Narrative Description

0142-EX-ST-2018 Text Documents

Astronics AeroSat Corporation


                                Astronics AeroSat Corporation
                                 Application for Experimental
                           Special Temporary Authorization (“STA”)

                                  NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION

         Pursuant to Sections 5.54(a)(1) and 5.61 of the rules of the Federal Communication

Commission (the “FCC” or “Commission”),1 Astronics AeroSat Corporation (“Astronics

AeroSat”) respectfully requests special temporary authorization (“STA”) for a period of six (6)

months, commencing on February 5, 2018 or as soon as practicable thereafter, to evaluate and

demonstrate up to twenty (20) earth stations aboard aircraft (“ESAA”) terminals designed to

provide in-flight broadband Internet connectivity for passengers and crew. Astronics AeroSat

seeks authority to conduct the tests within the contiguous United States (“CONUS”) and adjacent

international waters for stationary, vehicle-mounted ground mobile and flight testing in the 14.0-

14.5 GHZ band (Earth-to-space).

         Astronics AeroSat seeks this short-term authority to conduct experimental operations with

the Astronics AeroSat HR6400 and HR129 ESAA terminals, two terminal types that have been

authorized by the Commission for experimental and commercial operations. 2 The instant request

is necessitated by Astronics AeroSat’s ongoing need to operate the terminals in fixed and land

mobile configuration, which was included in its now-expired ESAA Experimental License but such

authority arguably may not be included in its ESAA Commercial License.

1   47 C.F.R. §§ 5.54(a)(1) & 5.61.
2See Astronics AeroSat Corporation, File No. 0048-EX-CM-2016, Call Sign WH2XJQ (expired
on October 1, 2017) (“ESAA Experimental License”); See Astronics AeroSat Corporation, File
No. SES-MFS-20170319-00302, Call Sign E140087 (authority to operate the HR6400 and
HR129 on a commercial basis in U.S. and international airspace) (“ESAA Commercial License”).


         This new STA request3 is identical to the operations previously approved in the ESAA

Experimental License and does not make any changes to the geographic scope, technical

characteristics (frequency bands, emission designators, authorized power or signal modulation) or

other information associated with the prior grant. Astronics AeroSat incorporates by reference the

earth station and experimental operations information previously provided in support of the ESAA

Experimental License4 and will operate the ESAA terminals consistent with the terms and

conditions previously imposed by the Commission. Furthermore, Astronics AeroSat seeks an

experimental STA only because it plans to formally modify its ESAA Commercial License to

include fixed and land mobile operation. As described below, grant of this request will serve the

public interest and allow Astronics AeroSat to continue development and optimization of its ESAA

terminal capabilities.

         I.      Discussion

         Astronics AeroSat recognizes and accepts that operations under this experimental license

are conducted on an unprotected, non-interference basis only and will be conditioned upon

protection of co-frequency operations. 5 Astronics AeroSat notes that there have been no reported

cases of interference relating to its operations under its existing experimental or commercial

licenses 6 and it is unlikely that interference will occur under this STA. Still, Astronics AeroSat

3   Astronics AeroSat cannot renew its expired experimental license. See 47 C.F.R. § 5.59(a)(2).
4   See ESAA Experimental License and associated filings and modifications.
5   47 C.F.R. § 5.84.
6   Supra n.2.


will immediately cease operations to the extent harmful interference is caused to another

authorized spectrum user in the 14.0-14.5 GHz band.

       In addition to operating consistent with Part 5 of the Commission’s rules governing

experimental operations, Astronics AeroSat will operate the HR129 and HR6400 ESAA terminals

consistent with Sections 25.226 and 25.227 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.226 and

25.227, governing vehicle-mounted earth stations (“VMESs”) and ESAAs.

       Specifically, Astronics AeroSat will operate the ESAA terminals well below the off-axis

EIRP spectral density (“ESD”) masks set forth in Sections 25.226 and 25.227 of the Commission’s

rules7 and thus will protect co-frequency operations from harmful interference during its proposed

experimental operations. Astronics AeroSat has previously provided off-axis ESD plots pursuant

to Section 25.115(g)(1) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.115(g)(1), demonstrating

compliance with the Commission’s ESD mask, which it incorporates into the instant STA request. 8

       Astronics AeroSat provides the FCC Form 442 for information relating to the operational

parameters of its proposed ESAA operations, which are identical to those previously approve by

the Commission.     In addition, although the ESAA Experimental License does not specify

authorized satellite points of communications, Astronics AeroSat confirms that the satellites to be

used during the experimental STA period have been previously authorized by the Commission to

provide service in the U.S. market (U.S.-licensed or granted U.S. market access), thus their

7The Commission’s ESD mask applicable to VMESs is identical to the off-axis ESD mask
application to ESAAs.
8 See Astronics AeroSat Corporation, File No. 0078-EX-ST-2014, Call Sign WH9XHX,
Technical Appendix (providing off-axis ESD plots for the HR6400 terminal); File No. SES-
MFS-20161003-00823, Call Sign E140087, Technical Appendix III (providing off-axis ESD
plots for the HR129 terminal).


operating parameters have been previously reviewed and accepted by the Commission.9 Astronics

AeroSat also seeks Commission authority to communicate with any U.S. or non-U.S. licensed

satellite on the Commission’s Permitted Space Station List to ensure maximum flexibility during


           II.    Public Interest Considerations

           In accordance with Section 5.63(c)(1), Astronics AeroSat anticipates that its proposed

experimental operations will contribute greatly to the public interest. The proposed evaluations

will help demonstrate the capabilities of an innovative ESAA terminals and commercial

applications and promote real-world implementation of the proposed trials, as well as allow

Astronics AeroSat and its commercial partners to learn information about equipment capabilities

and limitations, customer acceptance and integration of its service and equipment. The public

interest will also be served by facilitating Astronics AeroSat’s continued development and

optimization of its ESAA terminals, providing a direct benefit to U.S. citizens who utilize

aeronautical broadband satellite connectivity.

           III.   Conclusion
           Based on the foregoing, the public interest would be served by granting Astronics

AeroSat’s request for a six-month STA, commencing on February 5, 2018, to perform testing and

evaluation of the HR6400 and HR129 terminals in support of its commercial ESAA operations.

9A complete list of satellite points of communication is provided in Exhibit 1. Each of these
satellites has been previously authorized for ESAA operations in the United States. See, e.g.,
Panasonic Avionics Corporation, File No. SES-MFS-20170312-00255, Call Sign E100089.


Document Created: 2018-01-26 21:29:54
Document Modified: 2018-01-26 21:29:54

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