise
                                                  Aluminum 6061,
                  Bus frangibolt assembly    1                         Tube       11.7     21      25      22.8    Yes   3034º    Yes
POLARCUBE   43                                       Titanium
                  Bus Star Camera Lens &
                                             1     Glass & Steel     Disk/Rod     10.8     22      18.9      -     No      -     Demise
POLARCUBE   44             Frame
POLARCUBE   45     Bus Star Camera Baffle    1    Aluminum 6061        Tube       10.1    25.2     27.2      -     No      -     Demise

POLARCUBE   46     Bus GPS wire harness      1        Copper           Wires      8.5                              No      -     Demise

POLARCUBE   47     Bus EPS wire harness 1    1        Copper          Ribbon       6       25      350      2      No      -     Demise
                   Bus Deployment Spring     2     Spring Steel                   3.5     12.9     8.2       -     No      -     Demise
POLARCUBE   48                                                        Sheet
POLARCUBE   49        Bus RF Cabling         3        Copper           Wire        3                               No      -     Demise

POLARCUBE   50         Bus Standoffs         12   Steel (304, 316)     Rod         3       3.7     6.5       -     No      -     Demise


POLARCUBE   51    Bus Tx Antenna Bracket     2    Aluminum 6061      Plate    2.8     16.8       36.4     7.6   No   -   Demise

POLARCUBE   52   Bus Reaction Wheel Motor    3    Multiple (Steel)    Rod     2.5       6         20       -    No   -   Demise

POLARCUBE   53       Bus board clips 1      15    Aluminum 6061      Block    1.8      7.6       18.2     6.8   No   -   Demise

POLARCUBE   54    Bus EPS wire harness 2     2        Copper         Ribbon   1.5      20         50      4     No   -   Demise

POLARCUBE   55     Bus Dep Spring Spool      2    Aluminum 6061      Tube     1.5       9         8.2      -    No   -   Demise
                                                                                                 .125 -
                     Bus SS Fasteners       298   Steel (304, 316)    Rod     1     #0, #2, #4             -    No   -   Demise
POLARCUBE   56                                                                                     .5"
POLARCUBE   57       Bus board clips 2       6    Aluminum 6062      Block    0.9      5.7       10.8     6.4   No   -   Demise

POLARCUBE   58      Bus Spring Plunger       2       Steel 316        Rod     0.5       3        10.6      -    No   -   Demise


Appendix J. ELaNa-20 Component List by CubeSat: Q-PACE

                                                                                 Mass      Diameter                             Melting
           Item                                                      Body                              Length   Height   High
CUBESAT                     Name              Qty    Material                     (g)       / Width                             Temp      Survivability
          Number                                                     Type                               (mm)    (mm)     Temp
                                                                                (total)       (mm)                               (Fº)
Q-PACE      1        QPACE 3U CubeSat          -    6061-T6 (SS)     Box        453.67         -         -        -       No       -        Demise
Q-PACE      2         QPACE Structure          -    6061-T6 (SS)     Box         66.43      453.67     99.262   99.002    No       -        Demise
Q-PACE      3        Super Structure Rails     4    6061-T6 (SS)   Flat Plate    8.88       66.43      17.89    17.89     No       -        Demise
Q-PACE      4            Solar Panels                    -         Flat Plate                8.88      92.075   79.375    No       -        Demise
Q-PACE      5       S-Band Patch Antenna       1         -         Flat Plate      3        17.98      93.98    93.98     No       -        Demise
                   Quintbass Guitar Antenna
Q-PACE      6                                  1         -             -           3         700        0.91     0.91     No       -        Demise
Q-PACE      7        Rail Mount Fasteners      4    6061-T6 (SS)     Box                                                  No       -        Demise
Q-PACE      8           Battery System         1         -             -           -           -         -        -       No       -        Demise
Q-PACE      9              Batteries           6    Lithium Ion    Cylinder      24.04        29       40.64    40.64     No       -        Demise
Q-PACE      10           Battery PCB           1       PCB           Box          40        24.04        83      83       No       -        Demise
Q-PACE      11        GoPro Hero3+ Black       1      Various        Box          71          40         41      60       No       -        Demise
Q-PACE      12          CCDR - system                    -                        45          71         -        -       No       -        Demise
Q-PACE      13           Raspberry Pi          1       PCB           Box          45          45         83      83       No       -        Demise
Q-PACE      14        Interface Eletronics     1       PCB           Box                      45         83      83       No       -        Demise
Q-PACE      15          WTC/PD PCB             1       PCB           Box          42          42         83      83       No       -        Demise
Q-PACE      16       MPPT/ Charger PCB         1       PCB           Box          42          42         83      83       No       -        Demise
                     Experiment Control
Q-PACE      17                                 1       PCB           Box          147         42         83      83       No       -        Demise
                       Electronic PCB
                                                                                  d in
Q-PACE      18        Comms/RF Module          1       PCB           Box                     147         89      89       No       -        Demise
Q-PACE      19          ETC Structure          1    6061-T6 (SS)     Box         14.5          in        -        -       No       -        Demise
Q-PACE      20        12 V Push Solonoids           Alloy Steel      Box                     14.5        14      13       No       -        Demise


