BAE Systems Information and Electronic Systems Integration Inc.


Status: Pending


Filing Notes:


Documents and Communications: [refresh]

E-Mail generated [Dec 21 2018]Correspondence2018-12-21
E-Mail generated [Dec 21 2018]Correspondence2018-12-21
E-Mail generated [Dec 21 2018]Correspondence2018-12-21
E-Mail generated [Dec 27 2018]Correspondence2018-12-27
E-Mail generated [Jan 16 2019]Correspondence2019-01-16
E-Mail generated [Jan 16 2019]Correspondence2019-01-16
Incoming generated [Dec 24 2018]Correspondence2018-12-24
Incoming generated [Jan 31 2019]Correspondence2019-01-31
Incoming generated [Jan 31 2019]Correspondence2019-01-31
Incoming generated [Jan 31 2019]Correspondence2019-01-31
Incoming generated [Jan 31 2019]Correspondence2019-01-31
Incoming generated [Jan 31 2019]Correspondence2019-01-31
Incoming generated [Feb 15 2019]Correspondence2019-02-15
Incoming generated [Feb 15 2019]Correspondence2019-02-15
Incoming generated [Mar 15 2019]Correspondence2019-03-15
Incoming generated [Apr 18 2019]Correspondence2019-04-18
Incoming generated [Apr 18 2019]Correspondence2019-04-18
Incoming generated [May 17 2019]Correspondence2019-05-17
Incoming generated [May 17 2019]Correspondence2019-05-17
Incoming generated [May 30 2019]Correspondence2019-05-30
Incoming generated [May 30 2019]Correspondence2019-05-30
Grant E-mail Notification generated [May 25 2019]Correspondence2019-05-26
Application Form:
Approved by OMB
3060 - 0065
Expires 09/30/98

Applicant's Name (company):  BAE Systems Information and Electronic Systems Integration Inc.        File No.:  0568-EX-CR-2018

Mailing Address
Attention: Philip D'Ancona
Street Address: 450 East Pulaski Road
P.O. Box:
City: Greenlawn
State: NY
Country: United States
Zip Code: 11740
E-Mail Address:

Application Purpose
Application is for:   MODIFICATION OF LICENSE

For Modification indicate below
File No.:   0163-EX-CR-2016  Callsign:   WF2XAM

Government Contract
Is this authorization to be used for fulfilling the requirement of a government contract with an agency of the United States Government?  If "YES", include as an exhibit a narrative statement describing the government project, agency and contract number.  Yes

Foreign Government Use
Is this authorization to be used for the exclusive purpose of developing radio equipment for export to be employed by stations under the jurisdiction of a foreign government?   If "YES", include the contract number and the name of the foreign government concerned as an exhibit.  No

Research Project
Is this authorization to be used for providing communications essential to a research project? (The radio communication is not the objective of the research project)?  If "YES", include as an exhibit the following information:
  1. A description of the nature of the research project being conducted.
  2. A showing that the communications facilities requested are necessary for the research project involved.
  3. A showing that existing communications facilities are inadequete.

Exhibit Information
If all the answers to Items 4, 5, 6 are "NO", include as an exhibit a narrative statement describing in detail the following items:
  1. The complete program of research and experimentation proposed including description of equipment and theory of operation.
  2. The specific objectives sought to be accomplished.
  3. How the program of experimentation has a reasonable promise of contribution to the development, extension, expansion or utilization of the radio art, or is along line not already investigated.

Estimated Duration
Give an estimate of the length of time that will be required to complete the program of experimentation proposed in this application:   24   Months

Environmental Impact
Would a commission grant of this application come within Section 1.1307 of the FCC Rules, such that it may have a significant environmental impact?   If "YES", include as an exhibit an Environmental Assessment as required by Section 1.1311.   No

List below transmitting equipment to be installed (if experimental, so state) if additional rows are required, please submit equipment list as an exhibit :  
Manufacturer Model Number No. Of Units Experimental
See Prior Submissions 1 1 No

Station ID
Is the equipment listed in Item 10 capable of station identification pursuant to Section 5.115?   No

Applicant Type
Applicant is:  Corporation

Foreign Government
Is applicant a foreign government or a representative of a foreign government?   No

License Denied or Revoked
Has applicant or any party to this application had any FCC station license or permit revoked or any application for permit, license or renewal denied by this Commission?
If "YES", include as an exhibit a statement giving call sign of license or permit revoked and relate circumstances.

