STA Technical Appendix

0579-EX-PL-2014 Text Documents

Astronics AeroSat Corporation


  A ttachment to A pplication


                                                                      T E C H N I C A L A PPE N D I X

1     System Description
1.1    O verview

capacity on a commercial Ku-band FSS satellite and associated ground segment.

                                   F igure 1: System Diagram

1.2    A ES E quipment

Astronics AeroSat seeks to operate its HR6400 Ku-band terminal, which has been previously
authorized by the Commission for experimental and commercial operations. In addition to the
antenna subsystem mounted on the aircraft fuselage, an internally mounted Antenna Control
0RGHP8QLW ³$&08´ DQGDKLJKSRZHUWUDQVFHLYHU ³+37´ are mounted internally within
the airframe of the aircraft, directly below the externally mounted equipment. Details related to
the technical characteristics of the HR6400 terminal are in Section 3 - Technical Characteristics.


                                                                     T E C H N I C A L A PPE N D I X

                     F igure 2: H R6400 T erminal (installed on an aircraft)

1.3 Satmex 6 Satellite

Astronics AeroSat will utilize commercial Ku-EDQG)L[HG6DWHOOLWH6HUYLFH ³)66´ FDSDFLW\IRU
its proposed experimental operations. Specifically, the HR6400 terminal will communicate with
the Satmex 6 satellite located at the 113° W.L. orbital location.

6DWpOLWHV0H[LFDQRV6$GH&9 ³6DWPH[´ ± the operator of Satmex 6 ± has reviewed and
satellite operations within +/- 6 degrees of Satmex 6. See Section 6 - Coordination.

1.4   G ateway E arth Station and Networ k O perations C enters

The gateway earth station for the proposed experimental operations is located in Houston, Texas
(Call Sign E030279). The hub earth station connects to licensed gateway earth stations, an
of a DVB-S2 modulator and an iDirect D-TDMA demodulator. Network control of Astronics
through its network control partner, Harris CapRock Corporation, who will provide managed
network services to Astronics AeroSat.


                                                                     T E C H N I C A L A PPE N D I X

Operation of the hub earth station wLOOEHFRQWUROOHGE\D12&VXEMHFWWR$VWURQLFV$HUR6DW¶V
direction and control.

The NOC will be responsible for configuring, monitoring, controlling, and, if necessary,
preventing transmissions from any HR6400 terminal. The NOC will be staffed at all times when
experimental operations are underway, providing continuous supervision and monitoring of such
operations. In addition, Astronics AeroSat personnel will be present and accessible via mobile
phone during all experimental operations.

       Primary Points of Contact:

       Astronics AeroSat Test Site Supervisor
       Mobile Phone Number: +1 (603) 400-2098

       Networks Operations Center Coordinator
       Office Phone Number: +1 (603) 879-0205
       Facsimile Phone Number: +1 (603) 386-6488
       Company Address:
       Astronics AeroSat Corporation
       Suite #2B 62 New Hampshire 101A
       Amherst, NH 03031
       Email Address:

       Secondary Point of Contact:

       Harris CapRock Network Control Center
       Managed Network Services 24x7 support
       4400 S. Sam Houston Pkwy, E.
       Houston, Texas 77046
       (832) 668-2300

2   Networ k T echnology
2.1 Satellite A ccess T echniques

Astronics AeroSat will lease capacity on a commercial Ku-band FSS satellite and utilize
for its proposed experimental operations. For the forward link, a hub earth station will broadcast
remote terminals within the airborne antenna equipment. For the return link, each remote
with dynamic timeslot assignments.

The forward link (hub-to-terminal) uses DVB-S2, and all of the traffic will be time division
multiplexed on one carrier. DVB-6VXSSRUWV$GDSWLYH&RGLQJDQG0RGXODWLRQ ³$&0´ ZLWK
QPSK, 8PSK, and 16 APSK modulations and Low Density Parity Check Coding Rates between


                                                                         T E C H N I C A L A PPE N D I X

0.25 and 0.9. Modulation and coding will be varied, and the airborne antenna equipment will
determine which data are addressed to them by de-modulating all the frames they receive from
the hub. The airborne antenna equipment then will transmit to the hub modems via the return
link any information related to receive quality for the purpose of adapting future frame coding
and modulation and ensuring acceptable performance.

ensures that no assignments are duplicated among the terminals. Timeslots and carriers are
uniquely assigned, ensuring that only a single terminal can transmit in an assigned timeslot.
Terminals will transmit a single carrier in each assigned time slots, and the hub will adjust the
timeslot assignments as user demand varies with time on the return link.

