Response to Ref 7610 of October 17 2008

0398-EX-PL-2008 Text Documents

Bigelow Aerospace, LLC


                                        November 12, 2008

 DAVID S. KEIR                                                                                     E-MAIL
(202) 416-6742                                                                               DKEIR@LSL-LAW.COM


 Mr. James Burtle
 Chief, Experimental Licensing Branch
 Office of Engineering and Technology
 Federal Communications Commission
 445 12th Street, SW
 Washington, DC 20554

                 Re:    Ref. #7610 - Application of Bigelow Aerospace, LLC for
                        Experimental License (OET File No. 0398-EX-PL-2008)

 Dear Mr. Burtle:

        This letter is written on behalf of Bigelow Aerospace, LLC (“Bigelow Aerospace”) in
 response to the October 17, 2008 email from Leann Nguyen requesting additional information
 concerning the above-referenced application. In particular, the Experimental Licensing Branch
 (“Branch”) is seeking a demonstration, consistent with the requirements of the International
 Bureau and Part 25 of the Commission’s Rules, that the proposed operation will not cause
 harmful interference to geostationary orbit satellite (“GSO”) networks operating in the Ku-band.
 The Branch has requested that Bigelow Aerospace provide such a showing by next Monday,
 November 17, 2008, thirty days from the date of the email request.

          By this letter, Bigelow Aerospace seeks an additional thirty (30) days within which to
 provide the requested interference showing. Bigelow Aerospace’s proposed spectrum use is less
 intensive than the non-geostationary fixed-satellite service operations currently authorized in the
 band; however, the specific approach outlined for demonstrating the ability to avoid harmful
 interference to GSO satellites is complex, and Bigelow Aerospace requires additional time
 within which to prepare a complete study that addresses the relevant interference issues in a
 manner consistent with the requirements of Sections 25.146 and 25.208 of the Commission’s

Mr. James Burtle
November 12, 2008
Page -2-

       Accordingly, Bigelow Aerospace respectfully requests that it be permitted to file its
response to the Branch’s request on or before Wednesday, December 17, 2008.

       Should there be any questions concerning this request, please contact the undersigned

                                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                                    David S. Keir
                                                      Counsel to Bigelow Aerospace, LLC

cc: Ms. Leann Nguyen, OET*
    Peter Blouke, Bigelow Aerospace*

    * = via email


Document Created: 2008-11-12 17:32:11
Document Modified: 2008-11-12 17:32:11

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