Exhibit 3 Additional Application Information

0075-EX-CN-2018 Text Documents

BlackSky Global, LLC


BlackSky Global, LLC                                                          Summary of Application Data                                                           Exhibit 3
                                                                                                                                                                  Page 1 of 2

                 Site:                                                        North Pole, AK                                          Invercargill, New Zealand

                                                                         1625 Richardson Highway                                         781 Colyer Road
                 Address                                                 North Pole, AK 99705, USA                                Awarua Plains 9877, New Zealand
                                                                               64° 47' 38" N                                                46° 31' 43" S
                 Latitude, Longitude:                                         147° 32' 09" W                                               168° 22' 52" E
                 Site elevation AMSL                                              144 m                                                         24 m
                 City                                                           North Pole                                              Invercargil, Southland
                 State                                                          Alaska, USA                                                 New Zealand
                                                                             S-band Uplink -         S-band Uplink -
                                                UHF Uplink (transmit)        Primary (transmit)      Backup (transmit)   UHF Uplink (transmit)      S-band Uplink (transmit)
                 Antena manufacturer/model      M2 Antenna 450 CP34          Viasat-7.3m             Viasat-9.1 m        M2 Antenna 450 CP34        Orbit GAIA-100-3.7-SX
                 Number of antennas                                        1                      1                      1                        1                        1
Ground Station

                 polarization                   RHCP                         RHCP                   RHCP                   RHCP                     RHCP
                                                Varies -- LEO tracking       Varies -- LEO tracking Varies -- LEO tracking Varies -- LEO tracking   Varies -- LEO tracking
                 Ground antena orientation      antena                       antena                 antena                 antena                   antena
                                                Yagi-style, 120" boom                                                      Yagi-style, 120" boom
                 Dimensions                     length                       7.3 m diameter         9.1 m                  length                   3.7 m diameter
                 Gain (dBi)                     12.7 dBi                     41 dBi                 42.6 dBi               12.7 dBi                 34.4 dBi
                 Beamwidth                      30 deg                       1.2 deg                1.0 deg                30 deg                   approx 2.7 deg
                 Azimuth (degrees clockwise      0 to 360 deg (LEO-           0 to 360 deg (LEO-     0 to 360 deg (LEO-     0 to 360 deg (LEO-       0 to 360 deg (LEO-
                 from true north):              tracking)                    tracking)              tracking)              tracking)                tracking)
                 Elevation (angle relative to    5 to 90 deg (LEO-            5 to 90 deg (LEO-      5 to 90 deg (LEO-      5 to 90 deg (LEO-        5 to 90 deg (LEO-
                 horizon):                      tracking)                    tracking)              tracking)              tracking)                tracking)
                 Height Above ground level      8m                           7.3 m                  9.1 m                  1m                       1m
                 Center Frequency               450.2 MHz                    2071.875 MHz           2071.875 MHz           450.2 MHz                2071.875 MHz
                 Bandwidth                      22 kHz                       176 kHz                176 kHz                22 kHz                   176 kHz
                 Emission Designator            22K0F1D                      176KF1D                176KF1D                22K0F1D                  176KF1D
                 Modulating Signal              GMSK                         GMSK                   GMSK                   GMSK                     GMSK
                 Output Power                   20 W                         0.9 W                  0.6 W                  20 W                     12.5 W
                 EIRP                           22.8 dBW                     43 dBW                 43 dBW                 22.8 dBW                 43 dBW
                 ERP (dBW)                      20.65 dBW                    40.85 dBW              40.85 dBW              20.65 dBW                40.85 dBW
                 ERP (W)                        116 W                        12.2 kW                12.2 kW                116 W                    12.2 kW

BlackSky Global, LLC                                                       Summary of Application Data                                                           Exhibit 3
                                                                                                                                                               Page 2 of 2

                                                                          S-band uplink       S-band uplink
                                            UHF Uplink (receive)          (receive)           (receive)              UHF Uplink (receive)       S-band uplink (receive)
Space Station

                Antena manufacturer/model   Spaceflight Industries        AntDevCo
                Number of antennas                                    1                     1 Single space station S-
                                                                                                                       Single space station     Single space station S-
                polarization                linear                        RHCP                   band receive --
                                                                                                                      UHF receive -- identical band receive -- identical
                Antenna orientation         varies                        varies                identical to other
                                                                                                                         to other column           to other column
                Dimensions                  whip antenna, 8" length       patch, 4" x 4"              column
                                            1.1 dBiC peak*, -5 dBiC
                Gain (dBi)                  for 95% spherical             6 dBiC
                                            Not applicable.
                Beamwidth                   Approximately                 70 deg

                                            * note that the UHF antenna on the spacecraft is linear, but it's gain is reported in dBiC because it was characterized
                                            against a RHCP (circularly-polarized) ground antenna

Document Created: 2018-01-26 12:15:50
Document Modified: 2018-01-26 12:15:50

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