Grant in Part generated [Oct 04, 2007]

0266-EX-PL-2007 Post Grant Documents

Blue Origin, LLC


                              FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                   Experimental Licensing Branch
                                 445 12th Street, S.W , Room 7A-321
                                      Washington, D C 20554

                                              October 04. 2007

Attn Robert Mlllman
Blue Or~gln.LLC
21718 76th Avenue South
Kent. WA 98032


Dear Robert M~llman.

Thls refers to application, File No. 0266-EX-PL-2007, for Experimental Radio Station WE2XII

The enclosed author~zat~on     shall be considered as a grant of the referenced appllcatlon unless rejected by
a wrltten notlce wlthln thlrty (30) days from the date of thls letter, whereupon the enclosed grant will be
vacated Such reject~onshould rnclude a statement of the reasons. ~fany, why the appl~cantbelreves that
the appllcatlon should be granted In accordance wlth the terms requested therern

You are advised that the Commission was unable to make a finding that the public interest would be
served by a grant of the application in the manner requested. NTIA denied the use of 412 MHz.
Accordingly, we were unable to approve operations on that frequency.

Responses to t h ~ scorrespondence must contaln the Reference number         5628

                                                                   Experimental Licensing Branch

Document Created: 2007-11-06 11:24:13
Document Modified: 2007-11-06 11:24:13

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