20K0F1D Spacecraft UHF Radiation Pattern

0139-EX-CN-2018 Text Documents

Arizona State University


     UHF Antenna II

                                                  UHF ANTENNA II – USER MANUAL

1    Change log .......................................................................................................................... 3
2    Acronyms list ....................................................................................................................... 4
3    Overview .............................................................................................................................. 5
4    Highlighted features ............................................................................................................. 5
5    Functional description .......................................................................................................... 5
6    Hardware layout ................................................................................................................... 5
7    Characteristics ..................................................................................................................... 7
    7.1   Frequency .................................................................................................................................. 7
    7.2   Polarization ................................................................................................................................ 8
    7.3   Connectors ................................................................................................................................ 8
    7.4   Gain ........................................................................................................................................... 9

8    Electrical characteristic ....................................................................................................... 10
9    Deployment mechanism..................................................................................................... 10
10 Materials ........................................................................................................................... 10
11 Mechanical and environmental test .................................................................................... 10
12 Included in the shipment ................................................................................................... 11
13 Handling and storage ........................................................................................................ 11
14 Warnings ........................................................................................................................... 12

     ENDUROSAT                                                                                                                                            2

                                  UHF ANTENNA II – USER MANUAL

This user manual is specially designed to describe the EnduroSat UHF Antenna II module, its functions
and features.

Please read carefully the manual before unpacking the antenna in order to ensure safe and proper use.

                Figure 1 – EnduroSat UHF Antenna II (Solar panel is a separate product)


     Date                Version           Note
        22/Nov/2017         Rev 1
        01/Feb/2018         Rev 1.2        Radiation testing    details   added,   Minor   text

    ENDUROSAT                                                                                           3

                              UHF ANTENNA II – USER MANUAL


LHCP             Left Hand Circular Polarization

RHCP             Right Hand Circular Polarization

RF               Radio Frequency

UHF              Ultra-High Frequency

PCB              Printed Circuit Board

     ENDUROSAT                                               4

                                    UHF ANTENNA II – USER MANUAL

    The antenna is designed to cover the amateur satellite band 435-438 MHz. It has a circular
    polarization and uses a dual redundant burn wire mechanism with feedback for the deployment of
    the antenna rods. The antenna is controlled and monitored via I2C interface. It has an additional
    redundancy feature for direct control of the burning resistor chains by general purpose outputs.

       •   UHF band for amateur satellite communications 435 – 438MHz
       •   Compatible with EnduroSat Solar panels
       •   Circularly polarized
       •   Weight: 85 g
       •   Gain > 0dBi*
       •   Max RF output power 3.5W
       •   Burn wire mechanism with feedback for deployment
       •   Supply voltage for deployment: 5V
       •   Interface: I2C
       •   Redundant direct control of the burning resistor chains through the connector

    *from simulation

    The feed network for the RF part of the antenna is realized using strip lines. Each rod is fed with 90
    degrees phase shift so that the antenna has a circular polarization. The antenna has a through hole
    for connecting it to EnduroSat’solar panel Z.

    Figure 2 depicts the bottom side of the antenna. All dimensions are in mm. It uses up to 8 bolts for
    mounting to the satellite body (minimum 4 required: in this configuration, the bolts shall be installed in
    the proper locations as shown in figure 4). There is an opening in the PCB, through which an
    EnduroSat solar panel can be connected. The right angle MCX connector, used for connecting the
    antenna to the communication module, is located next to the opening.

    The thickness of the antenna and the height of the connector are shown on Figure 3. The overall
    thickness (and weight) of the antenna depends on the top cover. It can be a solar panel, a top cover
    or another module. On figure 3 is shown the thickness of the whole antenna with a cover of 1.6 mm.

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                   UHF ANTENNA II – USER MANUAL

            Figure 2 - Physical layout bottom side - Dimensions in mm.

                    Figure 3 - Side view - Dimensions in mm.

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                                    UHF ANTENNA II – USER MANUAL

                             Figure 4 – Proper installation of the 4 bolts configuration.

    7.1   Frequency

      Figure 5 shows the measured return loss of the UHF antenna

                               Figure 5 - measured return loss of the UHF antenna

      ENDUROSAT                                                                             7

                                   UHF ANTENNA II – USER MANUAL

7.2   Polarization

  LHCP or RHCP with regards to antenna orientation.