The iDirect D-TDMA demodulator ± which is located in the hub earth station ± monitors the
The iDirect demodulator issues power control corrections to terminals that are outside the target
C/N range by adjusting the link power from the terminal to the target and maintaining the target
level as return link characteristics change due to geographic position and operating environment.
As detailed below in Section 3.3 - High Power Transceiver and Antenna Control Modem Unit,
the HPT and ACMU in the airborne antenna equipment also help to control return link power.

2.2       O ff-A xis E I RP Spectral Density

Off-axis EIRP spectral density emissions from the airborne antenna equipment will be controlled
through the directivity of the antenna, limitations on the transmit power spectral density, control
of pointing error, and control of skew angle relative to the orbital location of the serving satellite.
Astronics AeroSat will control the off-axis EIRP spectral density emissions according to the
values that the Commission applies to Earth StatioQV$ERDUG$LUFUDIW ³(6$$V´ 1

$VWURQLFV$HUR6DW¶V+5.X-band Antenna System will limit off-axis EIRP spectral density
to these values as follows:

      x    Limiting the transmit power spectral density by controlling the transmit power of the
           terminal and by selecting appropriate bandwidths for inbound channels
      x    Controlling the off-axis gain of the antenna along the GSO arc by preventing
           transmissions when the skew angle exceeds a certain threshold
      x    Controlling pointing error of less than 0.2° and preventing transmissions when the
           pointing error exceeds 0.5°

    See 47 C.F.R. § 25.227(a)(1)(i)(A)-(C).


                                                                       T E C H N I C A L A PPE N D I X

Terminal transmit EIRP is controlled so that the minimum power is used to close the satellite
link. D-TDMA supports BPSK, QPSK and 8PSK modulations, turbo code rates between 0.431
and 0.793, and spread spectrum factors between 1 and 16. The return link will operate at up to
4096 kbps under this experimental STA using occupied bandwidths between 160 kHz and 5.12
MHz (emissions designators 160KG7D to 5M12G7D).

3     T echnical C haracteristics of the A irborne A ntenna E quipment
3.1       Radome and Radome A ttachment Ring

The radome is transparent to the Ku-band radio waves and streamlines the HR6400 Ku-band
antenna system by protecting the antenna from the outside environment and minimizing the
impact of the system on the flight dynamics on the aircraft. The radome attachment ring
provides structural support to the radome by distributing the structural load around the shell of
the radome and securing the radome to the aircraft so the externally mounted equipment can
withstand the forces applied to the radome and radome attachment ring during flight.

3.2       H R6400 F uselage Mounted Unit K u-band A ntenna

The HR6400 FMU Ku-band antenna consists of the following components:

      x    A mechanically steered antenna array
      x    Low Noise Amplifier
      x    Polarization Converter Unit
      x    Antenna Driver
      x    Antenna Position Encoders

The antenna is mounted on a positioner with an elevation over azimuth gimbal. The positioner
points the gimbaled antenna by controlling the antenna in azimuth, elevation and polarization

The antenna will not transmit until it receives the appropriate outbound signal from the satellite
and it has validated antenna pointing within 0.2°. As noted in Section 3.3 - High Power
Transceiver and Antenna Control MODEM Unit, the antenna will cease transmission
immediately in certain instances to avoid causing interference.


                                                                      T E C H N I C A L A PPE N D I X

                  SU M M A R Y O F T E C H N I C A L P A R A M E T E RS - H R6400

                   Antenna diameter          24.375 in x 6.8 in
                   Type of Antenna           Horn antenna with lenses
                   Peak Power (SSPA)         35 watts
                   Transmit Bandwidth        160 kHz to 5.12 MHz
                   Transmit Gain             29 dBi
                   EIRP                      44.4 dBW
                   Transmit Data Rate        Up to 4096 kbps
                   Transmit Polarization     Horizontal or Vertical
                   Transmit Max PSD          -16.3 dBW/4kHz
                   Transmit Beamwidth        1.5 degrees
                   Receive G/T               12.1 dB
                   Receive Bandwidth         500 MHz
                   Receive Polarization      Vertical or Horizontal
                                             (orthogonal to Transmit

