
0078-EX-ST-2014 Text Documents

Astronics AeroSat Corporation


                           EXPERIMENTAL STA APPLICATION

       Astronics AeroSat Corporation (“Astronics AeroSat”) hereby seeks experimental special

temporary authority (“STA”) for operation of up to five (5) aircraft earth stations (“AESs”) in the

14.0-14.5 GHz band, pursuant to Section 5.61 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 5.61, for

evaluation and demonstration purposes.         The proposed experimental operations will be

conducted within the contiguous United States (“CONUS”) for a period of six (6) months for

stationary, vehicle-mounted ground mobile and flight testing. Astronics AeroSat’s request for

such experimental authority is consistent with that granted to other AES manufacturers and

operators for similar testing and demonstrations.1


       Astronics AeroSat is a leader in aviation communications solutions for commercial

aircraft and business jets. For more than a decade, Astronics AeroSat has been designing and

manufacturing satellite communications antenna systems used to provide in-flight broadband

Internet connectivity and video services for passengers and crew in every region of the world.

       Astronics AeroSat’s HR6400 Ku-band antenna system provides a worldwide in-flight

communications solution for the connected traveler. The Commission previously approved

operation of the HR6400 Ku-band antenna system for aeronautical mobile-satellite service

(“AMSS”) operations in the 14.0-14.5 GHz band in experimental and commercial AMSS blanket

licenses granted to Gogo, LLC and Row44, Inc. for operations of in-flight connectivity systems

that incorporate the HR6400 AESs.2

 See, e.g., Panasonic Avionics Corporation, Experimental Radio Station License and
Construction Permit, Call Sign WF2XMD, File No. 0184-EX-ML-2013 (“PAC Experimental”).
 See, e.g., Gogo LLC, File Nos. SES-LIC-2012061900574, SES-AMD-20120731-00709, Call
Sign E120106 (granted March 8, 2013); Row 44 Inc., File Nos. SES-LIC-20080508-00570, SES-

       Astronics AeroSat now seeks its own experimental STA for operation of up to five (5)

AESs for ground and in-flight testing for evaluation and demonstration of the terminals with a

new network configuration designed to meet the unique needs of the business aviation and VVIP

aircraft market. A depiction of Astronics AeroSat’s network configuration is set forth below.

                               Figure 1. Network Configuration

       Astronics AeroSat seeks to test and demonstrate the terminals with the Satmex 6 satellite,

which is on the Commission’s Permitted Space Station List. Satmex has confirmed that the

proposed operations are consistent with its coordination agreements with other satellite operators

within +/-6 degrees of Satmex 6, and such operations will comply fully with the Commission’s

AMD-20080619-00826, SES-AMD-20080819-01074, SES-AMD-20080829-01117, SES-AMD-
20090115-00041, SES-AMD-20090416-00501, Call Sign E080100 (granted Aug. 5, 2009).


two-degrees spacing policies and rules governing Ku-band AES operations. Astronics AeroSat

is developing an application for long-term operating authority under the Commission’s earth

stations aboard aircraft (“ESAA”) rules, see 47 C.F.R. §25.227.


       The HR6400 antenna system will be used to provide broadband Internet access and other

connectivity to passengers and crew aboard business aviation and VVIP aircraft. The system is

comprised of an antenna subsystem, an internally mounted antenna control modem unit

(“ACMU”) and a high power transceiver (“HPT”), which are connected through radiofrequency

(“RF”) cabling. An overview of Astronics AeroSat’s in-flight connectivity Ku-band antenna

system is below and a detailed description is attached hereto in the Technical Appendix.

       The antenna and radome are mounted externally on the top of the aircraft fuselage. The

radome is transparent to the Ku-band radio waves and protects the HR6400 Ku-band antenna

system from the outside environment. The HR6400 antenna system includes mechanically

steered antenna array that receives and transmits signals and a low noise block amplifier (LNA).

It is mounted on a positioner with an elevation over azimuth gimbal, and a polarization converter

unit (“PCU”) is installed inside the antenna. See Figure 1.