                                                    Alloy Steel
Q-PACE        4 Wire Mimi Stepper Motor     1                        Box                                   No   -   Demise
         21                                                                      2.4           4.5   6
                 4 Wire Mimi Stepper
Q-PACE                                      1       6061-T6 (SS)     Box                                   No   -   Demise
         22         Motorw/ Gear                                                 40      2.4   11    6
Q-PACE   23          Glass Plate            1          Glass       Flat Plate            40    2.5   2.1   No   -   Demise
Q-PACE   24           Cabling             various      PCB             -        453.67   -     -     -     No   -   Demise


Appendix K.           ELaNa-20 Component List by CubeSat: RadFXSat-2

                                                                                         Mass     Diameter                            Melting
              Item                                                            Body                           Length   Height   High
CUBESAT                         Name                Qty      Material                     (g)      / Width                            Temp      Survivability
             Number                                                           Type                            (mm)    (mm)     Temp
                                                                                        (total)      (mm)                              (Fº)
                        RadFXSat-2, updated
RadFXSat-2     1                                     -            -          box (1U)      -         -         -        -       -        -        Demise
                          August 30, 2016.
                                                          Aluminum 5052      sheet w/
RadFXSat-2     2            CubeSat Walls            2                                   32.        200.      108.      1.      -        -        Demise
                                                               H32            bends
RadFXSat-2     3         Solar Panels (+Z, -Z)       2      Fiberglass        sheet      42.        97.       97.      1.6      -        -        Demise
                      Solar Panels (+X, -X, +Y, -
RadFXSat-2     4                                     4      Fiberglass        sheet      43.        81.       108.     1.6      -        -        Demise
RadFXSat-2     5              Rail Ends              8    Aluminum 6061                   4.        21.       21.      10.      -        -        Demise
RadFXSat-2     6               Antenna               1        Nitinol          wire       1.        0.5       165.      -       -        -        Demise
RadFXSat-2     7               Antenna               1        Nitinol          wire       1.        0.5       530.      -       -        -        Demise
RadFXSat-2     8           Antennae Posts            2        Copper         cylinder     1.         5.        4.       -       -        -        Demise
RadFXSat-2     9           Antennae Posts            2      Fiberglass       cylinder     1.         5.        4.       -       -        -        Demise
RadFXSat-2     10          Antennae Posts            4        Delrin         cylinder     1.         5.        4.       -       -        -        Demise
RadFXSat-2     11         PCB Stack mounts          12        Delrin           box        1.        14.       14.       7.      -        -        Demise
RadFXSat-2     12         PCB Stack screws           4     stainless steel   cylinder    1.3        2.8       98.       -       -        -        Demise
RadFXSat-2     13             VUC PCB                1      Fiberglass        sheet      38.        95.       95.      1.6      -        -        Demise
RadFXSat-2     14            REM PCBs                3      Fiberglass        sheet      45.        95.       95.      1.6      -        -        Demise
                                                            NiCad "A"
RadFXSat-2     15              Batteries             6                       cylinder    31.        17.       49.       -       -        -        Demise
RadFXSat-2     16          Hysteresis Rods           2      Permalloy        cylinder    4.8        3.2       70.       -       -        -        Demise
                          Battery PCB (excl
RadFXSat-2     17                                    1      Fiberglass        sheet      50.        95.       95.      1.6      -        -        Demise
RadFXSat-2     18     MPPT PCB (excl Lead,Tan)       1      Fiberglass        sheet      49.        95.       95.      1.6      -        -        Demise
RadFXSat-2     19        IHU PCB (excl Tan)          1      Fiberglass        sheet      46.        95.       95.      1.6      -        -        Demise
                        ICR PCB (pop excl RF
RadFXSat-2     20                                    1      Fiberglass        sheet      48.        95.       95.      1.6      -        -        Demise