                                  A ntenna Control Parameters

                   Azimuth                   Continuous, 360º
                   Elevation                 -10º to 90º
                   Position accuracy         0.2º (in-motion)
                   Dynamic Tracking          Heading, pitch, roll vel. 7º/sec
                   capability                Heading, pitch, roll accel. 7º/sec2

3.3   H igh Power T ransceiver and A ntenna Control Modem Unit

as an interconnection with the antenna and the ACMU. The ACMU consists of an iDirect
modem and its associated interconnections ( i.e., D-TDMA modulator and DVB-S2 de-
modulator), an interconnection with the on-board Inertial Navigation System, an interconnection
with the HPT.

attitude and related factors to the ACMU, and, using the aircraft navigational data, the ACMU
longitude, altitude, roll angle, pitch angle, heading, roll rate, pitch rate, yaw rate, and ground
speed from the INS via the ARINC 429 data bus. Then, the iDirect modem selects the serving
satellite based on the location of the aircraft and pre-loaded maps, and the ACMU controls the
aircraft position and orientation and points the antenna toward the target satellite. The aircraft
latitude and longitude is updated every 200 milliseconds or less, the heading data are updated
every 50 milliseconds or less, and the pitch and roll data are updated every 20 milliseconds or


                                                                       T E C H N I C A L A PPE N D I X

less. The ACMU updates the positioner controls continuously to maintain accurate pointing
toward the target satellite.

The ACMU controls the antenna pointing accuracy to a pointing error of less than 0.2° between
the pointing error and will mute the antenna transmitter if the pointing error exceeds 0.5°. All
emissions automatically cease within 100 milliseconds if the angle between the orbital location
of the target satellite and the axis of the main lobe of the antenna exceeds 0.5°, and transmission
is not resumed until the pointing error is less than 0.2°.

The antenna transmitter also will cease transmissions automatically in the following instances:

      x   If the ACMU loses communication with the aircraft INS, or
      x   The MODEM looses receive signal, or
      x   If there is a failure of the ACMU itself, or
      x   If the reference oscillator fails.

The HPT allows accurate power control, and the ACMU ensures compliance with the Power
is stable over frequency and temperature and reports the Ku-band transmit power from the Power
output regardless of variations in PA gain over temperature and frequency. The iDirect modem
within the ACMU calculates PSD.

The HPT is phase locked to a frequency stability of 10 MHz reference at ±0.01 parts per million,
which is how the return link frequency stability is determined. If there is a loss of lock to the
reference by either the HPT or the modem, the terminal ceases transmission immediately.

    This should satisfy the requirement in Section 25.227(a)(1)(ii)(A). See 47 C.F.R. § 25.227.


                                                                    T E C H N I C A L A PPE N D I X

4   L ink Budget
The link budgets for the HR6400 Ku-band Antenna terminal operation with the Satmex-6
satellite are provided below.

5   O ff-A xis E I RP Spectral Density
The off-axis EIRP spectral density of the HR6400 Ku-band Antenna terminal complies with the
)&&¶VWZR-degree spacing policies as set forth in Section 25.227 of the rules at all operational
skew angles from 0-55º. The maximum input power into the antenna has been selected to ensure
compliance at the maximum skew angle of 55º. (Lower skew angles are typical and would result
in narrower beamwidth, thus lower off-axis EIRP spectral density.) Astronics AeroSat provides
select 0-9º and 0-180º off-axis EIRP plots at for 0º and 55º skew angles, as well as summary
plots showing compliance at all skew angles, below.


                                                          T E C H N I C A L A PPE N D I X

F igure 3: Co-Pol O ff-A xis E I RP Spectral Density (14.25 G H z, 0º Skew)

F igure 4: Co-Pol O ff-A xis E I RP Spectral Density (14.25 G H z, 55º Skew)


                                                          T E C H N I C A L A PPE N D I X

F igure 5: Co-Pol O ff-A xis E I RP Spectral Density (14.25 G H z, 0º Skew)

F igure 6: Co-Pol O ff-A xis E I RP Spectral Density (14.25 G H z, 55º Skew)

                                   - 10 -

                                                           T E C H N I C A L A PPE N D I X

F igure 7: Co-Pol O ff-A xis E I RP Spectral Density (14.25 G H z, A ll Skews)

