NAD 83
Is a directional antenna (other than radar) used?
Exhibit submitted:
(a) Width of beam in degrees at the half-power point:
(b) Orientation in horizontal plane:
(c) Orientation in vertical plane:
Will the antenna extend more than
6 meters above the ground, or if mounted on an existing building,
will it extend more than 6 meters above the building, or will
the proposed antenna be mounted on an existing structure other
than a building?
(a) Overall height above ground to tip of antenna in meters:
(b) Elevation of ground at antenna site above mean sea level in meters:
(c) Distance to nearest aircraft landing area in kilometers:
(d) List any natural formations of
existing man-made structures (hills, trees, water tanks, towers,
etc.) which, in the opinion of the applicant, would tend to shield
the antenna from aircraft:
[ANT-2005 Antenna]
The small test area is surrounded by low level mountain ranges.
Figure 2 in attached document illustrates the confined flight path which consists of a straight-line path defined by an array of three poles spaced 5 km apart for a total distance of 10 km. The APT-70 air vehicle plans to fly from one end point to the other and return. At the top of each pole is an MPU5 transceiver each of which have three antennas for a total of 9. As illustrated, max height of a pole is 9.1 m AGL.
NAD 83
Is a directional antenna (other than radar) used?
Exhibit submitted:
(a) Width of beam in degrees at the half-power point:
(b) Orientation in horizontal plane:
(c) Orientation in vertical plane:
Will the antenna extend more than
6 meters above the ground, or if mounted on an existing building,
will it extend more than 6 meters above the building, or will
the proposed antenna be mounted on an existing structure other
than a building?
(a) Overall height above ground to tip of antenna in meters:
(b) Elevation of ground at antenna site above mean sea level in meters:
(c) Distance to nearest aircraft landing area in kilometers:
(d) List any natural formations of
existing man-made structures (hills, trees, water tanks, towers,
etc.) which, in the opinion of the applicant, would tend to shield
the antenna from aircraft:
[ANT-2013 and ANT-2034 Antennas]
The small test area is surrounded by low level mountain ranges.
These two antennas are installed on the one MPU5 transceiver installed on the Bell APT-70 air vehicle. The airborne MPU5 uses three antennas. Two are blade antennas with model number ANT-2013 and one is a whip style with model number ANT-2034. All antennas are omni directional with details contained on the attachment.
Figure 2 in attached document illustrates the confined flight path which consists of a straight-line path defined by an array of three poles spaced 5 km apart for a total distance of 10 km. The APT-70 air vehicle plans to fly from one end point to the other and return. At the top of each pole is an MPU5 transceiver each of which have three antennas for a total of 9. As illustrated, max height of a pole is 9.1 m AGL and the air vehicle has a max flight ceiling height of 122 m AGL.