Narrative Statement

0814-EX-PL-2014 Text Documents

Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.


                                                                         Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
                                                                          FCC Form 442 Narrative
                                                                     ELS File No. 0814‐EX‐PL‐2014

                               NARRATIVE STATEMENT

By this application, and pursuant to Sections 5.3(a), (c)‐(f) and Section 5.53 of the Federal
Communications Commission (“FCC”) rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 5.3(a), (c)‐(f), 5.53 (2013), Booz Allen
Hamilton Inc. (“Booz Allen”) respectfully requests an experimental license to develop, test and
demonstrate prototype remote sensors with low power communications equipment that will
operate on channels centered on 313.7 MHz and 315.8 MHz allocated for non‐multilateration

Grant of this application would serve to replace Booz Allen’s existing special temporary
authority (“STA”) for this experimentation granted under File No. 0342‐EX‐ST‐2014 and issued
under call sign WH9XMQ. Moreover, as provided under Section 5.61(c) of the Commission’s
rules, 47 C.F.R. § 5.61(c) (2013), Booz Allen respectfully requests that this application serve to
renew or extend its authority to operate under its STA pending action on this application.

The following information is provided in support of this filing:

   1) Need for experimental authorization
      Booz Allen seeks an experimental license to continue functionality and acceptability
      evaluations at a remote test site in New Mexico. Specifically, it seeks to conduct
      further experimentation to supplement its findings and to respond to additional,
      unanticipated questions that resulted from the initial testing. Booz Allen will seek
      further authorization as needed to test at other locations.

   2) Purpose of Operation
      The proposed operation will allow Booz Allen to test and demonstrate a low power
      communication transceiver module for point‐to‐point land communications.

       Booz Allen does not seek authority to conduct market studies or provide
       communications services under the requested experimental authority. The
       participants in the test will be advised that: (a) the test is being conducted under an
       experimental authority issued to Booz Allen, (b) Booz Allen is responsible for
       operations, (c) all operations are conducted on a non‐interference basis, and (d) after
       the test is completed, Booz Allen will retrieve and recover all devices that do not
       comply with FCC regulations. Booz Allen understands that the FCC may specify these
       as well as other conditions on its authorization.

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                                                                   Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
                                                                    FCC Form 442 Narrative
                                                               ELS File No. 0814‐EX‐PL‐2014

3) Experimental Basis
      a. Prior results and basis
          Booz Allen is developing sensor electronics with specialized communications
          capability and potential application to United States Department of Defense
          (“DoD”) agencies which have interest in advanced communications devices
          and systems for safety, security, and protection. Under FCC Experimental
          License Grant, Call Sign: WG2XXV, File No. 0058‐EX‐ML‐2014, Booz Allen is
          developing the core radio technology with experiments operating in the 915
          MHz band. While this work has allowed it to make significant design
          advances, there is concern that tests in the 915 MHz band do not accurately
          reflect propagation and system performance in the 300‐350 MHz band, an
          important band for DoD ground, mobile, and satellite communications. To
          address this concern, Booz Allen requests permission to perform limited tests
          at a private test range to determine range scaling of its prototype system
          operating in the 300‐350 MHz band. Specifically, to understand system
          performance of at frequencies and levels that would satisfy DoD
          requirements, Booz Allen is requesting this experimental license to perform
          limited ground based testing on 313.7 MHz and 315.8 MHz at up to 30 dBm
          ERP. In sum, the proposed operation is not for the development of a product
          for the non‐federal market.

       b. Existing primary licensees
          Booz Allen recognizes that operation in this band is primarily authorized for the
          U.S. military to operate mobile‐satellite service and for fixed and mobile
          services. The US military uses frequencies in the 300‐320 MHz band for UHF
          Follow‐On (“UFO”) ground to satellite communications and for Mobile User
          Objective Systems (“MUOS”) ground to satellite communications. In addition,
          under Part 15 of the FCC’s Rules, some tire pressure monitors and garage
          remote controls use 315 MHz transmissions at very low powers.

          The UFO system uses a channel based approach to spectrum utilization
          outlined in Appendix A of “UHF TACSAT/DAMA Multi‐service tactics,
          techniques, and procedures” (FM 6‐02.90/ MCRP 3‐40.3G /NTTP 6‐02.9 /
          AFTTP(I) 3‐2.53 August 2004). However, at 313 and 315 MHz, there is no UFO
          system utilization. Specifically, MOUS is described as follows:

                 “The mobile user objective system (MUOS) is a narrowband military
                 satellite communications (MILSATCOM) system that supports a
                 worldwide, multi‐service population of mobile and fixed‐site terminal
                 users in the ultra‐high frequency (UHF) band, providing increased
                 communications capabilities to smaller terminals while still supporting

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                                                             Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
                                                              FCC Form 442 Narrative
                                                         ELS File No. 0814‐EX‐PL‐2014

          interoperability with legacy terminals. MUOS adapts a commercial third
          generation (3G) wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA)
          cellular phone network architecture and combines it with
          geosynchronous satellites (in place of cell towers) to provide a new and
          more capable UHF MILSATCOM system. The constellation of four
          operational satellites and ground network control will provide greater
          than 10 times the system capacity of the current UHF follow‐on (UFO)
          constellation and a unprecedented level of availability and access‐on
          demand to satellite communications.”