F igure 8: Co-Pol O ff-A xis E I RP Spectral Density (14.25 G H z, A ll Skews)

                                    - 11 -

                                                            T E C H N I C A L A PPE N D I X

F igure 9: C ross-Pol O ff-A xis E I RP Spectral Density (14.25 G H z, 0º Skew)

F igure 9: C ross-Pol O ff-A xis E I RP Spectral Density (14.25 G H z, 55º Skew)

                                     - 12 -

                                                                     T E C H N I C A L A PPE N D I X

        F igure 9: C ross-Pol O ff-A xis E I RP Spectral Density (14.25 G H z, A ll Skews)

A large number of additional off-axis EIRP spectral density plots and tables for other transmit
frequencies and skew angles, all of which demonstrate compliance with off-axis EIRP levels, are
available for review by the FCC. In the interest of administrative convenience, however,
Astronics AeroSat is submitting more limited off-axis EIRP spectral density information for
14.25 GHz at minimum and maximum skew angles to establish compliance for this previously
authorized terminal. The additional can be made available upon request.

6   Satellite Networ k Coordination
agreements with all Ku-band satellite operators within +/- 6 degrees and that Satmex will include
the off-axis EIRP spectral density values in all future coordination agreements. Accordingly,
potentially affected Ku-band satellite operators.

                                              - 13 -

                                                                      T E C H N I C A L A PPE N D I X

7 Radiation	
This report analyzes the non-ionizing radiation levels for the HR6400 Antenna System. This
report is developed in accordance with the prediction methods contained in OET Bulletin No. 65,
Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radio Frequency
Electromagnetic Fields, Edition 97-01.

Bulletin No. 65 specifies that there are two separate tiers of exposure limits that are dependent on
the situation in which the exposure takes place and/or the status of the individuals who are
subject to the exposure -- the General Population/ Uncontrolled Environment and the Controlled
Environment, where the general population does not have access.

The maximum level of non-ionizing radiation to which individuals may be exposed is limited to
a power density level of 5 milliwatts per square centimeter (5 mW/cm2) averaged over any 6
minute period in a controlled environment, and the maximum level of non-ionizing radiation to
which the general public is exposed is limited to a power density level of 1 milliwatt per square
centimeter (1 mW/cm2) averaged over any 30 minute period in a uncontrolled environment.

In the normal range of transmit powers for satellite antennas, the power densities at or around the
antenna radiating surface is expected to exceed safe levels. This area will not be accessible to
the general public. Operators and technicians will receive training specifying this area as a high
exposure area. Procedures will be established to ensure that all transmitters are turned off before
this area may be accessed by operators, maintenance or other authorized personnel.

7.1 Near	

The HR6400 Antenna potentially exceeds MPE limits in the near field within the rectangular
volume directly in front of the panels (14.8 mW/cm2). For this calculation, it was assumed that
all 35 watts from the SSPA are uniformly distributed across the surface area of the panel. This is
a reasonable assumption for a waveguide fed horn with lens array with minimal sidelobe

In normal operation, this antenna is mounted on the top of an aircraft fuselage, or on a building
or vehicle rooftop with restricted access, with the main beam pointed toward the sky at a typical
elevation angle of 25 degrees such that human exposure in the near field is not possible.
Furthermore, normal TDMA operation uses a duty cycle of 10% or less, reducing maximum near
field exposure by an order of magnitude to 1.5 mW/cm2. Additionally, in normal operation, any
blockage in the near field (human or otherwise) will cause the transmitter to be disabled within
milliseconds seconds as the system does not transmit unless it can receive the downlink carrier
from the satellite. Therefore, prolonged exposure in the near field is not possible in normal

                                               - 14 -

                                                                     T E C H N I C A L A PPE N D I X

7.2 Transition	

At a distance of 6.65 m from the antenna, maximum exposure is 5 mW/cm2. This assumes that
PFD decreases linearly from 33.2 mW/cm2 to 1.8 mW/cm2 in this region between the near field
and far field.

7.3 Far	

At a distance of 14.87 meters, the power density of the HR6400 is 1 mW/cm2, which is within
the limits of General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (MPE) even in the direction of the main
beam of the antenna. As noted previously, the antenna will be mounted on an aircraft fuselage,
building or vehicle rooftop with the main beam pointed to the sky at a typical elevation angle of
25 degrees. In this case, maximum far field exposure to humans would be due to a sidelobe
which is at least 7 dB below the main beam. At a distance of 14.87 meters, the exposure to
humans would be less than 0.2 mW/cm2.

