Power Point Presentation

0385-EX-RR-2009 Text Documents

Arizona Public Service Company


                     OF TELEX EQUIPMENT AT
                  U.S. NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS

                               April 2009

                              Ellen Ginsberg
 KitlLEA® PKEA4GY rEKTIT®TE   Vice President and General Counsel, NEI

                              Jeffrey Craven
                              Partner, Thompson Coburn LLP


Telex Equipment
Regulatory Background
— Data
— Alternatives Tested
— Operational Conclusions
Waiver of FCC Rules Requested for Indoor Only
Requested Relief Meets FCC‘s Waiver Standard

                    Telex Equipment
Wireless intercom systems offer reliable, high—performance, fully duplex,
hands—free communications
Frequency—agile base stations work (line—of—sight, 1,000 feet) with
frequency agile backpacks
Belt—packs come in sturdy (shock resistant die cast magnesium) casings and
feature 12—14 hour battery life
Many plants use BTR 700, 800 operating at 470—608MHz, 518—608MHz,
614—740MHz, 796—868MHz
Power requirements: 100—740 VAC, 50—60Hz, IEC receptacle
Frequency response: 300Hz — 8kHz
Transmitter power: 50 mW — 100 mW Max (high); 5 mW — 10 mW (normal)
Transmitter Modulation type: FM
Transmitter Deviation: 40kHz
Transmitter RF Frequency stability: 0.005%
Receiver distortion: <1% at full deviation
More data available at www.telexradiocom.com

                 Regulatory Background
April 2003 —— FCC approves use of Telex equipment at nuclear plants via Special Temporary
Authorization ("STA").

April 2005 —— FCC issues STA to Nuclear Energy Institute ("NEI") for use of Telex equipment at the
nuclear plants.

April 2007 —— NAB, MSTV, SBE, NEI and Utilities Telecom Council ("UTC") file an agreement (the
"Consensus Plan") with FCC to allow nuclear plants to continue to use Telex equipment pursuant
to FCC—granted experimental licenses.

Summer 2007 —— FCC and NTIA approve experimental licenses for nuclear plants to continue to
use Telex equipment.

February 2008 —— Nuclear plants, NEI and UTC file reports with FCC confirming no alternative
equipment is available to meet nuclear plants‘ communications and safety requirements presently
served by Telex equipment.

Summer 2008 —— Nuclear plants, NEI and UTC sponsor survey of industry use of Telex equipment
and alternative equipment, as well as engineering studies of certain alternative equipment, and
submit data to FCC‘s office of Engineering & Technology.

Winter 2008/2009 — Nuclear plants apply for and receive 12 month renewals (until 2/19/2010) of
their experimental licenses.

                     2008 Survey Data
Nuclear plants continue to rely on Telex equipment to carry on critical, operational
and outage—related activities while effectively limiting worker occupational exposure
to radiation

Most nuclear plants are using Telex BTR 200, 700 or 800

 — Operation on frequencies associated with TV channel 52 and above limited to
   700 and 800 series

75% of the nuclear plants limit Telex equipment use to indoor activities

50% of the nuclear plants use Telex equipment only during refueling operations

 — 25% use it two to three times per month; 10% use it weekly

Most nuclear plants support the issuance of a blanket waiver limited to indoor use if it
will expedite FCC approval of the waiver

                       Alternatives Tested
Nuclear plant licensees have significantly increased their efforts to seek alternatives to the Telex

11 nuclear plants tested the following potential alternative equipment in 2008:

 —   Cobalt;
 —   HME DX200;
 —   Spectralink;
 —   Eartec Communications Systems; and
 —   ClearCom Communications‘ CellCom 10 Digital Wireless System.

The alternatives tested each suffered from one or more of the following deficiencies:

 —   Triggered unacceptable interference with other wireless devices essential to Nuclear plant
     operations (e.g., dosimeters) and wireless networks;
 —   "Multi—path" interference resulting from a "reflected signal" from the containment building‘s domed
     ceiling subtracts signal strength rendering it too low/weak to receive.
 —   Inadequate coverage/footprint;
 —   Unacceptable voice quality; and
 —   Insufficient capacity for multiple headsets in simultaneous use.

             Operational Conclusions
Given their unique operating environment (e.g., four foot thick outer walls,
containment building‘s domed ceiling; dosimeters, as well as numerous
other wireless devices and equipment/systems, that must operate
simultaneously, reliably and in very close proximity) nuclear plants present
an ultra—challenging wireless communications environment.

None of the alternative equipment tested demonstrated anything close to
the same functional capability required in this ultra—challenging indoor

Nuclear industry workers continue to need fully functional communications
equipment to perform indoor activities in "hot" areas during outages; for
moving spent fuel indoors; and for indoor maintenance functions, including
handling radioactive waste.

For coverage, clarity, capacity and reliability, Telex equipment remains the
only option for the described aspects of the nuclear industry‘s functional
communications requirements.

          Waiver of FCC Rules Requested
=   NEI, on behalf of the commercial nuclear industry:
     — Seeks a blanket waiver of the applicable FCC Rules in brder to enable the nuclear
       plants to continue to use the Telex equipment in the VHF and 700 MHz spectrum
         bands for indoor operations only.
     —    Eligibility limited to persons primarily engaged in the generation, transmission, or
         distribution of electrical energy for use by the general public, and use restricted
         to indoor locations at nuclear power plants.
«   Nuclear plants‘ use of the Telex equipment meets both sets of FCC criteria for
    granting waivers as:
             (i) the underlying purpose of the rule(s) would not be served by application
             to the instant case, and the grant of the waiver would be in the public
             interest; or
             (ii) in view of the unique factual circumstances, application of the
             rule(s) would be inequitable, unduly burdensome and contrary to the public
             interest and the applicant has no reasonable alternative.

              Requested Relief Meets FCC‘s
                    Waiver Standard
«   Grant is in the public interest:
         Safety and health of nuclear plant workers is advanced materially by use of the Telex equipment
         because it reduces worker exposure to radiation
         Use of the Telex equipment conforms with Nuclear Energy Commission‘s "ALARA" standard which
         requires plant to maintain exposures to radiation as far below the NRC—established dose limits as is
         Blanket waiver promotes efficient use of the FCC‘s available spectrum
         6 years of use of indoor and outdoor use with ZERO reports of interference (or even cqmplaintsé
         demonstrates that the nuclear plants‘ use of the Telex equipment does not interfere with any FCC
         licensee or other entity
a   Unique factual cireumstances compel grant of the Waiver:
         Protection of worker public healith and safety in the indoor nuclear plant environment requires the
        use of communications equipment with functionality standards exhibited only by Telex
        INDOORS ONLY USE, together with the fortress—like construction of the plants, makes virtually
        impossible interference with other FCC licenses
        Plants have tested a dozen alternatives; none compares with Telex equipment in mastering the
        challenges of communicating inside the nuclear plant buildings
        Plants have no technology alternative for indoor use that will meet the NEC‘s ALARA requirements

Document Created: 2009-12-16 13:17:41
Document Modified: 2009-12-16 13:17:41

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