                       Figure 2: HR6400 AES, Installed on an Aircraft

       The ACMU controls the antenna pointing accuracy to within 0.2° between the target

satellite and the axis of the antenna. The ACMU continuously monitors the pointing error and

will mute the antenna transmitter within 100 ms if the pointing error exceeds 0.5° and will not

re-enable transmissions until the pointing error is within 0.2°. The ACMU relies on the aircraft

position and attitude information, as well as signal strength data, to ensure proper antenna

pointing. This effective approach to antenna pointing has been accepted by the Commission in

prior license grants for the HR6400 (see supra note 2) and other aeronautical antennas (e.g., the

TECOM and Aura LE Ku-band antennas), and Astronics AeroSat is aware of no interference

incidents involving the HR6400 antenna.



          Astronics AeroSat seeks to conduct stationary, vehicle-mounted ground testing and in-

flight testing throughout CONUS. Astronics AeroSat recognizes and accepts that operations

under experimental STA are conducted on an unprotected, non-interference basis only and that

they will be conditioned upon protection of co-frequency operations.3       In this connection,

Astronics AeroSat will immediately cease operations to the extent harmful interference is caused

to another user of the 14.0-14.5 GHz band.

          The general objectives of the proposed experimental operations are as follows: (i)

integrating and testing the Astronics AeroSat’s HR6400 Ku-band antenna system in a new

network configuration, (ii) demonstrating two-way, broadband connectivity in stationary, land

mobile and in-flight modes, (iii) demonstrating that the HR6400 Ku-band antenna system meets

the new requirements for Ku-band ESAAs set forth in Section 25.227 of the Commission’s rules;

and (iv) verifying the technical viability of the HR6400 Ku-band antenna system on smaller

business aviation and VVIP aircraft.

          A.      Stationary and Vehicle-Mounted Ground Testing

          Astronics AeroSat seeks experimental STA for stationary and vehicle-mounted ground

testing and demonstration. Fully stationary ground testing and demonstration will occur at

temporary fixed positions at Astronics AeroSat’s facility at 62 New Hampshire Route 101A,

Amherst, NH 03031. Additional testing may be conducted on a three-axis motion platform that

simulates aircraft, pitch and roll. Vehicle-mounted ground testing and demonstration will occur

within 100 miles of the Astronics AeroSat facility.

    See infra, Part V.


       Further demonstration and testing may occur intermittent at other locations within

CONUS (e.g., potential customer or trade show sites).           In all cases, consistent with the

Commission’s rules for vehicle-mounted earth stations (“VMESs”), see 47 C.F.R. §25.226,

unless coordinated Astronics AeroSat terminals will not operate within line of sight vicinity of

radioastronomy (“RAS”) sites or within 125 km of NASA Tracking and Data Relay Satellite

System (“TDRSS”) sites. Astronics AeroSat intends to pursue coordination with RAS and

TDRSS facilities in the context of obtaining long-term blanket license authority under the

Commission’s ESAA rules.

       Extensive receive-only tests will be conducted to verify antenna performance and system

integration prior to any transmit operation. Astronics AeroSat will then perform two-way testing

of receive and transmit operations to evaluate, optimize and demonstrate return link


       B.      In-Flight Testing

       Astronics AeroSat also seeks experimental STA for in-flight testing during the relevant

period. In-flight testing will involve verification of antenna performance within the new network

under real-world operating conditions. Testing and evaluation on business aviation and VVIP

airframes will ensure that the AES will function as expected under different flight dynamics and

operational circumstances. Astronics AeroSat will conduct in-flight testing only in areas that are

outside the exclusion zones for RAS and TDRSS sites and in accordance with applicable

coordination agreements and Commission Rules.

       Astronics AeroSat will examine the following performance objectives during in-flight

testing: (i) geographic mapping and automated shut-off; (ii) reliability of data link; (iii) two-way

data link performance and coverage; (iv) receive-only video link performance and coverage; (v)

antenna pointing performance; (vi) Doppler correction; and (vii) network management and

operation. The in-flight testing will be limited in duration, including only several days during

the experimental STA period. The aircraft will operate in selected testing conditions under close

control and supervision by Astronics AeroSat personnel.


