Supplemental Interference Analyses

0127-EX-CN-2017 Text Documents

Audacy Corporation


1. PFD Limit Compliance
    Neither Article 21 of the ITU’s Radio Regulations nor Part §25.208 of the Commission’s rules list
any power flux density (“PFD”) limits for the 20.18-20.20 GHz downlink band proposed for use for
the Audacy Zero mission. The plot below shows the boresight PFD incident on the earth’s surface by
both the low- and high-gain downlink antennas on Audacy’s satellite, alongside the ITU and FCC PFD
limits for the 19.7 GHz band for comparison. As the plot shows, even the high-gain downlink beams
of Audacy’s satellite are roughly 20 dB, or one hundred times, less than the nearest ITU and FCC

2. EPFD Limit Compliance
    The following equivalent power flux-density (“EPFD”) analyses were performed using ITU-
provided EPFD-validation software, which includes a Graphical Interface for Batch Calculations
(“GIBC”), Transfinite, and Agenium. Audacy generated space station PFD masks and an earth station
EIRP mask to use as inputs to the software. Audacy is prepared to provide all necessary assistance to
the Commission in running the ITU-provided EPFD-validation software program and can provide the
masks and examination databases upon request.

   Audacy               Audacy delivers anytime & effortless space connectivity, advancing
                                                                                              1 of 5
  SpaceConnected         humanity to a new age of commerce, exploration and discovery.

    The following plot shows the EPFD↑ produced in the geostationary-satellite orbit by FSS
emissions from Audacy’s earth station throughout this mission. The ITU’s EPFD↑ limits as listed in
Table 22-2 of Article 22 for the 29.5-30.0 GHz band are also shown. It is clear that the use of Audacy’s
earth station for this mission will not be a source of harmful interference into existing or planned
geostationary-satellite services in this band.

     The following plots show the EPFD↓ produced in at the earth’s surface by FSS emissions from
Audacy Zero’s high- and low-gain antennas throughout this mission. For each reference antenna
listed by the ITU (70 cm, 90 cm, 2.5 m, and 5 m), the EPFD ↓ resulting from both downlink antennas is
plotted alongside the corresponding ITU limits as listed in Article 22 for the 19.7-20.2 GHz band. It is
clear that neither downlink antenna used for this mission will be a source of harmful interference
into existing or planned geostationary-satellite services in this band.

   Audacy                Audacy delivers anytime & effortless space connectivity, advancing
                                                                                                 2 of 5
  SpaceConnected          humanity to a new age of commerce, exploration and discovery.

                                                             EPFD | into 70 cm GSO Rx Ref. Antenna, 1 MHz Ref. Bandwidth, 19.7—20.2 GHz
                                                                    m                 7                                  7                 t              g

% Time EPFD Level Exceeded


                                          ——    ITU Limit
                                          ——   Audacy Zero HGA
                                          ——   Audacy Zero LGA
                             0.000001                 :             :                 :                              :                     :               :
                                    220              210           200              —190            —180           170                   —160            150            —140
                                                                                               EPFD, dBW/me + 1 MHz]

                                                             EPFD |. into 90 cm GSO Rx Ref. Antenna, 40 kHz Ref. Bandwidth, 19.7—20.2 GHz
                                  100           +                              :                                                                                   }
% Time EPFD Level Exceeded



                                          —— ITU Limit
                             0.000001|| —— Audacy Zero HGA
                                          ——   Audacy Zero LGA

                                               230           220              210             200            —190                —180              170            160          150
                                                                                               EPFD, dB[W/m? + 40 kkz]

                                                             EPFD | into 90 cm GSO Rx Ref. Antenna, 1 MHz Ref. Bandwidth, 19.7—20.2 GHz
                                                                         7                m             7                    7                 t              t
% Time EPFD Level Exceeded


                                          ——    ITU Limit
                                          ——   Audacy Zero HGA
                                          ——   Audacy Zero LGA
                             0.000001     "                              —
                                        —220           210              200           190             —180           170                  —160           150            —140
                                                                                               EPFD, dBW/me + 1 MHz]

                                                                                                                                        negy en cce

                                              EPFD | into 2.5 m GSO Rx Ref. Antenna, 40 kHz Ref. Bandwidth, 19.7—20.2 GHz
                                                          a                        i                     7
               100         :                                                                                                 }

      $          1                                                                                                                          1
     ©        oo1
     iR&    o.0001                                                                                                                          4
                     ——   ITU Limit
           0000001 || —   Audacy Zero HGA                                                                                    .              |
                     ——   Audacy Zero LGA

                          z40                           350                      300                    T80                 "Te0
                                                                         EPFD, dBW/m? + 40 kHz]

                                              EPFD | into 2.5 m GSO Rx Ref. Antenna, 1 MHz Ref. Bandwidth, 19.7—20.2 GHz
               100                        ‘                                                                          }                }

      $          1                                                                                                                          1
     ©        oo1
     2&     o.0001                                                                                                                          4
                     ——   ITU Limit
           0000001 || —   Audacy Zero HGA                                                                            .                      |
                     ——   Audacy Zero LGA

                                  320                              200                  —180                        "Teo             —140
                                                                         EPFD, dBW/me + 1 MHz]

                                              EPFD |. into 5 m GSO Rx Ref. Antenna, 40 kHz Ref. Bandwidth, 19.7—20.2 GHz
               100                    u                        m                        u                     7                  t          —

                 1                                                                                                                          1
=             0.01
w           0.0001
           0,000001 F =— ITU Limit
                     ——   Audacy Zero HGA
                     ——   Audacy Zero LGA
      000000001                   :                            :                        :                      :             :
                                 240                          220                      200                   —180           160
                                                                         EPFD, dB[W/m? + 40 kkz]

                                                    noe n n se e &
                                eecrereg se m se ue —y

 Audacy          Audacy delivers anytime & effortless space connectivity, advancing
                                                                                      5 of 5
SpaceConnected    humanity to a new age of commerce, exploration and discovery.

Document Created: 2017-08-07 15:46:39
Document Modified: 2017-08-07 15:46:39

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