Ex 3 Operational and Geographical Information

0320-EX-ST-2002 Text Documents

Booz, Allen & Hamilton


Time Domain Corporation
Experimental STA Request
June 27, 2002
File No. 0320-EX-ST-2002

                                   Exhibit 3
                    Operational and Geographic Information

        This request seeks a special temporary authorization to demonstrate prototype
ultra wideband (“UWB”) units as follows:

Date:                                 Time:                         Location:

9/17/02 -                      8:00 AM – 6:00 PM             Booz, Allen & Hamilton
3/17/03                                                      8283 Greensboro Drive
                                                             McLean, VA 22102

Purpose: This authority will permit the operation of ultra-wideband laboratory test
equipment for the purpose of evaluating the functionality of the UWB technology being
developed by Time Domain Corporation.

Number of units: 1 Signal Generator (TAG Rev 2)

Antenna gain: <4 dBi

Radiated power: less than -79.76 dBW/MHz per device

 Note:      The radiated emissions level will not exceed the limits that would apply to an
            “unintentional” radiator under the general Part 15 limits set forth in Section
            15.109 of the Commission’s Rules.

            This device was designed and fabricated before the release of the FCC’s 1st
            Report and Order on UWB, FCC 02-48. A future version of the TAG Rev 2
            will soon be released that will comply with the spectral mask required by
            Section 15.517 in the FCC 02-48 document, but it is not currently available.

[NOTE: If operations are to be conducted entirely indoors, you should state this
here as part of the request. Indoor only applications generally raise fewer
coordination concerns than do those proposing outdoor operations.]

         The purpose of the operations to be conducted under this requested authority will
         be to evaluate and demonstrate UWB as a potential technology in support of
         products that our company is considering developing for commercial, Federal
         Government, and international customers. Devices for the U.S. commercial
         market would be designed and certified in accordance with FCC regulations.


Contact person during hours of operation at location:

       Craig Pickering
       Senior Associate
       Booz, Allen & Hamilton
       8283 Greensboro Drive
       McLean, VA 22102
       Phone: 703-917-2654
       Fax: 703-902-3416

Contact person regarding this request:

       Sue Pash
       Office Manager
       Time Domain Corporation
       1666 K Street, NW
       Suite 250
       Washington, D.C. 20006
       Phone: (202) 785-7002
       Cell: (202) 438-1956
       Fax: (202) 835-3008
       E-mail: sue.pash@timedomain.com

Public interest showing:

The Commission has heretofore found it to be in the public interest to explore the
development of ultra-wideband technology. See FCC First Report and Order, FCC 02-

The purpose of the operations to be conducted under this requested authority will be to
evaluate and demonstrate UWB as a potential technology in support of products that our
company is considering developing for commercial, Federal Government, and
international customers. Devices for the U.S. commercial market would be designed and
certified in accordance with FCC regulations.

Document Created: 2002-08-28 12:10:54
Document Modified: 2002-08-28 12:10:54

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