Owner and Operator
Will applicant be owner and operator of the station?   Yes

Contact Information
Give the following information of person who can best handle inquiries pertaining to this application:   First Name: Sean
Last Name: Hallinan
Title: Principle Electrical Engineer
Phone Number: 603-885-2392
E-Mail Address:

Drug Abuse Question
APPLICANT ANTI-DRUG ABUSE CERTIFICATION:   By checking "YES", the individual applicant certifies that he or she is eligible for this license. This requires that he or she is not subject to a denial of federal benefits, including FCC benefits, as a result of a drug offense conviction pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. 862. A non-individual applicant, e.g., corporation. partnership or other unincorporated association, certifies that no party to the application is subject to a denial of federal benefits, pursuant to that section. For definition of a "party" for these purposes, see 47CFR 1.2002(b).   Yes

  1. Copies of the FCC Rule Parts 2 and 5 are on hand; and
  2. Adequete financial appropriations have been made to carry on the program of experimentation which will be conducted by qualified personnel; and
  3. All operations will be on an experimental basis in accordance with Part 5 and other applicable rules, and will be conducted in such a manner and at such a time as to preclude harmful interference to any authorized station; and
  4. Grant of the authorization requested herein will not be construed as a finding on the part of the Commission:
    1. that the frequencies and other technical parameters specified in the authorization are the best suited for the proposed program of experimentation, and
    2. that the applicant will be authorized to operate on any basis other than experimental, and
    3. that the Comission is obligated by the results of the experimental program to make provision in its rules including its table of frequency allocations for applicant's type of operation on a regularly licensed basis.
  1. All the statements in the application and attached exhibits are true, complete and correct to the best of the applicant's knowledge; and
  2. The applicant is willing to finance and conduct the experimental program with full knowledge and understanding of the above limitations; and
  3. The applicant waives any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the electromagnetic spectrum as against the regulatory power of the USA.

Name of Applicant: BAE Systems Information and Electronic Systems Integration Inc.
Signature (Authorized person filing form): Erin Poitras
Signature Date (Authorized person filing form): 12/21/2018
Title of Person Signing Application: Radiation Safety P
Classification: Office of applicant corporation or association
Information requested through this form is authorized by the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and specified by Section 308 therein. The information will be used by Federal Communications Commission staff to determine eligibility for issuing authorizations in the use of the frequency spectrum and to effect the provisions of regulatory responsibilities rendered by the Commission by the Act. Information requested by this form will be available to the public unless otherwise requested pursuant to 47 CFR 0.459 of the FCC Rules and Regulations. Your response is required to obtain this authorization.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average four (4) hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden to the Federal Communications Commission, Records Management Branch, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060-0065), Washington DC 20554. DO NOT send completed applications to this address. Individuals are not required to respond to this collection unless it displays a currently valid OMD control number.
THE FOREGOING NOTICE IS REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT OF 1974, P.L. 93-579, DECEMBER 31, 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(3), AND THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1980, P.L. 96-511, DECEMBER 11, 1980, 44 U.S.C. 3507.

