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0834-EX-CN-2017 Text Documents

Blue Origin Texas, LLC


  Ptmax = Pr + 20*log10(f) + 20*log10(30+d) - 27.55
Name Value       Unit      Description
                             received power @ 30
Pr         -140 dBm          meters from building
f       1575.42 MHz          center frequency
                             distance from radiator to
d           10.1 m           closest exterior wall
Ptmax     -71.54 dBm         maximum permissible EIRP
Ptmax      70.16 pW          maximum permissible EIRP

        Gain         Signal
        (dB)         (dBm) Description                   Details
                        -126 Received EIRP               IS-GPS-200H, table 3-VA, L1 C/A, +2.5 margin
                                                         AeroAntenna AT575-62W-TNCF-000-RG-26-
             3.0     -123.0 Receive antenna              NM
             26       -97.0 Built-in receive preamp      see previous line
           -10.2     -107.2 Coax to amplifier            200 feet of LMR-400
                                                         GPS Source A11 fixed gain (min 30, typ 32,
               32     -75.2 Repeater amplifier           max 33)
               3.0    -72.2 Re-rad transmit antenna      GPS Source L1P

FCC File Number - 0834-EX-CN-2017

Document Created: 2017-10-26 16:34:29
Document Modified: 2017-10-26 16:34:29

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