   (Nicholson, J., "Status of the Mobile User Objective System," Military
   Communications Conference, 2006. MILCOM 2006. IEEE , pp. 1,4, 23‐25, Oct.

   The MUOS system uses Spectrally Adaptive Wideband Code Division Multiple
   Access (SA‐WCDMA) waveforms in four 5‐MHz channels at 300‐320 MHz. The
   SA‐WCDMA modulation can coexist with many other users sharing the same
   bandwidth, enabling MUOS to share the band without serious performance
   degradation; in addition, adaptive signal processing will notch out interferers
   further protecting MUOS from interference.

c. Interference mitigation techniques
   For this work, Booz Allen has identified several approaches to mitigate or
   eliminate interference to operations of existing licensees: location isolation, RF
   propagation control, attentive test frequency selection, low messaging rate.
   Location isolation seeks to place sufficient physical distance between the test
   system and any primary licensee operation, such that the test signals are
   attenuated, by physical obstructions or free‐space path loss to levels to cause
   no interference. RF propagation control uses antenna configurations that
   reduce test signal radiation in the direction of primary licensee operations; for
   instance, using antennas that radiate only in the azimuthal plane and
   significantly attenuate elevated signals will significantly mitigate interference
   to satellite operations. Attentive test frequency selection mitigates
   interference by simply not operating on channels used by the primary licensee.
   Low messaging rate mitigates interference by using the primary licensee
   frequencies infrequently, e.g., < 2 messages a day, for short durations (<1

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                                                                    Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
                                                                     FCC Form 442 Narrative
                                                                ELS File No. 0814‐EX‐PL‐2014

4) Technical Specifications
      a. Power Levels
                i. Transmitter Power Output (“TPO”): 1W peak
               ii. Effective Radiated Power (“ERP”): 3W peak
             iii. Necessary bandwidth:
                       1. 5 kHz for low data rate operations
                       2. 25 kHz for high data rate operations
              iv. Modulation: BFSK, QFSK, QAM
               v. Emissions: F1D, F2D
              vi. Center Frequencies: 313.7 MHz and 315.8 MHz
             vii. Antenna: Antennas will be selected to direct radiated power into the
                   horizontal direction, and significantly reduce power radiated in a
                   vertical direction. Examples are single dipoles with <3dB gain in
                   horizon/azimuthal direction and <‐20 gain directly overhead/vertical;
                   simple dipole arrays including directors will increase the directivity and
                   further reduce interference to existing licensees.
            viii. Notes: Other emission modes may be utilized, but in no event will the
                           emissions extend beyond the center frequencies and
                           bandwidths requested. Consistent with the experimental power
                           levels requested in this application, all power levels will comply
                           with the limits set forth in the FCC’s rules, including those
                           relating to human exposure to radiation.

       b. Antenna Information
          The antennas that would be deployed under this license will not extend more
          than 3 meters above the ground.

           Omnidirectional antennas will be used in experiments that produce azimuthal
           coverage and significantly limit emissions above the horizontal plane.

       c. Proposed Location
          Booz Allen seeks authority to operate, evaluate and demonstrate products at
          the premises of entities working under Booz Allen's authorization during the
          design and development of the devices and related products. Specifically,
          Booz Allen seeks authority to conduct its experimental operations at a
          privately owned, isolated test range specified in the FCC Form 442. These
          operations would be consistent with the requirements set forth in Section
          2.805 of the Commission's marketing rules, 47 C.F.R. § 2.805 (2013). The
          operations would also be consistent with the requirements set forth in 47
          C.F.R. § 15.231(a) in terms of duty cycle, but not with respect to radiated

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                                                           Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
                                                            FCC Form 442 Narrative
                                                       ELS File No. 0814‐EX‐PL‐2014

d. Equipment To Be used
   Booz Allen proposes to deploy only a limited number of devices which, as
   noted above, would operate at low power levels. It expects to be able to
   complete its experimentation and demonstration with a maximum of 4
   devices. During the experimentation, Booz Allen will also limit the power, area
   of operation, and transmitting times of these units to the minimum necessary
   to evaluate the equipment.

e. Primary Licensee Interference Mitigation Plan
   As described in Section 3, Booz Allen is requesting an experimental license to
   perform limited testing on channels centered on 313.7 and 315.8 MHz at up to
   30 dBm ERP, frequencies and power levels that would satisfy DoD

   Booz Allen understands that the primary licensee in this band is the DoD. To
   mitigate interference, it will use the techniques outlined in section 3.c.