7.3   Connectors

               C1               MCX right angle (straight MCX or SMA upon request)

               C2               Six pin Molex Pico-Lock™

                                Figure 6 - Bottom Side - Connectors location

  In the case of collision between the MCX connector and the structure of the satellite, U.FL connector
  on the internal side can be accessed by disassembling the top cover of the antenna.

  C2 pinout:

                     Pin       Mnemonic         Description
                      1    +5V              Positive
                      2    I2C SCL          I2C Clock
                      3    I2C SDA          I2C Data
                      4    Ground           Ground
                      5    Release All A    Activate all four primary burning resistors
                      6    Release All B    Activate all four back-up burning resistors

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                                UHF ANTENNA II – USER MANUAL

7.4   Gain

  Figures 7 and 8 show the radiation pattern of the antenna

                                                Figure 7

                                                  Figure 8	

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                                    UHF ANTENNA II – USER MANUAL

           Param eter                              Condition                   Min      Typ      Max
       Supply Voltage [V]                                                                 5
                             Idle mode                                                   0.5      2*
                             Primary burning resistor                                   250
            Current          Primary and Back-up burning resistor                       500
       Consumption [mA] All primary burning resistors (pin 5 activated)                 1000
                             All back-up burning resistors (pin 6 activated)            1000
        Burning resistors    Logical level threshold for activation of all   1.5         3.3
      voltage activation [V] burning resistors (primary or back-up burning
                             wire resistor chains – pin 5, 6)
     *Peak current consumption during I2C communication with 4.7 kOhm pull-up resistors

     The deployment mechanism uses burning resistors to cut a wire and release the doors holding the
     antenna rods. Each antenna rod can be deployed by two independent resistors for redundancy
     controlled via I2C. The additional direct control feature enables activation of the entire burning wire
     resistor chains by general purpose outputs. Deployment status feedback information can be
     collected through the I2C interface pins on the connector.

     In order to avoid significant voltage drop, the length of cables should be minimized. The
     recommended cable is AWG 24.

     The frame and doors used for holding the antenna rods rolled and encapsulated is made of
     aluminum with hard anodization, which prevents a short circuit between the frame and the antenna
     rods. Rods are made from SMA – Shape Memory Alloy with super elastic properties to ensure
     straight shape after release. All PCBs are made from FR-4.

     A full campaign of tests at qualification level was performed on the qualification engineering model.
     Qualification tests level and duration follow the ESA standard ECSS-E-ST-10-03C and GEVS: GSFC-
     STD-7000A. Test performed:

        •   Thermal Cycling
        •   Thermal Vacuum
        •   Random Vibration
        •   Sinusoidal Vibration
        •   Pyroshock Test
        •   Total Ionizing Dose > 40 kRad

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                                  UHF ANTENNA II – USER MANUAL

     EnduroSat provides along with the UHF antenna:

        •   2 Coaxial cables 50 Ohm with selectable lengths and connectors
        •   Power and command cable (PTFE Material Jacket, 24AWG), connector MOLEX 504051-
        •   USB stick with user manual

     Customized cables and connectors can be provided upon request.

     Particular attention shall be paid to the avoidance of damage to the UHF antenna during handling,
     storage and preservation. The handling of the UHF antenna module should be performed in
     compliance with the following instructions:

        •   Handle using PVC, latex, cotton (lint free) or nylon gloves
        •   The environment where UHF antenna module will be handled shall meet the requirements for
            a class environment 100 000, free of contaminants such as dust, oil, grease, fumes and
            smoke from any source.
        •   Store in such a manner as to preclude stress and prevent damage
        •   To prevent the deterioration, the UHF antenna must be stored in a controlled environment,
            i.e. the temperature and humidity levels shall be maintained in the proper ranges:
                 o Ideal storage temperature range: 15ºC to 27ºC
                 o Ideal storage humidity range: 30% to 60% relative humidity (RH).

     ENDUROSAT                                                                                     11

                   UHF ANTENNA II – USER MANUAL

14      WARNINGS

                   This product uses very fragile com ponents. Observe
                   precautions for Handling.

                   This product uses semiconductors that can be
                   dam aged by electrostatic discharge (ESD). Observe
                   precautions for Handling

                   Sensitive Electronic device. Do not ship or store near
                   strong electrostatic, electrom agnetic, m agnetic or
                   radioactive fields.

     ENDUROSAT                                                              12

Document Created: 1920-04-27 00:00:00
Document Modified: 1920-04-27 00:00:00

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