                  RX/TX PCB (pop excl RF
RadFXSat-2   21                               1      Fiberglass     sheet     44.    95.    95.    1.6    -      -     Demise
RadFXSat-2   22          RF Shields           2       Copper        sheet     18.    80.    80.    0.5    -      -     Demise
RadFXSat-2   23        PCB Standoffs          20   Aluminum 6061              0.5    6.4    8.2     -    Yes   1205º   Demise
RadFXSat-2   24        PCB Standoffs          8       Copper                  0.8    4.8    8.2     -     -      -     Demise
RadFXSat-2   25        PCB Standoffs          8       Delrin                  0.3    6.4    8.2     -     -      -     Demise
RadFXSat-2   26            Magnet             1     Neodymium      cylinder   5.3    6.4    19.     -     -      -     Demise
RadFXSat-2   27    Fasteners, cabling, misc   1        varies         -       33.     -      -      -     -      -     Demise
RadFXSat-2   28         Lead ballast          1        Lead         sheet     210.   74.9   74.9   3.1    -      -     Demise
RadFXSat-2   29   Tantalum radiation shield   2      Tantalum       sheet     1.8     9.    24.    0.5    -      -     Demise
RadFXSat-2   30   Tantalum radiation shield   1      Tantalum       sheet     1.9    15.    15.    0.5    -      -     Demise
RadFXSat-2   31   Tantalum radiation shield   1      Tantalum       sheet     1.1     9.    15.    0.5    -      -     Demise
RadFXSat-2   32   Tantalum radiation shield   1      Tantalum       sheet     0.8     6.    15.    0.5    -      -     Demise
RadFXSat-2   33   Tantalum radiation shield   2      Tantalum       sheet     0.9     8.    13.    0.5    -      -     Demise
RadFXSat-2   34   Tantalum radiation shield   2      Tantalum       sheet     0.6     7.    10.    0.5    -      -     Demise
RadFXSat-2   35   Tantalum radiation shield   2      Tantalum       sheet     0.3     4.     9.    0.5    -      -     Demise
RadFXSat-2   36   Tantalum radiation shield   1      Tantalum       sheet     0.4     6.     8.    0.5    -      -     Demise
RadFXSat-2   38   Tantalum radiation shield   4      Tantalum       sheet     0.3     5.     6.    0.5    -      -     Demise
RadFXSat-2   39   Tantalum radiation shield   5      Tantalum       sheet     0.2     5.     5.    0.5    -      -     Demise
RadFXSat-2   40   Tantalum radiation shield   6      Tantalum       sheet     0.2     4.     5.    0.5    -      -     Demise
RadFXSat-2   41   Tantalum radiation shield   2      Tantalum       sheet     0.1     4.     4.    0.5    -      -     Demise
RadFXSat-2   42   Tantalum radiation shield   9      Tantalum       sheet     0.1     3.     3.    0.5    -      -     Demise
RadFXSat-2   43   Tantalum radiation shield   6      Tantalum       sheet     0.1     2.     3.    0.5    -      -     Demise
RadFXSat-2   44   Tantalum radiation shield   8      Tantalum       sheet      0.     2.     2.    0.5    -      -     Demise


Appendix L.        ELaNa-20 Component List by CubeSat: SHFT-2

           Item                                                                Body       Mass (g)        er/     Length   Height   High
CUBESAT                     Name              Qty         Material                                                                         Temp      Survivability
          Number                                                               Type        (total)      Width      (mm)    (mm)     Temp
 SHFT-2       1           3U CubeSat           1                                Box         5100        113.1     365.8    112.48    -        -        Demise
 SHFT-2       2        CubeSat Structure       1        Al 7075-T651            Box         378.7        100      270.7     100      -        -        Demise
 SHFT-2       3       Antenna - deployed       4    Steel, Ultem, Al 6061     Boom          458.1       19.05      6000     0.28     -        -        Demise
 SHFT-2       4     Solar Panels - deployed    2      FR4, glass, Al 6061    Flat Plate      305        138.38    326.49   57.25     -        -        Demise
 SHFT-2       5              ADCS              1           Al 6061              Box          895         100       100      50      Yes     1205º      Demise
                   UHF/GPS Antenna System -         Al 6061, brass, RO3006
 SHFT-2       6                                1                                Box         260.3        274       274     115.42    -        -        Demise
                          deployed                          005 R3
                                                       AD350A, RO450F,
 SHFT-2       7        S-Band Antenna          1                                Box           75        83.82     83.82     5.08     -        -        Demise
 SHFT-2       8              Rails             2        Al 7075-T651         Flat Plate      39.9        13.5      366      2.95    Yes     1175º      Demise
 SHFT-2       9         IXC/GPS Board          1          Polyimide             Box         107.2       95.88     90.17    15.75     -        -        Demise
 SHFT-2       10          SBC Board            1          Polyimide          Flat Plate      88.5       95.88     90.17     10.9     -        -        Demise
 SHFT-2       11    EPS Boards with Spacers    1      Polyimide, Al 6061        Box         218.6       95.88     90.17    24.94     -        -        Demise
                                                     Polyimide, Al 6061,
 SHFT-2       12       Battery Assembly        1                                Box         298.6       95.88     90.17    27.35     -        -        Demise
                                                    2200SF gap pad, Li Ion
                                                    OFHC Copper, Al 6061,
 SHFT-2       13             Radio             1                                Box          576        96.65     96.65    30.91     -        -        Demise
 SHFT-2       14        Payload Boards         1      Polyimide, Al 7075        Box        1093.9        116      96.65     76       -        -        Demise

                                                     18-8 SSTL, 316 SSTL,                 <1 g/item     3 (head
 SHFT-2       15       Internal Fasteners     85                             cylinder                               10       -       -        -        Demise
                                                          Alloy Steel                     85 g total     5mm)

                                                                                          <1 g/item     3 (head
 SHFT-2       16      External Fasteners      134    18-8 SSTL, 316 SSTL     cylinder                               10       -       -        -        Demise
                                                                                          134 g total    5mm)
 SHFT-2       17        External Covers        6           Al 6061           flat plate   3.4 (each)     1.60       20      40       -        -        Demise
 SHFT-2       18        Internal Cabling                Copper Alloy           wires                      0.5      150       -       -        -        Demise


Document Created: 2017-04-20 12:09:57
Document Modified: 2017-04-20 12:09:57

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