                   T able 1: Parameters Used for Determining P F D (H R6400)

       Antenna Width                                      34 in         0.8636 m
       Antenna Height                                    6.5 in         0.1651 m
       Antenna Surface Area                                            0.14258 m

       Frequency                                                         14250    MHz
       Wavelength                                                         0.021   m
       Transmit Power                                                        10   W
       Antenna Gain                                                          38   dBi
       Antenna Gain                                                   6309.573
       EIRP                                                                  48   dBW

       Far Field Boundary (Azimuth)                                        22.0 m
       Power Density at far field boundary (Azimuth)                        1.0 mW/cm

       Near Field Distance (Azimuth)                                        8.9 m
       Near Field Power Density (Azimuth)                                   7.0 mW/cm

       Elevation sidelobe level                                           -15.0 dB
       Far Field Boundary (Elevation)                                       0.8 m
       Power Density at far field boundary (Elevation)                     26.3 mW/cm

       Safe Far Field Distance (Elevation)                                  1.8 m
       Power Density                                                        4.9 mW/cm

       Safe Far Field Distance (Elevation)                                  4.0 m
       Power Density                                                        1.0 mW/cm

                                               - 15 -

                                                                     T E C H N I C A L A PPE N D I X

7.4 Conclusions	

The worse-case radiation hazards exist along the beam axis. In the case of the proposed
experimental operations, it is highly unlikely that the antenna axis will be aligned with any
uncontrolled area since experiments will be carefully monitored and limited in time, the antenna
will be mounted on an aircraft, building or vehicle rooftop, and transmit operations will only be
conducted with a clear field of view towards the serving satellite.

That said, commissioning and testing of the HR6400 antenna will only be conducted by trained
personnel in a controlled environment. By maintaining a safety radius of 14.87 meters during
transmit operations, it can be guaranteed that the General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
limits will not be exceeded under any test conditions.

Technically sidelobes are only observed in the far field. For the HR6400 antenna the far field
distance in the elevation plane is approximately 0.9 meters. The 5 mW/cm2 threshold is reached
at a distance of 3.0 meters and the 1 mW/cm2 threshold is reached at a distance of 6.5 meters.
Observing the safe radius distance noted above during transmit operations will ensure that the
threshold will not be exceeded.

                                              - 16 -

                  E X HIBIT A



January 10", 2014.

Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau
445 12‘ Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

       Re: Engineering Certification of Satélites Mexicanos S.A. de CV

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter certifies that Satélites Mexicanos S.A. de CV (‘Satmex") is aware that Astronics
AeroSat Corporation ("Astronics AeroSat") is planning to seek authorization from the Federal
Communications Commission ("FCC") to operate Ku—band transmit/receive earth stations
aboard aircraft ("ESAA") terminals with the Satmex—6 satellite located at 113.0° W.L.
Specifically, we understand that Astronics AeroSat seeks to operate the previously authorized
HR6400 Ku—band antenna system with Satmex 6 for development and demonstration purposes
consistent with the FCC‘s experimental licensing rules, and for commercial purposes consistent
with the FCC‘s ESAA rules including Section 25.227.

Based on the information provided by Astronics AeroSat, Satmex understands the technical
characteristics of the HR6400 terminal, and Satmex (i) recognizes that operation of the HR6400
terminals is limited to the power density levels provided by Satmex, consistent with existing
coordination agreements with all adjacent satellite operators within +/— 6 degrees of orbital
separation from Satmex—6; (ii) acknowledges that the proposed operation of the HR6400 terminal
has the potential to receive harmful interference from adjacent satellite networks that may be
unacceptable; and (iii) if the FCC authorizes the operations proposed by Astronics AeroSat,
Satmex will pursue updated power density levels associated with such operations in all future
satellite network coordinations with adjacent satellite operators.

Sincerely,       ~

Hector Fortis
SATMEX                                             é“%
International and Regulatory Affairs

       SATMEX |Av. Paseo de la Reforma No. 222 Pisos 20 y 21 | Col. Judrez CP 06600, Mexico, D.F. |

Document Created: 2160-12-18 00:00:00
Document Modified: 2160-12-18 00:00:00

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