Updated ODAR Analysis

0880-EX-CN-2017 Text Documents

Atmospheric & Space Technology Research Associates (ASTRA), LLC.


                    National Aeronautics and
                    Space Administration

                    John F. Kennedy Space Center, Florida
                    Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899

Reply to Attn of:   VA-H1                                                                                  May 23, 2018

                    TO:             Scott Higginbotham, LSP Mission Manager, NASA/KSC/VA-C

                    FROM:           Yusef Johnson, a.i. solutions/KSC/AIS2

                    SUBJECT:        Analysis of Updated Mass Properties of the SORTIE CubeSat


                          A. NASA Procedural Requirements for Limiting Orbital Debris Generation, NPR
                             8715.6A, 5 February 2008
                          B. Orbital Debris Assessment for the CubeSats on the CRS OA-9/ELaNa-23
                             Mission, ELVL-2018-0045208 Rev 0, 16 November 2017

                    The intent of this memo is to show that updated mass properties for the SORTIE cubesat,
                    still satisfies the orbital debris requirements listed in ref. (b) for the ELaNa-23 auxiliary
                    mission launching on the CRS OA-9 vehicle.

                    This memo only contains updates to that section with respect to the changes in the
                    SORTIE cubesat. These changes only affect Section 7 of the previously submitted
                    ELaNa-23 ODAR. The CubeSat component which effected the change, is a more detailed
                    accounting of the materials used for the antennae and their supporting structure. In the
                    previously submitted ELaNa-23 ODAR, the antennae and their supporting structure was
                    analyzed as a single structure with a total mass of 150 g. The spacecraft submitted
                    updated information which presented the antennae and their supporting structure as
                    separate entities, made of separate materials with different masses.

                    The result is that the antennae is now analyzed as a separate entity made of 410 Steel,
                    weighing 25 g, and the antennae support structure is analyzed as a DELRIN 150
                    structure, weighing 125 g. This lower mass for the antennae leads to a lower kinetic
                    energy on ground impact.

Section 7: Assessment of Spacecraft Reentry Hazards

A detailed re-assessment of SORTIE’s components to be flown on ELaNa-23 was
performed. The assessment used DAS 2.1.1, a conservative tool used by the NASA
Orbital Debris Office to verify Requirement 4.7-1. The analysis is intended to provide a
bounding analysis for characterizing the survivability of a CubeSat’s component during
re-entry. For example, when DAS shows a component surviving reentry it is not taking
into account the material ablating away or charring due to oxidative heating. Both
physical effects are experienced upon reentry and will decrease the mass and size of the
real-life components as the reenter the atmosphere, reducing the risk they pose still

The following steps are used to identify and evaluate a components potential reentry risk
relative to the 4.7-1 requirement of having less than 15 J of kinetic energy and a 1:10,000
probability of a human casualty in the event the survive reentry.

             1. Low melting temperature (less than 1000 °C) components are identified as
                materials that would never survive reentry and pose no risk to human
                casualty. This is confirmed through DAS analysis that showed materials
                with melting temperatures equal to or below that of copper (1080 °C) will
                always demise upon reentry for any size component up to the dimensions
                of a 1U CubeSat.

             2. The remaining high temperature materials are shown to pose negligible
                risk to human casualty through a bounding DAS analysis of the highest
                temperature components, stainless steel (1500°C). If a component is of
                similar dimensions and has a melting temperature between 1000 °C and
                1500°C, it can be expected to possess the same negligible risk as stainless
                steel components.