   Testing will be performed at Flying H ranch,, a private test range occupying 150,000
   acres in New Mexico. Testing areas on the ranch are over 100 miles from other
   public or private lands; free space path loss over 100 miles reduces RF levels by
   >126 dB. The range is surrounded by mountains, providing additional
   significant RF isolation at the ranch.

   Testing will use antennas that radiate preferentially in the azimuthal plane and
   attenuate signals above ground elevations. A typical dipole will produce 2‐3 dB
   of gain uniformly about the azimuth, however, into the direct overhead
   elevation attenuation will be >20 dB.

   Booz Allen is requesting test frequencies, 313.7 and 315.8 MHz, chosen at
   spectrum locations away from existing licensee UFO channels and at the
   boundary of MUOS channels. Simply avoiding existing service frequencies will
   mitigate or eliminate interference to primary licensee services.

   Finally, Booz Allen will configure its electronics to produce a low rate of RF
   messages, and those messages will be less than one second in duration. Booz
   Allen anticipates that the operation will generate 2‐4 messages a day, and
   these messages will occur at random times. Its analysis predicts that the test
   will use the RF spectrum less than 0.005% of time.

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                                                                           Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
                                                                            FCC Form 442 Narrative
                                                                       ELS File No. 0814‐EX‐PL‐2014

          Based on this mitigation plan, Booz Allen submits that its experimental
          operations and demonstrations are highly unlikely to cause interference to
          existing frequency licensees.

5) Restrictions on Operation
   Booz Allen does not propose to market, sell, or lease any prototype equipment to end
   users. After the experimentation and demonstrations cease, Booz Allen will recall and
   recover all devices. If any different treatment becomes necessary during the course of
   its experimentation and demonstrations, Booz Allen will seek separate and additional
   authority from the agency.

   Booz Allen also recognizes that the operation of any unapproved or unlicensed devices
   under experimentation must not cause harmful interference to authorized facilities.
   Should interference occur, Booz Allen will immediately take reasonable steps to
   resolve the interference, including if necessary discontinuing operation. To that end,
   Booz Allen would advise entities using the equipment that permission to operate the
   equipment has been granted under experimental authority issued to Booz Allen, is
   strictly temporary and may be canceled at any time. It will also advise entities that
   operation is subject to the condition that the equipment may not cause harmful
   interference. Specifically, Booz Allen proposes to label the equipment conspicuously
   as follows:

                                               FCC STATEMENT
              Permission to operate this device has been granted under experimental authority
              issued by the Federal Communications Commission to Booz Allen Hamilton Inc., is
              strictly temporary, and may be canceled at any time. Operation is subject to the
              following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference and
              (2) this device must accept any interference received including interference that
              may cause undesired operation.

              This device has not been authorized as required by the rules of the Federal
              Communications Commission. This device is not, and may not be, offered for sale
              or sold until the approval of the FCC has been obtained. Thus, the user does not
              hold a property right in the device and may be required to return the device.

   Moreover, Booz Allen submits that its experimental operations and demonstrations
   are unlikely to cause interference. Booz Allen intends to monitor use of the relevant
   frequencies before commencing transmissions, and it will not operate if the
   frequencies are in use.

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                                                                    Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
                                                                     FCC Form 442 Narrative
                                                                ELS File No. 0814‐EX‐PL‐2014

6) Public Interest
   Booz Allen submits that issuance of an experimental license is in the public interest,
   convenience, and necessity. Grant of a license will permit Booz Allen to develop
   innovative equipment that will accommodate the communications needs of the US

7) Contact Information
      a. Technical Point of Contact                     b. Booz Allen Legal Contact
         and Stop Buzzer Contact                           Debra Storms, Esq.
         Dr. John C. Swartz, Lead Associate                Associate General Counsel
         Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.                          Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
         511 Davis Drive, Suite 400                        8283 Greensboro Drive
         Morrisville, NC 27560                             McLean, VA 22102
         Office:     (919) 595‐4825                        Office: (703) 377‐1456
         Facsimile: (919) 595‐4825                         Email:
         Mobile: (919) 270‐5074

       c. FCC Counsel
          David E. Hilliard
          Wiley Rein LLP
          1776 K Street, N.W.
          Washington, DC 20006
          Office:     (202) 719‐7058
          Facsimile: (202) 719‐7207

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Document Created: 2014-11-12 14:59:08
Document Modified: 2014-11-12 14:59:08

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