         Astronics AeroSat will utilize commercial Fixed Satellite Service (“FSS”) capacity for its

proposed experimental operations. Specifically, capacity will be leased on the Satmex 6 satellite,

located at the 113° W.L. orbital location. The operator of Satmex 6, Satélites Mexicanos S.A. de

C.V. (“Satmex”), has reviewed the technical characteristics of Astronics AeroSat’s proposed

experimental operations with Satmex 6 and confirmed that such operations are consistent with

Satmex’s coordination agreements and will not result in unacceptable interference to other

satellite operations within +/- 6 degrees of Satmex 6.4

         The hub earth station for the proposed experimental operations is located in Houston,

Texas (Call Sign E030279). This earth station is a licensed FSS earth station operated by Harris

CapRock Corporation, which also operates a comprehensive network control facility at its

Houston headquarters location. Network control for Astronics AeroSat’s proposed experimental

operations will be provided pursuant to an agreement with Harris CapRock, subject to Astronics

AeroSat’s ultimate direction and control.


         The Commission established service rules for ESAA terminals in Section 25.227, 47

C.F.R. § 25.227, which incorporate the Commission’s well-settled two-degree satellite spacing

requirements and ensure protection for co-frequency operations.         Astronics AeroSat’s AES

terminals will transmit at off-axis EIRP levels no greater than the levels produced by ESAAs.

    See Technical Appendix (attached).


To the extent that Astronics AeroSat’s experimental operations cause unacceptable interference

with any adjacent FSS operators, Astronics AeroSat will cease transmissions immediately.

          Astronics AeroSat acknowledges that non-geostationary orbit (“NGSO”) systems are

permitted to operate in the Ku-band.            However, no NGSO systems are authorized or

contemplated for operation during the period of Astronics AeroSat’s proposed experimental

operations.     In addition, Astronics AeroSat has determined that there are no FCC-licensed

terrestrial radio services in the 14.0-14.5 GHz band with which Astronics AeroSat’s proposed

experimental operations could conflict.

          For purposes of this experimental STA, Astronics AeroSat terminals will not operate

within line-of-sight vicinity of RAS sites and during observation periods. Similarly, Astronics

AeroSat will avoid experimental operations within 125 km of TDRSS earth stations used for

space research.

          Astronics AeroSat also notes certain special conditions set forth in the recent grant of the

PAC Experimental, including a restriction on operations below 14050 MHz in the area of White

Sands Missile Range, NM, (410 KM surrounding 323240N 1063648W)5 and on-ground

operations unless appropriate safety protocols are in place.6 Astronics AeroSat acknowledges

and accepts that similar conditions will be imposed on its proposed experimental operations.


          For purposes of the proposed experimental operations, the Astronics AeroSat terminals

will be operated under Astronics AeroSat’s full supervision and control. The mobile phone

number listed below is the best point of contact for personnel involved in the testing and located

onsite with the terminals. It will be in the possession of Astronics AeroSat personnel manning
    See PAC Experimental at Special Condition 1.
    See id. at Special Condition 4.

any tests. Astronics AeroSat’s network control center will also have the ability to address any

operational issues in real time.     The full point of contact information for the proposed

experimental operations is as follows:

               Primary Points of Contact:

               Astronics AeroSat Test Site Supervisor
               Mobile Phone Number: +1 (603) 400-2098

               Networks Operations Center Coordinator
               Office Phone Number: +1 (603) 879-0205
               Facsimile Phone Number: +1 (603) 386-6488

               Company Address:
               Astronics AeroSat Corporation
               Suite #2B 62 New Hampshire 101A
               Amherst, NH 03031
               Email Address:

Astronics AeroSat’s point of contact will have access to all network functions and the ability and

authority to cease all transmissions from the terminals wherever they are located.


       The Commission should grant Astronics AeroSat’s request for an experimental STA for

experimental operation of up to five (5) AESs for testing and demonstration purposes. The

proposed experimental operations would allow Astronics AeroSat to test and demonstrate the

performance and operational characteristics and verify the commercial and technical viability of

its HR6400 Ku-band antenna system in a new network configuration and for a new market

segment. Grant of this application would serve the public interest for the reasons stated herein.


Document Created: 2014-02-04 18:58:06
Document Modified: 2014-02-04 18:58:06

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