STA Request

0360-EX-ST-1999 Text Documents

BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc.


                                                                                         ©® BELLSOUTH

BetiSouth Telecommunications, Inc.   504 528—7100                                              R. (Rudy) Christian, Sr.
Suite 3000                           Fax 504 §28—7556                                          Network Vice President
365 Canal Street                     Internet: Rudy.Christian2@bridge.           Louisiana
New Orleans, Louisiana 70130         E—Mail: Rudy Christian/ALBHRMO8

                                                      November 18, 1999

     Federal Communications Commission
     Experimental Radio Services
     P.O. Box 358320
     Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5320

                   In re:   Request for Special Temporary Authority
                            BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc.                            \\


             On behalf of BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. ("BST"), this letter is a request
     for special temporary authority ("STA") to operate certain equipment provided by Nortel
     Networks in the 3400—3500 MHz range for a period of no more than sixty (60) days
     commencing January 16, 2000, for the purpose of conducting radio frequency testing of
     the expected reliable coverage of the equipment in a dense urban environment, as
     outlined below.

                   In accordance with the provisions of section 5.61(c) of the Commission‘s rules,
     BST sets forth the following in response to the enumerated subsections of section 5.61(c).

                   (1)      The applicant‘s name, address, phone number, e—mail address and
                            facsimile number are:

                            BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc.
                            Attn:   Cathy S. Forbes
                            675 W. Peachtree Street
                            Room 38164
                            Atlanta, GA 30375
                            (404) 927—1437
                            (404) 88 5—9920 (facsimile)

                                                                                                              114885 v2

Federal Communications Commission
Experimental Radio Services
November 18, 1999
Page Two

      (2)    Description of why an STA is needed.

              Special temporary authority is needed because the proposed operation is
             limited in duration to no more than sixty (60) days. In fact, the total
             number of days of actual operations, as described in subsection (3), will be
             less than sixty (60) days. BST believes this operation is not in conflict
             with the Commission‘s rules. Furthermore, BST will commit to
             termination of operations in the event such operations interfere with any
             properly authorized radio facility. However, it is BST‘s understanding
             that its proposed operations do not pose the risk of interference to any
             authorized radio facilities near the area of the proposed operations.
             Moreover, the equipment BST proposes to test is not type accepted by the
             Commission. It has been approved for operation in many other countries
             around the globe. Absent type acceptance in the United States, BST will
             need an STA to do its proposed radio frequency (RF) propagation tests.

             The French Quarter is a historic district. The existing landline facilities in
             the French Quarter cannot continue to support current telecommunications
             demand and will not support future telecommunications demand absent
             substantial cable and conduit rehabilitation. Such rehabilitation would
             entail significant disruption to the commerce in the French Quarter and
             negatively impact tourism. Accordingly, BST is searching for viable
             alternatives to support the present and future needs of its customers in the
             French Quarter. The RF propagation tests proposed in this request would
             aid greatly in achieving a workable solution for meeting the service
             demands in the French Quarter.

      (3)    Description of the operation to be conducted and its purpose.

             BST proposes to employ the Nortel Networks equipment described in
             subsection (7) for purposes of testing the expected radio propagation
             characteristics in a dense urban environment such as the French Quarter in
             downtown New Orleans. The proposed operations would be conducted at
             power levels that would be used in the event that commercial operations of
             such equipment one day are permitted by the Commission. BST proposes
             to use the base station(s) to generate RF at various power levels up to the
             maximum ERP set forth in subsection (9). BST will measure the signal
             levels received at different subscriber stations deployed in various
             structures throughout the French Quarter. BST will also use the subscriber
             stations to generate RF at various power levels up to the maximum ERP

                                                                                  114885 v2

Federal Communications Commission
Experimental Radio Services
November 18, 1999
Page Three

            set forth in subsection (9). Similarly, BST will measure the signal levels
            received at the base station(s). The reliability of the communications
            established between the base station(s) and the subscriber stations will be
            tested to determine the various power levels at which facsimile, data and
            telephony communications can be reliably maintained. The results of the
            initial tests will be analyzed to determine if supplemental testing will be
            needed during the time permitted under the STA, if such is granted.

      (4)   Time and dates of proposed operation.

            BST intends to initiate testing on or about January 16, 2000. The radio
            frequency (RF) testing will likely last no more than fourteen (14) days
            initially. After a short period of time to evaluate the results, BST, with
            Nortel Networks‘ assistance, may engage in a shorter period of testing to
            confirm the results of the initial tests. All operations will cease within
            sixty (60) days of January 16, 2000.

      (5)   Class(es) of station (fixed, mobile, fixed and mobile) and call sign (if

            The testing will utilize fixed facilities.
            There is no call sign that is applicable to this testing.

      (6)   Description of location(s) and, if applicable, geographical coordinates of
            the proposed operation.

            Testing will be conducted in the French Quarter in downtown New
            Orleans, LA. The approximate coordinates for the proposed locations are:

            Westin Canal Plaza      N 29° 57 05.6" latitude
                                    W 90° 03° 55.5" longitude

            Apartments              N 29° 57 51.0" latitude
            Frenchmen &             W 90° 03° 27.7" longitude

            Municipal Hall          N 29° 57° 42.3" latitude
            (standby)               W 90° 04‘ 09.2" longitude

                                                                                114885 v2

Federal Communications Commission
Experimental Radio Services
November 18, 1999
Page Four

      (7)    Equipment to be used, including name of manufacturer, model and
             number of units.

             Nortel Networks Proximity I RBS (base stations) and RSS (subscriber

      (8)    Frequency(ies) desired.

             Various channels, each with a bandwidth of 300 kHz, in the ranges:

             Base stations:         3475.688 MHz to 3492.688 MHz
             Subscriber stations:   3425.000 MHz to 3442.000 MHz

      (9)    Maximum effective radiated power (ERP) or equivalently isotropically
             radiated power (EIRP).

             The ERP for the base station(s) and the subscriber stations will be 45 dBm
             or 32 watts.

      (10)   Emission designator or describe emission (bandwidth, modulation, etc.).

             The emission designator for the base station and the subscriber station is
             Q7W to accommodate facsimile, data and telephony transmissions.

      (11)   Overall height of the antenna structures above the ground.

             Westin Canal Plaza     140 meters

             Apartments             35.5 meters
             Frenchmen &

             Municipal Hall         28.0 meters

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Federal Communications Commission
Experimental Radio Services
November 18, 1999
Page Five

        Based on the foregoing, it is respectfully submitted that the public interest will be
served by grant of the instant request for special temporary authority as described above.
If there are any questions concerning the instant application, please contact the
undersigned or Ben G. Almond, Vice President—Federal Regulatory, BellSouth DC, Inc.,
1133 21" Street, N.W., Suite 900, Washington DC 20036, telephone (202) 463—4112,
facsimile (202) 463—4195.

                               Respectfully submitted,

                               Rudy      (hristian
                               Network Vice President — Louisiana

ce:    Mr. Carl Huie
       Mr. Doug Young

                                                                                    114885 v2

Document Created: 2001-08-13 16:12:55
Document Modified: 2001-08-13 16:12:55

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