Response to correspondence reference 28855

0829-EX-PL-2014 Text Documents

BlackSky Global, LLC


BlackSky Global, LLC
3415 S. 116th Street, Suite 123
Tukwila, WA 98168

August 3, 2015

Subject: Re: file number 0829-EX-PL-2014, correspondence reference number 28855

Dear Ms. Nguyen,

This information is in response the FCC’s July 27, 2015 request for information in regards to the above-referenced
application number. This document contains responses to each of the questions contained in that email. Please let
me know if you have additional questions.


John Springmann, Ph.D.
Lead Systems Engineer

Question 1:
“Information of satellite transmitter antenna including gain, beamwidth, azimuthal range, polarization.”

    Antenna              Gain                   Beamwidth                 Azimuthal Range1         Polarization
    UHF whip (Tx &       3 dBi                  180° (nearly-omni)        Body-fixed               Linear
    X-band patch (Tx)    15 dBi                 18°                       Body-fixed               Right-hand

Question 2:
“Information of earth station receiver antenna including gain, beamwidth, azimuthal range, elevation above
mean sea level (m), minimum angle of elevation and antenna height above terrain (m).”

    Location              Gain             Beamwidth        Azimuthal        Elevation      Min               Height
                                                            Range            AMSL (m)       Elevation         above
                                                                                            angle2 (deg)      terrain3 (m)
    Tukwila, WA           19 dBi           UHF: 30°         UHF: 0-360°      15.9           0°                UHF: 10
    Redmond, WA           X: 33 dBi        X: 1°            X: 0-360°        33             0°                S/X: 15.2
    Fairbanks, AK         UHF: 19 dBi      UHF: 30°         UHF: 0-360°      144            0°                UHF: 7
                          X: 48 dBi        X: 1°            X: 0-360°                                         S/X: 4
    Prudhoe Bay, AK       UHF: 19 dBi      UHF: 30°         UHF: 0-360°      9.1            0°                UHF: 3
                          X: 33 dBi        X: 1°            X: 0-360°                                         S/X: 2

  Body-fixed means that the antenna is not steerable; it is rigidly attached to the body of the spacecraft. The entire
spacecraft will slew such that the antennas are pointing at the ground station during a contact pass.
  0° is the physical minimum. We can limit the minimum elevation for transmission, if necessary.
  Some locations are approximate – final designs in progress.

Truth or         UHF: 19 dBi   UHF: 30°   UHF: 0-360° 1415   0°   UHF: 3
Consequences,    X: 33 dBi     X: 1°      X: 0-360°               S/X: 2
New Mexico
Southland, New   UHF: 19 dBi   UHF: 30°   UHF: 0-360° 11     0°   UHF: 3
Zealand          X: 33 dBi     X: 1°      X: 0-360°               S/X: 2

Document Created: 2015-08-03 10:47:46
Document Modified: 2015-08-03 10:47:46

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