Exhibit 1

0158-EX-ST-2019 Text Documents

BAE Systems Information and Electronic Systems Integration Inc.


                                                                                   Exhibit 1

        1.     Introduction

        By the instant application (“Application”), BAE Systems Information and Electronic
Systems Integration Inc. (“BAE Systems”) requests that the Commission grant special temporary
authority (“STA”) to permit BAE Systems to operate the facilities (the “Facilities”) specified in
the instant application.

        2.     Purpose of the Operation

        The proposed ground-based testing at BAE Systems’ range at Merrimack, NH is a critical
part of the manufacture and delivery of military systems provided to the Armed Forces in
support of Homeland Security as well as war efforts.

        A waiver of the Commission’s Station ID requirements in Section 5.115 is requested.

        3.     Mitigation of Interference

       The technical and operational characteristic of the transmissions will ensure mitigation of
impact to co-channel operations, as follows:

        -      The duration of each transmission will not to exceed 150 milliseconds

        -      The beam is narrow and fixed focused and does not scan, the computer steers the
        antenna to the target before radiating

        -      The target (located on the ground) is at a fixed location

        4.     Antenna Data

        For the convenience of the Commission, the following chart defines certain specifications
relating to the directional antennas that are to be used in the experiment:

 Mfg.             Model Number Frequency Range              Gain             BW
 BIRD             BAS0030000         34.1-34.9 GHz          33 dBi           E-Plane H-Plane
 Aerosystems                                                                    deg   deg
                                                                                3.5     3.5

               RF Source

               The RF source is integral to the BIRD Aerosystems MACS Sensor.

               Additional Signal Amplification

               Additional signal amplification is integral to the BIRD Aerosystems MACS

Stop Buzzers

Todd Beard – Ground and Flight Test Coordinating Manager
Office: 603 885-9450
Cell: 603-508-8234

Greg Folcik Program Technical Lead
Office: 603-885-4139

Document Created: 2019-04-26 09:17:08
Document Modified: 2019-04-26 09:17:08

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