             Table 4: ELaNa-21 High Melting Temperature Material Analysis

                                                                                      Demise      Kenetic
   CubeSat             Name                   Material           Total Mass (kg)
                                                                                      Alt (km)   Energy (J)
    SORTIE           Antennae              Steel AISI 410              25                  0         7
    SORTIE       Separation Switches       Steel AISI 410             1.95                 0         0
    SORTIE            Fasteners            Steel AISI 316            125.86               77.3       0

The majority of stainless steel components demise upon reentry. And all CubeSats
comply with the 1:10,000 probability of Human Casualty Requirement 4.7-1. A
breakdown of the determined probabilities follows:

                   Table 5: Requirement 4.7-1 Compliance by CubeSat

                                                                     Risk of Human
                           Name                  Status
                           SORTIE             Compliant                    1:0
                            *Requirement 4.7-1 Probability of Human Casualty > 1:10,000


If a component survives to the ground but has less than 15 joules of kinetic energy it is
not included in the Debris Casualty Area that inputs into the Probability of Human
Casualty calculation. This is why SORTIE has a 1:0 probability as none of its surviving
components have more than 15J of energy.


If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 321-867-2098.

/original signed by/

Yusef A. Johnson
Flight Design Analyst
a.i. solutions/KSC/AIS2

cc:    VA-H/Mr. Carney
       VA-H1/Mr. Beaver
       VA-H1/Mr. Haddox
       VA-C/Mr. Higginbotham
       VA-C/Mrs. Nufer
       VA-G2/Mr. Treptow
       SA-D2/Mr. Frattin
       SA-D2/Mr. Hale
       SA-D2/Mr. Henry
       Analex-3/Mr. Davis
       Analex-22/Ms. Ramos


                        Appendix Index:

Appendix A.   Updated ELaNa-23 Component List by CubeSat: SORTIE


Appendix A.                      ELaNa-21 Component List by CubeSat: SORTIE

                                                                                            Mass     Diameter                            Melting
 Item                                                                                                           Length   Height   High
                       Name                   Qty            Material          Body Type     (g)      / Width                            Temp      Survivability
Number                                                                                                           (mm)    (mm)     Temp
                                                                                           (total)      (mm)                              (Fº)
  1                   SORTIE                   -                  -                -          -         -         -        -       -        -        Demise
  2               CubeSat Structure            1          Aluminum 6061           Box      3000       239.19     365     115.37    No                Demise
  3                   Antennae                 1             Steel 410           whip        25        12.7      165      0.3     Yes     2700º         0
  4              Antennae Structure            1           DELRIN 150             Box       125        38.6     67.95    43.18     No       -        Demise
  5                                                                                                                                No       -        Demise
                    Solar Panels               3        honeycomb structure      plate      500        7.26     309.88    200
  6                 Sep Springs*               0                 -                 -          -         -         -        -      Yes     2500˚      Demise
                                                          aluminum 6061 :
  7                                                                                                                               Yes     2500˚      Demise
                    Sep Switches               3         steel 316 stainless      box       1.95       6.25     22.565   24.546
                                                            Copper Alloy
  8                                                      ;Aluminum 6061:                                                           No       -        Demise
                   Payload mIVM                1                FR-4              box       800       97.23     94.183   63.42
                                                            Copper Alloy
  9                                                      ;Aluminum 6061:                                                           No       -        Demise
                   Payload uPLP                1                FR-4              box       300       82.55      100      2.68
  10                                                                                                                               No       -        Demise
                      Batteries              Packs         Lithium-Ion            box      1850       41.22     76.38    64.27
                                                         PCB FR-4 ; FR-4
  11                                                                                                                               No       -        Demise
                 ADCS Components               1              PCB ;               box       825        100       100      50
                                                            PCB FR-4
  12                                                                                                                               No       -        Demise
                    Comm Board                 1         ;Aluminum 6061           box       350        82.5      82.5     17
  13                Battery Board              1             PCB FR-4          PCB board    400        91.1      97.7     25.7     No       -        Demise
  14                C&DH Board                 1             PCB FR-4          PCB board    200         96        90      20       No       -        Demise
  15                 Fasteners*               203       18-8 Stainless Steel    Fastener   125.86      6.16      8.92     6.16    Yes                Demise
                                                         Teflon insulated
  16                                           -                                   -          -         -         -        -       No       -        Demise
                       Cabling                             Copper alloy
  17                                                                                                                                                 Demise

         *sep springs are part of sep switch assembly

Document Created: 1380-05-15 00:00:00
Document Modified: 1380-05-15 00:00:00

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