Station Location
City State Latitude Longitude Mobile Street (or other indication of location) County Radius of Operation
0 Litchfield New Hampshire North  42  48  22 West  71  25  33 Litchfield Antenna Test Range HILLSBOROUGH 0.46 km
Datum:  NAD 83
Is a directional antenna (other than radar) used?   Yes
Exhibit submitted:  No
(a) Width of beam in degrees at the half-power point:  
(b) Orientation in horizontal plane (degrees from True North): 
(c) Orientation in vertical plane (degrees from horizontal): 
Will the antenna extend more than 6 meters above the ground, or if mounted on an existing building, will it extend more than 6 meters above the building, or will the proposed antenna be mounted on an existing structure other than a building?   No
(a) Overall height above ground to tip of antenna in meters:  
(b) Elevation of ground at antenna site above mean sea level in meters:  
(c) Distance to nearest aircraft landing area in kilometers:  
(d) List any natural formations of existing man-made structures (hills, trees, water tanks, towers, etc.) which, in the opinion of the applicant, would tend to shield the antenna from aircraft:  
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 15.01000000-29.90000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 15.01000000-29.90000000 MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 15.01000000-29.90000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 29.97500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 29.97500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 29.97500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 30.00000000-73.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 30.00000000-73.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 75.40000000-108.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 75.40000000-108.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 108.50000000-117.97500000 MHz FX N/A 0.100000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 108.50000000-117.97500000 MHz FX N/A 0.100000 W M 25K0F3D
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 121.93750000-129.20000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 129.50000000-135.20000000 MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 129.50000000-135.97500000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 137.10000000-138.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 144.00000000-152.88500000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 144.00000000-152.88500000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 153.40000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 153.40000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 153.40000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 154.00000000-156.51500000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 154.00000000-156.51500000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 156.81000000-161.62500000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 156.81000000-161.62500000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 162.85000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 162.85000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 162.85000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 164.00000000-173.40000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 164.00000000-173.40000000 MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 164.00000000-173.40000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 11K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 174.00000000-228.60000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 228.80000000-328.60000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 330.05000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 330.05000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 333.95000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 333.95000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 335.40000000-454.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 456.00000000-470.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 456.00000000-470.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 472.22500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 472.22500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 472.22500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 476.95000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 476.95000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 476.95000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 481.72500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 481.72500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 481.72500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 486.52500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 486.52500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 486.52500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 491.40000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 491.40000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 491.40000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 496.30000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 496.30000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 496.30000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 500.00000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 500.00000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 500.00000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 508.00000000-608.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 508.00000000-608.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 621.70000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 621.70000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 621.70000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 626.00000000-632.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 626.00000000-632.00000000 MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 626.00000000-632.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 634.12500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 634.12500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 634.12500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 646.82500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 646.82500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 646.82500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 659.75000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 659.75000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 659.75000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 662.00000000-668.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 662.00000000-668.00000000 MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 662.00000000-668.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 672.95000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 672.95000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 672.95000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 686.40000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 686.40000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 686.40000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 700.12500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 700.12500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 700.12500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 714.12500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 714.12500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 714.12500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 728.42500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 728.42500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 728.42500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 734.00000000-740.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 734.00000000-740.00000000 MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 734.00000000-740.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 742.97500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 742.97500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 742.97500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 809.00000000-902.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 809.00000000-902.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 902.00000000-928.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 902.00000000-928.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 940.40000000-1200.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 940.40000000-1200.00000000 MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 940.40000000-1200.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 11K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1218.95000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1218.95000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1243.32500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1243.32500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1251.00000000-1390.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1427.00000000-1660.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1427.00000000-1660.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1668.40000000-1755.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1668.40000000-1755.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1863.55500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1863.55500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1863.55500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1890.94500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1890.94500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1890.94500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1909.96500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1909.96500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1909.96500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1910.02500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1910.02500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1910.02500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1918.72400000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1918.72400000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1918.72400000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1929.97500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1929.97500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1929.97500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1946.92500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1946.92500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1946.92500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1960.57500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1960.57500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1960.57500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1975.54500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1975.54500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1975.54500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1990.02500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1990.02500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1990.02500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1999.80000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1999.80000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 1999.80000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2000.00000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2000.00000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2000.00000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2100.00000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2100.00000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2100.00000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2200.00000000-2310.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2200.00000000-2310.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2320.00000000-2345.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2320.00000000-2345.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2360.00000000-2450.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2360.00000000-2450.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2500.00000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2500.00000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2500.00000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2533.60000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2533.60000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2533.60000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2536.22500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2536.22500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2536.22500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2586.95000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2586.95000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2586.95000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2609.60000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2609.60000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2609.60000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2638.67500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2638.67500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2638.67500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2655.00000000-2690.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2655.00000000-2690.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2745.27500000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2745.27500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2768.60000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2768.60000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2800.17500000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2851.60000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2851.60000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2856.20000000- MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2856.20000000- MHz FX 0.007000 W 0.007000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2900.00000000-3100.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2900.00000000-4200.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 2900.00000000-4200.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 3100.00000000-4200.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M N0N
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 3100.00000000-4200.00000000 MHz FX 5.000000 W 5.000000 W M 25K0F3D 6 kHz
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 15150.00000000-15350.00000000 MHz FX 50.000000 W 50.000000 W P 21M4G7D QPSK-10.7 m bits/sec
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 15150.00000000-15350.00000000 MHz FX 50.000000 W 50.000000 W P 64M0G7D BPSK-10.7 m bits/sec

City State Latitude Longitude Mobile Street (or other indication of location) County Radius of Operation
0 East Rindge New Hampshire North  42  44  15 West  71  57  59 East Rindge, New Hampshire CHESHIRE 32.00 km
Datum:  NAD 83
Is a directional antenna (other than radar) used?   No
Exhibit submitted:  No
(a) Width of beam in degrees at the half-power point:  
(b) Orientation in horizontal plane (degrees from True North): 
(c) Orientation in vertical plane (degrees from horizontal): 
Will the antenna extend more than 6 meters above the ground, or if mounted on an existing building, will it extend more than 6 meters above the building, or will the proposed antenna be mounted on an existing structure other than a building?   Yes
(a) Overall height above ground to tip of antenna in meters:   2896.00
(b) Elevation of ground at antenna site above mean sea level in meters:   0.00
(c) Distance to nearest aircraft landing area in kilometers:   7.60
(d) List any natural formations of existing man-made structures (hills, trees, water tanks, towers, etc.) which, in the opinion of the applicant, would tend to shield the antenna from aircraft:   None
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 14400.00000000-14830.00000000 MHz MO 50.000000 W 50.000000 W P 21M4G7D QPSK-10.7 m bits/sec
Action Frequency Station Class Output Power/ERP Mean Peak Frequency Tolerance (+/-) Emission Designator Modulating Signal
New 14400.00000000-14830.00000000 MHz MO 50.000000 W 50.000000 W P 64M0G7D BPSK-10.7 m bits/sec


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